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Albion Marauder
Type Outlaw
Stats 100 Hull
Location Albion

[P]irates, outlaws and murderers, who adorn their scrappy locomotives with fearsome heraldry. Some are lone thieves; others are part of extensive criminal clans.[1]


Albion Marauders are aggressive enemy ships found in Albion. They behave much like their Reach counterparts, attacking anyone on sight with their single cannon. However, their cannons fire 3 round bursts with 3 damage each instead, and they possess better durability (100 Hull compared to the Reach Marauder's 70). Destroying the Marauder gives you 229 Experience.

An Albion Marauder, Mangled[]

An Albion Marauder, Mangled
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 300320

The Marauders are those who defy – or have been excluded from – Albion's authority. Leaderless raiders, homeless exiles, pirates, dissidents, and criminals.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Raid the safe
It has survived the volleys of your guns.

Game note: Gain Sovereigns.

All that remains
The Admiralty has harried the Marauders to Albion's forgotten edges and hidden corners. The Maruaders are unwelcome at most ports, and few dare trade with them. So, they barter with each other, hoarding coin and grievances in equal measure.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Loot the hold
Perhaps some of the contents are intact.

Game note: You may gain unusual cargo.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Strip the engine for materials
You can put the wreckage to good use.

Game note: Repair your Hull.

Shoring against ruin
Stripping the Marauder is slow work – its parts are ancient, and much-repaired. Finding suitable fits for your own engine is a process of trial and error. Ultimately, though, some is re-purposed, and the rest left for scrap.
Advanced query needs investigation

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Break into the captain's cabin
On Albion's fringes, the Marauder-captains rule their engines like tyrants.

Game note: Seek unusual items.

Failed event Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Illegal language
Shelves have been bolted to the walls. They are stuffed with sheaves of yellowing paper: collections of fairy tales, children's stories, rhymes, ballads and poems. Not all are in the Queen's English: some are in Welsh and Gaelic, languages disapproved of by the Ministry.
Successful event
Tempus fugit
The captain's cabin is decorated with grisly trophies – plates of Cantankeri carapace, mangled engine nameplates, the severed head of a treasured rival. A scuffed safe concealed under the bed holds a careful ration of hours. The captain's surety for her old age. No use to her, now.
Strip the engine for materials
You can put the wreckage to good use.

Game note: Repair your Hull.

Shoring against ruin
Stripping the Marauder is slow work – its parts are ancient, and much-repaired. Finding suitable fits for your own engine is a process of trial and error. Ultimately, though, some is repurposed, and the rest left for scrap.

Advanced query needs investigation Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.


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Eleutheria Bull CantankeriCantankeriCuratorDouserEmpyrean OutriderMinistry MonitorScorn FlukeScrive-SpinsterSenior ScrivenerSleeping GrieverStar-Seared ExplorerUndeparted
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