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Type Sky-Beast
Location The Reach, Albion, Eleutheria, The Blue Kingdom

[I]rritable, half-fossilised isopods capable of battering through an engine’s hull. Sometimes, miners digging into sky-rocks for buried hours find sleeping cantankeri instead. The cantankeri are not pleased to be disturbed.[1]


A Cantankeri is a type of Sky-Beast found in all four regions. They are aggressive and will chase ships which come too close. If they collide, they will deal 4 Hull damage. Having only 25 Health and no ranged attacks, Cantankeri are easily the weakest enemy in the game, a single hit from a Reclaimed Marauder Mangonel will slay it.

A Cantankeri, Placated[]

A Cantankeri, Placated
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 276526

"The Cantankeri are lumbering, half-fossilised isopods that will attack anything they disapprove of. Given that they are very ancient and murderously grumpy, that means almost everything. Looting(Cantankeri)"


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Retrieve the stomach
The Phlegmatic Researcher in the Leadbeater & Stainrod Nature Reserve believes this will aid his research. He'd better be right.
Short straws
Its shell is too tough to crack. But it is large enough to crawl into; and that's what the unlucky winner of an impromptu lottery is obliged to do. They are given a knife and a sou'wester to cover their sky-suit, and crawl inside. They emerge later, dripping, cursing, and clutching the withered knot of a stomach.
Retrieve the stomach
The Phlegmatic Researcher in the Leadbeater & Stainrod Nature Reserve feels this will aid his research. He'd better be right.
Short straws
Its shell is too tough to crack. But it is large enough to crawl into; and that's what the unlucky winner of an impromptu lottery is obliged to do. They are given a knife and a sou'wester to cover their sky-suit, and crawl inside. They emerge later, dripping, cursing, and clutching the withered knot of a stomach.
Prise the legs off
Not a pleasant way to spend an afternoon, but it's what the Carpenter has asked for.
Even dead, the Cantankeri is reluctant to part with its limbs. With careful use of hammer and chisel, you're able to crack its shell to cut at the tendons holding them in place. With those removed, the legs come out easily. Once you've cleaned the ichor off, they're ready to present to the Carpenter in Port Avon.
Collect a Cantankeri Trophy
The New Somerset Hunting Club will be pleased.
Mounted and ready
The crew set about the creature with hacksaws while the Quartermaster prepares a board. The Hunting Club will no doubt wish to replace it with something finer in mahogany or bronzewood, but this will do for the moment.
Listen to its last complaint
Its parting grumble is bitter and mournful. Your crew share tales of the Cantankeri to distract them from the noise.
The swan song

Game note: Gain Experience, a Sky-Story, and hear tales of the Cantankeri.

Prise precious stones from its carapace
Sometimes, clusters of jasper, tourmaline, or agate can be found embedded in the calcified plates.
Failed event Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: Gain sovereigns.

The price
Your efforts yield only modest results before a violent shudder wracks the beast. Two plates of carapace grind together; a crewman's hand was between them. His scream is thin in the hollows of the sky.
Successful event
Treasures, put to better use
You lash the beast alongside your engine and set to work with picks and chisels. Soon you have accumulated a bucketful of glittering stones.
Partial success event (5%)
Older, more awful things
Hauling the creature alongside your locomotive, you deploy hammers and pry-bars. There! Valuable stones glimmer amidst the whorls of uncanny fossils. The fossils' shapes are sinuous and predatory, preserved for unknown aeons in the Cantankeri's stony skin.
Retrieve a stony organ
Send one of the crew out with a set of pliers.
Failed event

Game note: You will always find an Uncanny Specimen, but may lose Crew.

The price
Still, the Cantankeri resists death. As your crewman tugs at a slick, knobbled gland, the beast spasms. Gritty ichors spray across his sky-suit, chewing at the leather. When you drag him back aboard, it is clear he will not last long. He still clutches the extracted gland. Its colour is halfway between liver and granite.
Successful event
A trophy
They return with the glistening ovoid gland. It’s consistency is somewhere between muscle and marble.
Deploy your canning equipment
Enough remains of the creature to extract several meals of tasteless mush.
Food of the gods
Saws buzz. Shell-hammers pound. Vices squeeze. Once the parts are separated, your cook is able to scoop rich jelly from beneath the carapace, and soften a tangle of corded muscles in the tenderiser. It is enough to fill several large cans.
Drill for scraps of digestible meat
There is eating on a Cantankeri, if you have more patience than taste.
A handful of giblets
Your burliest stoker approaches it with a hand-drill. What follows is loud and messy. Eventually, she presents you with an armful of palpitating organs. Your cook does their best.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: This will not nourish you, but it will delay starvation. You may only choose this if you are in the process of starving.

Disperse the rubble
The fragments could be a menace to passing engines. Clear it out of the way, as a service to other skyfarers.
One good deed
You gently shunt the larger pieces away. The crew are heartened to be doing something for the general good.

Game note: Lose Terror.

Sift through the pulverised rubble
Perhaps you'll find something of scientific interest.
Failed event Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: Look for an Uncanny Specimen.

A spiteful gust
A sudden wind drives the jagged Cantankeri-fragments against your hull. They crack against your windows, drum on your plating. Gritty particulates clog your pistons. When you dig the shards free, you find some of them gleam with veins of semi-precious stones.
Successful event
A prospective exhibit
You venture out in your sky-suit, and begin picking through the fragments. Your patience is rewarded: here is a stony organ, still palpitating with stubborn life.
Partial success event (5%)
Too thorough a job
None of the remaining pieces are whole enough to be of interest, either academic or ghoulish. However, you do find a few fragments of carapace, veined with what looks like gold.
Leave the beast untouched
You have, presumably, less unpleasant concerns to attend to.
You give the order to depart, and leave the ruined Cantankeri to the skies.


The Reach Bull CantankeriCantankeriChorister BeesColonised CantankeriCuratorEnduring DreadnoughtMinistry MonitorReach MarauderScrive-SpinsterStar-Maddened ExplorerTackety LiberatorTackety ScoutThe Guests
Albion Albion MarauderBull CantankeriCantankeriColonised CantankeriCuratorDeranged DreadnoughtEnduring DreadnoughtGlorious DreadnoughtGrave RobberMinistry MonitorScrive-SpinsterSenior ScrivenerStar-Maddened ExplorerStar-Seared ExplorerThe Guests
Eleutheria Bull CantankeriCantankeriCuratorDouserEmpyrean OutriderMinistry MonitorScorn FlukeScrive-SpinsterSenior ScrivenerSleeping GrieverStar-Seared ExplorerUndeparted
The Blue Kingdom Aureate LogosBlue LogosCantankeriCuratorEater of the DeadRed LogosScorn FlukeScrive-SpinsterSenior ScrivenerSpirifer Engine