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Amiable Vagabond | |
Category | Officers |
Position | Signaller |
Effects |
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Data ID | 132936 |
Interaction ID | 314429 |
Amiable Vagabond is considered a Officer Signaller in Sunless Skies.
"He sings well, smokes an old clay pipe with indecent relish, and lies agreeably."
The Amiable Vagabond can be recruited at Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus in The Reach so long as their story line has not already been completed in the current lineage. This costs 2 Sky-Stories.
The Amiable Vagabond[]
He can usually be found in good spirits and good company, gambling, laughing, playing a tune. Failing that, he will be deep in conversation with some cornered crewmember or other, quizzing them about their personal history with every sign of sincere interest.
If left alone, he grows restless. He sleeps late and rises early, eager to be among the crew once more.
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Swap stories with the Vagabond
He is an inexhaustible geyser of unlikely anecdotes.
Those who wander
The Vagabond's stories often feature larger-than-life characters from his loose community of vagrants. People with names like Sooty Jim or the Chimney Kid, and who collectively call themselves 'skylarks'. They hitch rides on locomotives (sometimes without permission) and scrounge a living from port to port.
"I'm their King," says the Vagabond without humility. "I taught half of 'em how to tie a bindle." He pauses, sipping from his flask. "We hold monthly gatherings at Port Avon. You should accompany me to the next one. You'll never meet a more interesting bundle of folk."
Speak of the wonders in the sky
The Vagabond has seemed uncharacteristically morose of late. Perhaps you can cheer him up.
Memories of an old home
Since you left Port Avon, the Vagabond has limited his fiddle-playing to the most melancholy refrains. Every time, it leaves the boilerman in such a tearful mess that he has to abandon his duties.
You share a drink and a few stories with the Vagabond, hoping to get to the root of the matter. "Even among skylarks, I don't feel quite at home," he says. "I can't stop thinking about my old homestead in Lustrum. Perhaps we could visit there some day? Ah, Captain – take this flask away from me! Whisky and nostalgia is a dangerous combination."
Ask about the Vagabond's plan to track down Quivers
A skylark claimed to have found the mythical Sugarspun Garden, and came to seek the Vagabond's help. How does the Vagabond hope to find him?
A plan coalesces
"I've been making inquiries," says the Amiable Vagabond. "Quivers was in a travelling skylark band named the Blunt Instruments. They weren't very good, but they robbed the bars they performed at, so they made enough to get by. I'd thought the rest of them were killed in a shootout last year."
He beams triumphantly. "Except there was one other survivor! A concertina player who goes by the charming epithet of Ratbite. She's currently imprisoned in London for some marvellous crimes. I propose we break her out and see if she's heard from her old partner-in-crime."
Talk to Ratbite over dinner
The jails in London have a cavalier approach to provisioning prisoners. Once she's eaten, she'll tell you what she knows about Quivers.
Secret Signs
You, Ratbite and the Vagabond dine together. The Vagabond is laughing raucously, telling horrible jokes; Ratbite says little. She's gaunt, hollow-eyed, all sharp angles and scars.
"Quivers was obsessed with fairy-tales," she tells you. "He said there were some skylark signs, scattered around the skies, that no one knew the meaning of. Not even the oldest skylarks. He believed they'd lead him right to the Sugarspun Garden if he could translate them." She pulls a small notebook from her pocket. "He left this with me. He'd collected all the undeciphered signs except one. Last I heard, he was headed to Achlys to find it."
Study Quivers' book of mysterious signs
Perhaps it will reveal the location of the Sugarspun Garden. Or at least of its author.
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Ask why the Vagabond hid his identity for so long
You've heard the crew telling stories of Old Tom, and his wish in the well. Why did the Vagabond keep his past a secret?
Old Tom's travels
"Why do you think I left my mansion in Lustrum?" asks the Vagabond. "It wasn't just the wanderlust. I have debts and enemies, Addressed As(SpeechFormal), enemies and debts! Not least among them is my sister, who has always been jealous of my success. She'd stop at nothing to bring me down, and she's powerful in her own right."
Ask if the Vagabond saw anything within Old Tom's Well
According to legend, he made a wish and it was granted.
OId Tom's secrets
The Vagabond shudders. "Aye, I saw gold. A gleam of gold amid a copse of pale trees, and nothing else but darkness. It spoke to me, in a voice like lightning striking an oak, and it made an offer. I accepted."
You pry further, but he is reticent. "What else is there to say?" he mutters. "It made me rich. Others have journeyed to the Well since then, seeking their fortunes, but I'm the only one it spoke to. I don't know why."
Ask why the skylark signs lead to Old Tom's Well
Someone's hidden a code within a code, and it points to the abyss that bears the Vagabond's name.
Old Tom's family
"My sister." The Vagabond injects a viper's worth of venom into the word. "She's formed a cult which clings to the well's edge and worships the thing that dwells within. Chasing on my heels, as always. It has never talked to her. Only to me." His eyes glitter gloatingly for a moment.
"Perhaps she thinks she can change that through sacrifice. Perhaps that's why she's luring skylarks to her lair." He taps the ash from his pipe, staring through the window. "We must stop her. It's my duty as a king to protect my people."
Raise the question of journeying to Old Tom's Well
Quivers must have gone there seeking paradise, and many other skylarks besides.
The Vagabond's ritual
The Vagabond grimaces. "That was the only condition of my bargain with the thing in the well," he says. "I could never go back."
He taps his chin thoughtfully. "But I always knew that one day I'd need to return. So when I was living in Lustrum, I sent for all sorts of scholars, mystics, engineers... In the end they devised a ritual that could break the curse. To complete it, I'll need to go to the Leadbeater and Stainrod Nature Reserve." He gazes at you for a moment, as though weighing you up. "And I'll need your help."
Is Old Tom ready to visit his eponymous well?
You've performed his ritual. He should be ready to seek out his sister and confront her about Quivers and the other missing skylarks.
A moment of gratitude
The Vagabond beams at you, his eyes twinkling. "Yes, I'm ready," he says. "Thank you for everything. This will make a fine story when it's over."
Give the remnants of the Vagabond's concoction to Ratbite
You have no idea if this will work. But the Vagabond needs a scapegoat, and you don't want it to be you.
Planning ahead
Ratbite has made herself useful aboard your engine in the manner of all skylarks: part-passenger, part-dogsbody, working odd jobs around the locomotive to pay for her passage. When you track her down, she is busy helping the stokers at the engine.
When you invite her to your cabin, she looks disappointed. Perhaps she suspects you're going to tell her to leave at the next port. Instead, you offer her a cup of tea, and chat about minor pleasantries. She drinks the tea without suspicion, and drinks the salvaged remnants of the Vagabond's ritual-brew along with it.
Confront the Vagabond and have him thrown in the brig
Accuse him of plotting to sacrifice you to the thing in Old Tom's Well.
Game note: This will end the story of the Vagabond, but only for your current captain. Alternatively, remain quiet for now and look for an opportunity to turn the tables. |
The Vagabond's mask drops. He stares at you with a mixture of consternation and ferocious loathing.
"You're a quick one," he says. "Yes. I wrote the hidden code into the Skylark signs. I tricked Quivers into following them, then threw him in the Well. I did the same to a dozen curious skylarks before him, and a dozen gullible captains. What do you want from me? Guilt? Guilt won't change what I've done." You order him tied up and placed in confinement (he resists, of course, and gets a black eye and a cracked rib for his trouble). When you arrive at the next civilised station, local law enforcement lead him away while he makes his jokes and tells his stories, pausing only to shoot you a poisonous glare. As he turns a corner, you hear one of the constables laugh. Unfortunately, you doubt any prison is going to hold him for long.
Ask him to play you a tune
Before you've finished your sentence, the Vagabond is already tucking the fiddle under his bearded chin. "Want me to break your heart?" he asks.
The Vagabond's fiddle is scuffed and scratched; it looks like it's been broken several times, and pieced back together inexpertly.
And yet, the tune which he coaxes from it is a soaring, searing, soul-stinging lament. It reminds you of precious things you've nearly forgotten, and raw things you'd rather forget. By the time the Vagabond is finished, he has tears in his eyes, and so do half the crew. The silence rings like a bell; and then the Vagabond laughs, and the spell is broken. |
Quality status[]
Amiable Vagabond has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.
Interaction description[]
These desciptions appear specifically when the value changes.
- [1] The Amiable Vagabond has joined your crew.
Decreased Interaction description[]
These desciptions appear specifically when the value decreases.
- [0] The Amiable Vagabond is gone.
Interactions in Brief[]
Click Expand on the right for more.
Interaction | Action | Result Type | Change |
Recruit the Amiable Vagabond | 'Recruit the Amiable Vagabond' | Default / Challenge Fail | = 1 |
The Amiable Vagabond | 'Confront the Vagabond and have him thrown in the brig' | Default / Challenge Fail | = 0 |
Old Tom and the Well | 'Tell Old Tom that you switched the cups' | Default / Challenge Fail | = 0 |
Old Tom and the Well | 'Tell Old Tom that you have prepared a different scapegoat' | Default / Challenge Fail | = 0 |
At the Well's Edge | 'Pull the Vagabond back from the brink' | Default / Challenge Fail | = 0 |
At the Well's Edge | 'Let the Vagabond fall to his doom' | Default / Challenge Fail | = 0 |
Recruit the Amiable Vagabond | 'Recruit the Amiable Vagabond' | Default / Challenge Fail | = 1 |
Interactions in Detail[]
Click Expand on the right for more.
Story | Action | Required | Effect |
Recruit the Amiable Vagabond | Recruit the Amiable Vagabond |
Recruit the Amiable Vagabond |
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The Amiable Vagabond | Confront the Vagabond and have him thrown in the brig |
Old Tom and the Well | Tell Old Tom that you switched the cups |
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Tell Old Tom that you have prepared a different scapegoat |
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At the Well's Edge | Pull the Vagabond back from the brink | None | Default:
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Let the Vagabond fall to his doom | None | Default:
Triggered Events[]
Click Expand on the right for more.
Story | Requirements | Type | Location |
Recruit the Amiable Vagabond |
Story Event (Always :100%) | Jervaise's Rest |
Template:Navbox Signallers