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An Initiate of the Supralapsarians
Category Journal
Type Albion: Avid Horizon
Data ID 134210

An Initiate of the Supralapsarians is considered a Journal Quality Albion: Avid Horizon in Sunless Skies.

Quest description[]

"For London has not risen and shall not rise. You are safe in the deep and the dark and the marvellous."


Quality status[]

An Initiate of the Supralapsarians has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [1] Bring Five Sheafs of Ministry Approved Literature to the Illuminating Archivist
  • [2] Provide a Moment of Inspiration for the Illuminating Archivist
  • [3] Bring Supplies, A Crate of Nostalgic Crockery and A Caddy of Dried Tea to the Illuminated Archivist
  • [4] Discuss your progress with the Illuminated Archivist
  • [5] [COMPLETE]You have spoken the secret wisdom of the Supralapsarians
  • [6] [COMPLETE]You heard the Word and left it in silence

Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear specifically when the value changes.

  • [1] You have been initiated into the Supralapsarians. Bring Five Sheafs of Ministry Approved Literature to the Illuminated Archivist.
  • [2] You have read a little of the Word. Provide a Moment of Inspiration for the Illuminated Archivist.
  • [3] You have studied more of the Word. Bring Supplies, A Crate of Nostalgic Crockery and A Caddy of Dried Tea to the Illuminated Archivist.
  • [4] Discuss your progress with the Illuminated Archivist.
  • [5] You have understood the Word.
  • [6] You have denied the Word, though you understood its lesson.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
On the Quiet Sea 'A voice in the mists' Requirement ≤ 0
An Offering at the Gate 'Food' Requirement ≤ 0
A Conversation with an Illuminated Archivist 'Accept ' Requirement ≤ 0
A Conversation with an Illuminated Archivist 'Accept ' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
A Conversation with an Illuminated Archivist 'Decline' Requirement ≤ 0
A Conversation with an Illuminated Archivist 'Ask about the Supralapsarians' Requirement ≤ 0
Aboard the Flotilla 'Abandon your journey altogether' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
Aboard the Flotilla 'Speak with the Illuminated Archivist' Requirement ≥ 1
The Illuminated Archivist 'Request another reading of the Word' Requirement ≥ 1 ≤ 1
The Illuminated Archivist 'Request another reading of the Word' Default / Challenge Fail = 2
The Illuminated Archivist 'Continue your study of the Word' Requirement ≥ 2 ≤ 2
The Illuminated Archivist 'Continue your study of the Word' Default / Challenge Fail = 3
The Illuminated Archivist 'Continue your study of the Word' Requirement ≥ 3 ≤ 3
The Illuminated Archivist 'Continue your study of the Word' Default / Challenge Fail = 4
The Illuminated Archivist 'Discuss your studies' Requirement ≥ 4 ≤ 4
A Close Reading of the Text 'Finish your education' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
A Close Reading of the Text 'Finish your education' Default / Challenge Fail = 0

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
On the Quiet Sea A voice in the mists Default:

An Offering at the Gate Food Default:

A Conversation with an Illuminated Archivist Accept
    • Book icon An Initiate of the Supralapsarians ≤ 0
    • Book icon An Initiate of the Supralapsarians = 1 [Bring Five Sheafs of Ministry Approved Literature to the Illuminating Archivist]
    Triggers event: Avidhorizon ambience Aboard the Flotilla
    • Book icon An Initiate of the Supralapsarians ≤ 0
Ask about the Supralapsarians
    • Book icon An Initiate of the Supralapsarians ≤ 0

Aboard the Flotilla Abandon your journey altogether Default:
Speak with the Illuminated Archivist Default:

The Illuminated Archivist Request another reading of the Word
    • Book icon An Initiate of the Supralapsarians = 1 [Bring Five Sheafs of Ministry Approved Literature to the Illuminating Archivist]
    • Book icon An Initiate of the Supralapsarians = 2 [Provide a Moment of Inspiration for the Illuminating Archivist]
Continue your study of the Word
    • Book icon An Initiate of the Supralapsarians = 2 [Provide a Moment of Inspiration for the Illuminating Archivist]
    • Book icon An Initiate of the Supralapsarians = 3 [Bring Supplies, A Crate of Nostalgic Crockery and A Caddy of Dried Tea to the Illuminated Archivist]
Continue your study of the Word Default:
Discuss your studies
    • Book icon An Initiate of the Supralapsarians = 4 [Discuss your progress with the Illuminated Archivist]

A Close Reading of the Text Finish your education Default:
Finish your education Default:

Template:Navbox Journal
