Company House | |
Company House (Sidebar) | |
Located in | The Reach |
Ports | Company House |
Shops | none |
Data ID | 109453 |
Company House is a platform in The Reach. It occupies the very middle of the central circle, close to New Winchester.
Company House[]
The local headquarters of the Windward Company, London's proxy in the Reach. Deliver port reports here to receive rewards and win the Company's favour.
Visit the Windward Company | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 273744 |
Visit the Windward Company[]
Following the uprising, the fortunes of the Windward Company fell in New Winchester. Now, their modest offices occupy an ex-tinning factory in the murkier recesses of town. It continues to smell, faintly, of beans.
Trigger conditions
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Take a look around
The Windward Company – who represent London's interests in the Reach – may have work for a skyfarer.
The frantic work of the Company
The offices are cramped. Typewriters ring; assistants scurry between desks; beleaguered managers struggle to make themselves heard over the hubbub.
Eventually, a harried assistant makes you a cup of tea. "I'm afraid everyone's busy today. But if you want to make yourself useful, we always need up-to-date reports on events beyond New Winchester. Bring them straight here, though. Not to–" he nods out of the window towards Victory Hall, where the Colonial Assembly gathers, "–that lot. Queen and country and all that, eh?" Game note: As you visit ports, you may obtain Port Reports. Turn them in at Company House or Victory Hall to receive rewards. |
Deliver your port reports to the Prudent Secretary
The office's General Manager lives in perpetual fear of his secretary, who was appointed directly from the London office. Their references were inarguable.
Game note: This will influence the balance of power in the Reach in favour of the Windward Company. |
Services rendered
It is a comfortable room for a modest secretary. Stained glass windows lay crimson slants across the desk. The Prudent Secretary receives your reports and reads them one by one. A number of questions follow, to which the Secretary expects cogent, succinct answers. "Her Majesty is grateful," they say, as you leave.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination. Advanced alteration value probably needs examination. Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
| |
Trade Favour for Salon-Stewed Gossip
Your dealings with the Company entitle you to the occasional afternoon tea with the Fraught General Manager. He has six sisters in London, and can be relied on for scandalous gossip.
Word from London
The tea is stewed (rather than troubling his secretary, the Manager made it himself) – but the news is fresh. Fresh and disgraceful.
Trade Favour for Ministry-Stamped Permits
The Company keeps entire cabinets of them, to smooth a variety of dealings with Albion.
Greasing the wheels
"For you? Of course!" The Fraught General Manager doesn't even bother to ask you any questions. "Just the one, is it?"
Trade Favour to affect the balance of power in the Reach
You have provided the Company with a great deal of information. You would rather they used it to strengthen the Empire's hold on the Reach.
Behind the scenes
You are ushered into a closed meeting with the Fraught General Manager and his Prudent Secretary. In it, you offer several pieces of strategic advice that would increase Her Majesty's prospects in the region.
When you have done so, the Manager casts a glance at his Secretary, who nods. "Of course, of course," the Manager says, hurriedly. "We'll ensure this reaches the proper ears back home."
Trade Favour for an Invitation to Perdurance
For exceptional service, the Windward Company offers invitation to the eternal masque at Perdurance, where Albion's brightest youths dwell within a single day.
The Prudent Secretary smiles thinly. "A party. Yes. What fun." They hand over an invitation, and inform you that if you wish to make use of it, you'll need to get to Albion, though the relay at Port Prosper.
Chat with the Prudent Secretary
The foyer bristles with stovepipe hats. The Prudent Secretary pushes between them: narrow and unsmiling, with a blousey shirt and black trousers.
Game note: Learn how you can be of use to the Company. |
An opportunity
The Secretary's gender is the subject of some debate in the company canteen. The Secretary's prudence, however, is not. Both these facts provide the Secretary with a great degree of satisfaction.
"I would be interested to receive reports on events in other ports. However small. The Company has expansive interests; one never knows what might be important." Game note: As you visit ports, you may collect Port Reports. Turn them in at Company House to receive rewards. |
Surrender your Contraband
This should win a little favour with the Company.
Earning very little favour
The Company's agents are happy to take your contraband off your hands. They repay with their customary generosity, which is almost entirely none. At least you have nothing to fear from the Revenue Men.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Company House | |
Company House (Sidebar) | |
Located in | The Reach |
Ports | Company House |
Shops | none |
Data ID | 295230 |
Company House is Abandoned[]
The Reach is home to an ongoing struggle between London (via its proxy, the Windward Company) and those settlers who want independence. The Company has had a bad time of it lately, and been forced to abandon their head office in New Winchester. There is talk of turning the premises back into a tinning factory.
Trigger conditions
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Enquire as to the fate of the Prudent Secretary
And, you suppose, the General Manager – although the latter was rather less useful than the former. Are the rumours true? That they retreated to Port Prosper? .
Banished to the edges
Perhaps, if the fortunes of the Stovepipes improve, and those of the Tacketies worsen, the Company may be able to reclaim its old headquarters. For now, though, you'll need to do business with them at their smaller offices at Port Prosper, on the margins of the Reach.
Winchester War[]
These triggered events can happen when you enter port at New Winchester, Victory Hall, Company House
Recent News[]
Recent News: A downed locomotive on Hybras
Recent News: Propaganda at Carillon
Recent News: Spies in Traitor's Wood
Recent News: A War Hero Returned
A change in dominance[]
These happen when the fortunes of a side have shifted up or down enough