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Empyrean Outrider
Type Enemy Ship
Location Eleutheria

Empyrean Outriders are aggressive enemy ships affiliated with the Empyrean found in Eleutheria. They will consider any ship without headlight on as hostile and start attacking them.

(For the locomotive that is available to you, see Altani-Class Outrider.)


Their frontal gun fires 3 projectiles that deals (?) damages per hit. If you get too close, their turret fires homing rcokets that deals 6 damages on contact.

An Empyrean Outrider, Defeated[]

An Empyrean Outrider, defeated
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 299226

"The Empyrean's Outriders are well-trained and loyal, if over-eager to fire on any engine without a light. They hunt Dousers, the fanatical adherents of the Liberation of Night. Sparks spew from the crippled engine. Its floodlights flicker and fade. But its structure is intact enough to have sheltered survivors, who are likely to resist any attempt to plunder their vessel. "
Game note: If you travel without your headlight on, Outriders will assume you are hostile.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Board and pillage the Outrider
Empyrean ships are built for extended voyages; they are well-provisioned. And their officers often come from wealthy families.

Game note: Seize booty.

    • Iron icon Iron challenge (100 for 100%)

    • Crew icon Crew ≥ 6

Failed event Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

The Empyreals are waiting for you in the galley, which they have fortified with overturned tables and chairs. Your crew is unable to break through their line, and as you begin to take casualties you have no choice but to sound the withdrawal.
Successful event
Storming the engine
You lead the charge. As expected, the Empyreals are prepared. Bullets embed themselves in bronzewood furnishings. The enemy crew is disciplined, but they lost too many in the initial engagement. You leave most of your crew keeping the enemy pinned down while you...
...plunder the valuables
Coin-purses and jewellery. Wallets and pocket-watches.

Game note: Gain Sovereigns.

You race through the cabins, seizing anything that clinks or glistens. Then, you and your boarding party conduct an orderly withdrawal back to your engine.The Empyrean soldiers you leave to their fate. the ammunition store
Bullets and shells are a disgracefully fungible commodity.

Game note: Seize Carefully-Packed Crates of Munitions.

You drag several boxes of munitions back along the corridor as your boarding party cover the retreat. Then, when they are back on your engine, you steam away and leave the Empyrean soldiers to their fate.
...seize their supplies
The Eagle Khan keeps his soldiers well provisioned.

Game note: Gain Fuel and Supplies.

You ransack the engine room and galley. Then, you and your boarding party conduct an orderly withdrawal back to your engine. The Empyrean soldiers you leave to their fate. If fortune smiles, another Outrider will find them before they starve.
Partial success event (5%)
A stern defence!
As expected, the Empyreals are prepared. You lead the charge against their forces, which have turned the main corridor into a nightmare of shot and gunsmoke. Despite their reduced numbers, they fight fiercely. You manage to seize a number of valuables from the fallen before ordering the withdrawal. Not all of your boarding-party make it back.
Accept the Outrider's surrender
Their captain is dead. Most of the crew will return home in disgrace, but some may prefer to sign on with you.
Failed event

Advanced query needs investigation

A rejected invitation
Not a one consents to join you. They are loyal to their Khan and their engine, and are willing to take their chances and hope for rescue. Your crew imposes a tithe of valuables before returning to your locomotive.
Successful event
Death or dishonour
The Empyreals choose their side. Some remain, awaiting rescue. Others board your locomotive, to scorn from their once-comrades.
Accept the Outrider's surrender
The Captain will hand herself over in exchange for the lives of her crew. The Eagle's Empyrean will certainly pay you a ransom for her return.
A hostage
The Captain is as good as her word. She offers her wrists for the manacles and follows your quartermaster to the brig. The rest of the Outrider's crew remain aboard their engine, awaiting rescue once you have received your ransom.

Game note: Take the Captain to Eagle's Empyrean to ransom her.

Accept the Outrider's surrender
Their captain is dead. Most of the crew will return home in disgrace, but some may prefer to sign on with you.
Failed event Advanced query needs investigation
A rejected invitation
Not a one consents to join you. They are loyal to their Khan and their engine, and are willing to take their chances and hope for rescue. Your crew imposes a tithe of valuables before returning to your locomotive.
Successful event
Death or dishonour
The Empyreals choose their side. Some remain, awaiting rescue. Others board your locomotive, to scorn from their once-comrades.
Leave them be
They fought well. No need to be unnecessary about this.
Live and let be
You take your leave, allowing the Outrider to go unplundered. Perhaps its crew will be able to hold out for rescue, or repair it enough to limp home. Your own crew are pleased. perhaps, someday, someone will show them the same mercy.
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Eleutheria Bull CantankeriCantankeriCuratorDouserEmpyrean OutriderMinistry MonitorScorn FlukeScrive-SpinsterSenior ScrivenerSleeping GrieverStar-Seared ExplorerUndeparted
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