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Category Journal
Type Discovery: Signal Boxes
Data ID 137020

Debt is considered a Journal Quality Discovery: Signal Boxes in Sunless Skies.

Quest description[]

"You raided a cache in a signal box. Honour demands that you pay back what you took."


Quality status[]

Debt has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [1] You have accrued debt. Your crew may become anxious while it hangs over you

Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear specifically when the value changes.

  • [0] You have paid off your skyfarer's debt.
  • [1] You have accrued debt. Your crew may become anxious while it hangs over you.

Variable Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear when a specific group is called for text.


  • [0]
  • [1] Your crew didn't like you taking from the cache when you already owe a skyfarer's debt. They consider it unwise. It draws attention. There are some who won't work for one risks the wrath of the gods."


  • [0]


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
An Abandoned Signal Box 'Resupply the cache' Requirement ≥ 1
Resupply the Cache 'Restock the cache with fuel' Requirement ≥ 1
Resupply the Cache 'Restock the cache with fuel' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Resupply the Cache 'Restock the cache with supplies' Requirement ≥ 1
Resupply the Cache 'Restock the cache with supplies' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Raiding the Cache 'Write in the ledger' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Raiding the Cache 'Write in the ledger' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Raiding the Cache 'Write in the ledger' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Raiding the Cache 'Write in the ledger' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Raiding the Cache 'Write in the ledger' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Raiding the Cache 'Write in the ledger' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Raiding the Cache 'Write in the ledger' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Raiding the Cache 'Write in the ledger' Default / Challenge Fail +1

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
An Abandoned Signal Box Resupply the cache
    • Sovereigns icon Debt ≥ 1

Resupply the Cache Restock the cache with fuel
    • Sovereigns icon Debt ≥ 1
    • Sovereigns icon -1 x Debt
Restock the cache with supplies Default:

Raiding the Cache Write in the ledger None Default:
Write in the ledger None Default:
Write in the ledger None Default:
Write in the ledger None Default:
Write in the ledger None Default:
Write in the ledger None Default:
Write in the ledger None Default:
Write in the ledger None Default:

Template:Navbox Journal
