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Category Skills
Type Abilities
Data ID 131138

Hearts is one of your Captain's Skills. Some interactions require you to pass a Hearts challenge, made easier by having a higher Hearts skill.

Skills description[]

"The skill of convincing and enduring."



Hearts can be increased through choosing certain Facets.

Facet Name Unlocked With Subgroup Effect
Originpoet icon Origin: Poet Level 1 The Celestials
The Nocturnals
The Sovereign School
Originpriest icon Origin: Priest Level 1 A Bright-Eyed Sequencer
The Bishop of Southwark
Your parishioners
Originurchin icon Origin: Urchin Level 1 The Knotted Sock
Originurchin icon Origin: Soldier Level 1 In the Royal Horse Guards
Originacademic icon Origin: Academic Level 1 The language of the heavens
Originzeecaptain icon Origin: Zailor Level 1 You explored
Searingenigma icon Origin: Auditor Level 1 The Department of Sensibility
Flag icon Origin: Revolutionary Level 1 With your art
Pastscandal icon Past: Scandal Level 2 A torrid affair
A parade of debauchery
Pastmentor icon Past: Mentor Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 2 A Blind Bruiser
Langleyhall icon Past: Fifteen Minutes of Fame Level 2

Originpoet icon Origin: Poet

You flourished, like a rose in the sun
You withered and fled
Momentofinspiration icon Past: An Hour in Gethsemane Level 2

Originpriest icon Origin: Priest

Your faith was confirmed
You lost faith
Porthole icon Past: Worse Things Happen at Zee Level 2

Originzeecaptain icon Origin: Zailor

A year of your life
Your home
Stainedglass icon Past: Lost Love Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 2 Like a gnawing ache, a hole in the heart
Like a fresh wound, as red now as it was then
Bronzewood icon Past: Family Footsteps Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 4 Their virtues
Their vices
Key icon Past: a Metamorphosis Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 4 A gradual growth
A blank slate
Youarenotalone icon Past: Haunted Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 6 A ghostly presence
Nightmarish visitations
Amberblue icon Past: Pestilence Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 8

Visitor: Albion

Beside your heart
In your lungs
Hull icon Deed: a Narrow Escape Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3

Locomotive icon Incident: a Narrow Escape ≥ 1

You have learned to be cautious
It has emboldened you
Affiliationestablishment icon Deed: Your Club Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 10

Affiliationestablishment icon Affiliation: Establishment ≥ 2

The Dilmun Club
The Parthenaeum
Pastscarred icon Past: Scarred Level 2 An engine accident
Pastspellinprison icon Past: A Spell in Prison Level 2 You served your time quietly
Pastunlikelyhaul icon Past: An Unlikely Haul Level 2

Originurchin icon Origin: Urchin

...a forbidden laboratory
Smokinggun icon Past: The Battlefield Level 2

Originsoldier icon Origin: Soldier

In victory
Searingenigma icon Past: A Letter of Resignation Level 2

Ministryliterature icon Origin: Auditor

Office politics
CrateofNostalgicCrockery icon Past: Below Stairs Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 2 You took them for all they were worth
Pastsmoggystreets icon Past: The Smoggy Streets Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 2

Stovepipe icon Past: The August Avenues = 0

You despised it
Hunger icon Past: Sunday Dinners Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3

Unaccountablypeckish icon A Red-Lipped Legacy ≥ 1
Unaccountablypeckish icon Not yet, not yet ≤ 0

You did not eat
Drink icon Past: Black Sheep Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 4 For your successes
Cobwebs icon Past: the Great Game Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 4 Domestic threats
Stormthatspeaks icon Past: the Seance Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 6 You were a believer
Homestead icon Past: a Settler Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 8 One bad season
Envelope icon Past: Correspondent Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 11 Your pen-friends
Ringmaster icon Past: a House of Cards Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 11 Because you never back down
Wind icon Past: An Exercise Regimen Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 11 A programme of calisthenics
Repentantdevil icon Past: the Devil you Know Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 12 Their parties
Transitrelay icon Deed: Far-Travelled Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3

Reach icon Visitor: The Reach ≥ 1
Visitor: Albion ≥ 1
Visitor: Eleutheria ≥ 1
Visitor: The Blue Kingdom ≥ 1

Wreckgeneric icon Deed: an Esteemed Predecessor Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 2

Genericcharacter icon Generation ≥ 2
Wreckgeneric icon Deed: a Disgraced Predecessor = 0

To the parlours of the privileged
Wreckgeneric icon Deed: a Disgraced Predecessor Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 2

Genericcharacter icon Generation ≥ 2
Wreckgeneric icon Deed: an Esteemed Predecessor = 0

To romantics
Affiliationacadame icon Deed: a Secret Symposium Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 10

Affiliationacadame icon Affiliation: Academe ≥ 2

'The Condemned Classics: an International Perspective'
Affiliationbohemia icon Deed: a Coterie Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 10

Affiliationbohemia icon Affiliation: Bohemia ≥ 2

A love of art
Affiliationvillainy icon Deed: a Thief-Oath Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 10

Affiliationvillainy icon Affiliation: Villainy ≥ 2

An oath of solace
Clock icon Deed: the Keeper of the Clocks Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3

Horologist icon Royal Horological Office ≥ 3

For the Empire's sake
Devilshell icon Deed: A Knight of the Brazen Brigade Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3

Devilshell icon A Marcher in the Brazen Brigade ≥ 616 [[COMPLETE]You are a Knight of the Brazen Brigade]

You share their ideals
Mirrors icon Deed: the Witness Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3

Pan icon A Friend to the Heart-Catchers ≥ 50 [[COMPLETE]You may seek audiences with the First of the Heart-Catchers]

Bloody icon Deed: The Final Month Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3

Bloody icon Winter's Reside: Season's Passing ≥ 1 [You are closely entwined with the Liberation of the Night.]

For the hope of a better future
Heirloomwealth icon Past: Your Inheritance Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3

Heirloomwealth icon Heirloom: A Token of Vast Wealth ≥ 1

You squandered it
Heirloomsongofthesky icon Past: the Song of the Sky Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3

Heirloomsongofthesky icon Heirloom: The Song of the Sky ≥ 1

It gives you solace
Martyrkingscup icon Past: the Martyr-King's Cup Experience icon Facets Taken ≥ 3

Martyrkingscup icon Heirloom: the Martyr-King's Cup ≥ 1

Your immortal predecessor


Hearts can be increased through recruiting certain Officers.

Name Position Recruited at Effect
Clayconductor icon Clay Conductor First Officers
Clayconductor icon Caring Conductor First Officers
Incognitoprincess icon Incognito Princess First Officers
Locket icon Old Friend First Officers
Royaldispensation icon The Portrait of the Unseen Queen First Officers
Royaldispensation icon The Unseen Queen, depicted with the Martyr-King's Cup First Officers
Forgedcompanion icon Poetic Forged Companion Quartermasters
    Hearts icon +10 Hearts
Amiablevagabond icon Amiable Vagabond Signallers
Amiablevagabond icon Dendrified Vagabond Signallers
Incautiousdriver icon Incautious Driver Chief Engineers
Ratbrigade icon The Ratty Reunion Chief Engineers
Felinedeccentric icon Felined Eccentric Chief Engineers
Felinedeccentric icon Gentle Eccentric Chief Engineers
Urchin icon Sky-Worn Urchin Mascots
    From the event that appears after docking in Lustrum icon Lustrum once.
    Hearts icon +1 Hearts
Obviouslydeliciousrabbit icon Obviously Delicious Rabbit Mascots
    Backers only mascot
    Hearts icon +1 Hearts


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Explore the City 'Deliver the honey to the Round Table' Requirement
Magdalene's House of Small Comfort 'Sell the pro-Philosophy artwork for the highest possible price' Requirement
A Chorister-Corpse 'Listen to its death-hymn' Requirement
Who Were You? 'The Knotted Sock' Default / Challenge Fail = 17
Who Were You? 'The Fisher-Kings' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'The Regiment' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'In the Royal Horse Guards' Default / Challenge Fail = 17
Who Were You? 'In the Commissariat' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'In the Corps of Royal Engineers' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'A poet' Default / Challenge Fail = 25
Who Were You? 'The practical sciences' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'The language of the heavens' Default / Challenge Fail = 17
Who Were You? 'Literature' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'A priest' Default / Challenge Fail = 25
Who Were You? 'You smuggled' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'You explored' Default / Challenge Fail = 17
Who Were You? 'You bought and you sold' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'The Information Office' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'The Department of Sensibility' Default / Challenge Fail = 17
Who Were You? 'The Department of Corrections' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'With your feet and your fists' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'With your art' Default / Challenge Fail = 17
Who Were You? 'With your mind' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Pasts 'An engine accident' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'You served your time quietly' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'A Scandal' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts '...a forbidden laboratory' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'You did not eat' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'A Mentor' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'A feud with your mentor' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'You despised it' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'A Lost Love' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'Haunted' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'For your successes' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Pestilence' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'In victory' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Fifteen Minutes of Fame' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'Worse Things Happen at Zee' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'Office politics' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'An Hour in Gethsemane' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'Family Footsteps' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'One bad season' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Wonders!' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'A Narrow Escape' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'For the hope of a better future' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'You share their ideals' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Poetry' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'You squandered it' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'It gives you solace' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'A love of art' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'An oath of solace' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Your Club' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts The Condemned Classics: an International Perspective Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'A Metamorphosis' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Pasts 'To the parlours of the privileged' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'To romantics' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'For the Empire's sake' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Your immortal predecessor' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Because you never back down' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Your pen-friends' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Their parties' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'You took them for all they were worth' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Domestic threats' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'A programme of calisthenics' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'You were a believer' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Pasts 'Keep it close' Default / Challenge Fail +3
A Visitation: A New Friend 'Regretfully decline' Default / Challenge Fail -1
A Nightmare: a Preferential Cabin 'No' Default / Challenge Fail -1
A Fungal Fragment 'Scrape it for supplies' Requirement
A Wreck! 'Enter through the shattered windscreens' Requirement
Hybras Deserted 'Allow the spores to reach you' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Admiral Nelson 'Engage in pointed gossip' Requirement
The Gaudy Widow 'Enjoy yourself' Requirement
The Gaudy Widow 'Retain your dignity' Requirement
The Lammas Fair 'Stick to the main stalls' Requirement
The Lammas Fair 'Beware the Inadvisably Big Dog' Requirement
The Grand Ball 'Be on your best behaviour' Requirement
In the Wilderness 'Pass through the meadow' Requirement
Explore London 'Entirely rewrite the Decadent's Work – and give that to the Publisher instead' Requirement
The Nowhere Inn 'Recruit a likely lass or lad' Requirement
The Ruins 'Enjoy the picturesque surroundings' Requirement
The Ruins 'Enjoy the picturesque surroundings' Requirement
The London Company Trader is Defeated 'Loot the galley' Requirement
The Blue Heaven Corsair is Defeated 'Investigate the glow' Requirement
Bell Garden 'Gain a penance of Deprivation' Requirement
Garden of Insatiable Roses 'Gain a penance of Excess' Requirement
Worlebury-juxta-Mare 'Stand for Parliament in Worlebury-juxta-Mare' Requirement
Worlebury-juxta-Mare 'Ponder that strange, unearthly taste' Requirement
Worlebury-juxta-Mare 'Gather new members for the cult' Requirement
The Political Machine 'Deliver a stirring speech in the House' Requirement
The Political Machine 'Seek a celebrity backer for your bill' Requirement
Courting the Deathless 'Speak with the Luminous Cardinal' Requirement
Courting the Deathless 'Speak with the Macabre Counsellor' Requirement
Courting the Deathless 'Speak with the Duchess Incarnadine' Requirement
Courting the Deathless 'Speak with the Engraved Mourner' Requirement
Aboard the Flotilla 'Inquire about the name of the lost saints' Requirement
The Jolly Anchorite 'The crowning of the saints' Requirement
In the vents 'Persuade your engineer to give the creature up' Requirement
The Careful Masquerader 'Stay your hand' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Half-Light Masque: Morning 'Charm the servants' Requirement
The Half-Light Masque: Afternoon 'Charm a servant' Requirement
The Half-Light Masque: Afternoon 'Convince Wilma to speak to the Brigade' Requirement
The Half-Light Masque: Evening 'Charm the servants' Requirement
The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld 'Give charity' Requirement
The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld, Out of Time 'Give charity' Requirement
Bully's Acre 'Pay your respects' Requirement
Azimuth 'Persuade the Sequencer to donate usefully' Requirement
Azimuth 'Persuade the Sequencer to donate profitably' Requirement
A kindly request 'Suggest an alternative gift' Requirement
A kindly request 'Prioritise your own personal gain' Requirement
The Glasshouse 'Speak with the prisoners' Requirement
A Race against Unravelling Time 'Take an unpleasant alternative route' Requirement
The Steward's Sanctum 'Persuade her to stop this madness' Requirement
The Steward's Sanctum 'Persuade her to stop this obsession' Requirement
The Similarly-Dazzled Steward 'Rally the engineers' Requirement
The Rites of the Rose 'Examine the roses' Requirement
The Rites of the Rose 'Kiss a rose' Requirement
The Rites of the Rose 'In sorrow' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Rites of the Rose 'Dream in the roses' Requirement
The Rites of the Rose 'A piece of your flesh' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Pebble Beach 'Complete the ritual' Requirement
The Pebble Beach 'Partake in the ritual' Requirement
A fracturing 'Attempt to save him' Requirement
The Off Season 'Incite dissent and dissatisfaction' Requirement
Dialogues with the Unredeemed 'Persuade the prisoner to repent' Requirement
The Venerable Flautist 'Ask her about the rules of Piranesi' Requirement
The Venerable Flautist 'Ask the Flautist a pertinent, but impertinent, question' Requirement
Incarceration 'Your bones are frayed string' Requirement ≤ 4
Dialogues with the Unaltered 'Persuade the prisoner to enter the tunnel' Requirement
Beams and Empty Bird-cages 'Convince a prisoner to tell you the Third Rule' Requirement
A Remaking by Lamplight 'Convince the Servitor to change itself' Requirement
A Change By Proxy 'Break yourself open' Requirement ≥ 5
A Change By Proxy 'Break yourself open' Default / Challenge Fail + -[d:5]
A Change By Proxy 'Calcify your heart' Requirement ≥ 5
A Change By Proxy 'Calcify your heart' Default / Challenge Fail + -[d:5]
Deterioration 'Break yourself open' Requirement ≥ 5
Deterioration 'Break yourself open' Default / Challenge Fail + -[q:135601]
Deterioration 'Jettison your scruples' Default / Challenge Fail + [q:135601]
Deterioration 'Calcify your heart' Requirement ≥ 5
Deterioration 'Calcify your heart' Default / Challenge Fail + -[d:5]
Substitution 'Convince him' Requirement
Substitution 'Use his secret to convince him' Requirement
Substitution 'Appeal to your friendship' Requirement
Your Unidentifiable Squirming is loose! 'Soothe the Squirming' Requirement
Hire on Crew at St Dominic's Station 'Hire a handful of crew' Requirement
Hire on Crew at St Dominic's Station 'Go on a recruitment mission' Requirement
The Graveyard of Stars 'Venture in' Requirement
A Scorn Fluke, Defeated 'Commune with the Scorn Fluke' Requirement
A Scorn Fluke, Defeated 'Commune with the Scorn Fluke' Requirement
Traversing the Staircases 'Send out an expedition into Langley Hall' Requirement
Traversing the Staircases 'Embark on an expedition into Langley Hall' Requirement
The Warmest Kitchen 'Help with the cooking' Requirement
The Warmest Kitchen 'Search for Lord Langley' Requirement
The Yellow Drawing Room 'Give a speech' Requirement
The Yellow Drawing Room 'Offer a recital' Requirement
The Yellow Drawing Room 'Attempt to identify Lord Langley's friend' Requirement
The Little Lounge 'Attempt to leave' Requirement
The Bathroom 'Show off' Requirement
The Study 'Disputate!' Requirement
The Blue Kingdom's Transit Relay to the Reach 'Reclaim your heart' Default / Challenge Fail +4
The Blue Kingdom's Transit Relay to the Reach 'Reclaim your heart' Rare Event +4
Investigate Starling House 'Enter Starling House by charm' Requirement
The Nave 'Investigate the Chamberlain's disappearance' Requirement
A Weft of Unravelling Time 'Take the helm and escape the Weft' Requirement
Within a Weft of Unravelling Time 'Escape a grim ending' Requirement
A Solitary Cobbled Street 'Negotiate for a Captivating Treasure' Requirement ≥ 5
A Solitary Cobbled Street 'Negotiate for a Captivating Treasure' Default / Challenge Fail -1
A Visitation: Synthesis 'Neglect the body' Default / Challenge Fail -1
A Visitation: Increasing clarity 'Look beneath' Default / Challenge Fail -1
You are Leaving Stains 'Wait, understand first' Default / Challenge Fail -1
A Nightmare: Your Memoirs 'Share it with a trusted crew member' Requirement
The Inconceivable Circus! 'Recruit Crew from the Circus' Requirement
[[[qvd:139348(storm_name)]]] 'Speak to the Storm' Requirement
A Visitation: To Hide Away 'You're hiding from the stars' Default / Challenge Fail -1
A Visitation: To Hide Away 'You're concealing all the new eyes you've been cultivating' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Verdancy 'Try to stop the Driver' Requirement
An Unpromising Address 'Negotiate a contract' Requirement
Alcoholics and Melancholics 'Wait for just one more' Default / Challenge Fail -1
A Memorable Wedding 'Throw the ring into the well' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Process of Removal 'Your love' Default / Challenge Fail -5
A Blind Hermitage 'Entrust a Death in a Jar to the hermit' Requirement
The Price of Charity 'Refuse to pay the price demanded' Default / Challenge Fail + -([d:2]*[q:137424])
Recruit Help at Pan 'Recruit Crew' Requirement
The Hour of Trumpets 'Confine your crew to quarters' Requirement
The Hour of Trumpets 'Spy on the hunt' Default / Challenge Fail -1
A Douser, Defeated 'Scavenge its plating' Requirement
A Douser, Defeated 'Plunder the Douser' Requirement
A Douser, Defeated 'Plunder the Douser' Requirement
A Douser, Defeated 'Plunder the Douser' Requirement
A Douser, Defeated 'Plunder the Douser' Requirement
An Empyrean Outrider, defeated 'Accept the Outrider's surrender' Requirement
An Empyrean Outrider, defeated 'Accept the Outrider's surrender' Requirement
A Griever, Defeated 'Excavate its digestive system' Requirement
The Nurseries 'Keep it on your bedside cabinet' Default / Challenge Fail +3
The Nurseries 'Keep it on your bedside cabinet' Default / Challenge Fail +3
One Voice among Many 'Lend the dignified head your stubbornness' Requirement
One Voice among Many 'Lend the dignified head your stubbornness' Default / Challenge Fail -3
The Laboratories 'Conduct your own experiment, recruiting Scintillants as volunteers' Requirement
The Hall of Debate '"The Liberation of Night is justified."' Requirement
A Lengthy Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Send out a search party' Requirement
A Lengthy Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Stopper your ears' Requirement
A Short Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Send out a search party' Requirement
A Short Expedition into Traitor's Wood 'Stopper your ears' Requirement
The Giggling Place 'Enter the hollow' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Barrows of Silence 'Leave' Default / Challenge Fail + -[q:137801]
The Wood's Edge 'Slumber in the wood' Requirement
The Greatest, Most Magnificent, Performance 'Catch a dock cat and bring it to Miss Peppercorn' Requirement
An Encounter in the Blue Kingdom 'Offer a mystery to keep it rooted to the world' Rare Event +1
An Encounter in the Blue Kingdom 'Help the Weary Spirit' Default / Challenge Fail +1
An Opportunistic Engine Answers your Signal 'Implore them to help' Requirement
The Bacchae 'Care for the crew' Requirement
The Bacchae 'Barricade yourself in your cabin until the madness passes' Requirement
A Touch of the Skies 'Send them back to work' Requirement
Unsettled Dreams 'Seek company' Requirement
Unsettled Dreams 'Seek company' Requirement
The Trials of the Dead 'Intercede on the Failed Dead's behalf' Requirement
The Trials of the Dead 'Intercede on the Failed Dead's behalf' Requirement
A Significant Demotion 'Steel your nerves' Requirement
A Significant Demotion 'Steel your nerves' Default / Challenge Fail -1
A Status More Befitting 'Invite mourners to your funeral' Requirement
The Chorea Machabaeorum 'Seduce the Jewelled Judge' Requirement
An Ecumenical Dust-up 'Attempt to mediate the dispute' Requirement
Discontent 'Make a joke of it, and her' Requirement
The Hour of the Wolf 'Endure this lean, cruel hour' Requirement
Fire in the Hold 'Order your crew to fight the fire' Requirement
Your Caged Catch has Escaped 'Order the crew to recapture it' Requirement
Your Caged Catch has Escaped 'Order it shot dead' Requirement
New Arrivals at the Circus 'Attempt to recruit new crewmembers' Requirement
A Painful Demotion 'Steel your nerves' Requirement
A Painful Demotion 'Steel your nerves' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Double Shifts 'Deliver an encouraging speech' Requirement
The Church of the Judas Psalm 'Ask for the Priest's forgiveness' Requirement
Pressing your Luck 'Send a smaller party ahead to retrieve fuel' Requirement
An Enclave of the Dead 'Deter your crew from remaining with their loved ones' Requirement
An Enclave of the Dead 'Deter your shades from lingering' Requirement
An Enclave of the Dead 'Join the silent celebration' Requirement
The Sun's Daughter 'Plead for an Indulgence' Requirement
Acquiring a Shovel 'Persuade her that you're an extremely waifish wraith' Requirement
The Trial of Appetite 'Control your hunger' Requirement
The Trial of Somnolence 'A dream of home' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Test of Substance 'Endure the removal of your face' Requirement ≥ 6
The Test of Substance 'Endure the removal of your face' Success -5
The Test of Substance 'Bargain for special treatment' Requirement ≥ 6
The Test of Substance 'Bargain for special treatment' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Test of Definition 'Step into the cauldron and try to keep yourself intact' Requirement
The Bleak Industrialist's Estate 'Try to extract a higher reward' Requirement
Dismissed 'Persuade her of your task's importance' Requirement
The Quartermaster's Office 'Reclaim your face' Default / Challenge Fail +5
The Inhabitor of the Threshold 'Leave your heart in trust, as surety you will return' Requirement ≥ 6
The Inhabitor of the Threshold 'Leave your heart in trust, as surety you will return' Default / Challenge Fail -5
Dining with the Dead 'Join the crew for dinner' Requirement
A Voice for the Forge 'Offer your voice' Default / Challenge Fail -5
An Objection 'Explain that the Companion's intervention was for the crew member's own good' Requirement
A Dangerous Illusion 'Stop this at once!' Requirement
The Court of Mayflies 'Undergo the Removal of your Clear Soul Flaw' Requirement ≥ 1
The Court of Mayflies 'Undergo the Removal of your Clear Soul Flaw' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Caught Red-Handed 'Bribe the Pinch-Faced Inspector' Requirement
Caught Red-Handed 'Bribe the Avuncular Inspector' Requirement
Caught Red-Handed 'Bribe the Taciturn Inspector' Requirement
The Punishment 'Guilty!' Default / Challenge Fail + -1
The Punishment 'Guilty!' Default / Challenge Fail + -1
The Antechamber of the Pansekritis 'Walk boldly into the Presence' Requirement
The Last Minute 'Attach the chain yourself' Requirement
Disturbed 'Distract the dead' Requirement
Skeleton Crew 'Deliver an encouraging speech' Requirement
The Blindness Throne 'Endure the demon's invasion of your mind as best you can' Requirement
The Grand Tournament 'Take part in the jousting' Requirement
The Man of Fire 'Slam the door' Requirement
The Man of Fire 'Slam the door' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Man of Fire 'Shoot him dead' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Accumulation of Time 'Tell stories to a barrel of hours' Requirement
The Felined Eccentric 'Encourage her to misbehave' Requirement
The Felined Eccentric 'Encourage her to leave the past behind' Requirement
Hire on Crew 'Hire a handful of crew' Requirement
Hire on Crew 'Go on a recruitment mission' Requirement
A Boil of Cantankeri 'Flee!' Requirement
The Silent Saint 'Command your crew to break the ice' Requirement
Faith's Fall 'Repair your locomotive' Requirement
An Unexploded Shell 'Order your crew to remove it' Requirement
Structural Damage 'Send the crew outside to patch it up' Requirement
A Narrow Escape 'Deliver a rousing speech' Requirement
An Uninvited Guest 'Temporarily abandon your locomotive' Requirement
Guests in the Cabins 'Make the crew cast out their keepsakes' Requirement
Desperate Measures 'Temporarily abandon your locomotive' Requirement
An Opportunity: Hours at Port Avon 'Bargain the price lower' Requirement
An Opportunity: Caged Catches at the House of Days 'Pay for the Caged Catches with British coin' Requirement
Frosty Fingerprints 'Sleep in the empty cabin yourself' Requirement
A Memorial 'Attend, and deliver a eulogy yourself' Requirement
A Memorial 'Conduct the ceremony yourself' Requirement
An Outbreak of the Heart-Sickness 'Succumb, and write' Requirement
The Cold that Kills 'Endure the cold' Requirement
The Whisperwinds 'Have everyone stopper their ears' Requirement
An Opportunity: Spirifage 'Convince the crew you're with the Gentlemen' Requirement
The Achlys Signs 'Persuade him to take pride in being a skylark' Requirement
A Celestial Ruin 'Tarry amidst the ruins' Requirement
A Windswept Habitation 'Rest and recover' Requirement
Number Thirteen, Jubilee Road 'Bring the conversation around to the letters' Requirement
Lean and Hollowed 'Work alongside the crew' Requirement
The Toll 'Endure' Requirement
Mad with Hunger 'Calm him' Requirement
An Opportunity: Hours at Magdalene's 'Bargain the price lower' Requirement
A Goat Demon Stands Guard 'Try to bribe it' Requirement

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Explore the City Deliver the honey to the Round Table Default:

Magdalene's House of Small Comfort Sell the pro-Philosophy artwork for the highest possible price Default:

A Chorister-Corpse Listen to its death-hymn
    • Hearts icon Hearts (25 for 100%)

Who Were You? The Knotted Sock None Default:
    • Hearts icon Hearts = 17
    • Hunger icon Fermented = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as pungent, febrile and unappetising.]
    • Fire icon Curdled = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as sickly, cloying and unappetisingly crawling. ]
The Fisher-Kings None Default:
    • Hearts icon Hearts = 10
    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]
    • Fire icon Curdled = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as sickly, cloying and unappetisingly crawling. ]
The Regiment None Default:
    • Hearts icon Hearts = 10
    • Mirrors icon Lightless = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as distressingly bland, inoffensive and liable to dissatisfaction.]
    • Fire icon Curdled = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as sickly, cloying and unappetisingly crawling. ]
In the Royal Horse Guards None Default:
    • Hearts icon Hearts = 17
    • Iron icon Clear = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as disappointingly clear; almost transparent.]
    • Mirrors icon Lightless = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as distressingly bland, inoffensive and liable to dissatisfaction.]
In the Commissariat None Default:
In the Corps of Royal Engineers None Default:
A poet None Default:
The practical sciences None Default:
    • Hearts icon Hearts = 10
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
    • Mirrors icon Lightless = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as distressingly bland, inoffensive and liable to dissatisfaction.]
The language of the heavens None Default:
    • Hearts icon Hearts = 17
    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
Literature None Default:
    • Hearts icon Hearts = 10
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
    • Pastscandal icon Flickering = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as intermittently tantalising with an aftertaste of disappointment.]
A priest None Default:
You smuggled None Default:
    • Hearts icon Hearts = 10
    • Hunger icon Fermented = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as pungent, febrile and unappetising.]
    • Pastscandal icon Flickering = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as intermittently tantalising with an aftertaste of disappointment.]
You explored None Default:
    • Hearts icon Hearts = 17
    • Hunger icon Fermented = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as pungent, febrile and unappetising.]
    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]
You bought and you sold None Default:
    • Hearts icon Hearts = 10
    • Hunger icon Fermented = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as pungent, febrile and unappetising.]
    • Mirrors icon Lightless = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as distressingly bland, inoffensive and liable to dissatisfaction.]
The Information Office None Default:
    • Hearts icon Hearts = 10
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
    • Iron icon Clear = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as disappointingly clear; almost transparent.]
The Department of Sensibility None Default:
    • Ministryliterature icon Origin: Auditor = 20 [You were appointed to the Department of Sensibility]
    • Hearts icon Hearts = 17
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
    • Fire icon Curdled = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as sickly, cloying and unappetisingly crawling. ]
The Department of Corrections None Default:
    • Ministryliterature icon Origin: Auditor = 30 [You were appointed to the Department of Corrections]
    • Hearts icon Hearts = 10
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
    • Mirrors icon Lightless = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as distressingly bland, inoffensive and liable to dissatisfaction.]
With your feet and your fists None Default:
    • Hearts icon Hearts = 10
    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]
    • Mirrors icon Lightless = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as distressingly bland, inoffensive and liable to dissatisfaction.]
With your art None Default:
    • Hearts icon Hearts = 17
    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]
    • Hunger icon Fermented = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as pungent, febrile and unappetising.]
With your mind None Default:
    • Hearts icon Hearts = 10
    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]

Pasts An engine accident None Default:
    • Pastscarred icon Past: Scarred = 20 [A breached pipe. A jet of scalding steam. You spent a week on the brink, trapped in boiling dreams]
    • Hearts icon +3 x Hearts
You served your time quietly None Default:
A Scandal Default:
You did not eat None Default:
...a forbidden laboratory None Default:
A Mentor Default:
A feud with your mentor Default:
You despised it None Default:
A Lost Love Default:
Haunted Default:
For your successes None Default:
    • Hearts icon +3 x Hearts
    • Drink icon Past: Black Sheep = 10 [They resented you for your successes. You were a stranger to the people who knew you best]
Pestilence Default:
In victory None Default:
Fifteen Minutes of Fame Default:
Worse Things Happen at Zee Default:
Office politics None Default:
An Hour in Gethsemane Default:
Family Footsteps Default:
One bad season None Default:
    • Hearts icon +3 x Hearts
    • Homestead icon Past: a Settler = 20 [In the end, bad harvest and worse winds ruined your homestead]
Wonders! None Default:
A Narrow Escape Default:
For the hope of a better future None Default:
You share their ideals None Default:
Poetry None Default:
You squandered it None Default:
It gives you solace None Default:
A love of art None Default:
An oath of solace None Default:
Your Club Default:
'The Condemned Classics: an International Perspective' None Default:
A Metamorphosis Default:
To the parlours of the privileged None Default:
To romantics None Default:
For the Empire's sake None Default:
Your immortal predecessor None Default:
Because you never back down None Default:
Your pen-friends None Default:
Their parties None Default:
You took them for all they were worth None Default:
Domestic threats None Default:
    • Hearts icon +3 x Hearts
A programme of calisthenics None Default:
You were a believer None Default:
Keep it close None Default:

A Visitation: A New Friend Regretfully decline Default:

A Nightmare: a Preferential Cabin No Default:

A Fungal Fragment Scrape it for supplies
    • Hearts icon Hearts (50 for 100%)

A Wreck! Enter through the shattered windscreens Default:

Hybras Deserted Allow the spores to reach you None Default:
    • Hearts icon +1 x Hearts

The Admiral Nelson Engage in pointed gossip
    • Hearts icon Hearts (33 for 100%)

The Gaudy Widow Enjoy yourself
    • Hearts icon Hearts (33 for 100%)
Retain your dignity
    • Hearts icon Hearts (33 for 100%)

The Lammas Fair Stick to the main stalls
    • Hearts icon Hearts (33 for 100%)
Beware the Inadvisably Big Dog Default:

The Grand Ball Be on your best behaviour
    • Hearts icon Hearts (33 for 100%)

In the Wilderness Pass through the meadow Default:

Explore London Entirely rewrite the Decadent's Work – and give that to the Publisher instead Default:

The Nowhere Inn Recruit a likely lass or lad Default:

The Ruins Enjoy the picturesque surroundings Default:
Enjoy the picturesque surroundings Default:

The London Company Trader is Defeated Loot the galley
    • Hearts icon Hearts (17 for 100%)

The Blue Heaven Corsair is Defeated Investigate the glow
    • Hearts icon Hearts (42 for 100%)

Bell Garden Gain a penance of Deprivation
    • Hearts icon Hearts (100 for 100%)

Garden of Insatiable Roses Gain a penance of Excess
    • Hearts icon Hearts (142 for 100%)

Worlebury-juxta-Mare Stand for Parliament in Worlebury-juxta-Mare Default:
Ponder that strange, unearthly taste Default:
Gather new members for the cult Default:

The Political Machine Deliver a stirring speech in the House Default:
Seek a celebrity backer for your bill Default:

Courting the Deathless Speak with the Luminous Cardinal Default:
Speak with the Macabre Counsellor Default:
Speak with the Duchess Incarnadine Default:
Speak with the Engraved Mourner Default:

Aboard the Flotilla Inquire about the name of the lost saints Default:

The Jolly Anchorite The crowning of the saints Default:

In the vents Persuade your engineer to give the creature up
    • Hearts icon Hearts (58 for 100%)

The Careful Masquerader Stay your hand None Default:

The Half-Light Masque: Morning Charm the servants Default:

The Half-Light Masque: Afternoon Charm a servant Default:
Convince Wilma to speak to the Brigade Default:

The Half-Light Masque: Evening Charm the servants Default:

The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld Give charity Default:

The Backstreets of Brabazon Workworld, Out of Time Give charity Default:

Bully's Acre Pay your respects
    • Hearts icon Hearts (42 for 100%)

Azimuth Persuade the Sequencer to donate usefully Default:
Persuade the Sequencer to donate profitably Default:

A kindly request Suggest an alternative gift
    • Hearts icon Hearts (58 for 100%)
Prioritise your own personal gain
    • Hearts icon Hearts (58 for 100%)

The Glasshouse Speak with the prisoners
    • Hearts icon Hearts (73 for 100%)

A Race against Unravelling Time Take an unpleasant alternative route Default:

The Steward's Sanctum Persuade her to stop this madness
    • Hearts icon Hearts (127 for 100%)
Persuade her to stop this obsession Default:

The Similarly-Dazzled Steward Rally the engineers
    • Hearts icon Hearts (65 for 100%)

The Rites of the Rose Examine the roses Default:
Kiss a rose Default:
Dream in the roses Default:
In sorrow None Default:
A piece of your flesh None Default:

The Pebble Beach Complete the ritual Default:
Partake in the ritual Default:

A fracturing Attempt to save him
    • Hearts icon Hearts (132 for 100%)

The Off Season Incite dissent and dissatisfaction Default:

Dialogues with the Unredeemed Persuade the prisoner to repent
    • Hearts icon Hearts (92 for 100%)

The Venerable Flautist Ask her about the rules of Piranesi Default:
Ask the Flautist a pertinent, but impertinent, question Default:

Incarceration Your bones are frayed string
    • Hearts icon Hearts ≤ 4

Dialogues with the Unaltered Persuade the prisoner to enter the tunnel
    • Hearts icon Hearts (75 for 100%)

Beams and Empty Bird-cages Convince a prisoner to tell you the Third Rule

A Remaking by Lamplight Convince the Servitor to change itself Default:

A Change By Proxy Break yourself open
    • Hearts icon Hearts ≥ 5
Calcify your heart
    • Hearts icon Hearts ≥ 5

Deterioration Break yourself open
    • Hearts icon Hearts ≥ 5
Jettison your scruples Default:
Calcify your heart
    • Hearts icon Hearts ≥ 5

Substitution Convince him Default:
Use his secret to convince him Default:
Appeal to your friendship Default:

Your Unidentifiable Squirming is loose! Soothe the Squirming
    • Hearts icon Hearts (75 for 100%)

Hire on Crew at St Dominic's Station Hire a handful of crew Default:
Go on a recruitment mission Default:

The Graveyard of Stars Venture in Default:

A Scorn Fluke, Defeated Commune with the Scorn Fluke Default:
Commune with the Scorn Fluke Default:

Traversing the Staircases Send out an expedition into Langley Hall Default:
Embark on an expedition into Langley Hall Default:

The Warmest Kitchen Help with the cooking Default:
Search for Lord Langley Default:

The Yellow Drawing Room Give a speech Default:
Offer a recital Default:
Attempt to identify Lord Langley's friend Default:

The Little Lounge Attempt to leave
    • Hearts icon Hearts (50 for 100%)

The Bathroom Show off Default:

The Study Disputate! Default:

The Blue Kingdom's Transit Relay to the Reach Reclaim your heart
    • Hearts icon The Absence of a Heart = 1 [You have left your heart at the transit relay in the Blue Kingdom, as surety of your return]
Default: Rare:

Investigate Starling House Enter Starling House by charm
    • Hearts icon Hearts (50 for 100%)
    • Skystory icon Star-Crossed = 40 [[COMPLETE]Remember to do this]
    • Skystory icon Star-Crossed = 50 [[COMPLETE]Remember to do this]

The Nave Investigate the Chamberlain's disappearance Default:

A Weft of Unravelling Time Take the helm and escape the Weft Default:

Within a Weft of Unravelling Time Escape a grim ending Default:

A Solitary Cobbled Street Negotiate for a Captivating Treasure Default:

A Visitation: Synthesis Neglect the body None Default:

A Visitation: Increasing clarity Look beneath None Default:

You are Leaving Stains Wait, understand first Default:

A Nightmare: Your Memoirs Share it with a trusted crew member Default:

The Inconceivable Circus! Recruit Crew from the Circus Default:

[[[qvd:139348(storm_name)]]] Speak to the Storm Default:

A Visitation: To Hide Away You're hiding from the stars None Default:
You're concealing all the new eyes you've been cultivating None Default: