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In Tutorial
Category Hidden
Type [[Hidden#|]]
Data ID 138603

In Tutorial is considered a Hidden Quality [[Hidden#|]] in Sunless Skies.

Hidden description[]

"Welcome, delicious friend."


Quality status[]

In Tutorial does not have a status description.


Interactions in Brief[]

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Interaction Action Result Type Change
The Reach Marauder is Defeated 'Board the defeated Marauder' Requirement ≤ 0
The Reach Marauder is Defeated 'Raid the remains' Requirement ≥ 1
The Reach Marauder is Defeated 'Strip it for repairs' Requirement ≥ 1
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Submit the paperwork for a travel permit ' Requirement ≤ 0
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Travel to the Blue Kingdom, unofficially' Requirement ≤ 0
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Recall your recent arrival through the relay' Requirement ≥ 1
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Travel to the Blue Kingdom, first class' Requirement ≤ 0
The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay 'Travel to the Blue Kingdom, second class' Requirement ≤ 0
The Reading of the Will 'Listen to the end' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
You are Leaving the Tutorial Area 'Abandon the tutorial' Default / Challenge Fail = 0

Interactions in Detail[]

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Story Action Required Effect
The Reach Marauder is Defeated Board the defeated Marauder Default:
Raid the remains
    • In Tutorial ≥ 1
Strip it for repairs
    • In Tutorial ≥ 1

The Blue Kingdom Transit Relay Submit the paperwork for a travel permit Default:
Travel to the Blue Kingdom, unofficially Default:
Recall your recent arrival through the relay
Travel to the Blue Kingdom, first class Default:
Travel to the Blue Kingdom, second class Default:

The Reading of the Will Listen to the end None Default:

You are Leaving the Tutorial Area Abandon the tutorial None Default:
    • Genericcharacter icon The Orphean = 100 [[COMPLETE]Your lineage inherited the Orphean from Captain Whitlock, along with a mysterious black box]
    • In Tutorial = 0

Triggered Events[]

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Story Requirements Type Location
Arrival at New Winchester
    • In Tutorial ≥ 1
Story Event (Always :100%) Wolvesey Station
You are Leaving the Tutorial Area
    • In Tutorial ≥ 1
Story Event (Always :100%) Limbo
Ambition: Studying the Chamberlain's Journal
    • In Tutorial ≤ 0
    • Ambition: The Martyr-King's Cup = 2 [Collect 5 Sky-Stories in order to decipher the Chamberlain's Journal. You will study it automatically while you explore]
Story Event (Always :100%) Anywhere
Studying the Chamberlain's Journal
    • In Tutorial ≤ 0
    • The Chamberlain's Absence = 3 [The Chamberlain's Journal merits further study. Gather 3 Sky Stories, and you will work on translating the code while you travel]
Story Event (Always :100%) Anywhere

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