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Category Hidden
Type Survival
Data ID 137543

Freezing is considered a Hidden Quality Survival in Sunless Skies.




Hidden Qualities are used to track various things and are invisble to the player.

Quality status[]

Freezing has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Variable Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear when a specific group is called for text.


  • [0] The last of your fuel is gone. The fires of your engine dim and die. Your funnel coughs its last.\n\nAlready, the cold of the High Wilderness is crawling frosty fingers across your windows. Your remaining hopes are all desperate.\n\n[You have three chances to find a lifeline before the cold claims you.]
  • [1] The cold has come inside now. It hangs heavy in the corridors. It closes the pipes with killing ice. It gathers, like a stone, in your lungs.\n\n[You have two chances to find a lifeline before the cold claims you.]
  • [2] The cold crawls under blankets and into sky-suits. It splits pipes, freezes hatches, kills slowly and patiently.\n\n[This is your last chance.]
  • [3] Your engine is locked in a coffin of ice. The crew wear sky-suits at all hours, desperately eking out their final, stumbling moments. It is too late, now.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Adrift! 'Scavenge your supplies' Requirement ≤ 2
Adrift! 'Scavenge your supplies' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Adrift! 'Scavenge your supplies' Success = 0
Adrift! 'Scavenge your supplies' Rare Success = 0
Adrift! 'Scavenge your supplies' Requirement ≤ 2
Adrift! 'Scavenge your supplies' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Adrift! 'Scavenge your supplies' Success = 0
Adrift! 'Scavenge your supplies' Rare Success = 0
Adrift! 'Make a living sacrifice to the Burrower Below' Requirement ≤ 2
Adrift! 'Make a living sacrifice to the Burrower Below' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Adrift! 'Make a living sacrifice to the Burrower Below' Success = 0
Adrift! 'Burn bronzewood' Requirement ≤ 2
Adrift! 'Burn bronzewood' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
Adrift! 'Inscribe a Searing Enigma upon your regulator valve' Requirement ≤ 2
Adrift! 'Inscribe a Searing Enigma upon your regulator valve' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
Adrift! 'Inscribe a Searing Enigma upon your regulator valve' Success = 0
Adrift! 'Burn unremarkable souls' Requirement ≤ 2
Adrift! 'Burn unremarkable souls' Success = 0
Adrift! 'Burn fine souls' Requirement ≤ 2
Adrift! 'Burn fine souls' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
Adrift! 'Burn Ministry-Approved Literature' Requirement ≤ 2
Adrift! 'Burn Ministry-Approved Literature' Success = 0
Adrift! 'Signal for help' Requirement ≤ 2
Adrift! 'Signal for help' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Adrift! 'Repel your attacker' Requirement ≤ 2
Adrift! 'Repel your attacker' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Adrift! 'Repel your attacker' Success +1
Adrift! 'Evade your attacker' Requirement ≤ 2
Adrift! 'Evade your attacker' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Adrift! 'Evade your attacker' Success +1
Adrift! 'Freeze to death' Requirement ≥ 3
Adrift! 'Give up' Requirement ≥ 1 ≤ 2
A Hostile Engine Intercepted your Signal 'Lure them in, and try to steal some of their fuel' Success = 0
A Hostile Engine Intercepted your Signal 'Lure them in, and try to steal some of their fuel' Rare Success = 0
A Hostile Engine Intercepted your Signal 'Repel them' Success +1
A Hostile Engine Intercepted your Signal 'Repel them' Rare Success +1
A Hostile Engine Intercepted your Signal 'Surrender, and let them take what they want' Default / Challenge Fail +1
An Opportunistic Engine Answers your Signal 'Pay their tithe' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
An Opportunistic Engine Answers your Signal 'Implore them to help' Default / Challenge Fail +1
An Opportunistic Engine Answers your Signal 'Implore them to help' Success = 0
An Opportunistic Engine Answers your Signal 'Decline their offer' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Your Signal was Intercepted by a Friendly Engine 'Receive the fuel' Default / Challenge Fail = 0

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Adrift! Scavenge your supplies Default: Success: Rare Success:
Scavenge your supplies Default: Success: Rare Success:
Make a living sacrifice to the Burrower Below Default: Success:
Burn bronzewood Default:
Inscribe a Searing Enigma upon your regulator valve Default: Success:
Burn unremarkable souls Success:
Burn fine souls Default:
Burn Ministry-Approved Literature Success:
Signal for help Default:
    • +1 x Freezing
Repel your attacker Default: Success:
Evade your attacker Default: Success:
Freeze to death
    • Freezing ≥ 3
Give up
    • Freezing ≥ 1 ≤ 2

A Hostile Engine Intercepted your Signal Lure them in, and try to steal some of their fuel Success: Rare Success:
Repel them Success: Rare Success:
Surrender, and let them take what they want None Default:

An Opportunistic Engine Answers your Signal Pay their tithe Default:
Implore them to help Default: Success:
Decline their offer None Default:

Your Signal was Intercepted by a Friendly Engine Receive the fuel None Default:

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