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Langley Hall | |
Langley Hall (Sidebar) | |
Located in | Eleutheria |
Ports | Langley Hall |
Shops | The Cloakroom |
Langley Hall is a port in the outer circle of Eleutheria, located in the same segment as Caduceus.
Log Entries[]
The Last Lamp-Post gleams through the fog: the furthest-flung piece of London.
You near Langley Hall; its windows warm with candlelight.
"At Langley Hall you can be whoever you were meant to be," a crewman says, softly. His eyes are hopeful.
Besotted with the Princess's finery, the dog has consumed her favourite bustle. The Princess is unamused.
Even the Signalman's furrowed brow relaxes at the thought of returning to Langley Hall.
Incognito Princess: "I remember reading about Lord Langley. Strange fellow. Strange ideas."
The Clay Conductor sidles up. "Could we go back? For the crew's sake..."
The Forged Companion feels compelled to return to Langley Hall. They are baffled by this loss of self-control.
The Incautious Driver trembles at the thought of returning to Langley Hall.
The Rat Brigade squeaks excitedly as Langley Hall comes into view.
The Vagabond has half the crew dancing to an energetic tune on his fiddle.
You near the Last Lamp Post. "London again," laughs the Eccentric. "She's everywhere, isn't she?"
Your Aunt applies a blush to her cheeks in anticipation of returning to Langley Hall.
"Could we go back?" implores the Fortunate Navigator. "Pretty please?"
Langley Hall[]
A sprawling house of numberless rooms. Founded by Lord Langley, it is a refuge for those willing to brave the dark of Eleutheria. Outside it stands the Last Lamp-Post: the furthest-flung beacon of London life.
His Lordship's Grand Clear-Out | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 303728 |
His Lordship's Grand Clear-Out[]
The maids of Langley Hall hustle you into a quiet corner of the house where they are auctioning off some of Lord Langley's unwanted possessions at bargain prices. His Lordship won't mind, they assure you, because His Lordship will never find out.
Trigger conditions
Date ≥
An Opportunity in Langley Hall,
An Opportunity in Langley Hall ≥ 1
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Acquire a Crate of Nostalgic Crockery
Thick layer of dust aside, it looks in good condition.
A furtive deal is struck!
The maids hurry you out of the room, promising to sneak the goods onto your engine as soon as possible. They prove as good as their word.
Acquire a Roll of Thirsty Bombazine
It was a curtain in the Hollowed Hallway once. The moths have dined upon it.
A furtive deal is struck!
The maids hurry you out of the room, promising to sneak the goods onto your engine as soon as possible. They prove as good as their word.
Acquire a Cask of Navaratine Gemstones
The maids are quiet as to where His Lordship got these.
A furtive deal is struck!
The maids hurry you out of the room, promising to sneak the goods onto your engine as soon as possible. They prove as good as their word.
A Jetty off the Edge of Nowhere | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 285100 |
A Jetty off the Edge of Nowhere[]
A cottage the size of a cathedral. Mellow candlelight shines through its frosted windows like spilt treacle. Here, the vanished Lord Langley founded a home away from home; a London for the exiled, the lost and the lovelorn. Distance is suspended inside; no one has ever claimed to have charted the entirety of the limitless hall.
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Enter Langley Hall
All are welcome here, provided that they are welcoming of all here.
Welcome, traveller
A man in a faded postal uniform greets you at the end of a battered jetty. He carries a shuttered lamp in one hand, its light the same deep amber hue of the Last Lamp-Post. "Hello, hello! A new guest? This way please, let's get you somewhere warm."
He produces a set of keys and strides towards the oak-panelled front door of the house. He knocks thrice and then unlocks the door. "This way!" The sound of laughter spills out. Inside, an endless house-party is in full-swing. Guests who enter Langley Hall rarely leave.
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Return to Langley Hall
How long has it been since your last visit?
Return, traveller
The post officer is here to greet you again. "I'm so pleased you've returned! This way, please. Everyone will be so glad to see you." He unlocks the oak-panelled door, and a familiar flood of amber light and bright laughter spills out into the cold.
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The Hallowed Hallway | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 291251 |
The Hallowed Hallway[]
This hall is the oldest part of Langley's project. From here, staircases wend their way to other rooms, halls, landings and wings of the cottage. Guests sit on stairs, sing from the banisters, or promenade along the hall in search of friends. The closest door to the entrance is wide open, revealing a cloakroom the size of a village green. Fires crackle in seven hearths. Someone has set up a bar.
Trigger conditions
Welcomed Home ≥ 1 ≤ 1,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes | |||||
Compile a Port Report
Langley Hall is widely considered to be a folly and a fool's paradise. Have those who say such visited?
Good tidings
Langley Hall is a labyrinth of well intentioned jollity. Parties snake from the front door to the back kitchen by way of a thousand bedrooms, bathrooms, billiard rooms and ballrooms. The wine flows like water, and the hour is always hazily too late. Those that come here rarely leave, and those that do rarely do so for long. They have made a home of Langley Hall, or at least, Langley Hall has made for them a home.
Ambition: Establish a spider-council
The sprawling, labyrinthine passages of Langley Hall will be perfect for a council to squirrel itself away in.
A strand of the web
Within a day or two it becomes clear to the residents of Langley Hall that the house has a new resident whose interests veer enthusiastically towards ocular larceny. They form roving gangs of hunters, armed with pokers, but the Hall is so vast they've no chance of rooting out the infestation.
Your spider returns ten days later, looking sheepish. Did it get lost? It will not answer, but leads you to a hitherto undiscovered garret where young sorrow-spiders spin cosy webs between plush armchairs. You set to work knitting them into a fledgling spider-council.
Go to the study
Lord Langley may have left a clue. If not, it'll at least be a space to think and go over all you've learnt.
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Ask whether the post officer has seen any sigils
Does the he know where in the endless house one might lie?
A good postie always knows
"You could do worse than try the kitchen. That stove has always seemed a little hotter than it should be, for a wood burner."
Visit Lord Langley
Your love is waiting for you.
He's set up a bedroom in the upper reaches of the hall, where you are sure to be undisturbed. He's brought a pitcher of wine (green as the heart of Traitor's Wood), arranged fresh linens and a bath filled with Caduceus roses. You have brought only yourself, and your boundless imagination.
Afterwards, parting is – as ever – sweet sorrow. His fingers entwined in yours. Meeting his vulpine gaze. His words: "You will come back."
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Explore Langley Hall
A house, bounded on the outside, but inside endless. Langley Hall extends as long as it likes, without interference from the laws of measurement, architecture, or probability.
The byways of Langley Hall
Some floors are littered with rooms like the inside of a beehive; others contain but a single bedroom. Doors rarely connect one or more rooms at a time, Lord Langley having apparently preferred his guests get some exercise when moving from their bedrooms to the library in search of a night cap.
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Inquire after Lord Langley
It's only polite to introduce oneself to the master of the house, and the host of this endless party.
An awkward subject
The post officer looks deeply uncomfortable. "Not sure I ought to say. His Lordship's business. This is his party, see.
"He found the house and wanted guests. Invited those of us who, for one reason or another, weren't suited for what London had become. New London made him sick to his stomach, he said." The post officer runs a hand through his hair. "I won't betray his hospitality. But, I'll tell you what I know, if you agree that – if you do find him – you'll respect his wishes. That's what this place is about. Respectin' each other." |
You'll respect the intentions of Langley Hall. Or say you will at any rate.
The postal officer bites his lower lip. "It's the topic of choice here! 'Where's Langley?' 'Have you seen Langley?'" He sighs. "Anyone who says they know the answer is lying. But if you want a place to start looking, when he was with us, he favoured a particular chair in the Lounge. An old friend of his is still in the Yellow Drawing Room. And he was on good terms with the cook."
He considers you for a moment. "What if he doesn't want to be found? What if, wherever he is, he doesn't want to come back?"
You'd rather not commit to such a promise just yet.
The post officer looks faintly put out. "Oh. Someone always asks about Lord Langley." He rallies, stretching his shoulders. "Still, doesn't harm our reputation none. Not if some who come here never leave, eh?" He winks, and turns away.
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Hang up your coat and hat
You plan to be here for a while.
Game note: You'll be able to explore more options in Langley Hall when you have declared your intention to stay awhile. But you run the risk of wanting to come back: the Hall engenders dreams that weigh like an anchor on the dreamer. |
Lingering in Langley Hall
A jovial doctor in a taupe waistcoat manages the cloakroom. "This way, Addressed As(SpeechFormal). Let's see if we've any space left!"
He guides you to a hatstand nestled between a vast tower of wigs and a row of pin-striped suits. "Do let me know if you find anything interesting during your stay," he says. "So that I can avoid stumbling across it."
Recover your coat and hat
You'll be leaving soon.
Game note: This will lock options in Langley Hall, but you won't be at risk of staying too long either. |
Time to go
The doctor guides you to your effects with admirable efficiency. "I always remember where someone leaves their things. I trained for medicine, but this is preferable. It requires the same attention to detail and personal attention, but involves considerably less mess. Everything in its place, nothing ever goes wrong – and it wouldn't matter much if it did. Here you are."
Return to the kitchen
Glasses of champagne. Pasta in béchamel sauce. Card games and hot kettles. The gad-flys, all-nighters and perpetual hangers-on.
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Return to the Little Lounge
Where sleep and candlelight reign.
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Return to the Yellow Drawing Room
Be amusing.
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Return to the Upstairs Laundry Cupboard
You never know who you might find.
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Return to the Study
You have not had your fill of discourse.
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Return to the Solarium
You crave the light.
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Return to the Bathroom
They're still at it.
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Return to the Ballroom
Lord Langley awaits.
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Leave Langley Hall |
The post officer escorts you to the dock. "Not good to go out in the dark alone, Addressed As(SpeechInformal)." He shadows you all the way to your engine.
He waits on the platform as you make ready for departure. Even as the dark rolls in to swallow your engine, the amber light from his lantern lingers.
Relieve your dreams in Langley Hall
Perhaps a short stay in the Hall will ease your nightly wanderings. You'll need provisions for your stay however.
Game note: This will cost Supplies and will fully remove your Unwillingness to Leave. |
Always returning
Your crew make camp on a promising looking series of bedchambers on the thirteenth floor. You have, of course, a suite of your own.
Toegther you while away your yearnings in dice and merriment and long evenings in the lounges and parlours of Langley Hall. Eventually, you find yourself waking up one morning with a curious yearning for places other than here.
Advanced query needs investigation Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Signing the guest book[]
This a pretty big table so it is sepearted form the main event table
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes | |||||
Sign the Guestbook
"Just a little formality," the post officer says apologetically. "Don't worry – we don't have many here."
A place here
He leads you to a little side-room, where a buffet, replete with dips and bread-sticks, has been laid out. He produces a huge leather volume from under a table and moves some hummus so that he can set it down. The spine indicates that this is Vol. III.
"Tell us how you'd like to be addressed. Whatever you like – who you really are. Or who you want to be." He hands you the pen.
Remain as you are
Langley Hall will accept you all the same.
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
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This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
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This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
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'My lord'
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
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'My lady'
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
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undefined |
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Sign the Guestbook
Change how you're addressed.
Game note: Langley Hall will accept you as whatever you choose to be. |
Always welcome
He leads you to a little side-room, where a buffet, replete with dips and bread-sticks, has been laid out. He produces a huge leather volume from under a table and moves some hummus so that he can set it down. The spine indicates that this is Vol. III.
"Tell us how you'd like to be addressed. Whatever you like – who you really are. Or who you want to be." He hands you the pen.
Remain as you are
Langley Hall will accept you all the same.
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
'My Lord'
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
'My Lady'
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does.""
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
| |||||||
This is what they will call you.
Game note: This will change how your captain is addressed throughout the game. |
The post officer nods, blots the ink, and closes the book. "Very good, Addressed As(SpeechInformal). You are welcome here for as long as you care to stay."
He shakes your hand. "One thing. Just a note of caution, if you go exploring. We don't know how far the hall extends. I doubt even Langley does."
The Cloakroom
Pay the checking fee and you can take whichever coat you like. It's unlikely anyone will mind. Provisions are also available, should, for some reason, you wish to leave.
Item | Buy | Sell |
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