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Blue Logos
Type Sky-Beast
Stats Health: 350
Location The Blue Kingdom


The Blue Logos are azure wheels of living flame found in the Blue Kingdom. Their reaction towards you depends on your Blue Kingdom Status. They will be aggressive if your status is Invisible or Antedeceased, but will ignore you otherwise and won't attack unless provoked. When you enter The Blue Kingdom for the first time, you start as Invisible.

They fire multiple waves of 3 fiery bullets that track you and deal 3 Hull damage each on contact. They have a lot of health and are difficult to kill.

Once they start targeting you, they will not stop, no matter how far you run unless you leave the area they guard. Retreating out of sight and into another segment of the Blue Kingdom will cease provoking them. You can also attack them from relative safety them by hiding on a port platform and firing at them, as their bullets can't reach you.

A Blue Logos, Diminished[]

A Blue Logos, Diminished
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 306451

A wheel of living flame; a commandment of the Westernmost King's highest Law; an utterance of fire and glory. This Logos was of the Order of Perfection, appointed to extinguish errors of vitality. The Antedeceased are their prey. It is not dead, only diminished. It will rekindle in time, at which point it would be advisable to be far away.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Ambition: Recover a spark with which to open the Arbiter's vault
Her vault requires three colours of language-fire.
The Blue Knight
The Blue Knight throws his sword to the ground and yields, raising his gauntlets in supplication. He'll give you whatever you want— No. No. You blink away the visions, and send a team of stokers with long-handled lamps to recover a spark of the Logos's living flame.
Claim its embers
Use its living fire to invigorate your engines.

Game note: You will gain Fuel.

Failed event Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

To be burned
You send out a complement of stokers to gather embers from the mangled wheel of fire.

One overreaches and spills the embers they were carrying. You can't hear the screams from behind glass, but you watch shadow after shadow ignite.

Some return, carrying still smouldering embers. You make use of what you have left.
Successful event
To become fire, rather than be burned.
You send out a complement of stokers to tame the immortal flame. They approach the mangled wheel of fire: specks of shadow before the searing light. All hands return. No one burns today. The embers are shovelled into the boiler, which roars like a triumphant tiger. Gouts of steam billow from the smoke-stack.
Partial success event (5%)
To be fire
You send out a complement of stokers to tame the immortal flame. The rest of you watch from the galley window. There is not a sound in the room as your crew near the Logoi; sun spots to the sun. They work with caution, but one leans too close. Were they transfixed by the glaring beauty?. The rest return later with fuel and the ashes of their fellow. They are subdued. They tell you she wept before falling.
Celebrate your victory
You have triumphed over a Prince of Heaven.

Game note: This will reduce Terror.

Victory, cry victory!
A stoker brings out his fiddle; a signaller her flute. The galley is raided. The bridge becomes an East-End pub for an evening and several of your crew get blind drunk. The laughter is queasy with the dissipation of terror.
Claim a fragment of a lost sigil
Fire becomes ash. But at the Logos' core, angles of fierce, embered light still burn. Can fire have bones?
A subdued crew
You retrieve the fragments of the Logos' heart-sigil. The engine is quiet when you return. Is it relief, that the battle with the Logos is finally over? Or disappointment – that all you have to show for your bloody triumph is half a sigil? Either way, you'll have to find another Logos.
    • Sigil1 icon Sigil Ember = 1 [You took a piece of a sigil from the body of a Logoi. You need two more]

Assemble the fragments of the lost sigil
Another Logos, another charred sigil-skeleton. Another partial sigil growth. It is enough.
Like a winter chestnut, oven hot
The sigil fragments retain their heat. Even many hours later, you still have to wear gloves. Using tongs requisitioned from the galley, you rotate the pieces till they align. Where the sigil breaks off on this one, you can see the pattern on the next. There are enough overlaps between the two that you can trace the whole sigil. Fully formed, the pattern glowers resentfully.
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Albion Albion MarauderBull CantankeriCantankeriColonised CantankeriCuratorDeranged DreadnoughtEnduring DreadnoughtGlorious DreadnoughtGrave RobberMinistry MonitorScrive-SpinsterSenior ScrivenerStar-Maddened ExplorerStar-Seared ExplorerThe Guests
Eleutheria Bull CantankeriCantankeriCuratorDouserEmpyrean OutriderMinistry MonitorScorn FlukeScrive-SpinsterSenior ScrivenerSleeping GrieverStar-Seared ExplorerUndeparted
The Blue Kingdom Aureate LogosBlue LogosCantankeriCuratorEater of the DeadRed LogosScorn FlukeScrive-SpinsterSenior ScrivenerSpirifer Engine