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Category Circumstance Quality WHAT TYPE
Data ID 138163

Fortune is considered a WARNINGWARNING in Sunless Skies.

The formula for calculating the chance is 100 - (5 + DifficultyLevel in event)*10

Circumstance description[]




Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
A Bump in the Night 'Send a member of the crew out to remove it' Requirement
The Warmest Kitchen 'Have yourself dealt in' Requirement
The Bathroom 'Debauch' Requirement
You are Leaving Stains 'Bleach everything' Requirement
Adrift! 'Make a living sacrifice to the Burrower Below' Requirement
Adrift! 'Burn unremarkable souls' Requirement
Adrift! 'Burn Ministry-Approved Literature' Requirement
Adrift! 'Signal for help' Requirement
Take on Crew 'Recruit a handful of crew' Requirement
The Thing on the Mantelpiece 'Offer it to the Waste-Waif' Requirement
Cracked Glass 'Leave them broken' Requirement
Scavenging with the Dawn Rats 'Send crew to scavenge for fuel' Requirement
Scavenging with the Dawn Rats 'Send crew to scavenge for supplies' Requirement
Shore-leave in a Fungal Meadow 'Forage for mushrooms' Requirement
Shore-leave in a Fungal Meadow 'Search for Bronzewood splinters' Requirement
The Thing in the Mist 'Double back' Requirement
The Thing in the Mist 'Double back' Requirement
The Thing in the Mist 'Offer whatever it was to the Burrower Below' Requirement
The Thing in the Mist 'Offer whatever it was to the Waste-Waif' Requirement
The Thing in the Mist 'Offer whatever it was to the Storm that Speaks' Requirement
Rumours of Mutiny 'Make the crew swear oaths of loyalty' Requirement
The Forge, Awoken 'Craft a Scrive-Spinster' Requirement
The Forge, Awoken 'Craft an Immaculate Soul' Requirement
The Forge, Awoken 'Craft Crew members' Requirement
A Spirifer Engine, Stopped 'Loot the engine's plundered haul' Requirement
An Eater of the Dead, Defeated 'Claim a trophy' Requirement
An Ingenious Contraption 'Very well' Requirement

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
A Bump in the Night Send a member of the crew out to remove it
    • Wind icon Fortune (50% to win)

The Warmest Kitchen Have yourself dealt in Default:

The Bathroom Debauch Default:

You are Leaving Stains Bleach everything
    • Wind icon Fortune (50% to win)

Adrift! Make a living sacrifice to the Burrower Below Default:
Burn unremarkable souls Default:
Burn Ministry-Approved Literature Default:
Signal for help Default:

Take on Crew Recruit a handful of crew Default:

The Thing on the Mantelpiece Offer it to the Waste-Waif Default:

Cracked Glass Leave them broken
    • Wind icon Fortune (40% to win)

Scavenging with the Dawn Rats Send crew to scavenge for fuel
    • Wind icon Fortune (60% to win)
Send crew to scavenge for supplies
    • Wind icon Fortune (50% to win)

Shore-leave in a Fungal Meadow Forage for mushrooms
    • Wind icon Fortune (70% to win)
Search for Bronzewood splinters
    • Wind icon Fortune (50% to win)

The Thing in the Mist Double back Default:
Double back Default:
Offer whatever it was to the Burrower Below Default:
Offer whatever it was to the Waste-Waif Default:
Offer whatever it was to the Storm that Speaks Default:

Rumours of Mutiny Make the crew swear oaths of loyalty Default:

The Forge, Awoken Craft a Scrive-Spinster Default:
Craft an Immaculate Soul Default:
Craft Crew members Default:

A Spirifer Engine, Stopped Loot the engine's plundered haul
    • Wind icon Fortune (60% to win)

An Eater of the Dead, Defeated Claim a trophy
    • Wind icon Fortune (50% to win)

An Ingenious Contraption Very well
    • Wind icon Fortune (50% to win)

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