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Barrel of Unseasoned Hours
Category Cargo
Type Goods
Price Sovereigns icon 80 Sovereigns
Data ID 131665

Barrel of Unseasoned Hours is a cargo item.


"A barrel, encased in beeswax and stamped with the Ministry's mark. Its contents sigh like the tide."


Barrel of Unseasoned Hours can be obtained in many ways.

The repeatable ways to obtain Barrel of Unseasoned Hours are:

See the tables below for more details.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Cache of Curiosities 'A solid crate' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Parsimonious Chairman's Offices 'Report your success' Default / Challenge Fail +3
The Tackety Scout is Defeated 'Seize its cargo' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Explore Lustrum 'Turn a blind eye... for a price...' Default / Challenge Fail +5
The Hanged Man 'Suggest aggressive action' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Mr Pennies 'Exchange Hours for an Otherworldly Artefact' Requirement ≥ 1
Mr Pennies 'Exchange Hours for an Otherworldly Artefact' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Mr Pennies 'Exchange your Hours for money' Requirement ≥ 1
Mr Pennies 'Exchange your Hours for money' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Your Very Own Claim On The Mountain 'Your foreman has bad news' Default / Challenge Fail + [d:10]
Collecting The Spoils 'The foreman has good news' Default / Challenge Fail +10
Collecting The Spoils 'The foreman has terrible news' Default / Challenge Fail + [d:(q:Lustrum: Mining - Claim Quality)]+2
Collecting The Spoils 'The foreman has bad news' Default / Challenge Fail + [d:3]
Collecting The Spoils 'The foreman comes to greet you' Default / Challenge Fail + [d:(q:Lustrum: Mining - Claim Quality)]+2
Sand Garden 'Gain a great deal of Endurance Penance' Requirement ≥ 1
Sand Garden 'Gain a great deal of Endurance Penance' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Worlebury-juxta-Mare 'Ruminate on the nature of donkeys' Success +1
On the Quiet Sea 'Sacrifice hours to appease the Burrower Below' Requirement ≥ 5
On the Quiet Sea 'Sacrifice hours to appease the Burrower Below' Default / Challenge Fail -5
Aboard the Flotilla 'Attend a last rite' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Careful Masquerader 'Commit a treachery' Requirement ≥ 5
The Careful Masquerader 'Commit a treachery' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Bit Between 'Join a tour of the Brabazon Workworld' Requirement ≥ 1
The Bit Between 'Join a tour of the Brabazon Workworld' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Bit Between 'Take the 'Official Shortcut to Brabazon Back Streets Requirement ≥ 1
The Bit Between 'Take the 'Official Shortcut to Brabazon Back Streets Default / Challenge Fail -1
A Tour of Brabazon Workworld 'Turn a blind eye... for a price...' Default / Challenge Fail +5
A Quiet Request 'Accept, with apparent delight' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld 'Give charity' Requirement ≥ 1
The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld 'Give charity' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld 'Give charity' Success -1
The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld 'Turn a blind eye... for a price...' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Royal Horology Exam – Question 1 'Offer the Royal Horological Office a 'donation Requirement ≥ 1
Royal Horology Exam – Question 1 'Offer the Royal Horological Office a 'donation Default / Challenge Fail -1
Royal Horology Exam – Question 2 'Offer the Royal Horological Office a 'donation Requirement ≥ 1
Royal Horology Exam – Question 2 'Offer the Royal Horological Office a 'donation Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld, Out of Time 'Give charity' Requirement ≥ 1
The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld, Out of Time 'Give charity' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld, Out of Time 'Give charity' Success -1
The New Street Line's Garret 'Organise a mass escape from a workworld' Requirement ≥ 2
The New Street Line's Garret 'Organise a mass escape from a workworld' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The New Street Line's Garret 'Organise a mass escape from a workworld' Success -2
The Steward's Sanctum 'You have Hours for her' Requirement ≥ 3
The Steward's Sanctum 'You have Hours for her' Default / Challenge Fail -3
The Office of Works '"'Ere we are. Order eight-oh-nine-dash-jay."' Requirement ≥ 3
The Office of Works '"'Ere we are. Order eight-oh-nine-dash-jay."' Default / Challenge Fail -3
The Little Lounge 'Share your story' Success +1
The Albion Transit Relay 'Travel to Albion, second class' Requirement ≥ 2
The Albion Transit Relay 'Travel to Albion, second class' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Albion Transit Relay 'Travel to Albion, second class' Rare Event -2
The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach 'Travel to the Reach, second class' Requirement ≥ 2
The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach 'Travel to the Reach, second class' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach 'Travel to the Reach, second class' Rare Event -2
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Travel to the Blue Kingdom, second class' Requirement ≥ 2
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Travel to the Blue Kingdom, second class' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Travel to the Blue Kingdom, second class' Rare Event -2
An Albion Marauder, Mangled 'Break into the captain's cabin' Success +1
A Bull Cantankeri, Defeated 'Use your cannery to extract its heart' Success +1
Wasted Time 'Throw out the whole barrelful' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Like Swiss Cheese 'Relocating the supplies' Default / Challenge Fail + -(1/2+([d:3]-2)/2)
Like Swiss Cheese 'Moving your possessions to another cabin' Default / Challenge Fail + -(1/2+([d:3]-2)/2)
Like Swiss Cheese 'Relocate the supplies' Default / Challenge Fail + -(1/2+([d:3]-2)/2)
Like Swiss Cheese 'Moving your possessions to another cabin' Default / Challenge Fail + -(1/2+([d:3]-2)/2)
The Portsmouth Arsenal 'Contribute a Barrel of Unseasoned Hours' Requirement ≥ 1
The Portsmouth Arsenal 'Contribute a Barrel of Unseasoned Hours' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Lamentation of Mists 'Become Yoked: offer Hours instead instead of finding a Casket of Sapphire' Requirement
The Lamentation of Mists 'Become Yoked: offer Hours instead instead of finding a Casket of Sapphire' Default / Challenge Fail -3
The Forge, Awoken 'Entreat the Principalities of Chalcedon for an Aspect of the Hourglass' Requirement ≥ 1
The Forge, Awoken 'Entreat the Principalities of Chalcedon for an Aspect of the Hourglass' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Court of Oaks 'A Rental Dispute: Hurry a ruling on an overlong contract' Requirement ≥ 3
The Court of Oaks 'A Rental Dispute: Hurry a ruling on an overlong contract' Default / Challenge Fail -3
The Court of Oaks 'Claim the Status of Ephemera' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Court of Mules 'Subcontract your Litigator to another applicant' Requirement ≥ 1
The Court of Mules 'Subcontract your Litigator to another applicant' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Watchers 'Prepare an invocation to the Burrower Below ' Requirement ≥ 7
The Watchers 'Prepare an invocation to the Burrower Below ' Default / Challenge Fail -7
The Accumulation of Time 'Contribute a barrel of raw hours' Requirement ≥ 1
The Accumulation of Time 'Contribute a barrel of raw hours' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Accumulation of Time 'Contribute five barrels of raw hours' Requirement ≥ 5
The Accumulation of Time 'Contribute five barrels of raw hours' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Accumulation of Time 'Contribute ten barrels of raw hours' Requirement ≥ 10
The Accumulation of Time 'Contribute ten barrels of raw hours' Default / Challenge Fail -10
The Accumulation of Time 'Perform an experimental technique on five barrels of hours' Requirement ≥ 5
The Accumulation of Time 'Perform an experimental technique on five barrels of hours' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Accumulation of Time 'Perform an experimental technique on five barrels of hours' Success -5
The Accumulation of Time 'Tell stories to a barrel of hours' Requirement ≥ 1
The Accumulation of Time 'Tell stories to a barrel of hours' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Accumulation of Time 'Refine ten barrels of hours with a Searing Enigma' Requirement ≥ 10
The Accumulation of Time 'Refine ten barrels of hours with a Searing Enigma' Default / Challenge Fail -10
The Accumulation of Time 'Store three barrels of hours with an Otherworldly Artefact' Requirement ≥ 3
The Accumulation of Time 'Store three barrels of hours with an Otherworldly Artefact' Default / Challenge Fail -3

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Cache of Curiosities A solid crate Default:

The Parsimonious Chairman's Offices Report your success Default:

The Tackety Scout is Defeated Seize its cargo Default:

Explore Lustrum Turn a blind eye... for a price... None Default:

The Hanged Man Suggest aggressive action None Default:

Mr Pennies Exchange Hours for an Otherworldly Artefact Default:
Exchange your Hours for money
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours ≥ 1
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon -1 x Barrel of Unseasoned Hours

Your Very Own Claim On The Mountain Your foreman has bad news Default:

Collecting The Spoils The foreman has good news Default:
The foreman has terrible news Default:
The foreman has bad news Default:
The foreman comes to greet you Default:

Sand Garden Gain a great deal of Endurance Penance
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours ≥ 1

Worlebury-juxta-Mare Ruminate on the nature of donkeys Success:

On the Quiet Sea Sacrifice hours to appease the Burrower Below Default:

Aboard the Flotilla Attend a last rite Default:

The Careful Masquerader Commit a treachery Default:

The Bit Between Join a tour of Brabazon Workworld Default:
Take the 'Official Shortcut to Brabazon Back Streets' Default:

A Tour of Brabazon Workworld Turn a blind eye... for a price... None Default:

A Quiet Request Accept, with apparent delight None Default:
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon +1 x Barrel of Unseasoned Hours

The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld Give charity Default: Success:
Turn a blind eye... for a price... None Default:

Royal Horology Exam – Question 1 Offer the Royal Horological Office a 'donation'
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours ≥ 1

Royal Horology Exam – Question 2 Offer the Royal Horological Office a 'donation'
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours ≥ 1

The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld, Out of Time Give charity
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours ≥ 1
Default: Success:

The New Street Line's Garret Organise a mass escape from a workworld Default: Success:

The Steward's Sanctum You have Hours for her Default:

The Office of Works "'Ere we are. Order eight-oh-nine-dash-jay." Default:

The Little Lounge Share your story Success:

The Albion Transit Relay Travel to Albion, second class Default: Rare:

The Albion Transit Relay to the Reach Travel to the Reach, second class Default: Rare:

The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay Travel to the Blue Kingdom, second class Default: Rare:

An Albion Marauder, Mangled Break into the captain's cabin Success:
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon +1 x Barrel of Unseasoned Hours

A Bull Cantankeri, Defeated Use your cannery to extract its heart Success:
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon +1 x Barrel of Unseasoned Hours

Wasted Time Throw out the whole barrelful None Default:
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon -1 x Barrel of Unseasoned Hours

Like Swiss Cheese Relocating the supplies None Default:
Moving your possessions to another cabin None Default:
Relocate the supplies None Default:
Moving your possessions to another cabin None Default:
The Portsmouth Arsenal Contribute a Barrel of Unseasoned Hours
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours ≥ 1

The Lamentation of Mists Become Yoked: offer Hours instead instead of finding a Casket of Sapphire
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours
    • Amberblue icon A Scrive-Fledgling = 2 [The Lamentation requests you recover a casket of sapphire from the Lyceum]

The Forge, Awoken Entreat the Principalities of Chalcedon for an Aspect of the Hourglass
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours ≥ 1

The Court of Oaks A Rental Dispute: Hurry a ruling on an overlong contract Default:
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon -3 x Barrel of Unseasoned Hours
Claim the Status of Ephemera Default:

The Court of Mules Subcontract your Litigator to another applicant Default:
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon -1 x Barrel of Unseasoned Hours

The Watchers Prepare an invocation to the Burrower Below Default:

The Accumulation of Time Contribute a barrel of raw hours Default:
Contribute five barrels of raw hours Default:
Contribute ten barrels of raw hours Default:
    • BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon -10 x Barrel of Unseasoned Hours
Perform an experimental technique on five barrels of hours Default: Success:
Tell stories to a barrel of hours Default:
Refine ten barrels of hours with a Searing Enigma Default:
Store three barrels of hours with an Otherworldly Artefact Default:

Triggered Events[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Requirements Type Location
Wasted Time
    • Barrel of Unseasoned Hours ≥ 1
Random Event (undefined :50%) The Sky

Shop availability[]

Shop Location Buy Price Sell Price

Shopgeneric icon Victoria Market Newwinchester icon New Winchester -
Shopgeneric icon Nelson's Emporium Portprosper icon Port Prosper -
Shopgeneric icon Sweet Jane's Trading Post Lustrum icon Lustrum -
Shopgeneric icon Spitalfields Market London icon London -
Shopgeneric icon The Night Market Pan icon Pan -
Shopgeneric icon The Turret Tolltower icon Sky Barnet -


Bargain Name Item Sold Cost per Item Amount Location Unlocked with Profit
"Fresh hours! Get your fresh hours here!" BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours Sovereigns icon 55 Sovereigns 3 Any bazaar on the Reach

Carillon icon Carillon
Hybras icon Hybras
Naturereserve icon Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve
Lustrum icon Lustrum
Magdalenes icon Magdalene's
Circus icon Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus
Portavon icon Port Avon
Portprosper icon Port Prosper
Titania icon Titania
Traitorswood icon Traitor's Wood

Sovereigns icon 25 Sovereigns
A seizure of hours BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours Sovereigns icon 55 Sovereigns 7 Brabazon icon Brabazon Workworld Brabazon icon Unrest at Brabazon ≤ 80 Sovereigns icon 25 Sovereigns
A squandering of time BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours Sovereigns icon 55 Sovereigns 7 Avidhorizon icon Avid Horizon Sovereigns icon 25 Sovereigns
An Abandon of Hours BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours Sovereigns icon 55 Sovereigns 9 Serenemausoleum icon The Most Serene Mausoleum Serenemausoleum icon Dealing with the Deathless ≥ 1 Sovereigns icon 25 Sovereigns
An improbable abundance of hours BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours Sovereigns icon 45 Sovereigns 5 Achlys icon Achlys

Avidhorizon icon Avid Horizon
Brabazon icon Brabazon Workworld
Langleyhall icon Langley Hall
Lustrum icon Lustrum
Magdalenes icon Magdalene's
Worlebury icon Worlebury-juxta-Mare

Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy ≥ 3 Sovereigns icon 35 Sovereigns
Hastening the end BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours Sovereigns icon 55 Sovereigns 7 Forgeofsouls icon The Forge of Souls Affiliationestablishment icon Affiliation: Establishment ≥ 3 Sovereigns icon 25 Sovereigns
Hours, mined from the sky BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours Sovereigns icon 55 Sovereigns 3 Any bazaar on the Reach

Carillon icon Carillon
Hybras icon Hybras
Naturereserve icon Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve
Lustrum icon Lustrum
Magdalenes icon Magdalene's
Circus icon Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus
Portavon icon Port Avon
Portprosper icon Port Prosper
Titania icon Titania
Traitorswood icon Traitor's Wood

Sovereigns icon 25 Sovereigns
Hours for inspiration BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours Sovereigns icon 42 Sovereigns 7 Caduceus icon Caduceus

Floatingparliament icon Floating Parliament
Serenemausoleum icon The Most Serene Mausoleum
Titania icon Titania

Affiliationbohemia icon Affiliation: Bohemia ≥ 6 Sovereigns icon 38 Sovereigns
The Buoyant Broker: a trove of unwanted hours BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours Sovereigns icon 55 Sovereigns 7 Carillon icon Carillon Sovereigns icon 25 Sovereigns
Unneeded, abandoned BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours Sovereigns icon 55 Sovereigns 5 Deathsdoorstep icon Death's Door Sovereigns icon 25 Sovereigns


Prospect Name Item Required Amount Region Delivery Location Unlocked with Earned per item Total earned Bonus
Extra Time for Titania BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours 5 The Reach Titania icon Titania Titania icon Titania_Eleutheria_NatureReserve = 4 [Fruit Harvest] Sovereigns icon 170 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 850 Sovereigns
Hours for the Leadbeater & Stainrod Nature Reserve BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours 5 The Reach Naturereserve icon Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve Sovereigns icon 155 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 775 Sovereigns
Hours for the Circus' Ringmaster BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours 5 The Reach Circus icon Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus Sovereigns icon 155 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 775 Sovereigns
The Carillon Connection BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours 5 The Reach Carillon icon Carillon Verdantseeds icon Dominant in the Reach = 1 [The Tacketies] Sovereigns icon 150 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 750 Sovereigns
An Astronomical Opportunity: Hours for the Royal Society BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours 3 Albion Royalsociety icon The Royal Society Fuel icon The Strength of the Sun ≤ 34 Sovereigns icon 155 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 465 Sovereigns
Time Off For Bad Behaviour: Hours to Eagle's Empyrean BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours 5 Eleutheria Eaglesempyrean icon Eagle's Empyrean Affiliationestablishment icon Affiliation: Establishment ≥ 6 Sovereigns icon 155 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 755 Sovereigns
Passing the Time: Hours to the White Well BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours 5 The Blue Kingdom Whitewell icon The White Well Sovereigns icon 170 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 850 Sovereigns
Munitions for the Lustrum Mines Munitions square icon Carefully-Packed Crate of Munitions 9 The Reach Lustrum icon Lustrum Verdantseeds icon Dominant in the Reach = 1 [The Tacketies] Sovereigns icon 135 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 1215 Sovereigns

Fuel & Supplies Fuel square icon Fuel Supplies square icon Supplies Petrichor square icon Petrichor
Cargo BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours
Bronzewood square icon Bronzewood
Tea square icon Caddy of Dried Tea
Cagedcatch square icon Caged Catch
Munitions square icon Carefully-Packed Crate of Munitions
Navarantinegemstones square icon Cask of Navaratine Gemstones
CrateofNostalgicCrockery square icon Crate of Nostalgic Crockery
Choristernectar square icon Gourd of Chorister Nectar
Undistinguishedsouls square icon Jumble of Undistinguished Souls
Ministryliterature square icon Ministry-Approved Literature
Stainedglass square icon Pane of Stained Glass
Bombazineroll square icon Roll of Thirsty Bombazine
Verdantseeds square icon Sack of Verdant Seeds
Selectionofimmaculatesouls square icon Selection of Immaculate Souls
Contraband Redhoney square icon Firkin of Red Honey Starshine square icon Hogshead of Starshine Illicitliterature square icon Trunk of Illicit Literature
Other Curatorsegg square icon Curator's Egg Clock square icon Ravelling Jack Affiliationacadame square icon Unidentifiable Squirming