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'Signs & Signals of the High Wilderness: an Omnibus'
'Signs & Signals of the High Wilderness: an Omnibus'
Category Officers
Position Signaller
Data ID 137066
Interaction ID -

'Signs & Signals of the High Wilderness: an Omnibus' is an omnibus that functions as an officer who increases Mirrors by 10, and Affiliation: Villainy by 2. Unlike other promoted officer, this "officer" stays with future lineage after being unlocked.


"The Fatalistic Signalman's magnum opus. Any reasonably accomplished signaller can, with the aid of this book, recognise and communicate in most of the signal-dialects used in the High Wilderness. It includes sections on interpreting the spasms of Scorn-Flukes, the cries of Curators, and on the criminal argots of smugglers and marauders."


Finished the Fatalistic Signaller storyline.


You cannot interact with this officer.

Quality status[]

'Signs & Signals of the High Wilderness: an Omnibus' has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear specifically when the value changes.

  • [1] You have acquired a copy of the Signalman's magnum opus: 'Signs & Signals of the High Wilderness: an Omnibus'.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
The Last Signal-Box 'Unlock the cabinet' Default / Challenge Fail = 1

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
The Last Signal-Box Unlock the cabinet Default:

First Officers Quartermasters Signallers Chief Engineers Mascots
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Forgedcompanion icon Illusive Forged Companion

Forgedcompanion icon Poetic Forged Companion

Forgedcompanion icon Pugilistic Forged Companion

Forgedcompanion icon Studious Forged Companion

Fatalisticsignalman icon Fatalistic Signalman

Sigil4 icon 'Signs and Signals of the High Wilderness: an Omnibus'

Repentantdevil icon Repentant Devil

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Urchin icon Sky-Worn Urchin

Obviouslydeliciousrabbit icon Obviously Delicious Rabbit

Template:Navbox Signallers
