Sunless Skies Wiki
Carillon ambience
Carillon (Sidebar)
Located in The Reach
Ports Carillon Centre
Shops Gremory's

Carillon is a port in the outer circle of The Reach, located in the same segment as Lustrum.

Log Entries[]

How quiet it is. And what's that smell? Eggs? Sulphur?
It is dark and peaceful, here. The stars are few.
The silence is eery. A stoker tries to sing, to lighten the mood. His comrade hushes him.

Carillon, where sins are scourged. The crew tries to avoid the Aunt's critical gaze.
Inconvenient Aunt: "Is that what you're planning on wearing? I suppose it will have to do."
The Eccentric frowns. "The devils say they improve souls. But what does 'improved' mean? And for who?"
The Incautious Driver grimaces. "Mother said illness is all in the mind. She'd fit right in here."
The Rat Brigade have clambered up to view Carillon. "Sarge would speak of this place," says Cinders.
The Repentant Devil sneers. "They are incompetent. They could never master my techniques."
"I'd best not go in. I don't think they'd understand about Altan," says the Fortunate Navigator.
"Right," says Cinders. "This one's for Sarge!" A high-pitched cheer rises.

Carillon Centre[]

This peaceful, carmine institution was founded by devils from London and dedicated to the betterment of the soul. Botheridge's 'A Tour of Heaven' describes it as 'a cross between a spa, a sanatorium and purgatory.' She commends its bracing airs.

An Overgrown Shrine
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 303712

An Overgrown Shrine[]

The path leads you to a broken statue, seemingly ignored by the devils of Carillon except for whoever placed the freshly lit candles at its feet. The face is poorly carved, but its features unmistakable. The Burrower-Below stares at you through one gemstone eye, and an empty socket.

Trigger conditions

Calendar icon DateClock icon An Opportunity in Carillon,


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Contemplate the statue
A terrifying visage, but with something comforting to offer too.
Finding the peace
While the statue is the raw material of nightmares, there is something soothing about the idea that even a beast like this might be harnessed; that there is the chance of such an ally, for those who crack the code of offerings and prayer. Whether it is actually listening, it is impossible to tell. The thought that it even might, however, is something to hold onto in the dark.
Steal an offering from the Burrower-Below
The devils have placed a few trinkets at its feet.
Theft from the gods
You reach down and pocket the offering. A sick feeling rises in your stomach. The sense that something far away, but far greater than you can ever hope to be, has marked your soul for the future.
Rare event (60%)
Stealing from the gods
You reach down and pocket one of the offerings. If anything notices, it makes no sign of it.

Enter Carillon's Foyer
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 269627

Enter Carillon's Foyer[]

Grey stone, the colour of a monastery. Attending Devils and Devilesses, dressed in uniform. And an incoming parade of the sick, the friendless, the dying, and those who think their lives would be better if only they were something else. This is Carillon, where souls are refined into something more impressive.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Go and speak to the Presiding Deviless
She is an artisan of Souls. Perhaps she can do something with yours. Perhaps she'll just offer you advice.
Led between the wickerworks
The Presiding Deviless works in an office shaped like a beehive: a stone and wickerwork building that stands all alone in the middle of Carillon's central courtyard. She conducts intake interviews with new patients, one by one. After a long time in line, you reach her at last. "Greetings, Addressed As(SpeechFormal). How may we stretch, strain, purify and strengthen you, now you've come to Carillon?"
Write a Port Report
The penitents come from all corners of the High Wilderness. Someone will want to hear of their comings and goings.
You take some notes on a pilgrim's journey through Carillon. The first port of call is the beehive-shaped office in the centre; or, more accurately, the long queue leading into it. From there, the infernal attendants direct them to one of Carillon's seven gardens, to undergo penances. They certainly look penitent by the time they emerge. Presumably their souls are much improved; not that you can tell.
Ask about Sarge's stuff for the Rat Brigade
You are directed to the Presiding Deviless. Her record-keeping is immaculate. If Sarge left something behind, she'll have made note.
An avoidance of repetition
She glances up when you enter her office. On noticing the Rat Brigade, her eyebrow rises a fraction. "We've never satisfactorily answered the question of rodent souls. How can I help you?" She addresses you and ignores the rats. It transpires that the Deviless is able to locate Sarge's file remarkably swiftly. She does not hand over the slim folder, but reads it in silence. "There – I knew he'd specified something: that those who came looking for that which he entrusted to us must first undergo penance. To avoid a repetition of his mistakes. You'll require a Shift in Perspective. That can be gained in the Chequerboard Garden."
Meet the Dismal Chamberlain
You've tracked him to Carillon. Apparently he's here to be cured of his obsession with the Martyr-King's Cup.
The Dismal Chamberlain
You find the Chamberlain staying alone in an austere room. He greets you like an old friend; when you explain the things you've done since he saw you last, he chokes back tears. "I knew it! I knew I wasn't mad."

Is he willing to accompany you to the end? Even if it means death?

"Of course." He doesn't hesitate. He's already gathering his meagre belongings. "After the scandal, Her Enduring Majesty revoked my lifespan anyway. I'm due to die of old age by the end of the year. Less embarrassing for all involved, you see. But I'd rather depart on my own terms."
Blackmail the Spirifer
Given what you know...
    • Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon = 50 [The Curate has disclosed the secret of a Spirifer; find them in Carillon Centre, or return to the Deviless]

What will you decide to do?
He doesn't try to deny the accusations, though he does have a few words about the Presiding Deviless. "Couldn't let it go," he says irritably. "I should have known how it would be. She's spent too long with the Penitents! Acts as though there's something wrong with a bit of corruption!" Despite his bravado, he does seem a bit ashamed. Devils are supposed to get souls by contract. This one's no better than a pickpocket.
Blackmail the Spirifer and keep his secret
He might pay as well for your silence as the Presiding Deviless would pay for your speech.

Game note: You will not be able to return to inform the Deviless about your discovery.

He pays contraband for your cooperation. "And I'd be obliged to you," he says, "if you left Carillon soon. It would raise one's confidence in your silence." He's welcome to wish that, of course. The important thing is that he's paid.
Blackmail the Spirifer and betray him anyway
There's no honour amongst thieves. And the Rose-Gloved Spirifer certainly is a thief.
He pays contraband for your cooperation. "And I'd be obliged to you," he says, "if you left Carillon soon. It would raise one's confidence in your silence." You do not, of course. There's a second conversation to be had, this one in the Presiding Deviless' beehive hut.
Offer to take the Spirifer on board your engine
The Presiding Deviless is obviously on the verge of discovering him.

Game note: If you have space, he will join your crew. You will not be able to return to inform the Deviless about your discovery.

"And give up my arrangements here?" he asks, indignant. But when you explain how near discovery he is, he agrees that some such resolution is probably necessary. He packs a clinking bag and makes his way to your locomotive. The Presiding Deviless watches from the door of her hut.
Observe the casting-out of the Spirifer
The Presiding Deviless is haranguing the Spirifer in her beehive-office. It looks as though the interview will not last much longer.
There they go
He is not allowed to take anything with him. Not a case, not a hat, not even clothing. The Presiding Deviless makes him strip down in the courtyard to show that he hasn't got any spare souls tucked into his trousers. The Penitents have seen plenty of humiliations lately, but generally inflicted on humans. They watch the Spirifer's progress in a spirit of ill-concealed jubilation. Nude and slump-shouldered, he walks to the port. After he is gone, the Presiding Deviless takes a curious two-pronged fork from her desk and flings it into the fountain. The water seethes.
Recruit some desperate souls to join the Psalmists
The White Well beckons, promising a respite from endless penance.
A batch of converts
You gather a group of Carillon's most hopeless cases. The souls who have been stuck here for years, undergoing the cycle of failed penances again and again and again.

You tell them about the Judas Psalm. The Psalmists don't care about the quality of a soul – the more bitter and twisted, the better.

One of the failed penitents rubs his hands. "I like the sound of that. Frankly, I'll go anywhere that's not here."
Deliver the Half-Glass Empty
When you explain the Empty's predicament, your rescued prisoner attracts a swarm of attention.
Visit the isolated office of an Abstemious Devil
No sooner have you stepped off your engine than an invitation is pressed into your hand. 'Dear Addressed As(Written), I understand you to be a person of admirable association. I require a sympathetic and intrepid captain. I hope that's you.' It smells, faintly, of brimstone.
A commission
Her room lies at the dim end of a barely-used corridor. Knocking, you enter a pokey, peeling office. The shelves are crowded with books on infernal history, their covers embossed with brass.

A devil sits at a rosewood desk. Her neck is slender; her poise stiff. Her dress is stern as a governess'. She is lunching on a salad of unidentifiably bland vegetables.

"Thank you for coming," she seems reluctant to look at you. "I have forsaken the interests of my kind, and the activities here are a continual temptation. I hope to book passage to the Well of the Wolf, to spend the rest of my time in austere service."
Agree to transport her
It is a long and dangerous journey, for which she offers to pay you handsomely. Half now, half later.
"Good." She packs briskly. A single change of scratchy-looking wool clothes, a large bar of carbolic soap, and one book. As she climbs the steps to your engine, one of Carillon's infernal attendants watches her leave. "Pity," he remarks to you. "She was a devil's devil, once."
You are not interested at the moment.
"I understand. The journey is very perilous. Should you change your mind, though, my offer will stand."
Investigate the rogue hours trade
Somewhere, somehow, someone is interfering with hours here.
Unlicensed comfort
It takes little time to find the bounty of unlicensed hours hidden in a spare room. "They're for the clientele," explains a cornered devil. "Some of them don't appreciate their treatments and will pay handsomely to get them over with." She shrugs. "Like slipping a bit of chocolate to someone on a diet, isn't it? No real harm. At least, none that the customer hasn't decided to inflict upon themselves."
Do your duty
Report this illegal trading to the Presiding Deviless at once.
She is unsurprised at the hours operation. "Yes, this sort of thing happens," she declares. "Thank you for your careful attention. Rest assured that I will handle the malfeasant. Comprehensively."
Turn a blind eye
In exchange for a little something, of course.
The devil smiles. "I'm sure something can be arranged. Would you care to discuss it over a little honeyed tea?"
Investigate the clocks
Rescue the Royal Astronomer
Hopefully he won't mind you interrupting his holiday
Not a problem
You find the Astronomer in one of Carillon's intensive therapy rooms, having the memories of a broken heart carefully milked from his tear ducts. It is not hard to convince him to slip away from his attending devil's tender ministrations in favour of a little science.
Listen to the Will Of The People
A delegation has been sent to petition you in your role as Minister.
    • Genericcharacter icon Constituents Waiting = 2 [Delegations are waiting in Carillon, Lustrum, The Most Serene Mausoleum and Worlebury]

Endless problems, few solutions
You listen with appropriate amounts of care to each person who begs a moment of your time. The majority are local issues, not worth bringing up in Parliament. Occasionally, inspiration strikes for a new law. You promise with a practiced politician's sincerity that even if there is nothing you can do, you will do it to the best of your ability. They seem mollified by that.
Rare event (10%)
Endless problems, few solutions
You listen with appropriate amounts of care to each person who begs a moment of your time. Until the egg hits you in the face. The perpetrators run off giggling. You wipe away the dripping yolk. Someone should make a law against that sort of thing...
Attend a candlelit soiree with the Inconvenient Aunt
She insisted that it will do you good. "Come on," she says, a fierce gleam behind her spectacles.
The Penitent's Ball
Your Aunt, chattering constantly, guides you through the ash-grey stone chambers of Carillon. Eventually, you reach a little door in one of the less travelled backways. Your Aunt knocks thrice.

The door swings open. A severe, scarred old woman peers out. "Bunty!" your Aunt cries happily. After a brief introduction, Bunty ushers you inside.

You emerge into a room with a high, mirrored ceiling. Its dark-panelled walls are illuminated by dripping crimson candles. Revolutionaries consort with Ministry Auditors. Devils drink with bright-eyed ministers of the New Sequence. A famous Tackety general is highly occupied with a distinguished Admiral. What has she brought you to?
Look for your Aunt
She has disappeared into the crowd. This does not bode well.
You duck between a pair of drunken lords toasting their family feud and follow the sound of boiled sweets being crunched. You are led deep into the bowels of the chamber. Your Aunt is shamelessly eavesdropping on a conversation at the foot of a staircase. Her expression is aghast. You make out the words "The St Dunstan's Rendezvous, the company of four," before your Aunt notices you. "Let's get out of here," she says, hurrying you away.
It's a party! Besides, your Aunt can look after herself.
You introduce yourself to very many personages; some great and good, most borderline criminal. Everyone seems to believe you already know the rules, so you learn a number of surprising things about the information networks of the High Wilderness. Most crucially, the extent to which their frequent contact breeds certain mutual understandings. Suddenly you hear the familiar crunch of boiled sweets at your ear. Your Aunt has returned. Her expression is aghast. "Let's get out of here. I've learned something about a rendezvous at St Dunstan's." She refuses to say more here.
Investigate rumours of Windward Propaganda
Rumours in New Winchester suggest the Windward Company is sneaking propagandists into Carillon to convert penitents to the Company cause.
Take the Felined Eccentric and Paimon on a tour of the terraces
Paimon is aloof, distant, restrained. The Eccentric thinks he will be at home amidst the sober, scrupulous suffering inflicted at Carillon.
    • Bronzewoodplating icon Paimon = 10 [Convince Paimon to leave by taking him to Carillon, or drive him off by making a catnip at Achlys]

    • Felinedeccentric icon Felined Eccentric ≥ 1 [The Felined Eccentric has boarded your locomotive.]

A profound affinity
Paimon watches as penitents quietly request their punishments. He observes the devils recommend exact castigations. Then, rapt, he stares as the penitents endure their punishment without complaint or immodest anguish.

He does not purr. Purring is not Paimon's way. But he admires the penitents' stoicism, and how Carillon administers sober, undramatic chastisement. Also, the devils steadfastly ignore him, which he seems to like.

When you turn back for your locomotive, Paimon makes no move to follow.

Discussion with the Presiding Deviless[]

Her apron is starched, her dress pinstriped. There is a stack of patient files on her desk, colour-coded. The corners of her mouth say she knows something to your disadvantage.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Turn in the Spirifer
You know what he did. She should know also. He is diminishing her supply, after all.
    • Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon = 50 [The Curate has disclosed the secret of a Spirifer; find them in Carillon Centre, or return to the Deviless]

An explanation of circumstances and discoveries
You lay out what you know: the Rose-Gloved Devil has been stealing souls for himself, and not making proper contracts for them, either. "Spirifage," she says. And: "I warned him." After a moment her attention returns to you. "He had a very different soul when we first met. This is the trouble with friendship among Devils. Come back in five years' time and who knows? You may find me engaged in a smuggling operation of my own."
Demand a reward
She hinted that there would be one. Where is it?
She puts a stack of permits on the desk. "These came from a pinstriped man now serving Penance in the Gaslight Terrace." Next: a gold relic studded with moonstones. "And that came from a Bohemian girl with aspirations to write villanelles. She is recovering in the Bell Garden."
Probe into the nature of Devil souls
She may think it unsuitable for a human to know the answer to such questions. In fact, it might truly be unsuitable to know.
She takes out a bottled soul and sets it on her desk. "When I got this, it was blazing white in its bottle. Supposedly from a poet-saint. And now look: rusty pipe-water. Devil souls change on their own." Then she adds: "Not like yours. You knew you shouldn't ask."
    • Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon = 100 [Watch the casting out of the Spirifer from Carillon.]

    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]

    • Searingenigma icon +1 x Searing Enigma

    • Experience icon +1000 x Experience

Offer to take the Spirifer on board your engine
His presence here is evidently a source of difficulty. She would like to be rid of him. He might not wish to stay.
"I would be grateful," says the Presiding Deviless. "If I deal with him myself, I will have to make an example of him. One is reluctant to do this. He was my mentor when I first arrived at Carillon."
Turn in the Spirifer
You know what he did. She should know also. He is diminishing her supply, after all.
An explanation of circumstances and discoveries
You lay out what you know: the Rose-Gloved Devil has been stealing souls for himself, and not making proper contracts for them, either. "Spirifage," she says. And: "I warned him." After a moment her attention returns to you. "He had a very different soul when we first met. This is the trouble with friendship among Devils. Come back in five years' time and who knows? You may find me engaged in a smuggling operation of my own."
Demand a reward
She hinted that there would be one. Where is it?
She puts a stack of permits on the desk. "These came from a pinstriped man now serving Penance in the Gaslight Terrace." Is that it? "I understand you didn't approach me first. I feel you've already received your due."
Probe into the nature of Devil souls
She may think it unsuitable for a human to know the answer to such questions. In fact, it might truly be unsuitable to know.
She takes out a bottled soul and sets it on her desk. "When I got this, it was blazing white in its bottle. Supposedly from a poet-saint. And now look: rusty pipe-water. Devil souls change on their own." Then she adds: "Not like yours. You knew you shouldn't ask."
    • Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon = 100 [Watch the casting out of the Spirifer from Carillon.]

    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]

Offer to take the Spirifer on board your engine
His presence here is evidently a source of difficulty. She would like to be rid of him. He might not wish to stay.
"I would be grateful," says the Presiding Deviless. "If I deal with him myself, I will have to make an example of him. One is reluctant to do this. He was my mentor when I first arrived at Carillon."
Listen to a proposal and gain access to the terraces of Carrilon
She is prepared to offer you a deal.
A welcome patient
"Listen," she says. "You are free to make use of Carillon. Take a Penance or two! Alter your soul! I think you'll find our services very imaginative.

"There is another matter I hope you will look into. A Devil in rose-coloured gloves. He used to supervise the Gaslight Terrace. He was removed from that position, but I fear he may still not be entirely aligned with the objectives of Carillon. If you find out anything about him, anything to his disadvantage..."

She looks grim. "Bring me the evidence, and I will reward you."
    • Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon = 30 [You have learned what happens at Carillon; the Deviless would like you to find a Devil in the Gaslight Terrace]

And after a stay at Carillon? What then?
One should not enter if one does not know how to leave.
She looks surprised
"Most people go home again," she says. "Some find that they are weary of their souls, and pass them on to us. We operate on that slender profit, and on what we can get from donations, or from sales of penance and forgiveness." She looks at the blank page before her. "But what about you? You look sturdy enough to make full use of our services. Are you afraid of needles? What is your view of worms? Which do you fear more, venoms or poisons?" She takes down a page or two on all your least favourite things.
Have the devils forge a ring for the princess
The Devils will forge a ring for the Princess to borrow. All they need is the right souls. As in, those of Chorister Bees.
Fit for a queen
The devils set to work, the uncanny distillation of the ethereal insectoid souls segueing into the mysteries of constructing stained glass with pure souls. The lead Devil interrogates the Princess as she watches, impatient.

"This will be a loan, Princess. The ring must be returned, with interest. You understand this, yes?"

"Yes," said the Princess, "I understand everything. That's part of what being a princess is about."

With some trepidation the devils pass the perfect glass circle to her. She holds it up, abruptly enchanted by the swarm of souls swirling around its interior.
    • Iron icon Something Borrowed = 50 [[COMPLETE]The Incognito Princess found what she sought in Carillon]

Ask about Sarge's stuff for the Rat Brigade
The Presiding Deviless' record-keeping is immaculate. If Sarge left something behind, she'll have made note.
An avoidance of repetition
She glances up when you enter her office. On noticing the Rat Brigade, her eyebrow rises a fraction. "We've never satisfactorily answered the question of rodent souls. How can I help you?" She addresses you and ignores the rats. It transpires that the Deviless is able to locate Sarge's file remarkably swiftly. She does not hand over the slim folder, but reads it in silence. "There – I knew he'd specified something: that those who came looking for that which he entrusted to us must first undergo penance. To avoid a repetition of his mistakes. You'll require a Shift in Perspective. Look for the Chequerboard Garden."
Assist the Rat Brigade by donating Souls to the Presiding Deviless
Sod penance. You just want to get Sarge's stuff and leave.
A single sheaf
The Presiding Deviless takes the souls and sighs. "Well, I can't complain." She passes over a single piece of paper from the Sarge's file. It smells of incense and jasmine. "Hookah," Cinders explains, "Sarge did like his luxuries."

The writing is minuscule and brief. The vault is at the central office of Hallidge's Bank. The account was opened in London, in the year before the Blockade of New Winchester.

The Deviless is already working on a new file. You have, apparently, been dismissed.
Take the Rat Brigade back to the Presiding Deviless
You have been cleansed of Sarge's sin. The Rat Brigade looks almost contrite.
A single sheaf
The Presiding Deviless smiles at the unhappy expressions of the rats. "Much better." She passes over a single piece of paper from the Sarge's file. It smells of incense and jasmine. "Hookah," Cinders explains, "Sarge did like his luxuries."

The writing is minuscule and brief. The vault is at the central office of Hallidge's Bank. The account was opened in London, in the year before the Blockade of New Winchester.

The Deviless is already working on a new file. You have, apparently, been dismissed.
Introduce the Repentant Devil to the Presiding Deviless
Use the full and florid title that appears on his visiting card.
No sign of recognition
When the Deviless is not visibly impressed, the Devil says, "I brought a small gift. A trifle you might find of value." He produces from his satchel a three-volume set, bound in fire. His own work. "'Some Methods for Flavouring a Soul to the Tastes of a Particular Judgement,'" she reads. She tosses the set on her desk. It huffs smoke. "We are just a touch more modern now. It's a fine antiquarian piece," she adds unforgivably. "But we find those approaches rather cumbersome. Besides, we find we need to appeal to the original owners of the souls... offer them an experience worth paying for."
Let him show how she's wrong
In its various gardens, Carillon punishes souls into greater refinement. Perhaps he would like to visit one and demonstrate how it can be improved.
He adjusts this mirror to reflect futures; adjusts that blade to cut off the sense of smell. He leaves the penitents howling. Before you go, one of the penitents approaches with a note. Someone was here, looking for the Devil. The note just didn't make its way through official channels.
Persuade him to withdraw
No doubt he could show the Presiding Deviless some interesting tricks. It is not so clear that you would still be welcome afterwards.
Before you go, one of the penitents approaches with a note. Someone was here, looking for the Devil. The note just didn't make its way through official channels.
Ask her about Carillon
She must be used to explaining. To newcomers, and to those whose memories are attenuated by pain.
Seven gardens for seven sins
"We do whatever is necessary to reclaim unsatisfactory souls," she says. She sits back in her chair, and you can imagine her making just such a pitch to the princes of Hell. "For humans, primarily, though we do attend to a few other creatures, elsewhere on the Great Chain. They come to us with souls that are stained, disused, in every kind of sordid condition, and we make them acceptable again. Most of those who come to us are volunteers. The rest are beyond the position of being able to volunteer, consigned to Carillon by their families or employers."
One for the books
Your soul is the worst, the very worst soul she has ever seen. May she study the phenomenon?
Days of scrutiny
You are curious about what you should not know, yet too apathetic to make inquiries; fervent for status, yet unable to perceive the relative places of people in the world; indifferent to dirt and disgust, and yet swaddled in an impenetrable respectability, like an expensive wool coat that has gone unwashed for multiple winters. The Deviless bends you backward on a table and studies your belly with instruments of ice-cold metal. She has an accomplice read poems in your left ear, while she listens to the sole of your right foot. You cannot avoid a little self-knowledge in the process.
    • Mirrors icon Lightless = 0 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as tantalisingly opaque, and rich with personality.]

    • Pastscandal icon Flickering = 0 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as tantalisingly opaque, and rich with personality.]

Purchase an Indulgence
All the other types of penance are slower and more difficult.
Reasonable prices
She copies out the writ of indulgence on calfskin and daubs its corners with oil. Afterward she attaches her own signature and the seal of the Presiding Authority of Carillon. "It's not quite the same as Penance served yourself," she admits. "But it may be used in many of the same situations. If it proves not to meet with your requirements, then simply remember that you should not have been allowed to buy it in the first place."
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Buy indulgences in bulk
The other routes to repairing a soul require so much more effort.
The rich always have a way
"After all," remarks the Deviless, "Carillon is not inexpensive to maintain. We have the food and provisions for the Devils and the patients. Then there's the upkeep on the building, the labour for the bells, the effort to advertise Carillon's services to those abroad. And you would not believe what we spend on devising the penances themselves! I spend half the day on requisitions. Pitchforks, tongs, ice, soap by the hundredweight." With a donation of this scale, you can expect very substantial benefits from Carillon.
Provide exquisite insight
Such a dedicated user of Carillon; can you help her devise some new horrors for the minds of the unworthy?
Has she considered...
Make penitents win one contest after another until they have forgotten what it means to meet an opponent worthy of their skill. Let them exchange perspectives with the top of a mountain. Dizzy them with a crown. Show them the terror of ascendancy, which by a thousand times exceeds the terror of subordination. The Deviless writes as fast as you speak. Your grim ideas she writes in green ink, your appalling ideas in orange.

Game note: You can only do this once.

Return to the centre of Carillon
There are other patients waiting to see the Deviless.
"Come back if you have any other questions," says the Deviless. She has already opened the next file on her desk.

Travel Around Carillon[]

Carillon is broken into terraces where most of the soul treatments take place. Some are easier to access than others.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Try to explore Carillon
Others seem to be coming and going as they please.
Gentle denial
Before you can take the first step towards one of the terraces, a Devil blocks your way. "Not yet, I'm afraid. You must have permission from the Presiding Deviless. Some of our procedures are exceedingly delicate – we need to be certain you comprehend what you're seeing." He turns you in the direction of the centre of Carillon. "I'm sure she'll make time to see you."
Visit the Gaslight Terrace
Dozens of newcomers walk in that direction. It must be a safe choice.
    • Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon ≥ 30 [You have learned what happens at Carillon; the Deviless would like you to find a Devil in the Gaslight Terrace]

In a flow of ordinary folk
Your companions are a lady in a buttoned cloak and a young male student. They talk among themselves about the seasonable warmth, and about how the yellowish glow of the lamps does not show blue silk to best effect. Their words are commonplace, their hands folded and gloved, their opinions supplied by a respectable gazette. You have almost forgotten them even while you are still walking together. The path descends by shallow steps to a broad terrace, as crowded as an imperial exhibition.

Game note: Penance: Enlightenment can be gained here.

Try to enter the Bell Garden
The ascent is rocky. The sound of chimes is audible all the way down here.
Turned back
You put your foot on the first step, and a Devil blocks you. "Those who enter the Bell Garden must be in a proper state of hygiene, Addressed As(SpeechFormal)," he says. "Wouldn't want to make things worse for the poor sufferers." He washes his hands in the fountain. Stopping you must have been grubby work.

Game note: Penance: Deprivation can be gained here.

Perform a Ritual of Purification to enable entrance to the Bell Garden
Those who wish to enter the Bell Garden must first undergo lustrations and prayers.
Failed event

Game note: Penance: Deprivation can be gained at the Bell Garden.

The list
Purification according to the devils is a matter assigned by lot and daily changed. Some patients must wash in salt water, some in fresh. Some must burn their old clothing, or shave their heads, or sustain a high note of song for a full minute by the clock. And some are made to sit in a chair and be lowered into a den of snakes. Perhaps tomorrow's purification ritual will be a little more tolerable.
Successful event
Fountains, pebbles, shoes
First, remove your shoes. Wash your face from the fountain of fresh water, and your feet in the basin of salt water. Walk across a patch of white sand, throwing a pebble over your left shoulder to baffle any ill-omened thing that might be following you. Then sleep in a hammock, on a private balcony, where only other patients may enter. When you wake up, eat a plain white bread with a salt crust. After all this, you will be ready.
Visit the Bell Garden
You have performed the necessary rituals so that you will not bring any improper airs or attitudes with you.
The stairs lead up the highest and coldest point in Carillon. The bells ring louder as you climb. The music is mathematical and exact. Each note sounds for exactly the same length of time, the same duration that is required to ascend one step. No one passes anyone else on these stairs.

Game note: Penance: Deprivation can be gained here.

Visit the Chequerboard Garden
It is reached by a flight of wrong-sized steps, the risers too steep and the flats too narrow.
    • Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon ≥ 30 [You have learned what happens at Carillon; the Deviless would like you to find a Devil in the Gaslight Terrace]

Not a long journey
But by the time you come out onto the plain of the Chequerboard, your calves are hurting.

Game note: Penance: Shift of Perspective can be gained here.

Visit the Stunted Grove
At the centre of Carillon, a half-height grove of black thorn-bushes.
    • Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon ≥ 30 [You have learned what happens at Carillon; the Deviless would like you to find a Devil in the Gaslight Terrace]

There's no real gate
But not much of a wall either. There's only a low stone barrier, perhaps a foot tall. Easy to step over.

Game note: Penance: Ordeal can be gained here.

Visit the Garden of Insatiable Roses
Only Penitents with stained souls may visit the Garden of Insatiable Roses.
    • Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon ≥ 30 [You have learned what happens at Carillon; the Deviless would like you to find a Devil in the Gaslight Terrace]

    • Drink icon Stained ≥ 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]

The path runs around the side of Carillon, to an area that cannot be seen at all from the centre. It's a narrow and unassuming path, almost overgrown, and the ground underfoot is soft earth.
Triggers event: Carillon icon Garden of Insatiable Roses

Explore the undergrowth as you go
Curiosity is what brought you here.
You lift aside a canopy of leaves alongside the path. Underneath, white maggots are eating a sigil of warding into a fallen peach.

Game note: Penance: Excess can be gained here.

Game note: You need a stained soul to be admitted.

Read the footprints
Who has come here before you?
The footprints of men and women and Devils and goats are printed in the soil. And there, unspoiled by the other tracks, a highly arched footprint with three toes. How often, asleep, have you remembered this creature, and how often have you forgotten it, waking up?
Identify that scent
It lingers in the air, mingled with the rose scent and the smoke.
Wood from the back of a wardrobe. Folded newspaper. Musty correspondence. The smell of a mother's hidden keepsake drawer, opened by a child.
Visit the Sand Garden
It descends into a tunnel. Carved over the mouth of the tunnel are symbols of death: a skull, a flail, a fly on its back.
    • Iron icon Clear ≥ 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as disappointingly clear; almost transparent.]

    • Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon ≥ 30 [You have learned what happens at Carillon; the Deviless would like you to find a Devil in the Gaslight Terrace]

The way is dark
And the air is cold. The sand crunches underfoot.
Triggers event: Carillon icon Sand Garden

You embrace danger.
You have come this way because of the darkness, not in spite of it.
You put a foot wrong and are thrown to your knees. Something cuts the palm of your right hand, something that feels like a shard of glass. You pick it out before you go on.

Game note: Penance: Endurance can be gained here.

Game note: You need a clear soul to be admitted.

You will not be deterred.
Not by fear, not by cold, not by hesitation or anxiety. You have chosen a way forward, that is all.
In the pure blackness you walk into a column of stone. No, more than a column: a divide, where the path goes left and right. You'll have to choose a way without reason. There's nothing here to determine which is best.
You are numb.
You feel nothing. All the ordinary sensations left you long ago.
In time the tunnel narrows until the walls brush your shoulders, and you are squeezing through a way that does not want to welcome you.
Visit the Terrace of Glass Statues
The path is a mirrored labyrinth. Entry is forbidden to those who are not already afflicted with a flickering soul.
    • Pastscandal icon Flickering ≥ 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as intermittently tantalising with an aftertaste of disappointment.]

    • Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon ≥ 30 [You have learned what happens at Carillon; the Deviless would like you to find a Devil in the Gaslight Terrace]

Liars, con artists, deniers of the evidence
No one else on the passage to the Terrace will admit that they know where they're going. "What a curious figure," says an old man, pointing at his own reflection. "Here's hoping there aren't any other clowns of that nature where we're going, eh?" He jabs you in the rib with his elbow.
Triggers event: Carillon icon Terrace of Glass Statues

Fail to see your reflection anywhere
The mirrors are at such odd angles, after all.
There are various figures who look familiar, but not a one of them is yourself. They're too tall, or too short, or too skinny, or too ill-dressed, or too foppish, or a bit too pleased with themselves. You've nothing in common with any of them.

Game note: Penance: Inescapable Truth can be gained here.

Game note: You need a flickering soul to be admitted.

Regard your reflection with distaste
The mirror has it wrong. It's smoothed out your features, made you ordinary.
You turn your head away. There's the same reflection ahead of you, though. And now a whole group of them, so many false-yous that you could crew a battleship.
Admire your reflection, which is handsomer than usual
Why have you never noticed before the brilliance of your eyes?
You stumble over a woman in a bee costume and nearly miss the turning into the Terrace. It's an absurd arrangement here. A person could wander the labyrinth all day long without reaching their destination.

Gaslight Terrace[]

Gaslight lampposts are scattered irregularly across a flagstone terrace. Between them are stations, each containing a patient receiving a treatment. The Supervising Devils tend these stations, stopping first here and then there, like bees at flowers.

Trigger conditions

Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon ≥ 30


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Gain a penance of Enlightenment
Vision, imagination, the ability to see beyond the nearest convention: that's what the Devils are trying to evoke here.
Failed event
Carillon Company(enlightenment_penitent) As for your punishment, it does not bear speaking of. You don't have the stamina to wait it out.
Successful event
Penance paid
Carillon Company(enlightenment_penitent) As for your punishment, it does not bear speaking of. Soul Flaws(reaction)
Cure your lightless soul
Perhaps you have fallen into habits. Perhaps you haven't stretched your imagination lately.
    • Mirrors icon Lightless ≥ 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as distressingly bland, inoffensive and liable to dissatisfaction.]

    • Bloody icon Penance ≥ 1

Brighter than before
Approach the Spineless Curate
He sits in stocks, attended on by a Devilish orderly.
Return to the centre of Carillon
No one else is climbing the staircase. The traffic is all towards the terrace.
No heads turn
You brush past a matron in grey boots, a train conductor in his uniform, and a young boy who has already adopted an expression of fixed ennui. None of them notices you passing by. None shows any interest in your breaking this convention.

Bell Garden[]

In a tower over the Bell Garden, twelve Devils ring a change of twelve bells. The full peal will take eleven thousand days to complete, without intermission. From time to time one Devil relieves another, stepping in during the half minute when that particular bell is at rest. There are no errors. This mathematical music can be heard everywhere in Carillon, but it is loudest here. Impurity and imprecision are not welcome.

Trigger conditions

Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon ≥ 30
Carillon icon Purification for the Bell Garden ≥ 1


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Gain a penance of Deprivation
Austerity, absence, and lack: these are the Devil-recommended treatments for those who live within the sound of the bells.
    • Hearts icon Hearts challenge (100 for 100%)

Failed event
Purifications not obtained
Successful event
Prices paid
Cure your fermented soul
Perhaps you have eaten that which you should not. Perhaps you've come in contact with something unclean. At any rate, your soul has gone a bit off.
    • Hunger icon Fermented ≥ 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as pungent, febrile and unappetising.]

    • Bloody icon Penance ≥ 3

Flat and clear
Approach a Penitent Nurse
She huddles in the corner, her face trapped in a grimace.
    • Carillon icon Assisting a Penitent Nurse ≤ 1 [You are helping a Nurse with her penance. Donate five Penance: Deprivation or donate one Penance: Deprivation and one Penance: Ordeal]

Conversation with a Spineless Curate
He's willing to talk to you here, under the cover of the constant bell-ringing. No one else will hear.
His lips to your ear
"This is the best Garden," he says. "Everything orderly. No one dressed up in pheasant outfits or waltzing backward... But here's what I wanted to tell you. Watch out for the tall Devil with the rose-coloured gloves. He is... embezzling the property." And the Curate makes a curious gesture with one hand, as though he were winding noodles around a fork. When you look blank, he says: "Spirifage! He's taking souls from the patients, in secret, before the Presiding Deviless has a chance at them. I'm afraid he's going to get at me before I've finished my term here."
    • Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon = 50 [The Curate has disclosed the secret of a Spirifer; find them in Carillon Centre, or return to the Deviless]

Return to the centre of Carillon; try not to sprain anything
The stairs down are more terrifying than the stairs up.
One hundred and forty-four steps
Twelve changes of twelve bells, before you reach the bottom again. No one else is on this staircase. The penitants look up curiously when you arrive back at the centre of Carillon.

Chequerboard Garden[]

The Devils are playing tri-colour chess with some of the Penitents: white pieces, red pieces, pieces the colour of a flourishing wind. Around the edges of the board sit the patients who have already been captured, or who were never part of the game to begin with.

Trigger conditions

Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon ≥ 30


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Gain a penance of Shift of Perspective
Those who name-drop, who aim too high, who spend too much time in low company, who do not know their place: they wind up here.
    • Veils icon Veils challenge (58 for 100%)

Failed event
All you have to do is wait
Successful event
All you have to do is wait
Cure your curdled soul
Envy. Frustration. A tendency to begrudge honours given to others. These are reasonable responses, aren't they? But this is what the Devils offer to cure.
    • Fire icon Curdled ≥ 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as sickly, cloying and unappetisingly crawling. ]

    • Bloody icon Penance ≥ 1

An improvement
Consider the Rubbery Man
He stands at the edge of the board, ignored by the players.
    • Carillon icon Assisting a Rubbery Penitent ≤ 1 [Assist the Rubbery Penitent by donating five Penance: Shift of Perspective, or one Penance: Shift of Perspective and one Penance: Enlightenment]

Return to the centre of Carillon
You have done enough here.
Shouts behind you
The white queen is captured just as you go. But there's no time to look back at the match in progress.

Stunted Grove[]

The thorn-bushes grow thorns an inch or more long. There are paths between them, but it is hard to pass by without tearing one's clothes. The Devils who work here have scratches on their forearms, though they do not seem to mind. There's not a single comfortable place to sit.

Trigger conditions

Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon ≥ 30


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Gain a penance of Ordeal
The punishments here are particularly physical in nature.
    • Iron icon Iron challenge (100 for 100%)

Failed event
A struggle towards proper feeling
Successful event
A struggle towards proper feeling
Cure your cold soul
Indifference to love can be corrected. But not easily.
    • Bloody icon Cold ≥ 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]

    • Bloody icon Penance ≥ 3

Warmth returned
Feeling creeps back, slowly at first. Soul Flaws(reduction)
Approach the Professional Penitent
She is seated on a stool, eating vast quantities of sorbet.
Return to the centre of Carillon
You can see it from here.
The wall is lower from this side
It is even easier to leave than to enter, because the ground is uneven.

Sand Garden[]

The Devils call this place a garden in jest. It is barren sand, under the rest of Carillon, not served by any sunlight. The sand is coarse and itchy, the air dry and over-hot. One feels hungry, thirsty, even a bit faint, just standing here. The Penitents here are mostly fierce, burly types, some of them scarred. One or two look as though they rightfully should be dead.

Trigger conditions

Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon ≥ 30


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Gain a penance of Endurance
How long can you last at this?
    • Iron icon Iron challenge (142 for 100%)

Failed event
Waiting with the other patients
Successful event
Waiting with the other patients
Gain a great deal of Endurance Penance
There are ways of not having to wait. Like letting someone else wait in your place.
Waiting with the other patients, but... quickly.
Carillon Company(endurance_penitent) Changes at Carillon(endurance_crime) Carillon Company(to_cure), Carillon Company(penitent_pronoun) Airs of Carillon(endurance_punishment) Penance: Endurance(reaction) Your own punishment passes swiftly. Afterward you can't help notice some of it is a little sub-par. But the attendant seems happy with the penance you have acquired.
Cure your clear soul
Disregard of death is a serious flaw. It displeases the Blue Kingdom; it makes the Devils tut.
    • Bloody icon Penance ≥ 10

    • Iron icon Clear ≥ 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as disappointingly clear; almost transparent.]

Cloudy swirls
Approach the Penitent Ape
What is it doing here?
    • Carillon icon Assisting a Penitent Ape ≤ 1 [Assist a Penitent Ape by donating five Penance: Inescapable Truth or five Penance: Excess]

Return to the centre of Carillon
Perhaps that is all you wish to see here.
Out again
They send a Devil to escort you back to the centre of Carillon. "You wouldn't get out again otherwise," he says, trimming his lamp. Then he picks up his staff and points it in the direction of the dark tunnel.

Game note: Remember, you cannot return here without a Soul Flaw: Clear.

Garden of Insatiable Roses[]

By the fence, there is a composting pile. Thousands of worms are reducing to mulch a heap of unacceptable book-matter. Most of the books were confiscated from Penitents. Now and then the compost catches fire and a Supervising Devil has to put it out. But this fertiliser explains the aggression of the plants that grow here.

Trigger conditions

Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon ≥ 30


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Gain a penance of Excess
Those who cross boundaries too often are taught, here, that those limits have meaning.
    • Hearts icon Hearts challenge (142 for 100%)

Failed event
A change
Successful event
A change
Cure your stained soul
Perhaps you've looked into topics you should not have. Perhaps your soul has been consumed and spat out again by an unspeakable beast.
    • Drink icon Stained ≥ 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]

    • Bloody icon Penance ≥ 10

Clean again
Approach the Hellish Penitent
She is participating in a picnic.
Return to the centre of Carillon
No one will mind if you go. They are all distracted with other things.
The vegetable smell fades
When you get to the end of the path it feels as though you have forgotten something, something that you knew very recently.

Terrace of Glass Statues[]

Stand in front of one of the statues and it will melt into your pose. It will look you in the eye. Its face will be your face, minus a few marks of character. It will still be transparent.

Trigger conditions

Carillon icon Initiate of Carillon ≥ 30


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Gain a penance of Inescapable Truth
Here the Devils treat flatterers, the excessively malleable, and those who don't know themselves at all.
Failed event
Successful event
Cure your flickering soul
Maybe you've found yourself lying as a matter of course. Maybe you've forgotten a few inconvenient aspects of yourself.
    • Pastscandal icon Flickering ≥ 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as intermittently tantalising with an aftertaste of disappointment.]

    • Bloody icon Penance ≥ 10

The Penance rushes in. One by one, you remember things you'd obscured from yourself, like a dreamer shaking off the lingering illusions. Soul Flaws(reduction)
Approach the Grim Penitent
He seems oblivious to your presence.
Return to the centre of Carillon
The mirrors will not distract you so much now.
There are a few others leaving Carillon at the same time. Carillon Company(inescapable_truth_penitent) walks beside you, looking rather depressed.



Gremory's tiny shop sells comestibles and several reliable vintages of chorister-nectar. It's said he retrieves a tithe of it from the nearest hive; devils have always got on with bees.

Item Buy Sell
Supplies square icon Supplies Sovereigns icon 40 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns
Choristernectar square icon Gourd of Chorister Nectar Sovereigns icon 120 Sovereigns
Region Hub Ports Discoveries / Spectacles
The Reach Newwinchester icon New Winchester Carillon icon Carillon

Hybras icon Hybras
Naturereserve icon Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve
Lustrum icon Lustrum
Magdalenes icon Magdalene's
Circus icon Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus
Portavon icon Port Avon
Portprosper icon Port Prosper
Titania icon Titania
Traitorswood icon Traitor's Wood
Transitrelay icon Transit Relays

Signalbox icon An Abandoned Signal Box

Default icon Faith's Fall
Well green icon Old Tom's Well
Regentsgrave icon Regent's Grave
Rose icon The Flowerfields
Default icon The Regent's Tears
Wreckgeneric icon The Silent Saint
Reach icon The War of Fossils
Wreckgeneric icon Wreck of the Parzifal

Albion London icon London Avidhorizon icon Avid Horizon (The Stair to the Sea)

Perdurance icon Perdurance
Brabazon icon The Brabazon Workworld
Clockworksun icon The Clockwork Sun
Floatingparliament icon The Floating Parliament
Serenemausoleum icon The Most Serene Mausoleum
Royalsociety icon The Royal Society
Transitrelay icon Transit Relays
Worlebury icon Worlebury-juxta-Mare

Default icon Skyhenge

Lantern icon St Anthony's Lighthouse
Avidhorizon icon The Avid Horizon
Well purple icon Well of the Wolf
Wreckgeneric icon Wreck of the Boatman

Eleutheria Pan icon Pan Achlys icon Achlys

Caduceus icon Caduceus
Eaglesempyrean icon Eagle's Empyrean
Langleyhall icon Langley Hall
Piranesi icon Piranesi
Houseofrodsandchains icon The House of Rods and Chains
Transitrelay icon Transit Relays

Default icon The Xanthous Moon

Well yellow icon The Well of Wonders
Wreckgeneric icon Wreck of the Berrenger

The Blue Kingdom Tolltower icon Sky Barnet Deathsdoorstep icon Death's Door (The Shadow of the Sun)

Forgeofsouls icon The Forge of Souls
Whitewell icon The White Well (Wellmouth)
Transitrelay icon Transit Relay

Deathsdoorstep icon Horologion