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Caring Conductor
Caring Conductor
Category Officers
Position First Officer

Hearts icon +10 Hearts

Affiliationacadame icon +2 Affiliation: Academe

Data ID 139058
Interaction ID 308859

Caring Conductor is considered a Officer First Officer in Sunless Skies.

Officers description[]

"A devoted comrade and First Officer, who wishes only to help, and on occasion, share a song."


The Caring Conductor can be obtained completing his story and having the Clay Conductor refuse the offer of using your voice for a companion.

The Caring Conductor can also be recruited at London icon London in future captains of the lineage when the story has been completed

The Caring Conductor[]

The Conductor is a taciturn but diligent First Officer. His berth is immaculately kept; lined with sheets of music and postcards from your travels together. He conducts the occasional singing lesson within, but more often he can be found amongst the crew; looking after their needs, seeing to their complaints and attempting to bother them into joining his engine choir.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Speak to the Caring Conductor
It's hard to get hold of him, most days. He's forever busy with either his singing or his pastoral duties.
A busy man
He is surprised but content to pass an hour with his captain; discussing old performances before he met you; and then reminiscing over your journies together through the Heavens. He is, he tells you, glad things have settled down for a while. "Now, I must dash, Captain," he says, finishing his tea. "I have choir practice with the lads."
Spend time with the Caring Conductor
He can spare an hour, surely, for you.
Passing the time
He opens the door when you knock, and raises an eyebrow,. "My bunk, this time, I suppose?" He smiles; a bashful little grin. "Well, we mustn't set tongues wagging again. Other tongues, at least." He draws you in, close against the cold strength of his chest. The door closes behind you.

Quality status[]

Caring Conductor has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear specifically when the value changes.

  • [1] The Clay Conductor is determined to stay by your side.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
An Insistent Knocking 'Permit it' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
MISTAKE 'Permit it' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
Recruit the Caring Conductor 'Invite him to join your crew' Default / Challenge Fail = 1

Interactions in Detail[]

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Story Action Required Effect
An Insistent Knocking Permit it None Default:

MISTAKE Permit it None Default:
    • Clayconductor icon Caring Conductor = 1 [The Clay Conductor is determined to stay by your side.]
    • Clayconductor icon Clay Conductor = 0 [The Clay Conductor is no longer aboard your engine.]

Recruit the Caring Conductor Invite him to join your crew Default:
    • Clayconductor icon Caring Conductor = 1 [The Clay Conductor is determined to stay by your side.]

Triggered Events[]

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Story Requirements Type Location
The Caring Conductor
    • Caring Conductor ≥ 1
Story Event (Always :100%) Limbo
Recruit the Caring Conductor
    • Caring Conductor ≤ 0
Story Event (Always :100%) St Dominic's Station

First Officers Quartermasters Signallers Chief Engineers Mascots
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