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Albion chart

A possible chart of Albion

Albion is one of the four regions found in the the High Wilderness.


The heart of London's celestial empire, illuminated by the greatest feat of British engineering to date: a clockwork sun! While the cream of society enjoy tea in their salons and scandal in their newspapers, the wheels of British industry thunder.

The Empress Victoria reigns from her Throne of Hours, exerting authority over time itself. Her favourites are rewarded with freshly-minted months to prolong their lives, while those who displease her are condemned to the Midnight Cells, where every minute lasts a day, and no one leaves until their hair is white and their bones are bent.

New industries flourish. Unseasoned hours are mined in the Reach, then shipped to Albion to be refined on soot-choked workworlds. Casks of stamped and seasoned hours are then delivered to Her Majesty, to be dispensed at her pleasure.

The Windward Company maintains a stranglehold on the trade in hours; but a bold captain could make a tidy living running unlicensed hours to interested parties...


Albion is noticeably more difficult than the Reach. The random opponents are tougher, there are fewer easy opportunities to reduce your Terror, and several ports that tend to gain you Terror as you explore them - in particular the Clockwork Sun which is a terrifying entity in its own right.

Your starting Spatchcock is not really up to the hazards of Albion. You should only travel here if you have been able to buy a better ship, preferably with upgraded hull and weapons. There are many trading opportunities here, so a Pellinore-class Trader may be a logical choice. On arriving in Albion you will be close to Brabazon Workworld; drop in there (where you can buy more fuel) and then head directly inwards to find London itself, so you know where to repair your ship, before attempting to go anywhere else.

The best place to reduce Terror is at the Mausoleum - there are a number of options here, but if your ship is not fully manned then you can Inter a Crewman for 100 gold. Other locations are Worlebury and Perdurance.


Name Circle in Albion Log Entries
London icon London Centre The excited shriek of train-whistles. The hiss of steam. The clamour of countless voices. London.

You near London, where Her Renewed Majesty reigns from the Throne of Hours.

London icon The Ministries Centre (none)
London icon Wit & Vinegar Lumber Company Centre (none)
Brabazon icon The Brabazon Workworld Outer Listen: the roar of a workworld's factories. A leviathan of industry.

The sky smells of smog and furnace-fires. You near the workworld - where debtors, the poor, and the sick are put to use.

Serenemausoleum icon The Most Serene Mausoleum Outer A stoker sings a patriotic anthem: "She laid him in the stone's grey grip, My love no more is he; O Albion, I've no consort but thee."

Here the sky has the hum of country graveyards.
This is a place of sky-tombs and stone angels, where the dead sleep.

Worlebury icon Worlebury-juxta-Mare Outer A colourful constellation gleams in the window: the gaudy lights bedecking a seaside town.

"Wouldn't mind calling at Worlebury," a crewman declares. "Won two bob at the hook-a-rat stall there, once."

Avidhorizon icon Avid Horizon Outer "I can hear the zee!" a grizzled crewman cries. "Listen! Lapping like a cat at cream!"

You near the Avid Horizon, the door that led London into the Heavens. It is closed fast, now.

Perdurance icon Perdurance Outer "I've heard no one grows old in Perdurance," a crewman says. "Nor hungers, nor sorrows," says another. "Nor leaves," your signaller adds.

You approach Perdurance, where the brightest and most beautiful of London's youth are conserved like jewels in a glass case.

Clockworksun icon The Clockwork Sun Outer The light of the Clockwork Sun oozes into your cabin like rancid honey.

The rays of the Clockwork Sun bathe your locomotive. A bright-eyed engineer breaks into a hymn. The conductor hurries to close the window-shutters.
You risk a direct glance at the Clockwork Sun. It is the gold of toffee-wrappers, not of fire.

Floatingparliament icon The Floating Parliament Outer A bleak place, high and windy as a heathered moor.

"What's that?" a crewman asks, peering from the window. "Parliament," answers his colleague. "What's that?" the first one repeats.
You near parliament, which was transported brick-by-brick from the Neath, lovingly rebuilt in London-in-the-Sky, then exiled here when it proved incapable of doing what it was bloody well told.

Royalsociety icon The Royal Society Outer A clattering on the hull. Pebbles, carried by the wind from the stony Ormswold.

"Yonder lies the Airy," an engineer informs you. "The very roost of science!"

Permanent Discoveries[]

Name Circle in the Reach Log Entries Notes
Well of the Wolf Outer "Don't look into the well, captain. The thing inside looks back." Also increases Terror on approach.
Shows on the map as a large vortex.
Wreck of the Boatman Outer A black hulk in the mist - an old necropolis train. It's a long way from its route. Found near The Royal Society


Name Circle in the Reach Type Log Entry
The Dead Sun(name?) Outer Horror The still-cooling corpse of a sun shudders, far below. Its fires have failed. Its light have died.

You fly over a dead sun. Its blackened remnants immortalise Her Enduring Majesty's conquest of this quarter of heaven.

Skyhenge Outer Horror The ruins are arranged in a ring, like the strokes on a clockface, or the monoliths of Stonehenge.

Old, cold ruins stand here, the work of a conquered sun.

The Avid Horizon Outer Horror In this place that is two places, the sky remembers the sea.
The Clockwork Sun Outer Horror The sun's light throbs in your windows, washed-out and wan.
Tower of Chimes Outer Wonder A giant has fallen.

"His own self," a crewman sniffs. "The very Biggest of Bens."
"Listen!" A crewman hisses. "It's good luck if you hear him chime."

St Anthony's Lighthouse Outer Horror A lighthouse, grey and slender, watches over the misty sea.

A lighthouse looms from the mists. A thin platform would allow you to dock.
Queasy light pushes through the mists. A lighthouse.

Region Hub Ports Discoveries / Spectacles
The Reach Newwinchester icon New Winchester Carillon icon Carillon

Hybras icon Hybras
Naturereserve icon Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve
Lustrum icon Lustrum
Magdalenes icon Magdalene's
Circus icon Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus
Portavon icon Port Avon
Portprosper icon Port Prosper
Titania icon Titania
Traitorswood icon Traitor's Wood
Transitrelay icon Transit Relays

Signalbox icon An Abandoned Signal Box

Default icon Faith's Fall
Well green icon Old Tom's Well
Regentsgrave icon Regent's Grave
Rose icon The Flowerfields
Default icon The Regent's Tears
Wreckgeneric icon The Silent Saint
Reach icon The War of Fossils
Wreckgeneric icon Wreck of the Parzifal

Albion London icon London Avidhorizon icon Avid Horizon (The Stair to the Sea)

Perdurance icon Perdurance
Brabazon icon The Brabazon Workworld
Clockworksun icon The Clockwork Sun
Floatingparliament icon The Floating Parliament
Serenemausoleum icon The Most Serene Mausoleum
Royalsociety icon The Royal Society
Transitrelay icon Transit Relays
Worlebury icon Worlebury-juxta-Mare

Default icon Skyhenge

Lantern icon St Anthony's Lighthouse
Avidhorizon icon The Avid Horizon
Well purple icon Well of the Wolf
Wreckgeneric icon Wreck of the Boatman

Eleutheria Pan icon Pan Achlys icon Achlys

Caduceus icon Caduceus
Eaglesempyrean icon Eagle's Empyrean
Langleyhall icon Langley Hall
Piranesi icon Piranesi
Houseofrodsandchains icon The House of Rods and Chains
Transitrelay icon Transit Relays

Default icon The Xanthous Moon

Well yellow icon The Well of Wonders
Wreckgeneric icon Wreck of the Berrenger

The Blue Kingdom Tolltower icon Sky Barnet Deathsdoorstep icon Death's Door (The Shadow of the Sun)

Forgeofsouls icon The Forge of Souls
Whitewell icon The White Well (Wellmouth)
Transitrelay icon Transit Relay

Deathsdoorstep icon Horologion