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Category Currency Quality WHAT TYPE
Type Character Progression WHAT TYPE
Data ID 131234

Experience is required to level up your Captain. Once enough Experience is gained to level up, you can choose Facets to increase your Captain's Skills.

Experience description[]

"An arch wherethrough gleams that untraveled world. "

Gaining Experience[]

Experience can be obtained simply through travelling through the High Wilderness. When you get close to a new spectacle, port or landmarks, it will appear on the map and you will gain Experience. If a location is however already named on the map, you not gain experience when approaching it. Each region will grant different amount of experience on discovering location. Discovering Ports wil grant you 512, 625, and 853 Experiences on the Reach, Albion, and Eleutheria respectively. Discovering other landmarks will grant you 57, 69, and 94 Experiences on the Reach, Albion, and Eleutheria respectively.

Fully completing Prospects will sometime give you Experiences, and some Sky-Beasts give you the option to gain Experience after defeat. There are also several storylets that reward you with Experience.


Experience interactions

Location Storylet Name Unlocked With Effects
SS round icon Cantankeri
    A Cantankeri, Placated
Listen to the Cantankeri's last complaint
    Hearts icon Hearts challenge (X for 100%)
    Experience icon +50 x Experience
Carillon icon Carillon Pay in alternate currency
Carillon icon Carillon Blackmail the Spiriter
    Offer to take the Spirifer somewhere else
Carillon icon Carillon Donate a mix of Deprivation and Ordeal to the Nurse
Carillon icon Carillon Elevation of a Rubbery Man
SS round icon Chorister Bees
    A Chorister-Corpse
Listen to its death-hymn
    Hearts icon Hearts challenge (X for 100%)
    Experience icon +150 x Experience
Naturereserve icon Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve Witness the Culmination of their Efforts
    Date icon Progress of the Phlegmatic Researcher’s Studies = ??
    Naturereserve icon The Phlegmatic Researcher's Current Requests = 2
Naturereserve icon Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve
    Research Derailed
Share pie with the Phlegmatic Researcher
    Date icon Progress of the Phlegmatic Researcher’s Studies = ??
    Naturereserve icon The Phlegmatic Researcher's Current Requests = 3
    Naturereserve icon The research continues!
    Naturereserve icon Your 'The Popularity of Apollonian Cinders' Quality is now !
    Naturereserve icon The Phlegmatic Researcher's Current Requests = 0
    Experience icon +300 x Experience
    Ministryliterature icon +3 x Ministry-Stamped Permit
Circus icon Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus Nights at the Circus: The Acrobats' Argument
    Pull them apart
Circus icon Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus Nights at the Circus: The Magician's Refusal
    Lend an ear to the Magician
Circus icon Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus Nights at the Circus: The Clown's Anniversary
    Sit with him a while
Circus icon Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus Nights at the Circus: The Strongwoman's Injury
    Check in on the Strongwoman
Portprosper icon Port Prosper Deliver the Fastidious Inspector
SS round icon Scrive-Spinster
    A Scrive-Spinster, Defeated
Recover sheaves of parchment
    Experience icon +?? x Experience

Levelling up[]

Your experience can be seen in the UI in the upper-right corner of the screen. How much more experience you need is shown as a black bar filling up with white, around the edge's of your Captain's portrait. Hovering over the portrait with the mouse will display your level, how much more Experience is needed to reach the next level, and how many character points you have left to spend on Facets.

The amount of experience points required to gain a level starts with 1000 Experience required to grow from level 1 to level 2. It then increases by 1000 for every level after that, so a further 2000 Experience is required to grow to level 3, and then another 3000 Experience to reach level 4.
