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Attention: the Burrower Below
Category Accomplishment
Type Gods
Data ID 137043

Attention: the Burrower Below is considered a Accomplishment Gods in Sunless Skies.


"One of the gods of the sky, the Burrower gnaws at the roots of heaven, and is associated with fog, promises and punishment."


Quality status[]

Attention: the Burrower Below has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [10] You are watched
  • [20] The Burrower is angry with you

Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear specifically when the value changes.

  • [0] The Burrower Below is uninterested in you.
  • [10] The Burrower Below is watching you.
  • [20] The Burrower Below is displeased with you.

Variable Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear when a specific group is called for text.


  • [20] The passage is less pleasant than you had hoped. A crewman swears he saw something vast stirring in the sky's deeps, and raves about a \"many-eyed burrower\" to any who will listen."


  • [20] Unfortunately, the journey is a turbulent one. Your locomotive heaves and tosses in the wake of some passing leviathan. The relays are not the only powers to make use of these ancient sky-tunnels."


  • [20] The journey is disturbed. As you traverse the relay-passage, some celestial beast thunders amidst the roots of the sky. Its lamentable bellows shake the heavens."


  • [20] The transit is troubled. Halfway to your destination your engine lurches, as if it had been brushed aside by the passage of some oblivious behemoth.


Interactions in Brief[]

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Interaction Action Result Type Change
On the Quiet Sea 'Sacrifice hours to appease the Burrower Below' Requirement ≥ 20
On the Quiet Sea 'Sacrifice hours to appease the Burrower Below' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
The Albion Transit Relay 'Travel to Albion, first class' Rare Event +10
The Albion Transit Relay 'Travel to Albion, second class' Rare Event +10
The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach 'Travel to the Reach, first class' Rare Event +10
The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach 'Travel to the Reach, second class' Rare Event +10
The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach 'Pay sovereigns for second-class travel to the Reach' Rare Event +10
The Eleutheria Transit Relay 'Travel to Eleutheria' Rare Event +10
The Eleutheria Transit Relay 'Travel to Eleutheria' Rare Event +10
The Eleutherian Transit Relay to the Reach 'Travel to the Reach' Rare Event +10
The Eleutherian Transit Relay to the Reach 'Travel to the Reach' Rare Event +10
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Travel to the Blue Kingdom, unofficially' Rare Event +10
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Travel to the Blue Kingdom, first class' Rare Event +10
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Travel to the Blue Kingdom, second class' Rare Event +10
The Blue Kingdom's Transit Relay to the Reach 'Ask to travel to the Reach' Rare Event +10
Raiding the Cache 'Take Fuel' Requirement ≤ 0
Raiding the Cache 'Take Supplies' Requirement ≤ 0
Raiding the Cache 'Take Fuel' Requirement ≥ 10
Raiding the Cache 'Do not write in the ledger' Default / Challenge Fail +10
Raiding the Cache 'Take Supplies' Requirement ≥ 10
Raiding the Cache 'Do not write in the ledger' Default / Challenge Fail +10
Raiding the Cache 'Take material to repair your locomotive' Requirement ≤ 0
Raiding the Cache 'Take material to repair your locomotive' Requirement ≤ 0
Raiding the Cache 'Take material to repair your locomotive' Requirement ≥ 10
Raiding the Cache 'Do not write in the ledger' Default / Challenge Fail +10
Raiding the Cache 'Take material to repair your locomotive' Requirement ≥ 10
Raiding the Cache 'Do not write in the ledger' Default / Challenge Fail +10
The Omnivorous Publisher 'You are the Enemy of the Gods' Requirement ≥ 20
Adrift! 'Make a living sacrifice to the Burrower Below' Requirement ≥ 1 ≤ 1
Adrift! 'Make a living sacrifice to the Burrower Below' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
Adrift! 'Make a living sacrifice to the Burrower Below' Success = 0
An Overgrown Shrine 'Steal an offering from the Burrower-Below' Requirement ≤ 10
An Overgrown Shrine 'Steal an offering from the Burrower-Below' Default / Challenge Fail = 20
The Thing in the Mist 'Offer whatever it was to the Burrower Below' Requirement ≤ 0
The Thing in the Mist 'Offer whatever it was to the Burrower Below' Default / Challenge Fail = 20
The Thing in the Mist 'Offer whatever it was to the Burrower Below' Success = 10
Rumours of Mutiny 'Make the crew swear oaths of loyalty' Requirement ≥ 10 ≤ 10
Rumours of Mutiny 'Make the crew swear oaths of loyalty' Default / Challenge Fail = 20
Rumours of Mutiny 'Make the crew swear oaths of loyalty' Success = 0
The Watchers 'Prepare an invocation to the Burrower Below ' Requirement ≥ 10 ≤ 10
The Watchers 'Prepare an invocation to the Burrower Below ' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
The Omnivorous Publisher 'You are the Enemy of the Gods' Requirement ≥ 20
The Silent Saint 'Breach the ice with your mining equipment' Default / Challenge Fail +10
The Silent Saint 'Command your crew to break the ice' Default / Challenge Fail +10
The Silent Saint 'Use explosives to breach the ice' Default / Challenge Fail +10
The Oathbreaker 'Take on, and pay, the oathbreaker's debt' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
The Oathbreaker 'Punish them both' Rare Event = 20
The Oathbreaker 'Ignore the matter' Rare Event = 20
The Burrower's Breath 'Rely on an old chart' Success = 0
The Burrower's Breath 'Permit the sacrifice' Success = 0
You Are Not Where You Thought You Were 'Press on' Requirement ≥ 20
You Are Not Where You Thought You Were 'Press on' Requirement ≤ 10

Interactions in Detail[]

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Story Action Required Effect
On the Quiet Sea Sacrifice hours to appease the Burrower Below Default:

The Albion Transit Relay Travel to Albion, first class Rare:
Travel to Albion, second class Rare:

The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach Travel to the Reach, first class Rare:
Travel to the Reach, second class Rare:
Pay sovereigns for second-class travel to the Reach Rare:

The Eleutheria Transit Relay Travel to Eleutheria Rare:
Travel to Eleutheria Rare:

The Eleutherian Transit Relay to the Reach Travel to the Reach Rare:
Travel to the Reach Rare:

The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay Travel to the Blue Kingdom, unofficially Rare:
Travel to the Blue Kingdom, first class Rare:
Travel to the Blue Kingdom, second class Rare:

The Blue Kingdom's Transit Relay to the Reach Ask to travel to the Reach Rare:

Raiding the Cache Take Fuel Default:
Take Supplies Default:
Take Fuel Default:
Do not write in the ledger None Default:
    • Burrowerbelow icon +10 x Attention: the Burrower Below
Take Supplies Default:
Do not write in the ledger None Default:
    • Burrowerbelow icon +10 x Attention: the Burrower Below
Take material to repair your locomotive Default:
Take material to repair your locomotive Default:
Take material to repair your locomotive Default:
Take material to repair your locomotive Default:
Do not write in the ledger None Default:
    • Burrowerbelow icon +10 x Attention: the Burrower Below
Do not write in the ledger None Default:
    • Burrowerbelow icon +10 x Attention: the Burrower Below

The Omnivorous Publisher You are the Enemy of the Gods Default:
You are the Enemy of the Gods Default:

Adrift! Make a living sacrifice to the Burrower Below Default: Success:

An Overgrown Shrine Steal an offering from the Burrower-Below
    • Burrowerbelow icon Attention: the Burrower Below ≤ 10

The Thing in the Mist Offer whatever it was to the Burrower Below Default:
    • Burrowerbelow icon Attention: the Burrower Below = 20 [The Burrower is angry with you]
    • Burrowerbelow icon Attention: the Burrower Below = 10 [You are watched]

Rumours of Mutiny Make the crew swear oaths of loyalty
    • Burrowerbelow icon Attention: the Burrower Below = 10 [You are watched]
    • Burrowerbelow icon Attention: the Burrower Below = 20 [The Burrower is angry with you]
    • Burrowerbelow icon Attention: the Burrower Below = 0

The Watchers Prepare an invocation to the Burrower Below Default:

The Silent Saint Breach the ice with your mining equipment Default:
Command your crew to break the ice Default:
Use explosives to breach the ice Default:

The Oathbreaker Take on, and pay, the oathbreaker's debt Default:
Punish them both None Rare:
    • Burrowerbelow icon Attention: the Burrower Below = 20 [The Burrower is angry with you]
Ignore the matter None Rare:
    • Burrowerbelow icon Attention: the Burrower Below = 20 [The Burrower is angry with you]

The Burrower's Breath Rely on an old chart Success:
    • Burrowerbelow icon Attention: the Burrower Below = 0
Permit the sacrifice Success:

You Are Not Where You Thought You Were Press on Default:
Press on Default:

Triggered Events[]

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Story Requirements Type Location
The Oathbreaker
    • Attention: the Burrower Below ≤ 0
Story Event (undefined :100%) The Sky
The Burrower's Breath
    • Attention: the Burrower Below ≥ 20
Story Event (undefined :200%) The Sky

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