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Discoveries are locations in the High Wilderness with which you can interact, but which are not ports, and are not named on your Chart. When close to a discovery, you will be able to press R to interact, often beginning a storylet.

Most discoveries are randomly placed, and will vanish either after interacting with them or leaving the segment in which they appear, but some are permanent.

Random Discoveries[]

These can be found in the High Wilderness. They can be interacted with once, some via a storylet, but will vanish once you leave the area.

Abandoned Structures[]

Found in: The Reach, Albion.
Marked as: ChartGrave icon Something Grave

    A broken habitation, long abandoned.
    A forsaken structure, ruined by time.
    Forgotten factories, gently desolating.
    Once pristine habitations, bequeathed to the skies.

This discovery does not have an accompanying storylet. Instead, you will be prompted to press R to "Inspect", instantly granting you one of the following effects:

    A barrel of fuel, long forgotten.
    Fuel square icon +1 x Fuel (18% chance)
    Food was left, here. Did the owners plan to return?
    Supplies square icon +1 x Supplies (27% chance)
    Bell-jars and samples. Grisly equipment. What experiments were performed here?
    CondemnedExperiment square icon +1 x Condemned Experiment (18% chance)
    In their haste to leave, the owners left munitions behind.
    Munitions square icon +1 x Carefully-Packed Crate of Munitions (36% chance)

Requires the Assaying skill to interact.

    London's forces despise waste. (Carefully-Packed Crate of Munitions, 50% chance)
    Uncanny experiments were once performed in this desolate place. (Condemned Experiment, 50% chance)

There's a 27% chance of spawning an Enduring Dreadnought when you interact with it.

Amber Chunks[]

Found in: Eleutheria.
Marked as: ChartGlisters icon Something that Glisters

    From your windows you spot the gleam of amber.
    Shards of amber hang in the nearby sky.
    You spy a scattering of amber fragments nearby.

Increases Terror when nearby, much like Horror spectacles. When nearby, you will be prompted to "Mine" by pressing R, giving chunks of amber:

Interacting with one requires the Mining skill, which can be obtained through equipping modules.

    Unfortunately, something else had its eye on this golden amber.

There's a 50% chance of spawning a Curator when you receive a Chunk of Golden Amber.

Blind Hermitages[]

Found in: Eleutheria.
Marked as: ChartCrave icon Something to Crave

    A cave ahead. Hermits and mystics often retreat to places like this.
    A dismal outcropping conceals a sunken cavern. Inside, someone has tried to conceal a fire.
    A lonely outcropping of rock; a dim light gleams in a cave.

On approach, a prompt will appear to "Interact" by pressing R, beginning the storylet A Blind Hermitage.

Bully's Acres[]

Found in: Albion.
Marked as: ChartGrave icon Something Grave

    Boxy shapes tumble in the sky: paupers' coffins
    What's this? A pitiful scattering of plain, abandoned coffins.
    'When the graveyards were full, London committed the dead to the sky.'

On approach, a prompt will appear to "Loot" by pressing R, beginning the storylet Bully's Acre.

Bully's Acres can be passed through without damage to your Hull.

Bronzewood Pieces[]

Found in: The Reach, near Traitor's Wood.
Marked as: ChartGlisters icon Something that Glisters

This discovery does not have an accompanying storylet, nor a log entry on approach. Instead, you will be prompted to press R to "Hew", instantly granting you:

Interacting with one requires the Mining skill, which can be obtained through equipping modules.

Bronzewood Pieces spawn near Hybras and Traitor's Wood, and look like large splinters of wood with light shining out of them.
They can only be hewed once each: when empty, they will no longer glow, but still cause damage to your Hull if hit.

Celestial Ruins[]

Found in: The Reach, Albion, Eleutheria, and The Blue Kingdom.
Marked as: ChartGrave icon Something Grave

    A complex of celestial ruins, bristled with leaning pillars.
    A desolation of tumbled stones and cracked altars. What was worshipped here, in those forgotten days? A somnolent silence lies about these hollow, haughty ruins.
    The weathered walls of this ruin are engraved in the intricate language of the suns.
    These ruins predate humanity. Their architecture is gargantuan; their purpose inscrutable.

Requires the Assaying skill to interact. On approach, a prompt will appear to "Explore" by pressing R, beginning the storylet A Celestial Ruin.

Chorister Hives[]

Found in: The Reach, for example near landmarks such as "Jetticus Hives" and "Knowler's Knot".
Marked as: ChartCrave icon Something to Crave

    "Captain! A hive!"'
    Plainsong fills the air; a hive of chorister-bees.
    The Repentant Devil is listening to the bees. "They sing of a well, and the unpleasant fate of the one who gave them voices.
    The scent of honey on the wind, strong as mead.

This discovery does not have an accompanying storylet. Instead, you will be prompted to press R to "Collect", instantly granting you:

They can only be mined once each: when empty, the honey will disappear from the middle, but they still cause damage to your Hull if hit.

    An insistent buzzing fills the air. The hive is watched.

There's a 50% chance of spawning Chorister Bees when you harvest.

Convictions of the Sapphir'd King[]

Found in: The Blue Kingdom
This discovery has the appearance of several bright rays of light.
It does not have an accompanying storylet, nor a prompt. Instead, driving your engine directly through the light will grant one of the following effects:

    You have entered a shaft of the sun's thought; a moment of profound doubt. When it has passed, a crewman has disappeared. Was he ever there?
    Crew square icon -1 x Crew, Terror square icon +10 x Terror, Taleofterror square icon +1 x Tale of Terror (22% chance)
    A ray of effulgent thought engulfs your engine. A guilty thought; of a grand crime, grandly concealed. Too grand, alas, to be encompassed by a mortal mind.
    Terror square icon +10 x Terror, Unaccountablypeckish square icon +1 x Savage Secret (11% chance)
    Your locomotive is flooded with radiant thought. Glorious and blazing! For a moment you know the fiery, unassailable pride of a sun.
    Terror square icon -10 x Terror, Visionoftheheavens square icon +1 x Vision of the Heavens (44% chance)
    A finger of the sun's coruscating thought sears your engine! The light is dazzling, the notions intricate. For an instant things are clear that should have been hidden.
    Terror square icon +10 x Terror, Momentofinspiration square icon +1 x Moment of Inspiration (22% chance)


Found in: Eleutheria.
Marked as:

    Broken stones ahead signal this was once one of the great roads of Eleutheria.
    Shattered waystones mark a site where Eleutheria's roads once met.

As you approach, you will be prompted to "Interact" by pressing R, beginning the storylet A Meeting at the Crossroads.

Curator's Eggs[]

Found in: Albion, the Reach, Eleutheria
Marked as: ChartGlisters icon Something that Glisters

    A papery sphere, like wrapped sheets of dried skin, drifts on the wind.
    "Curator's Egg," The Inconvenient Aunt chuckles. "Oh pardon me, dear. I just got that."

Passing between the rocks, a prompt will appear to "Retrieve" by pressing R, beginning the storylet a Curator's Egg.

Enclaves of the Dead[]

Found in: The Blue Kingdom
Marked as: ChartGrave icon Something Grave

    An ancient structure has become home to an enclave of dead spirits

On approach, the prompt to "Approach" by pressing "R" will appear, beginning the storylet An Enclave of the Dead, although there is no physical port.
Enclaves of the Dead are solid and will damage your Hull if hit.


Found in: Eleutheria
Marked as: ChartGhastly icon Something Ghastly

    A boil of midnight spills into the sky.
    An Extinguishment: a knot of darkness. Eleutheria is rife with them.
    An Extinguishment: an abrupt yawning of night.
    Extinguishments plague Eleutheria: eruptions of clotted night.

This discovery has the appearance of a large black vortex, with a faint light in the middle.
It does not have an accompanying storylet, nor a prompt. Instead, driving your engine into the Extinguishment will grant you one of the following:

You looked into the dark, and the dark looked back.
Once the item has been obtained, there is a 50% chance that an Undeparted will also spawn there. Staying in the Extinguishment will cause Hull damage(rate unknown beyond you've got at least 10 seconds before Hull starts dropping)

Flotsam and Jetsam[]

Found in: Albion and The Reach.
Marked as: ChartGlisters icon Something that Glisters

This discovery does not have an accompanying storylet, nor a log entry. Instead, you will be prompted to press R to "Scavenge", instantly granting you one of the following:

    Starry-eyed captains rove the wastes in search of fuel, supplies and instruments of murder.

There's a chance of spawning a Star-Maddened Explorer when you interact with one (50% when acquiring Supplies; 100% when acquiring Carefully-Packed Crates of Munitions).

Flotsam and Jetsam can be passed through without damage to your Hull.

Fragments of the Past[]

Found in: The Reach, Albion and Eleutheria
Marked as: ChartGrave icon Something Grave

    'We came across an ancient ruin, wrought by long-vanished hands.'
    A fragmentary ruin drifts here, ignobly forgotten.
    A ruined remnant, sheared from some lost palace of the suns.
    Primordial ruins litter the heavens. Here is a piece of one, columned and crumbling.
    A nameless monument deteriorates here, the wind whistling through its solemn stones.
    Was this ruined edifice beautiful once? Or was it always gloomy and unsettling?

On approach, you will be prompted to press R to "Inspect", instantly granting you one of the following:

Interacting with one requires the Assaying skill, which can be obtained through equipping modules.

    A ruin can still be a home.

When given a Cask of Navaratine Gemstones, The Guests will spawnneed confirmation.

Ruins are solid, and will cause damage to your Hull.

Fungal Fragments[]

Found in: The Reach, near Hybras.
Marked as: ChartGhastly icon Something Grave

    A drifting sky-rock, livid with fungal growth.
    A knot of verdant fungus hangs in the sky.

On approach, a prompt will appear to "Retrieve" by pressing R, beginning the storylet A Fungal Fragment.

Glittery Rocks[]

Found in: The Blue Kingdom
Marked as: ChartGlisters icon Something that Glisters

This discovery does not have an accompanying storylet, nor a log entry on approach. Instead, you will be prompted to press R to "Scavenge", instantly granting you:

Interacting with one requires the Mining skill, which can be obtained through equipping modules.

    Eaters of the Dead often linger near clusters of Navaratine gemstones.

There's a 66% chance of spawning an Eater of the Dead when you mine.


Found in: Albion
Marked as: ChartGrave icon Something Grave

    'Ad mortem festinamus pe—' The grave is fractured.
    A limestone memorial, eroded by the wind.
    A slab, broken from its grave. A nearly illegible inscription.
    Freshly carved words on a granite headstone.

Increases Terror when nearby, much like Horror spectacles. This discovery does not have an accompanying storylet. Instead, you will be prompted to press R to "Consider", instantly granting you one of the following:

    The monument reads: BE YE ALSO READY.
    Taleofterror square icon +1 x Tale of Terror (33% chance)
    A skyfarer's grave, with a tale of their journeys.
    Visionoftheheavens square icon +1 x Vision of the Heavens (33% chance)
    This elaborate memorial is carved with curses.
    Skystory square icon +1 x Sky-Story (33% chance)


Found in: The Reach
Marked as: ChartCrave icon Something to Crave

    A sign staked outside the homestead reads 'Under the protection of the Assembly!'
    Incautious Driver: "Is that - No. It's slightly different from the one I crashed into."
    The Incognito Princess is delighted. "I had a dolls' house this size. Much prettier, of course.
    The Inconvenient Aunt views the dingy homestead with silent, professional disdain.
    The Rat Brigade's noses twitch with freed. Is the Homestead is an easy target for food?
    "So travel from home, yet cling to past comforts. Fascinating." The Repentant Devil seems intrigued.

Homesteads look like small islands with buildings on them, and will display a log entry when nearby.

On approach, the prompt to "Dock" by pressing "R" will appear, beginning the storylet A Homestead, although there is no physical port.
Homesteads are solid and will damage your Hull if hit.

    Recent homesteads dot the sky, part-funded by the Colonial Assembly that rules New Winchester.
    When the Tacketies won the upper hand in the Reach, a new wave of settlement began.

If Verdantseeds icon Dominant in the Reach = 1, then more Homesteads will appear in the Reach.

Library Stack[]

Found in: Eleutheria
Marked as: ChartGrave icon Something Grave

    A fragment of an ancient library hangs in the sky.
    A piece of a forgotten library. It holds disquisitions written in the Pentecostal tongues of Heaven.
    A ruin. Stone shelves hold old, ragged scrolls.
    A splinter of a lost library, holding a tattered manuscripts.

On approach, you will be prompted to press R to "Delve", instantly granting you: You scavenge a fragments of old scrolls from the shelves

There is a (?)% chance for a Scrive-Spinster to spawn when interacting with a stack.


Found in: The Reach, Albion, and Eleutheria.
Marked as: ChartCrave icon Something to Crave

    "Captain! There's good eatin' on a Pardoner-eel."

This discovery does not have an accompanying storylet, nor a log entry on approach. Instead, you will be prompted to press R to "Scavenge", instantly granting you:

Interacting with one requires the Butchery skill, which can be obtained through equipping modules.


Found in: Albion and The Reach
Marked as: ChartGlisters icon Something that Glisters

This discovery does not have an accompanying storylet, nor a log entry on approach. Instead, you will be prompted to press R to "Scavenge", instantly granting you:

Interacting with one requires the Mining skill, which can be obtained through equipping modules.

Sky-Rocks look like rocks with light shining out of them. They can only be mined once each: when empty, they will no longer glow, but still cause damage to your Hull if hit.
If Verdantseeds icon Dominant in the Reach = 3, then more Sky-Rocks will appear in the Reach.

    Rapacious Tackety engines speckle the Reach in search of mineable hours.

There's a 14% chance of spawning a Tackety Scout when you mine.

    Cantankeri cleave to rocks like these. They rarely appreciate visitors.

There's a 14% chance of spawning a Cantankeri when you mine.

Note: these percentages are not independent - only one will spawn.


Found in: Albion, near Worlebury-juxta-Mare.
Marked as: ChartCrave icon Something to Crave

    Something writhes in the mist.

This discovery is marked on your chart as "Something to Crave", and looks like a dense patch of fog with things writhing inside.

It does not have an accompanying storylet. Instead, you will be prompted to press R to "Lure", instantly granting you one of the following:

Interacting with one requires the Butchery skill, which can be obtained through equipping modules.

Vaults of Souls[]

Found in: The Blue Kingdom
Marked as: ChartGrave icon Something Grave

    A sealed vault is hidden among the stones. Its markings resemble those on an Otherworldly artefact in your possession.
    An old, locked vault lies near. One of your Otherworldly Artefacts begins to hum as you approach.

It does not have an accompanying storylet. Instead, you will be prompted to press R to "Plunder", instantly granting you one of the following:

Interacting with one requires an Otherworldly Artefact.

    Your Otherworldy Artefact opened the way to a trove of souls. But spirifers had been planning to plunder this vault.
    Your Artefact unlocks the vault. But as you claim its hoard of souls, your engine is ambushed by jealous soul-thieves.
    Unlocking the vault with your Otherworldy Artefact, you claim the rare souls within. But the vault was watched.

There is a 50% chance for a Spirifer Engine to spawn when interacting with a Vault.

Windswept Habitations[]

Found in: Albion.
Marked as: ChartGrave icon Something Grave

    London raised these buildings years ago. They are abandoned now, cold and grey.
    These buildings date to the first foundations of Albion. Now, they are home only to shadows and the wind.
    Vacant buildings, prickled with chimneys and empty as an executioner's heart.

Requires the Assaying skill to interact. On approach, a prompt will appear to "Explore" by pressing R, beginning the storylet A Windswept Habitation.


Found in: The Reach, Albion, and Eleutheria.
Marked as: ChartGrave icon Something Grave

    A dead wreck. A coffin of steel and brass.
    "A wreck, captain," you driver informs you. "Might be worth a wee look," they add, delicately.
    An abandoned hull drifts, silently. It gleams with frost.
    An old wreck, broken and bent.
    We discovered the remains of an old locomotive, the victim of one of the innumerable perils of the sky.

Wreck names:The Falzell's Silence
The Auspicious Nilsson
The Kings' Meet
The Salem's Spire
The Archipelagian Empress
The Song
The Bold Questions
The Northgreen
The Illusive Eltzroth
The Jared
The Schellenberger
The Spellbinder
The Biloxi Green
The Efficiency is our Watchword
The Point of No Return
The Dinh
The Junker
The Kinnaird
The Jita
The Crooked Avritt
The Peace and Quiet
The Jiminez
The Vigs
The Best Not To Think About It
The Samaniego
The Bittersweet Aria
The Ogyre
The Melancholy Budapest
The Trondheim
The Pernicious
The Castlerock
The Korpov
The Ella Laney
The Cappadocia
The Elspeth
The Sleipnir
The Burning Bridge
The Ostensibly
The Persephone
The Sobriquet
The Avaunt
The Perrill-Ennis
The Wrecker

On approach, a prompt will appear to "Scavenge" by pressing R, beginning the storylet A Wreck!.

    The detritus of yet another skirmish in the Winchester War.

If Verdantseeds icon Dominant in the Reach = 2, then more Wrecks will appear in the Reach.

    Not all wrecks were destroyed by misfortune.

There's a (?)% chance of spawning a Reach Marauder when you interacted with it.

    A cold wreck can only sustain life for so long.

There's a (?)% chance of spawning a Guests when you interacted with it.

Vitrified Structures[]

Found in: Albion, near The Clockwork Sun.
Marked as: ChartGrave icon Something Grave

    A decaying structure, savaged by sunlight.
    A little-used factory, half-turned to glass.
    "Not to be postponed forever." The Inconvenient Aunt watches the glass statues float past.
    The Rat Brigade gaze at the glass statues. "Wonder if they ever threw stones." one squeaks.
    The remains of a building, burnished by poisoned sunlight.
    The Signalman stares at the glass statues. Lights a cigarette.

This discovery does not have an accompanying storylet. Instead, you will be prompted to press R to "Inspect", instantly granting you:

Interacting with one requires the Assaying skill, which can be obtained through equipping modules.

    London holds its secrets fast, like illicit poetry clasped to a cadaver's breast.

If a Condemned Experiment is granted, there's a 50% chance for a Deranged Dreadnought to spawn.

Wefts of Unravelling Time[]

Found in: Albion
Marked as: ChartGhastly icon Something Ghastly

    Bells chime in the distance. Time ticks erratically here.
    Here, the clock ticks thirteen times. The dates in your logbook writhe like burning witches. Time is broken.
    Time is loose, here. A crewman looks at his fingers, suddenly wizened with age, and laughs with childlike delight.
    "Unravelling time. Nothing to worry about there, I'm sure." The Fatalistic Signalman laughs, hollowly.
    Your driver acknowledges your command before you give it. Time is snarled, here.

Wefts look like circular patches of distortion. When nearby they will make a "zipping" sound.
They will not damage your hull, but steering too close will automatically begin the storylet A Weft of Unravelling Time. Once the storylet is complete they will vanish completely.

Permanent Discoveries[]

These are discoveries that can be interacted with more than once.

The Reach[]



Semi-Permanent Discoveries[]

These are discoveries that appear during portions of certain storylines, and will disappear after said portions are finished.

The Reach[]

