Sunless Skies Wiki
Captive Guests
Category Possession
Type Miscellaneous
Data ID 139064

Captive Guests is considered a Miscellaneous Possession in Sunless Skies.


"The oily invertebrates writhe and squirm, pressing against the walls of their container."

Quality status[]

Captive Guests has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [1] You have collected some Captive Guests
  • [25] You have enough Captive Guests to make a weapon next time you kill an engine overrun with Guests. You'll also need a Condemned Experiment

Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear specifically when the value changes.

  • [0] You have used all your Captive Guests.
  • [1] You have collected some Captive Guests.
  • [25] You have enough Captive Guests to make a weapon next time you kill an engine overrun with Guests.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
The Guests, Evicted 'Trap and collect some of the Guests' Default / Challenge Fail + 5+[d:4]
The Guests, Evicted 'Trap and collect some of the Guests' Success + 10+[d:5]
The Guests, Evicted 'Create the 'Uninvited Requirement ≥ 25
The Guests, Evicted 'Create the 'Uninvited Default / Challenge Fail -25

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
The Guests, Evicted Trap and collect some of the Guests Default:
    • Bloody icon +5+[1-4] x Captive Guests
    • Bloody icon +10+[1-5] x Captive Guests
Create the 'Uninvited' Default:

Academe Uncannyspecimen icon Uncanny Specimen OtherworldlyArtefact icon Otherworldly Artefact CondemnedExperiment icon Condemned Experiment Searingenigma icon Searing Enigma
Bohemia Skystory icon Sky-Story Visionoftheheavens icon Vision of the Heavens Momentofinspiration icon Moment of Inspiration Captivatingtreasure icon Captivating Treasure
Establishment Pastscandal icon Salon-Stewed Gossip Ministryliterature icon Ministry-Stamped Permit Crypticbenefactor icon Cryptic Benefactor Royaldispensation icon Royal Dispensation
Villainy Taleofterror icon Tale of Terror Unaccountablypeckish icon Savage Secret Unlicensedchart icon Unlicensed Chart Crimsonpromise icon Crimson Promise
Passenger Genericcharacter icon A gaggle of Psalmists
Boot icon A Workworld Runaway
Well purple icon Abstemious Devil
Amenablehost icon Amenable Host
Genericcharacter icon Bedevilled Didact
Veils icon Counsellor's Daughter
Genericcharacter icon Empyrean Hostage
Clock icon Fastidious Inspector
Genericcharacter icon Grumbling Dead
Book icon Illuminated Archivist
Maskedcitizen icon Masked Citizen
Camera icon Mme. Lumière
Well purple icon Patchwork Devil
Wreckgeneric icon Percy Blythe
Genericcharacter icon Plucky Baroness
Telescope icon Royal Astronomer
Genericcharacter icon Rubbery Passenger
Circus icon Runaway Acrobat
Genericcharacter icon Settler
Genericcharacter icon Short-Sighted Cryptozoologist
Genericcharacter icon Sky-Maddened Captain
Canningequipment icon 'Spatchcocker' Meg
Genericcharacter icon The Audacious Servitor
Crew icon The Crew of the Boatman
Genericcharacter icon The Half-Glass Empty
Terror icon The Navigator's Friend
CrateofNostalgicCrockery icon The Pernickety Factor
Favour Boot icon The Tacketies' Gratitude
Stovepipe icon The Windward Company's Gratitude
Mirrors icon The Ministry's Gratitude
Iron icon The New Street Line's Gratitude
Parsimoniouschairman icon The Parsimonious Chairman's Delight
Royalsociety icon The Royal Society's Gratitude
Hearts icon The Gratitude of the Embassy of Albion
Devilshell icon The Porphyry Court's Gratitude
Heirloom Heirloomwealth icon A Token of Vast Wealth Heirloomsongofthesky icon The Song of the Sky Dyingstar icon A Terrible Secret Martyrkingscup icon The Martyr-Kings Cup
Miscellaneous Verdantseeds icon Blue Kingdom Snuff
Choristernectar icon Caged Chorister Bee
Bloody icon Captive Guests
London icon Contraband: Albion
Lantern icon Eleutherian Mystery
Hull icon Experimental Modifications
Loveletter icon Invitation to Perdurance
Pastunlikelyhaul icon Previously Impounded Goods
Loveletter icon Scrap of Ancient Knowledge
Hearts icon Ticket for the New Street Line
Clockworksun icon Well-Intentioned Package
Loveletter icon New Somerset Hunting Club Membership
Knifehand icon Cantankeri Trophy
Knifehand icon Chorister Bee Trophy
Knifehand icon Scrive-Spinster Trophy
Lantern icon Charred Empyrean Nameplate
Fire icon Charred Stovepipe Nameplate
Portgeneric icon Mangled Tackety Nameplate
Locomotive icon Plaque from a Douser Engine
Ministryliterature icon Reach-Albion Transit Permit
Unlicensedchart icon Reach-Eleutheria Transit Permit
Reach icon Reach-Blue Kingdom Transit Permit
Discovery Iron icon The Rite of Wrongs Bloody icon The Rite of the Rack Veils icon The Rite of Raving Unaccountablypeckish icon The Rite of Wedlock
The Reach BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon Ambiguous Shard
Lustrum icon A Claim on the Mountain
Affiliationacadame icon Map of the Reserve Loveletter icon The New Somerset Hunting Club Sovereigns icon Tickets to the Circus
Albion Loveletter icon A New Bill
Loveletter icon The Dignity of Albion Bill
Iron icon The Will of the People
Secretary icon Cabinet Secretary's Diary
Taleofterror icon Favour Bestowed
Key icon Key to the House of Lords
Key icon Key to the Victoria Tower
Telescope icon Royal Astronomer's Report
Eleutheria Houseofrodsandchains icon The Seal of Mr Barleycorn
Houseofrodsandchains icon The Seal of Mr Menagerie
Houseofrodsandchains icon The Seal of Mr Pennies
Houseofrodsandchains icon The Seal of Mr Pipes
Houseofrodsandchains icon The Broken Seal of Mr Menagerie
Houseofrodsandchains icon The Broken Seal of Mr Pennies
Houseofrodsandchains icon The Broken Seal of Mr Pipes
Amberblue icon Chunk of Blue Amber
Ambergreen icon Chunk of Green Amber
Amberred icon Chunk of Red Amber
Amber icon Chunk of Golden Amber
Amberbeige icon Chunk of Soft Amber
The Blue Kingdom Affiliationestablishment icon Aspect of Dominion
Bloody icon Aspect of Incarnadine
Clock icon Aspect of the Hourglass
Bronzewood icon Aspect of Verdance
Visionoftheheavens icon Indulgence
Hearts icon The Absence of a Heart
Terror icon The Corpse of a Priest
Uncannyspecimen icon The Mesmeric Orator
Book icon Litigator: the Cowled Loquacitor
Devilshell icon Litigator: the Embittered Devil
Terror icon Litigator: the Nameless Spirit
Book icon Volume of Notes on the Blue Kingdom
Terror icon Testament of Salt
Selectionofimmaculatesouls icon Testament of Roses
Originpoet icon Testament of the Feather
Stainedglass icon The Lost Love
Uncannyspecimen icon The Lost Love's Voice
Port Reports Carillon icon Report: Carillon
Hybras icon Report: Hybras
Lustrum icon Report: Lustrum
Magdalenes icon Report: Magdalene's
Circus icon Report: Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus
Portavon icon Report: Port Avon
Portprosper icon Report: Prosper
Naturereserve icon Report: The Leadbeater & Stainrod Nature Reserve
Titania icon Report: Titania
Traitorswood icon Report: Traitor's Wood
Avidhorizon icon Report: Avid Horizon
Brabazon icon Report: Brabazon Workworld
Serenemausoleum icon Report: Most Serene Mausoleum
Perdurance icon Report: Perdurance
Royalsociety icon Report: Royal Society
Clockworksun icon Report: The Clockwork Sun
Floatingparliament icon Report: The Floating Parliament
Worlebury icon Report: Worlebury-juxta-Mare
Achlys icon Report: Achlys
Caduceus icon Report: Caduceus
Eaglesempyrean icon Report: Eagle's Empyrean
Langleyhall icon Report: Langley Hall
Piranesi icon Report: Piranesi
Houseofrodsandchains icon Report: The House of Rods and Chains
Book icon Report: An Invented Monument
Deathsdoorstep icon Report: Death's Door
Forgeofsouls icon Report: The Forge of Souls
Whitewell icon Report: The White Well
Ambition Book icon The Chamberlain's Journal
Other Sigil1 icon To Become Fire Rather Than Be Burned
Sigil2 icon The Pain Experienced at Apogee
Sigil3 icon The Improbable Collusion of Two Unrelated Perils
Sigil4 icon Two Futures, Endlessly Circling
Sigil5 icon The Revelation That Uncertainty is Itself an Answer
Sigil6 icon The Imagined Contents of a Span of Time Between When an Event was Supposed to Occur, and When it Finally Did
Sigil7 icon A Mistake, Forged into a Triumph
Sigil8 icon To Assemble a Name from Scars
Sigil9 icon A Commingling of Radiances
Sigil10 icon The Conquest of an All-Too-Familiar Rival
Sigil11 icon The Final Moment of Acceleration
Sigil12 icon One Fateful Event that Depends on Countless Others
Sigil13 icon An Exchange of Burdens
Sigil14 icon Writ Upon the Heavens
Sigil15 icon The Wound That Saves Your Life
Sigil16 icon The Erroneous Assumption That There Will Be a Tomorrow
Sigil17 icon An Elaborate But Fragile Artifice
Sigil18 icon An Old Orbit, Fondly Remembered
Blackbox icon Black Box
Smuggling icon Contraband