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Category Cargo
Price Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns (Buy)

Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns (Sell)

Data ID 132096

Fuel is a common cargo item and is essential for surviving in the High Wilderness. Fuel is used continuously while your locomotive is moving. Whenever the current barrel of fuel is empty, your crew automatically opens another from your hold. The current number of fuel barrels left is indicated in the UI by the blue bar.

If you run out of fuel, your locomotive will no longer be able to move. After a certain period of time, the event Adrift! will triggers.

One unit of fuel will power a locomotive's engine for 3 minutes at 1.00x fuel efficiency.

Goods description[]

"Your engine is always hungry."


Fuel interactions

Triggered events[]

When Fuel = 0, the events Adrift! will triggers. You have three chances to find / create Fuel before the cold takes you.

Shop availability[]

Port Location Shop Name Buy Sell
Newwinchester icon New Winchester Victoria Market Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Naturereserve icon Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve Skyfarer's Supplies Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Lustrum icon Lustrum Sweet Jane's Trading Post Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Magdalenes icon Magdalene's Beatrice's Exchange Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Portavon icon Port Avon Sharma & Sons Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Portprosper icon Port Prosper Nelson's Emporium Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Titania icon Titania The Sapphire'd Souk Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
London icon London Spitalfields Market Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Brabazon icon The Brabazon Workworld Little Niceties Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Clockworksun icon The Clockwork Sun The Decommissary Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Serenemausoleum icon The Most Serene Mausoleum Memorabilia Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Royalsociety icon The Royal Society Requisitions Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Worlebury icon Worlebury-juxta-Mare Juxta-Mare Market Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Pan icon Pan The Night Market Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Achlys icon Achlys Midnight Lumberyard Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Eaglesempyrean icon Eagle's Empyrean The Blue Heaven Arsenal Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Houseofrodsandchains icon The House of Rods and Chains The Rubbery Souk Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Langleyhall icon Langley Hall The Cloakroom Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns

Fuel & Supplies Fuel square icon Fuel Supplies square icon Supplies Petrichor square icon Petrichor
Cargo BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours
Bronzewood square icon Bronzewood
Tea square icon Caddy of Dried Tea
Cagedcatch square icon Caged Catch
Munitions square icon Carefully-Packed Crate of Munitions
Navarantinegemstones square icon Cask of Navaratine Gemstones
CrateofNostalgicCrockery square icon Crate of Nostalgic Crockery
Choristernectar square icon Gourd of Chorister Nectar
Undistinguishedsouls square icon Jumble of Undistinguished Souls
Ministryliterature square icon Ministry-Approved Literature
Stainedglass square icon Pane of Stained Glass
Bombazineroll square icon Roll of Thirsty Bombazine
Verdantseeds square icon Sack of Verdant Seeds
Selectionofimmaculatesouls square icon Selection of Immaculate Souls
Contraband Redhoney square icon Firkin of Red Honey Starshine square icon Hogshead of Starshine Illicitliterature square icon Trunk of Illicit Literature
Other Curatorsegg square icon Curator's Egg Clock square icon Ravelling Jack Affiliationacadame square icon Unidentifiable Squirming