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Another One, Lost
Category Profile
Type Pecularities
Data ID 138284

Another One, Lost is considered a Profile Quality Pecularities in Sunless Skies.


"Your letters of regret are becoming rote."


You obtained +1 value of this peculiarities when you lose your Crew by death.

Quality status[]

Another One, Lost has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [1] When you fail your crew, crewmembers die

Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear specifically when the value changes.

  • [1] Another crewmember, lost...

Variable Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear when a specific group is called for text.


  • [0] your memory of a childhood guilt that you never told anyone, petty and embarrassing.
  • [1] 'I have let my crew die, while I lived.'
  • [2] 'I have let my crew die, while I lived:' and then their names begin to scrawl themselves over one another like a grisly wordsearch.
  • [12] 'I have lost count of how many of my crew have died. I cannot remember their faces.' Then the names of the crew that have died under your command begin to sear themselves into your skin, in a dense scribble.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
A Chorister-Corpse 'Send someone out to recover their nectar' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Bump in the Night 'Send a member of the crew out to remove it' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Visitation: A New Friend 'Eject your crewmember' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Nightmare: a Preferential Cabin 'Yes, yes' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Nightmare: the Open Door 'Close it' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Guests, Evicted 'Search the wreckage for valuables' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Fungal Fragment 'Destroy the fungus' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Wreck! 'Force open the doors to the hold' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Wreck! 'Enter through the yawning tear in the hull' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Wreck! 'Enter through the yawning tear in the hull' Rare Success +1
A Wreck! 'Dispose of a Death in a Jar' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Homestead 'Return fire' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Tackety Scout is Defeated 'Pillage their stores for fuel and supplies' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Tackety Scout is Defeated 'Pillage their stores for fuel and supplies' Rare Success +1
A Cantankeri, Placated 'Prise precious stones from its carapace' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Cantankeri, Placated 'Retrieve a stony organ' Default / Challenge Fail + 1
The Blue Heaven Corsair is Defeated 'Investigate the glow' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Explore Lustrum 'Climb the Mother of Mountains in search of a lost sigil' Default / Challenge Fail +2
The Royal Observatory 'Attempt to break into the Observatory' Default / Challenge Fail +1
An Offering at the Gate 'A body' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Aboard the Flotilla 'Inquire about the name of the lost saints' Success +1
The Jolly Anchorite 'Give an Offering' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Careful Masquerader 'Nothing ' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Bully's Acre 'Break open a coffin' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Sun-Shattered Dome 'Explore the Shalimar' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Sun-Shattered Dome 'Your suit hangs in rags. Your crew are panicking' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Race against Unravelling Time 'Take an unpleasant alternative route' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Rites of the Rose 'Watch from this side of the glass ' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Rites of the Rose 'Rest among the roses' Rare Event +1
The Rites of the Rose 'A member of your crew' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Your Unidentifiable Squirming is loose! 'Soothe the Squirming' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Your Unidentifiable Squirming is loose! 'Leave it be' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Wreck of the Parzifal 'Traverse the sporing carriage' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The War of Midnight Continues 'Help Sigrid's Ringbreaker Urchins' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The War of Midnight Continues 'Help Sigrid's Ringbreaker Urchins' Rare Event + 2
The War of Midnight Continues 'Help the attackers' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The War of Midnight Continues 'Help the attackers' Rare Event +1
A Scorn Fluke, Defeated 'Commune with the Scorn Fluke' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Scorn Fluke, Defeated 'Commune with the Scorn Fluke' Success +1
The Solarium 'Listen to their song' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Investigate Starling House 'Enter Starling House by force' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Glorious Dreadnought is Defeated 'Lead a search of the crew quarters' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Glorious Dreadnought is Defeated 'Ransack the boiler-room' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Within a Weft of Unravelling Time 'Escape a time when all was good as new' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Within a Weft of Unravelling Time 'Escape a grim ending' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Within a Weft of Unravelling Time 'Escape a grim ending' Success + 2
Within a Weft of Unravelling Time 'Escape days yet to come' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Within a Weft of Unravelling Time 'Escape the distant future' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Within a Weft of Unravelling Time 'Escape the days of innocence' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Within a Weft of Unravelling Time 'Escape the effulgent past' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Within a Weft of Unravelling Time 'Escape a moment of crisis' Default / Challenge Fail +1
DIES IRAE, DIES APIS! 'Help defend Titania' Default / Challenge Fail + 2
THE BEES! THE BEES! 'Rally to Titania's defence' Success + 2
A Nightmare: Hunger by Night 'Eat from a live container' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Nightmare: Your Memoirs 'Share it with a trusted crew member' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Nightmare: They Speak of You 'Remove the most suspicious one' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Scapegoat 'Use a member of your crew' Default / Challenge Fail +1
[[[qvd:139348(storm_name)]]] 'Read a word the lightning wrote' Default / Challenge Fail + ([q:131235]/2)
[[[qvd:139348(storm_name)]]] 'Read a word the lightning wrote' Success +2
[[[qvd:139348(storm_name)]]] 'Read a word the lightning wrote' Default / Challenge Fail + ([q:131235]/2)
[[[qvd:139348(storm_name)]]] 'Read a word the lightning wrote' Success +2
[[[qvd:139348(storm_name)]]] 'Read a word the lightning wrote' Default / Challenge Fail + ([q:131235]/2)
[[[qvd:139348(storm_name)]]] 'Read a word the lightning wrote' Success +2
[[[qvd:139348(storm_name)]]] 'Record the word the lightning wrote' Default / Challenge Fail + ([q:131235]/2)
[[[qvd:139348(storm_name)]]] 'Record the word the lightning wrote' Success +2
A Visitation: Revelation at Breakfast 'Appease the stars by jettisoning Strithers' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Grove of Far-Too-Late 'Receive the Blessing of the Violist' Default / Challenge Fail +3
A Meeting at the Crossroads 'Accept a gift of gemstones' Default / Challenge Fail +3
The Price of Charity 'Pay the Amaranthine Price' Default / Challenge Fail +2
The Price of Charity 'Pay the Nepenthine Price' Default / Challenge Fail + [q:131235]/2
Visit the Cypress King 'Exchange knowledge for a Searing Enigma' Default / Challenge Fail +2
The Hour of Trumpets 'Confine your crew to quarters' Default / Challenge Fail +2
The Hour of Veracity 'Take a sizeable escort as you go about your business' Default / Challenge Fail + 1
A Douser, Defeated 'Plunder the Douser' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Douser, Defeated 'Plunder the Douser' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Douser, Defeated 'Plunder the Douser' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Douser, Defeated 'Plunder the Douser' Default / Challenge Fail +2
An Empyrean Outrider, defeated 'Board and pillage the Outrider' Default / Challenge Fail +2
An Empyrean Outrider, defeated 'Board and pillage the Outrider' Rare Success +2
An Undeparted, Defeated 'Order your engine closer and listen to its whispers' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Griever, Defeated 'Examine its innards' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Griever, Defeated 'Dig in its throat' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Risky Experiment 'Mount an expedition into the place-behind-glass' Default / Challenge Fail +3
A Guest-Riddled Dreadnought, Defeated 'Search the wreckage for valuables' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Lengthy Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Cross the whispering bog' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Lengthy Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Search for another route' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Lengthy Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Draw the beasts out' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Lengthy Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Hide from the beasts' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Lengthy Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Send out a search party' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Lengthy Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Rest' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Lengthy Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Listen to the voices' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Lengthy Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Stopper your ears' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Lengthy Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Brave the storm' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Lengthy Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Take shelter' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Short Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Cross the whispering bog' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Short Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Search for another route' Default / Challenge Fail + 1
A Short Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Draw the beasts out' Default / Challenge Fail + 2
A Short Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Send out a search party' Default / Challenge Fail + 2
A Short Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Rest' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Short Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Listen to the voices' Default / Challenge Fail + 1
A Short Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Stopper your ears' Default / Challenge Fail + 1
A Short Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Brave the storm' Default / Challenge Fail + 1
A Short Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Take shelter' Default / Challenge Fail + 1
The Giggling Place 'Enter the hollow' Default / Challenge Fail + [q:137790]
The Wood's Edge 'Gather flowers' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Wood's Edge 'Hunt in Traitor's Wood' Default / Challenge Fail + 2
The Wood's Edge 'Slumber in the wood' Default / Challenge Fail + [d:3]
Adrift! 'Scavenge your supplies' Default / Challenge Fail + 1
Adrift! 'Scavenge your supplies' Default / Challenge Fail + 1
Adrift! 'Make a living sacrifice to the Burrower Below' Default / Challenge Fail + 2
Adrift! 'Make a living sacrifice to the Burrower Below' Success +1
Adrift! 'Inscribe a Searing Enigma upon your regulator valve' Default / Challenge Fail + 4
Adrift! 'Inscribe a Searing Enigma upon your regulator valve' Success + 2
Adrift! 'Repel your attacker' Default / Challenge Fail + 4
Adrift! 'Repel your attacker' Success + 2
Adrift! 'Evade your attacker' Default / Challenge Fail + 4
Adrift! 'Evade your attacker' Success + 1
A Hostile Engine Intercepted your Signal 'Lure them in, and try to steal some of their fuel' Success + 2
A Hostile Engine Intercepted your Signal 'Lure them in, and try to steal some of their fuel' Rare Success + 4
A Hostile Engine Intercepted your Signal 'Repel them' Rare Success + 2
An Opportunistic Engine Answers your Signal 'Implore them to help' Default / Challenge Fail +2
An Opportunistic Engine Answers your Signal 'Decline their offer' Default / Challenge Fail +2
The Bacchae 'Barricade yourself in your cabin until the madness passes' Success +10
The Bacchae 'Convince your shades to care for the crew' Success +2
Knives and Spiders 'Join the fight on the Psalmists' side' Default / Challenge Fail +2
Discontent 'Set a watch on the stars' Default / Challenge Fail +2
Discontent 'Set a watch on the stars' Success +1
Your Caged Catch has Escaped 'Order the crew to recapture it' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Your Caged Catch has Escaped 'Order the crew to recapture it' Success +1
Your Caged Catch has Escaped 'Order it shot dead' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Rumours of Mutiny 'Conduct an investigation' Default / Challenge Fail +2
Rumours of Mutiny 'Conduct an investigation' Success +1
Rumours of Mutiny 'Ask the shades in your crew to keep watch on the rest' Default / Challenge Fail +3
That Hideous Strength 'Try to salvage the sack of seeds' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Bristol Fashion 'Allow your vessel's condition to deterioriate' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Rumble in the Cylinder 'Order your engineers forward' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Breach in the Hull 'Direct the repairs personally' Default / Challenge Fail +1
An Accident in the Hold 'Order the crew to secure the cargo' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Escaped Fumes 'Order your crew to repair it' Default / Challenge Fail +2
Escaped Fumes 'Order your crew to repair it' Default / Challenge Fail +2
Pressing your Luck 'Send a smaller party ahead to retrieve fuel' Default / Challenge Fail +2
The Trial of Solitude 'Resist the urge to open a door' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Trial of Solitude 'Open the gate of silver' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Trial of Solitude 'Open the gate of iron' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Trial of Solitude 'Open the gate of adamant' Requirement ≥ 1
The Trial of Solitude 'Open the gate of adamant' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Trial of Solitude 'Open the gate of copper' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Trial of Appetite 'Control your hunger' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Trial of Somnolence 'Surrender your dreams' Default / Challenge Fail +3
The Forge, Awoken 'Craft Crew members' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Blue Logos, Diminished 'Claim its embers' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Blue Logos, Diminished 'Claim its embers' Rare Success +1
A Red Logos, Diminished 'Claim cooling embers' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Red Logos, Diminished 'Claim cooling embers' Rare Success +1
An Aureate Logos, Diminished 'Claim cooling embers' Default / Challenge Fail +2
An Aureate Logos, Diminished 'Claim cooling embers' Rare Success +1
The Sands Run Down 'Shoot the Industrialist before he shoots you' Default / Challenge Fail +3
The Sands Run Down 'Pretend to acquiesce, then return in the night with your crew' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Consequences 'Pay the terrible price' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Infatuation! 'Tell the crew member to get back to work' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Poetry Reading 'Distract the crew as best you can' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Drastic Measure 'Stop the attack' Default / Challenge Fail +1
An Ingenious Contraption 'Very well' Default / Challenge Fail +1
An Ingenious Contraption 'Very well' Success +1
A Masterclass in Pugilism 'Threaten your crew with the hatch unless they stop fighting' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Masterclass in Pugilism 'Allow them to continue' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Low Rations, High Tempers 'Allow the Companion to proceed' Default / Challenge Fail -1
A Dangerous Illusion 'Stop this at once!' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Spirited Away 'Retrieve the stoker' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Spirited Away 'Retrieve the stoker' Success +1
Spirited Away 'Never mind' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Last Minute 'Send a duo from your crew to retrieve the minute-hand' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Last Minute 'Kill the creature' Success +2
Skeleton Crew 'Leave them be' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Eumenides 'Resist' Success +10
The Crumbling Towers 'Order one of your crew to retrieve it for you' Default / Challenge Fail +1
And the Lamps Burned Blue 'Snuff out the lanterns and fly in the dark' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Man of Fire 'Slam the door' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Man of Fire 'Slam the door' Success +1
The Man of Fire 'Shoot him dead' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Man of Fire 'Shoot him dead' Success -1
The Fire and the Fury 'Fight the flames' Default / Challenge Fail +2
Heavens Incandescent 'Send engineers to douse the inferno in the engine-room' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Boil of Cantankeri 'Fight your way back to your engine' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Boil of Cantankeri 'Flee!' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Horologion 'An Observance: Clean the machinery of Horologion' Default / Challenge Fail + [q:139016]
The Silent Saint 'Breach the ice with your mining equipment' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Silent Saint 'Command your crew to break the ice' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Silent Saint 'Use explosives to breach the ice' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Between Seconds 'Return to your engine' Default / Challenge Fail +7
Faith's Fall 'Repair your locomotive' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Faith's Fall 'Repair your locomotive' Rare Success +1
Faith's Fall 'Assist the Chiropterous Hoarder with its collection' Default / Challenge Fail -3
Stinking, Rotten Caverns 'Delve deeper still' Default / Challenge Fail +1
An Injury 'Tend the wounded yourself' Default / Challenge Fail +3
An Injury 'Tend the wounded yourself' Rare Success +1
Structural Damage 'Send the crew outside to patch it up' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Narrow Escape 'Order them back to work' Default / Challenge Fail +2
Guests in the Cabins 'Make the crew cast out their keepsakes' Default / Challenge Fail +4
Guests in the Cabins 'Make the crew cast out their keepsakes' Success +4
Guests in the Cabins 'Scour the cabins' Default / Challenge Fail +4
Guests in the Cabins 'Scour the cabins' Success +4
Guests in the Galley 'Impose a curfew on the crew' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Guests in the Engine Room 'Offer the Guests a cabin' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Desperate Measures 'Muster your crew and drive the Guests out' Default / Challenge Fail +6
Desperate Measures 'Muster your crew and drive the Guests out' Success +3
An Opportunity: A Lumber Camp 'Take the wood by force' Default / Challenge Fail +5
An Opportunity: A Storehouse of Sparks 'Steal into the Storehouse' Default / Challenge Fail +2
The Oathbreaker 'Banish the oathbreaker' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Oathbreaker 'Ignore the matter' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Frosty Fingerprints 'Force someone to sleep in the empty cabin' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Burrower's Breath 'Permit the sacrifice' Default / Challenge Fail +3
The Burrower's Breath 'Permit the sacrifice' Success +3
The Cold that Kills 'Choose a suitable scapegoat' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Cold that Kills 'Choose a suitable scapegoat' Success +1
The Cold that Kills 'Endure the cold' Default / Challenge Fail +3
The Whisperwinds 'Distract the winds with a secret' Default / Challenge Fail +3
The Whisperwinds 'Have everyone stopper their ears' Default / Challenge Fail +3
The Whisperwinds 'Cast your windows wide' Default / Challenge Fail +2
The Whisperwinds 'Cast your windows wide' Success +2
Sabotaging the Sun 'Perform a minor act of sabotage' Default / Challenge Fail +2
Sabotaging the Sun 'Perform a major act of sabotage' Default / Challenge Fail +4
An Opportunity: Spirifage 'Storm the engine' Default / Challenge Fail +3
You Are Not Where You Thought You Were 'Press on' Default / Challenge Fail +2
You Are Not Where You Thought You Were 'Press on' Default / Challenge Fail +2
You Are Not Where You Thought You Were 'Press on' Default / Challenge Fail +2
The Aeginae 'Try to escape its notice' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Word Written in Lightning 'Flee!' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Word Written in Lightning 'Flee!' Rare Success +1
The Flowerfields 'Harvest Nectar from the flowers' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Celestial Ruin 'Conduct an excavation' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Celestial Ruin 'Conduct an excavation' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Celestial Ruin 'Conduct an excavation' Rare Success +2
A Celestial Ruin 'Conduct an excavation' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Celestial Ruin 'Conduct an excavation' Rare Success +1
A Windswept Habitation 'Rest and recover' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Windswept Habitation 'Salvage panes of glass' Default / Challenge Fail +4
The Vagabond's Obligation 'Help him to ensnare a crewman' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Raid the Stores 'Attempt to eat your Uncanny Specimens' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Raid the Stores 'Divide up your Uncanny Specimens as best you can' Default / Challenge Fail +2
Raid the Stores 'Make a porridge from Verdant Seeds' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Raid the Stores 'Eke out a gruel made from Verdant Seeds' Default / Challenge Fail +2
Raid the Stores 'Make a porridge from a sack of Verdant Seeds' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Raid the Stores 'Butcher and eke out your last Caged Catches' Default / Challenge Fail +2
Raid the Stores 'Offer them nothing' Default / Challenge Fail +5
The Secret Feast 'Do it' Default / Challenge Fail + [q:131235]/4
The Secret Feast 'Do it' Default / Challenge Fail + [q:131235]/4
Survival of the Fittest 'Turn a blind eye ' Default / Challenge Fail + 1+([q:131235]/4)
An Unfortunate Passing 'Give the body to the skies' Default / Challenge Fail +1
An Unfortunate Passing 'Dispose of it more pragmatically' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Toll 'Endure' Default / Challenge Fail + 1+([q:131235]/4)
The Toll 'Endure' Success + 1+([q:131235]/5)
The Toll 'Discreetly put a corpse to better use' Default / Challenge Fail + 1+([q:131235]/4)
The Toll 'Discreetly put a corpse to better use' Success +1
Mad with Hunger 'Calm him' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Mad with Hunger 'Disarm him' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Starvation is your Passenger 'Commit the corpses to the skies' Default / Challenge Fail + [q:131235]/3
Starvation is your Passenger 'Feast on the remains' Default / Challenge Fail + [q:131235]/3
Consumed 'Murder and eat your remaining crewman' Success +1
Consumed 'Eat your crew' Success + [q:131235]/2

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
A Chorister-Corpse Send someone out to recover their nectar Default:

A Bump in the Night Send a member of the crew out to remove it Default:

A Visitation: A New Friend Eject your crewmember Default:

A Nightmare: a Preferential Cabin Yes, yes Default:

A Nightmare: the Open Door Close it None Default:

The Guests, Evicted Search the wreckage for valuables Default:

A Fungal Fragment Destroy the fungus
    • Crew icon +1 x Another One, Lost

A Wreck! Force open the doors to the hold Default:
Enter through the yawning tear in the hull Default: Rare Success:
Dispose of a Death in a Jar Default:
    • Crew icon +2 x Another One, Lost

A Homestead Return fire Default:

The Tackety Scout is Defeated Pillage their stores for fuel and supplies Default: Rare Success:

A Cantankeri, Placated Prise precious stones from its carapace Default:
Retrieve a stony organ Default:

The Blue Heaven Corsair is Defeated Investigate the glow Default:
    • Crew icon +1 x Another One, Lost

Explore Lustrum Climb the Mother of Mountains in search of a lost sigil Default:

The Royal Observatory Attempt to break into the Observatory Default:

An Offering at the Gate A body Default:

Aboard the Flotilla Inquire about the name of the lost saints Success:

The Jolly Anchorite Give an Offering Default:

The Careful Masquerader Nothing None Default:

Bully's Acre Break open a coffin Default:

The Sun-Shattered Dome Explore the Shalimar Default:
Your suit hangs in rags. Your crew are panicking Default:

A Race against Unravelling Time Take an unpleasant alternative route Default:

The Rites of the Rose Watch from this side of the glass None Default:
    • Rose icon Crowned in Roses = 1 [The Thorn-Maiden has revealed to you the greatest Mystery of Caduceus]
    • Rose icon A Cupbearer of the Rose = 5 [[COMPLETE]You have pierced the heart of Caduceus and seen the garden behind the glass]
    • Pastscandal icon Flickering = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as intermittently tantalising with an aftertaste of disappointment.]
    • Crew icon +1 x Another One, Lost
Rest among the roses Rare:
A member of your crew None Default:
    • Crew icon +1 x Another One, Lost

Your Unidentifiable Squirming is loose! Soothe the Squirming Default:
Leave it be None Default:

Wreck of the Parzifal Traverse the sporing carriage Default:

The War of Midnight Continues Help Sigrid's Ringbreaker Urchins Default: Rare:
Help the attackers
Default: Rare:

A Scorn Fluke, Defeated Commune with the Scorn Fluke Default: Success:

The Solarium Listen to their song Default:

Investigate Starling House Enter Starling House by force
    • Skystory icon Star-Crossed = 40 [[COMPLETE]Remember to do this]
    • Skystory icon Star-Crossed = 45 [[COMPLETE]Remember to do this]
    • Crew icon +1 x Another One, Lost

The Glorious Dreadnought is Defeated Lead a search of the crew quarters Default:
Ransack the boiler-room Default:

Within a Weft of Unravelling Time Escape a time when all was good as new Default:
Escape a grim ending Default: Success:
Escape days yet to come Default:
Escape the distant future Default:
Escape the days of innocence Default:
Escape the effulgent past Default:
Escape a moment of crisis Default:

DIES IRAE, DIES APIS! Help defend Titania

THE BEES! THE BEES! Rally to Titania's defence Success:

A Nightmare: Hunger by Night Eat from a live container Default:

A Nightmare: Your Memoirs Share it with a trusted crew member Default:

A Nightmare: They Speak of You Remove the most suspicious one Default:

The Scapegoat Use a member of your crew Default:

[[[qvd:139348(storm_name)]]] Read a word the lightning wrote Default: Success:
Read a word the lightning wrote Default: Success:
Read a word the lightning wrote Default: Success:
Record the word the lightning wrote Default: Success:

A Visitation: Revelation at Breakfast Appease the stars by jettisoning Strithers Default:

The Grove of Far-Too-Late Receive the Blessing of the Violist Default:

A Meeting at the Crossroads Accept a gift of gemstones Default:

The Price of Charity Pay the Amaranthine Price Default:
Pay the Nepenthine Price Default:

Visit the Cypress King Exchange knowledge for a Searing Enigma Default:

The Hour of Trumpets Confine your crew to quarters Default:
    • Clock icon A New Hour in Pan = 0
    • Crew icon +2 x Another One, Lost

The Hour of Veracity Take a sizeable escort as you go about your business Default:

A Douser, Defeated Plunder the Douser Default:
Plunder the Douser Default:
Plunder the Douser Default:
Plunder the Douser Default:

An Empyrean Outrider, defeated Board and pillage the Outrider Default:
    • Crew icon +2 x Another One, Lost
Rare Success:

An Undeparted, Defeated Order your engine closer and listen to its whispers Default:

A Griever, Defeated Examine its innards Default:
Dig in its throat Default:

A Risky Experiment Mount an expedition into the place-behind-glass Default:

A Guest-Riddled Dreadnought, Defeated Search the wreckage for valuables Default:

A Lengthy Expedition into Traitor's Wood Cross the whispering bog Default:
Search for another route Default:
Draw the beasts out Default:
Hide from the beasts Default:
Send out a search party Default:
Rest Default:
Listen to the voices Default:
Stopper your ears Default:
Brave the storm Default:
Take shelter Default:

A Short Expedition into Traitor's Wood Cross the whispering bog Default:
Search for another route Default:
Draw the beasts out Default:
Send out a search party Default:
Rest Default:
Listen to the voices Default:
Stopper your ears Default:
Brave the storm Default:
Take shelter Default:

The Giggling Place Enter the hollow Default:

The Wood's Edge Gather flowers Default:
Hunt in Traitor's Wood Default:
Slumber in the wood Default:

Adrift! Scavenge your supplies Default:
Scavenge your supplies Default:
Make a living sacrifice to the Burrower Below Default: Success:
Inscribe a Searing Enigma upon your regulator valve Default: Success:
Repel your attacker Default: Success:
Evade your attacker Default: Success:

A Hostile Engine Intercepted your Signal Lure them in, and try to steal some of their fuel Success: Rare Success:
Repel them Rare Success:

An Opportunistic Engine Answers your Signal Implore them to help Default:
Decline their offer None Default:

The Bacchae Barricade yourself in your cabin until the madness passes Success:
Convince your shades to care for the crew Success:

Knives and Spiders Join the fight on the Psalmists' side Default:

Discontent Set a watch on the stars Default: Success:

Your Caged Catch has Escaped Order the crew to recapture it Default: Success:
    • Crew icon +1 x Another One, Lost
Order it shot dead Default:

Rumours of Mutiny Conduct an investigation Default: Success:
    • Crew icon +1 x Another One, Lost
Ask the shades in your crew to keep watch on the rest Default:

That Hideous Strength Try to salvage the sack of seeds Default:
    • Crew icon +1 x Another One, Lost

Bristol Fashion Allow your vessel's condition to deterioriate Default:
    • Crew icon +1 x Another One, Lost

A Rumble in the Cylinder Order your engineers forward None Default:
    • Crew icon +1 x Another One, Lost

A Breach in the Hull Direct the repairs personally Default:
    • Crew icon +1 x Another One, Lost

An Accident in the Hold Order the crew to secure the cargo None Default:
    • Crew icon +1 x Another One, Lost

Escaped Fumes Order your crew to repair it Default:
    • Crew icon +2 x Another One, Lost
Order your crew to repair it Default:

Pressing your Luck Send a smaller party ahead to retrieve fuel Default:

The Trial of Solitude Resist the urge to open a door
    • Iron icon Iron (125 for 100%)
Open the gate of silver None Default:
Open the gate of iron Default:
Open the gate of adamant
    • Crew icon Another One, Lost ≥ 1
Open the gate of copper Default:

The Trial of Appetite Control your hunger Default:

The Trial of Somnolence Surrender your dreams Default:

The Forge, Awoken Craft Crew members Default:

A Blue Logos, Diminished Claim its embers Default: Rare Success:

A Red Logos, Diminished Claim cooling embers Default: Rare Success:

An Aureate Logos, Diminished Claim cooling embers Default: Rare Success:

The Sands Run Down Shoot the Industrialist before he shoots you
    • Iron icon Iron (119 for 100%)
Pretend to acquiesce, then return in the night with your crew Default:
    • Crew icon +1 x Another One, Lost
    • Deathsdoorstep icon The Long Passage = 30 [You successfully collected the Lost Love before the Arbiter's deadline. Now you must return her to Death's Door]

Consequences Pay the terrible price None Default:

Infatuation! Tell the crew member to get back to work None Default:

A Poetry Reading Distract the crew as best you can Default:

A Drastic Measure Stop the attack
    • Iron icon Iron (100 for 100%)

An Ingenious Contraption Very well Default: Success:

A Masterclass in Pugilism Threaten your crew with the hatch unless they stop fighting Default:
Allow them to continue None Default:

Low Rations, High Tempers Allow the Companion to proceed None Default:

A Dangerous Illusion Stop this at once! Default:

Spirited Away Retrieve the stoker Default: Success:
Never mind None Default:

The Last Minute Send a duo from your crew to retrieve the minute-hand Default:
Kill the creature Success:

Skeleton Crew Leave them be Default:

The Eumenides Resist Success:

The Crumbling Towers Order one of your crew to retrieve it for you Default:

And the Lamps Burned Blue Snuff out the lanterns and fly in the dark None Default:

The Man of Fire Slam the door Default: Success:
Shoot him dead
Default: Success:

The Fire and the Fury Fight the flames

Heavens Incandescent Send engineers to douse the inferno in the engine-room Default:
    • Crew icon +1 x Another One, Lost

A Boil of Cantankeri Fight your way back to your engine
    • Crew icon +1 x Another One, Lost
Flee! Default:

Horologion An Observance: Clean the machinery of Horologion Default:

The Silent Saint Breach the ice with your mining equipment Default:
Command your crew to break the ice Default:
Use explosives to breach the ice Default:

Between Seconds Return to your engine Default:

Faith's Fall Repair your locomotive Default: Rare Success:
Assist the Chiropterous Hoarder with its collection Default:

Stinking, Rotten Caverns Delve deeper still Default:

An Injury Tend the wounded yourself Default: Rare Success:

Structural Damage Send the crew outside to patch it up Default:

A Narrow Escape Order them back to work Default:

Guests in the Cabins Make the crew cast out their keepsakes Default: Success:
Scour the cabins Default: Success:

Guests in the Galley Impose a curfew on the crew
    • Iron icon Iron (100 for 100%)

Guests in the Engine Room Offer the Guests a cabin Default: