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Deranged Dreadnought
Type Outlaw
Stats 110 Hull
Location Albion

Deranged Dreadnoughts are Enduring Dreadnoughts that strayed too close to The Clockwork Sun and were ravaged by its light. The glass-riddled locomotives and their crews now roam Albion, attacking anyone they come across.


Deranged Dreadnoughts are hostile and aggressive enemies. Their gun fires 10 projectiles that deal 1 Hull damage per hit, but can knock your locomotive back. Their turret fires a homing projectile that deal 6 Hull per hit. Their Hull is slightly less durable than a regular Dreadnaught's (110 vs 120). Destroying the Dreadnought gives you 229 Experience.

The higher The Strength of the Sun, the more frequently these locomotives can be encountered.

The Deranged Dreadnought is Defeated[]

The Deranged Dreadnought is Defeated
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 293983

The Deranged Dreadnought's rabid aggression is stilled now. Your lights reveal glassy growths encasing sections of its ravaged hull. Where the battle has shattered them, they spill across the sky in a plume of shards and dust.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Claim its weaponry
The Dreadnought is a mangled knot, but its main weapon is intact. Perhaps you could extricate it.
Failed event Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: This will give you a large weapon that you can equip while in dock, or sell to an equipment shop.

Value even in shards
Alas, it took only one slip to ruin the entire endeavour. The weapon shatters with a noise like a dropped chandelier. It is a miracle you are not carved up by the shrapnel. The shards of glass and metal are exquisite, but useless. Perhaps they'll have value to a collector of art, or obscure weaponry.
Successful event
A rare find!
It is delicate work. The trick is unscrewing the bolts along the diagonals. Loosen one, then attack its opposing partner. Slowly, it eases away from the Dreadnought's hull. Once aboard, you can take a closer look. The gun is half-vitrified. Miraculously, its glass springs and mechanisms still work. Bullets go in, razored glass flechettes come out.
Loot the hold
The encroachment of glass extends into the engine, creeping along corridors and into cabins. But perhaps the contents of the hold have escaped vitrification.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: Find random treasures.

Recover glass
The eery contagion of glass that afflicts the dreadnought may yield valuable materials, if you can find a large enough slab.
    • Iron icon Iron challenge (75 for 100%)

    • Crew icon Crew ≥ 3

Failed event Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: You may gain Panes of Stained Glass.

The mirror crack'd
The chambers of the Dreadnought have become an extended death trap. Slivers of glass fall from ceilings. Vitrified walls shatter as you pass, exposing you to the sky and its wind-blown shards. You are forced to turn back, with only a few larger fragments that might fetch some sovereigns at port.
Successful event
A likely candidate
You find a promising, uncracked stretch of glass infecting the dreadnought's cylinder. You and your sky-suited crew set to work carefully prying it away from the surrounding steel. Your reflections shiver in the glass, distorted and ghostly.
Partial success event (5%)
Clad in your sky-suits, you and several crew locate a wide section of glass contamination on the dreadnought's underbelly. But as you gingerly pry it free, hairline fractures begin to spread across it. The hull groans. Your crew panic.
Abandon the attempt
And get everyone to safety.
You scramble to safety as the hull splits and the glass shatters into a spray of razor-sharp shards. You retrieve some larger pieces which might fetch a few sovereigns in port, and retreat to your engine with your lives and a story of a close call.
Work faster!
You're close. You can save a slab of the glass!
You pry away a great sheet of it as the hull buckles and sends a thousand knives of glistening glass razoring through your crew. Blood mists the sky.
Search the crew cabins
Progress through the Dreadnought is hazardous. Half of it has been reduced to wreckage. The remainder is almost entirely vitrified. Glass cracks underfoot: seven years bad luck with every step.
Failed event Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Game note: You will gain Terror in addition to any other discoveries you make.

Desperate measures
The captain's cabin is blocked by a cascade of falling glass that almost reduces you to a mass of crimson ribbons. You are forced to seek answers elsewhere. In another cabin you find navigation logs. They detail a change of mission away from London. A Ministry of Works permit, stamped and sealed, gives the captain a broad remit to requisitions materials for the maintenance of the Clockwork Sun.
Successful event
Orders relayed
In one cabin, a locker has survived vitrifaction, though its lock has not. It shatters under the impact of your boot. Inside: a personal log, beginning with dull accounts Albion patrols and descending into raving hymns about savage light and aureate hues. You sit on the bunk to read. Glass crunches. Beneath the blanket is a shape of shattered glass, about as long as you are tall.
The Reach Bull CantankeriCantankeriChorister BeesColonised CantankeriCuratorEnduring DreadnoughtMinistry MonitorReach MarauderScrive-SpinsterStar-Maddened ExplorerTackety LiberatorTackety ScoutThe Guests
Albion Albion MarauderBull CantankeriCantankeriColonised CantankeriCuratorDeranged DreadnoughtEnduring DreadnoughtGlorious DreadnoughtGrave RobberMinistry MonitorScrive-SpinsterSenior ScrivenerStar-Maddened ExplorerStar-Seared ExplorerThe Guests
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