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Affiliation: Villainy
Category Affiliation
Data ID 131175

Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy is a measure of your Affiliation with those in criminal circles.


"Your associations among thieves, outcasts, and pirates."



Affiliation: Villainy can be increased through recruiting certain Officers.

Name Position Recruited at Effect
Inconvenientaunt icon Your Revolutionary Aunt Quartermasters
    Veils icon +10 Veils
    Affiliationvillainy icon +2 Affiliation: Villainy
Fatalisticsignalman icon Fatalistic Signaller Signallers
Sigil4 icon 'Signs & Signals of the High Wilderness: an Omnibus' Signallers
    Mirrors icon +10 Mirrors
    Affiliationvillainy icon +2 Affiliation: Villainy
Amiablevagabond icon Incorrigible Vagabond Signallers
    Veils icon +10 Veils
    Affiliationvillainy icon +2 Affiliation: Villainy
Ratbrigade icon The Rat Brigade Chief Engineers
Ratbrigade icon The Ratty Revengers Chief Engineers
    Veils icon +10 Veils
    Affiliationvillainy icon +2 Affiliation: Villainy
Felinedeccentric icon Felined Eccentric Chief Engineers
Felinedeccentric icon Brilliant Eccentric Chief Engineers
Felinedeccentric icon Gentle Eccentric Chief Engineers


Affiliation: Villainy can be increased through choosing certain Facets.

Facet Name Unlocked With Subgroup Effect
Originurchin icon Origin: Urchin Level 1 The Knotted Sock
The Fisher-Kings
The Regiment
Originsoldier icon Origin: Soldier Level 1 In the Corps of Royal Engineers
Originpriest icon Origin: Priest Level 1 The Bishop of Southwark
Originzeecaptain icon Origin: Zailor Level 1 You smuggled
Flag icon Origin: Revolutionary Level 1 With your feet and your fists
Pastmentor icon Past: Mentor Level 3 A Blind Bruiser
    Hearts icon +5 Hearts

    Iron icon +3 Iron

    Affiliationvillainy icon +1 Affiliation: Villainy
Pastunlikelyhaul icon Past: An Unlikely Haul Level 3

Originurchin icon Origin: Urchin

...a forbidden laboratory
...a trove of disgraceful secrets
Smokinggun icon Past: The Battlefield Level 3

Originsoldier icon Origin: Soldier

In defeat
Devilshell icon Deed: A Knight of the Brazen Brigade Devilshell icon A Marcher in the Brazen Brigade = 616 (Arise, Knight of the Brazen Brigade.) You share their ideals
Mirrors icon Deed: the Witness Pan icon A Friend to the Heart-Catchers = 40 (Henceforth, you may seek audiences with the First of the Heart-Catchers.) Profanity
Bloody icon Deed: The Final Month Bloody icon Winter's Reside: Something More Than Revolutionary = 5 (You have dined with December.) For the hope of a better future
For the sake of revenge
Wreckgeneric icon Deed: a Disgraced Predecessor Genericcharacter icon Generation ≥ 2

Wreckgeneric icon Deed: an Esteemed Predecessor ≤ 0

To villains



Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Who Were You? 'The Knotted Sock' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Who Were You? 'The Fisher-Kings' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Who Were You? 'The Regiment' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Who Were You? 'In the Corps of Royal Engineers' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Who Were You? 'The Bishop of Southwark' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Who Were You? 'You smuggled' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Who Were You? 'With your feet and your fists' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Pasts 'A Blind Bruiser' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Pasts 'In defeat' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Pasts 'For the hope of a better future' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Pasts 'For the sake of revenge' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Pasts 'You share their ideals' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Pasts 'Profanity' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Pasts 'A Thief-Oath' Requirement ≥ 2
Pasts 'To villains' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Consult the Assiduous Semiotician 'Consult with criminals' Requirement ≥ 2
The Last Stand 'Join Amberley Murgatroyd in battle' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Last Stand 'Join Amberley Murgatroyd in battle' Success +1
Investigate Rumours of an Underground Railway 'Reach out through your criminal contacts' Requirement ≥ 2
A New Start For Titania 'Advocate for a Blue Kingdom concept' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Nurseries 'You buried it deep' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Nurseries 'You buried it deep' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Investigate the Black Box 'Find someone who could open it from among your villainous associates' Requirement ≥ 2
Expanding your Estate 'Acquire a smuggler's hideout' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Your Debut 'Host a raucous shindig' Requirement ≥ 5

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Who Were You? The Knotted Sock None Default:
    • Affiliationvillainy icon +1 x Affiliation: Villainy
    • Hunger icon Fermented = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as pungent, febrile and unappetising.]
    • Fire icon Curdled = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as sickly, cloying and unappetisingly crawling. ]
The Fisher-Kings None Default:
    • Affiliationvillainy icon +1 x Affiliation: Villainy
    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]
    • Fire icon Curdled = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as sickly, cloying and unappetisingly crawling. ]
The Regiment None Default:
    • Affiliationvillainy icon +1 x Affiliation: Villainy
    • Mirrors icon Lightless = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as distressingly bland, inoffensive and liable to dissatisfaction.]
    • Fire icon Curdled = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as sickly, cloying and unappetisingly crawling. ]
In the Corps of Royal Engineers None Default:
    • Affiliationvillainy icon +1 x Affiliation: Villainy
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
    • Mirrors icon Lightless = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as distressingly bland, inoffensive and liable to dissatisfaction.]
The Bishop of Southwark None Default:
    • Affiliationvillainy icon +1 x Affiliation: Villainy
    • Iron icon Clear = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as disappointingly clear; almost transparent.]
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
You smuggled None Default:
    • Affiliationvillainy icon +1 x Affiliation: Villainy
    • Hunger icon Fermented = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as pungent, febrile and unappetising.]
    • Pastscandal icon Flickering = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as intermittently tantalising with an aftertaste of disappointment.]
With your feet and your fists None Default:
    • Affiliationvillainy icon +1 x Affiliation: Villainy
    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]
    • Mirrors icon Lightless = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as distressingly bland, inoffensive and liable to dissatisfaction.]

Pasts A Blind Bruiser None Default:
In defeat None Default:
    • Affiliationvillainy icon +1 x Affiliation: Villainy
For the hope of a better future None Default:
    • Bloody icon Deed: The Final Month = 10 [You committed yourself to the Calendar Council because you strive to improve life for everyone, no matter their station]
    • Affiliationvillainy icon +1 x Affiliation: Villainy
For the sake of revenge None Default:
You share their ideals None Default:
Profanity None Default:
A Thief-Oath Default:
To villains None Default:

Consult the Assiduous Semiotician Consult with criminals
    • Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy ≥ 2
    • Portavon icon Port Avon Rubbings = 50
    • Portavon icon Port Avon Rubbings = 60

The Last Stand Join Amberley Murgatroyd in battle
    • Iron icon Iron (125 for 100%)
Default: Success:

Investigate Rumours of an Underground Railway Reach out through your criminal contacts
    • Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy ≥ 2

The Nurseries You buried it deep None Default:
You buried it deep None Default:

Investigate the Black Box Find someone who could open it from among your villainous associates Default:

Triggered Events[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Requirements Type Location
A Visit from a Gloomy Middleman
    • Affiliation: Villainy ≥ 3
Story Event (Always :100%) St Dominic's Station
An Approach from a Gloomy Middleman
    • Affiliation: Villainy ≤ 2
Story Event (Always :100%) St Dominic's Station


Bargain Name Item Sold Cost per Item Amount Location Unlocked with Profit
A furtive sale of less-than-legal armaments Munitions square icon Carefully-Packed Crate of Munitions Sovereigns icon 40 Sovereigns 5 Achlys icon Achlys

Avidhorizon icon Avid Horizon
Brabazon icon Brabazon Workworld
Langleyhall icon Langley Hall
Lustrum icon Lustrum
Magdalenes icon Magdalene's
Worlebury icon Worlebury-juxta-Mare

Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy ≥ 1 Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns
The shady sale of an unlikely amount of tea Tea square icon Caddy of Dried Tea Sovereigns icon 70 Sovereigns 5 Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy ≥ 2 Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns
An improbable abundance of hours BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours Sovereigns icon 45 Sovereigns 5 Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy ≥ 3 Sovereigns icon 35 Sovereigns
A mercantile menagerie Cagedcatch square icon Caged Catch Sovereigns icon 160 Sovereigns 5 Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy ≥ 4 Sovereigns icon 40 Sovereigns
A spirifer's accident Undistinguishedsouls square icon Jumble of Undistinguished Souls Sovereigns icon 45 Sovereigns 7 Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy ≥ 5 Sovereigns icon 25 Sovereigns
A burglar's bargain Navarantinegemstones square icon Cask of Navaratine Gemstones Sovereigns icon 200 Sovereigns 7 Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy ≥ 6 Sovereigns icon 100 Sovereigns
A liberator of Navaratine Gemstones Navarantinegemstones square icon Cask of Navaratine Gemstones Sovereigns icon 250 Sovereigns 7 Forgeofsouls icon The Forge of Souls Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy ≥ 2 Sovereigns icon 50 Sovereigns


Prospect Name Item Required Amount Region Delivery Location Unlocked with Earned per item Total earned Bonus
Seeds for Lustrum's Free Colonists Verdantseeds square icon Sack of Verdant Seeds 7 The Reach Lustrum icon Lustrum Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy ≥ 2 Sovereigns icon 80 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 560 Sovereigns
Season of Liberation: Munitions to Eagle's Empyrean Munitions square icon Carefully-Packed Crate of Munitions 5 Eleutheria Eaglesempyrean icon Eagle's Empyrean Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy ≥ 6 Sovereigns icon 132 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 660 Sovereigns
Hidden from the Eye of God: Stained Glass for the White Well Stainedglass square icon Pane of Stained Glass 7 The Blue Kingdom Whitewell icon The White Well Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy ≥ 2 Sovereigns icon 300 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 210 Sovereigns
Repaying a Debt: Red Honey to Worlebury Redhoney square icon Firkin of Red Honey 9 The Reach - Albion Worlebury icon Worlebury-juxta-Mare Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy ≥ 3 Sovereigns icon 200 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 1800 Sovereigns
Late! (60 Days)