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Between Seconds
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 312393

Between Seconds is a Sunless Skies Story Event.

Story description[ | ]

Sudden snowflakes snag on your eyelashes. The snow is not falling, frozen in place. You cut a tunnel through. Behind you is a moor, blanketed in white. There are no menhirs in sight.

Before you is a slab of stone, lit by a final slant of winter sunlight.

Visited Sky Henge(InsideRoot)

Trigger conditions[ | ]

Area: Limbo
Frequency: Always (100%)

Interactions[ | ]

Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Gift a barrel of hours to the beings that live between seconds
This is what the stories say they desire, after all.
Aloof; lonely
The beings consider you, but say nothing. They wait

Your crew lift the barrel of hours onto the stone slab. A stoker prises the lid off. As a geode tumbles out, there is a flurry of motion.

The translucent beings cluster around the barrel, gathering up the geodes with boneless limbs. They pass them out, cradling each one gently. One being spills a shimmer of bright gemstones – their colour riotous in this white place – into your arms. The others begin to croon, softly, to the hours.
Gift a barrel of hours to the beings that live between seconds
They accepted the last barrel so eagerly.
Hissed acknowledgement
The translucent beings turn towards you in unison. As you hoist the barrel onto the altar, their heads arch over it. Even as you are prising off the lid, they reach boneless limbs towards the geodes inside. Tenderly, the hours are passed out, are pressed to feather-robed breasts.

There are not enough to go around – a keening goes up from two. Their black eyes fix on you balefully, before turning away.

Another being spills a shimmer of bright gemstones – this time a torrent of them – into your arms. It turns back to the altar. You are forgotten.
Gift a barrel of hours to the beings that live between seconds
They accepted the last barrel so eagerly.
The stone slab is cushioned with down. The beings hiss as a stoker goes to lever the barrel open – his hands are too coarse, too ungentle. You are given your reward: a pile of glass lenses filled with dazzling souls. The being thrusts them towards you, before joining its fellows.
Leave with your hours
You have changed your mind.

Game note: You will have to wait before you can return inside.

An anxious welcome
The tunnel you cut through the unfalling snowflakes leads you out. The closer you get to where the stones should be, the more the air thickens, until it feels like fording a river. Abruptly, you are on the other side. Fortunately, your engine is here to greet you. A navigator hurries to meet you, obviously concerned. Whatever the date should be, it is not.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Return to your engine
The creatures are entirely occupied with the hours. They have nothing more for you.
An anxious welcome
The tunnel you cut through the unfalling snowflakes leads you out. The closer you get to where the stones should be, the more the air thickens, until it feels like fording a river. Abruptly, you are on the other side. Fortunately, your engine is here to greet you. A navigator hurries to meet you, obviously concerned. Whatever the date should be, it is not.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Return to your engine
The creatures are entirely occupied with your gift. They have lost interest in you.

Game note: There is always a price.

The missing
Once more, the tunnel you cut through the unfalling snowflakes leads you out. Abruptly, you are on the other side. But you are fewer. Crew who went inside the stones have not returned with you. You call for them: there is no answer. You light a flare, but there is no response. You wait – but they do not return.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

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