Sunless Skies Wiki
Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve
Naturereserve ambience
Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve (Sidebar)
Located in The Reach
Ports L&S Loading Bay
Capability's Cabins
Albert's Idyll
Shops Skyfarer's Supplies

Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve is a port located in the outer circle of The Reach, located in the same segment as Titania.

Log Entries[]

Golden lights dance in the distance, bright and brief as dandelion seeds passing through a sunbeam.
Here, the Reach's verdance runs rampant. You see knotted vines and lurid fungus, and orange flowers bright as polished trumpets.
How deep the greens! How cold the stars! How wild the Reach has run, with no sun to govern it.

Incognito Princess: "Is it the good kind of nature in the reserve, or the malodorous kind?"
Judicious Driver: "The Verdant gave me new life here. Despite everything, I'm grateful."
The Aunt chivvies the crew. "Who's up for a bracing walk in the Reserve? With rifles, of course."
The Fatalistic Signalman marvels at the wildness. "And we thought we could tame this. Muttonheads."
The Felined Eccentric looks out at the Nature Reserve: "I'd best keep the cats in. They're not friendly to wildlife."
The Incautious Drive looks wistful. "Father sent me here to work a quiet job. Couldn't keep it.
The Rat Brigade is in hiding. "Sorry, cap," squeak Cinders from a crate. "Reserve's full of predators."
The Reckless Driver is frantic. "You have to dock at the Reserve. I need to be down there!"
The Repentant Devil smiles. "First you 'conquer' nature, then you 'preserve' it. A trifle arrogant, no?"
"Altan would have liked it here," says the Navigator softly. "We used to talk of going hunting."
"What will I be once the Verdant's gone?" The Incautious Driver gazes out the porthole, briefly sombre.

L&S Loading Bay[]

Leadbeater & Stainrod is an elderly London company; the custodians of the Empire's first supernal nature reserve. To find work with them, head for Capability's Cabins. If you'd rather enjoy the reserve, seek the gateway of Albert's Idyll.

Join a hunting party
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 303704

Join a hunting party[]

An Opportunistic Ranger smiles a mostly toothless grin, and shows off his many scars from the beasts of the Nature Reserve. All fair in love and war!

Trigger conditions

Calendar icon DateClock icon An Opportunity in the Nature Reserve,


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Join the hunting party
What threat can a few unruly animals be to an armed group of the sky's finest?
    • Iron icon Iron challenge (100 for 100%)

Failed event
A hunt you can walk away from
You head into the Reserve ready to stalk your prey, only to find it ready and waiting for you. A desperate chase later, you find yourself hiding behind a bush as something sniffs the air, thankfully losing your trail and heading back to its den.
Successful event
A successful hunt
The animals of the Nature Reserve flee from your careful, methodical approach. Your rifle fires and a promising one falls to the ground, wounded, but alive. The Opportunistic Ranger binds its legs tight, ready to shove it in a cage once you return to the docks.
Explore the Nature Reserve on your own
You prefer your adventures more scenic and less liable to result in the loss of limbs.
A pleasant walk
Along with a few of your braver crew members, you set out into the depths of the Nature Reserve for a bracing walk and a quiet picnic. The fauna around here is shy when not being hunted. It doesn't even try to steal your scones.

Game note: Reduce Terror.

Leadbeater & Stainrod Bay
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 276226

leadbeater & Stainrod Bay[]

This concrete bay is for loading and unloading locomotives. It disappoints tourists, who expect to arrive at a scenic waterside. It mainly caters for the workers of the Leadbeater & Stainrod Company, who come to collect goods from the laboratories here. Cable-cars link to the main Reserve below and the scientific base at Capability's Inquest.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Gather a Port Report
The Reserve is a point of pride for the Empire.
The Leadbeater & Stainrod Nature Reserve is a national park, maintained at great expense by the company. Scores of researchers come here to study the nature of the Reach. Many visitors come here too for a pleasant holiday.
Dropping off a settler
You're here!
Export Sapling-Knots
Someone has ordered them from Leadbeater & Stainrod. There is an open call for captains willing to deliver.
The clerk smiles as you sign your name. "This one's going to Delivering Sapling Knots(location)."
Export Sapling-Knots
Someone has ordered them from Leadbeater & Stainrod. There is an open call for captains willing to deliver.
The clerk smiles as you sign your name. "This one's going to Delivering Sapling Knots(location)."
Export Verdant Encouragement
Highly effective fertiliser is unnecessary in the Reach, and this is heinously expensive besides, but Leadbeater & Stainrod have found a buyer. Now they just need someone to deliver it.
The clerk holds a scented rag over his mouth and nose as the fertiliser is transported onto your locomotive. "See it gets to Delivering Verdant Encouragement(location)."
Export Verdant Encouragement
Highly effective fertiliser is unnecessary in the Reach, and this is heinously expensive besides, but Leadbeater & Stainrod have found a buyer. Now they just need someone to deliver it.
The clerk holds a scented rag over his mouth and nose as the fertiliser is transported onto your locomotive. "See it gets to Delivering Verdant Encouragement(location)."
Export Apollonian Cinders
Demand is much greater than the supply; Leadbeater & Stainrod are raking in Sovereigns. The company is looking for a captain to deliver a shipment.
The clerk sniffs, and brushes the golden dust away from his nose. "You're carrying a good load today! Take it to Delivering Apollonian Cinders(location), please."
Export Apollonian Cinders
Demand is much greater than the supply; Leadbeater & Stainrod are raking in Sovereigns. The company is looking for a captain to deliver a shipment.
The clerk sniffs, and brushes the golden dust away from his nose. "You're carrying a good load today! Take it to Delivering Apollonian Cinders(location), please."
Converse with your fellow captains
What brings them out this way?
For a few, it's the work provided by Leadbeater & Stainrod. For the rest, the reason is the same: they're drawn by the beauty of the Reserve. Some are here with tourists from across the Empire. Others are here to give their crews a respite. Others were simply passing by, and couldn't resist stopping in.
Converse with your fellow captains
Are any of them exporting Company goods? What do they think of the demand for them?
Converse with your fellow captains
Have they been hauling Cinders? What do they make of the stuff?
Put up a flyer for the Strongwoman
Tourists from across the Empire come here. Perhaps you can encourage them to divert to the Circus on their route home.
Parents and children enter fierce debate about the limits of human strength. "Dear heart, no one can lift an asteroid." "But she's the strongest! She could lift anything!"
Speak with a watcher by the station
He stares at your crew as they disembark your engine. He turns away when none emerge holding anything. He is clearly agitated.
Missing in delivery
"Sorry," the man apologises. "I didn't mean to stare. It's just, we've been waiting for a delivery from London. Really important supplies. I don't suppose you might be heading anywhere near the Relay to Albion, would you? If you could check if anything's happened to it, we'd really appreciate it." [Directions are given here], near Port Prosper.
Deliver the Previously Impounded Goods
There should be payment for delivering this.
Essential research supplies
A researcher fetches a crowbar to open the crate. "Finally!" He extracts one of several bottles of mushroom wine. "Do you have any idea what it's like being sober in this d__ned place?"

Capability's Cabins[]

A clump of cabins used by Leadbeater & Stainrod's researchers as they plumb and catalogue the secrets of the reserve. Enterprising captains may find work for the company, here.

Base of Research
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 276270

Base of Research[]

The researchers of the Reserve have a number of laboratories scattered among the tourists' cabins. From here, they study the mysteries of the Reach.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Read the Request to All Park-Goers
A researcher of the Reserve has pinned up a call for aid.
'We want to study the powerful Forces of Nature at work in the Reach, so that we may improve the Life of all citizens of the Empire. If you are an intrepid sort and willing to aid our earnest Efforts, we are offering a REWARD for the following...' "I see you're interested!" The Phlegmatic Researcher has wheeled up behind you. His left leg is raised, perhaps to reduce the very obvious swelling. "The keys to understanding the remarkable principles of growth and cultivation are waiting here. We just need suitable specimens. If you aid our research, I'll ensure you're properly remunerated."
The Phlegmatic Researcher's List
The Phlegmatic Researcher is studying the mysteries of the Reach. What can you bring to aid him?
He needs one of the following requests. Of course, he's happy to reward you if you bring back more.
The Phlegmatic Researcher's List
The Phlegmatic Researcher is studying the mysteries of the Reach. What can you bring to aid him?
He needs one of the following requests. Of course, he's happy to reward you for more.
The Phlegmatic Researcher's List
The Phlegmatic Researcher is studying the mysteries of the Reach. What can you bring to aid him?
He needs one of the following requests. Of course, he's happy to reward you for more.
Ask the Phlegmatic Researcher about his completed research
He left a note at the dock asking you to drop by.

Advanced query needs investigation

Ask the Phlegmatic Researcher about his completed research
He left a note at the dock asking you to drop by.

Advanced query needs investigation

Ask the Phlegmatic Researcher about his completed research
He left a note at the dock asking you to drop by.

Advanced query needs investigation

Turning in your research
Did you bring back something for the Phlegmatic Researcher?
Turning in your research
Did you bring back something for the Phlegmatic Researcher?
Turning in your research
Did you bring back something for the Phlegmatic Researcher?
Inquire into the Phlegmatic Researcher's current course of study
What mysteries is he delving into?
Discuss the Phlegmatic Researchers' secret initiative
All his comrades took ill. He is attempting to uncover why.
He seldom uses his laboratory now. You'll find him in his cabin.
Discuss the Phlegmatic Researchers' secret initiative
All his comrades took ill. He is attempting to uncover why.
"What have you found?" The Researcher barely restrains a tut when he discovers that you have found out, precisely, nothing.
Inquire into the Phlegmatic Researcher's Private Project
Does he need anything else from you?
Inquire into the Phlegmatic Researcher's Private Project
Does he need anything else from you?
Review the Phlegmatic Researcher's List
Alongside his other work, the Phlegmatic Researcher is continuing his studies into the Reach, despite losing funding. What does he need?
More samples required. Data must be reproducible.
Turning in your research
Did you bring back something for the Phlegmatic Researcher?
Consult a Superior Researcher on your findings in Hybras
Her cabin is away from most of the main laboratories, on a little hillock overlooking the swamps of the Reserve.
    • Figuresinthemarsh icon On the Hunt for Hybras = 20 [Consult an expert in Hybrean Fungus at the Leadbeater & Stainrod Nature Reserve to continue your investigation]

The cabin walls shine with a slick of golden residue smeared over the wood. The Superior Researcher is moving about the room lighting candles. The air is musky. "Do forgive the smell, the last sample exploded." She leans in to kiss the Pernickety Factor on the cheek, who produces a handkerchief as soon as the Researcher's back is turned. She is very interested in the bit of purple fungus you present her. "How fascinating! Unfortunately, my lab's rather depleted after the last incident. If you could fetch me a live specimen, we can get to work."
    • Figuresinthemarsh icon On the Hunt for Hybras = 30 [The Superior Researcher requires a Caged Catch bringing to her lab in Leadbeater & Stainrod Nature Reserve]

Provide a Caged Catch for the Superior Researcher
She requires a live specimen to test her theory about the mushroom you found on Hybras.
She claps her hands when she sees what you've brought her. "It's been too long since I've got my hands on a half-decent vector. I shall have to let it loose in the Reserve when we're done here. Now, tell me everything." She smiles serenely when you've finished. "Luckily for us, this fungus is a lesser intelligence, severed from one infinitely greater. Its methodologies are undoubtedly crude. As you'll see, if you'll just step this way."
Watch the Superior Researcher's demonstration
She is approaching your Caged Catch with a certain amount of glee.
A demonstration
The Pernickety Factor steps outside, complaining of a sudden headache. "My sight's gone all woozy. Most distressing." The Superior Researcher does not notice the interruption. She hands you a watering can ("For when it's over"), and a poker ("You probably won't need it."), before unlocking the cage. She picks up two samples of mushroom in her hands: the violet crocus and a golden cap, like molten butter, and advances on the creature.
Continue watching the demonstration
This is the very spirit of scientific inquiry.
The creature lets out a low moan as she begins applying the purple fungus to its flank. Slowly but surely the flesh begins to stir, as pores gently sprout. A scar heals, before being overrun with new pods. "Quickly, the can!" As the fruiting beast is doused, the Researcher quickly applies the golden fungus.
Avert your eyes
Not on a full stomach, thank you. Or an empty one.
You hear a brief moan, and sudden series of squeaky pops, like someone stepping on a jellyfish. There is a sudden odour, like that you smelled on Hybras. Then, the sound of pouring water, and a different smell emerges: that of molten butter, as was present in the Researcher's cabin earlier.
Hear the Superior Researcher's conclusions
She gives you an expectant smile.
"We're lucky in that this is a lesser mushroom. An unworthy mushroom. Indeed, I might go so far as to say a mushroom that should never have spored." She glares at the flaking purple fungus on her desk. "This is one of the Verdance, albeit a very corrupted one. It has healing properties, though its horizons are very limited. They like to collect things." She rubs a bit of golden sleep from her eyes. "If you want to find what happened to your colonists, look for a very large fungus on Hybras. Believe me, there'll be one. The rest will become apparent."
Ask about the Romantic Ornithologist's bird
These scientists must have seen something of it, surely.
Mocking laughter
A bird that can grind a mountain down to dust? The scientists waste no time on manners. Surely its beak would wear down faster? Unless it is some kind of magic beak, made of something harder than diamond? Is it a magic beak, Captain? A magic harder-than-diamond beak? It quickly becomes clear why the Romantic Ornithologist works alone.

Base of Research Events[]

Base of Research Events Are located here

Albert's Idyll[]

The Leadbeater & Stainrod nature reserve is an immense, untrodden hinterland of the Reach's unreasonably fecund flora and fauna. It is popular with London's more outdoorsy tourists.

Into the Reserve
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 276218

Into the Reserve[]

The park is filled with birds and flowers, trees and woodland creatures, streams and bumbling insects, and other insidious dangers. Visitors are not allowed to venture too deeply into the Reserve without an escort.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Arrange for a guide
Tour guides are essential in this place. Park guests are forbidden from entering the deeper sections of the Reserve alone.
The only person available to help you is a Romantic Ornithologist. He is lean and plainly dressed, with a long, wiry beard.

The other researchers introduce you. "Did you know our colleague here," one indicates the Ornithologist, "is looking for the mythical bird whose beak peck-peck-pecks away at the Mountain of Eternity?" They stifle giggles.

The Ornithologist maintains his smile, and gestures toward the forest path. "I'll be glad to show you the Reserve. I hope you'll join me later – you can often find me at the Watchtower."
Go visit the Ornithologist
If he is not hiking through the wilderness, or camping beneath the bough of one of the great trees, he is sat alone in his watchtower, watching for his bird.
In the Watchtower
He nods hello as you enter. "Welcome. Tea?"
Ask about the bird
He's researching a mythical bird. What is it, and why?
"There are other birds I could study, of course," he says, shrugging. "But that's not the point. We had thought this bird a myth: the bird who wears away at the Mother of Mountains pebble by pebble. But miners have seen it. The heavens are home to improbable things."
Ask about the Reserve
How does he find the wilderness?
He smiles like a child. "It is my home," he says. "My church."
Ask about his fellow researchers
Is he on good terms with the other scientists?
The Ornithologist tilts his head from side to side. "I get on better alone. It's not that I don't enjoy company, but..." He scratches his beard. "I think it's a difference in philosophy. They want to conquer nature and her secrets; I want to be her confidant."
Take a quick trip into the Reserve
The Ornithologist is happy to oblige your interest.
The Romantic Ornithologist clasps his hands with quiet delight when he sees you. "I've found a most wonderful place. Shall we?" You delve into the Reserve together. The birds sing around you; the flowers offer sweet perfumes. A pleasing breeze tumbles through a glade, and whistles around a mountain bend.

Advanced query needs investigation

Take a walk into the Reserve, alone
There are no guides to escort you at the moment.
A brief wander
There are reasons why tour guides are considered essential here. The Reserve is not for the fainthearted – most visitors will soon find themselves desperately lost. You are fortunate in that, while you spend a while exploring to find only nothing, you are still able to return to safety.
Advanced query needs investigation

Game note: You must wait till a guide is available, if you wish to find anything.

Find the Runaway Acrobat
The rangers of the park are quite familiar with someone matching that description. They tried making it as a scout. You can find them in the hospital.
The Runaway Acrobat lies nestled in white sheets. Their legs are raised, and wrapped in thick gauze. "I'm due back, am I?" they ask, turning away from you. "Fine. The doctors say my legs shouldn't be swollen much longer. Bl__dy tricky flowers with their ____ing thorns. Wheel me on board, then. I should be better by the time we reach the Circus."
Wander the wilderness
There was an Ornithologist, once, who showed visitors around this part of the Reserve. He is recovering from what the doctors have deemed brain fever.
Despite the flies so full of poison, one bite could take your arm; or the flowers which wouldn't mind feeding on you, and do try to tempt you into their hungry blossoms; or the burrowing things which are never seen, but felt moving the earth beneath you; the world is peaceful here.
Investigate the clocks
Head deep into the Reserve
It is dangerous. But if you're going to help the Researcher, you must brave it. You'll need a map, and some explosives. Just in case.
Follow the Incautious Driver into the Reserve
The Verdancy in their head drives them deep into the wilderness.
Deep in the wilderness stands a mighty tree, shrivelled and dry. A fungal growth twists around it, its blooms flecked with purple and black. The Incautious Driver approaches it, lying down in supplication. The Verdant pulses, its buds splitting open and erupting in a spore-fall that soon coats the Driver in shimmering emerald dust.

For several minutes, silence. When the Driver emerges, their face is crest-fallen. "It wasn't enough. What I brought it was only half the story. It needs more."

You escort them back to the train. They should be more coherent after a good meal and a few hours sleep.
Escort the Incautious Driver to the Verdant
The Fragment should end the Driver's obsession.
Start of darkness
With difficulty, you help the Driver drag the remnants of the Fragment to the great tree in the middle of the reserve. Once again, its buds open up, showering spores to absorb its memories into itself. You are close enough to taste some of them yourself this time; an acrid, sour taste in the back of your throat. From it, an image forms in your mind. A squirming black cancer writhing in the heart of a god. A sudden darkness, light extinguished by betrayal. A single burning thought. MURDERER.

The image fades, the edges withering from memory. The Driver steps away, breathing out the last of their infestation. Their eyes no longer glint emerald, but the damper green of moss. They stand differently now, not trembling with the effort of keeping still.

Game note: Your Incautious Driver is now Judicious, and will increase your Iron by 10 and your Affiliation: Establishment by 2. You can appoint the Judicious Driver to be your Chief Engineer.

Escort the Incautious Driver to the Verdant
The Fragment should end the Driver's obsession.
Family business
The Driver stares at the telegram from home, visibly conflicted. Finally, they look up. "No. I have to go and pay my respects to Father first. While I'm still me. As much of me as I can be sure of, at least. My own needs can wait, at least a little longer."

Game note: Visit New Winchester to continue the Driver's story.

In the Wilderness
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 276498

In the Wilderness[]

There are no other people here. It's just you and the birds and flowers, trees and woodland creatures, streams and bumbling insects. Any evils are insidious. Be on your guard.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Follow the trail
The map indicates that you should continue straight ahead from the forked road, visiting neither Albert's River nor the Violet Whorl.
Failed event

Special is calculated as follows: 100 / (1+ Tours through the Reserve) * 1.67

Game note: Going on tours through the reserve will make this easier.

The forest path is trapped with leaf-hidden roots which snag and trip. The abundance forms a labyrinth, obliging you to twist and turn. It is exhausting. You have use gun powder to blast your way out, before you are lost for good; when you do, you find yourself returned to where you began.
Successful event
The abundance forms a labyrinth. The trees on each side grow so close together that it takes all of your wits to navigate the undergrowth. But you forge a path through the brush, till you emerge at a clearing.
Partial success event (5%)
The forest floor is trapped with snagging roots hidden beneath leaves. To walk requires all your attention. With your focus concentrated entirely on the ground, you do not notice when you stumble face first into a spider's web. Your attention is swiftly grabbed when the eight-legged monstrosity leaves off eating a parrot to begin wrapping up your head.
Shoot it dead
It won't get you. Not today!
You struggle for your rifle; as the spider is about to dig its mandibles into your scalp, you loose a shot. It is knocked off. As you rip the webbing from your face, more spiders crawl from the undergrowth. You empty one weapon; then another. You take what you can run with and flee to a clearing.
Pass through the meadow
This clearing is filled with powder-blue mushrooms. They sway gently in the breeze. All other routes are guarded by fierce in thorns: the only way onward is straight through.
Failed event

Special is calculated as follows: 100 / (1+ Tours through the Reserve) * 1.67

After only a few steps into the fungal meadow, a smell overwhelms you. It is worse than when the Cantankeri guts got trapped in the locomotive kitchen and rotted. There is a sweetness here that highlights the rancidity. You back out. Fungus has already started blooming on your weapon; it would be reckless to use it. You toss it into the meadow, and take another.
Successful event
A hideous smell permeates the air: one powerful enough to knock a weaker-spirited captain down. (As you pass a human-shaped fungal lump, it's hard not to consider that may be exactly what has happened.) When you finally reach the other side, it is some time before you recover from the olfactory bombardment. Your map directs you to a cliff-side, which towers above you.
Partial success event (5%)
Almost overwhelmed
The stench of this place is foul. The only sound is that of your gagging. It's hard to breathe while you're retching this heavily. Your knees grow weak beneath you.
Burn your way through
The mushrooms might be hideously flammable. Be careful.
You cast stores of gunpowder across the mushrooms and toss a lit match into them. Smoke billows upward. It is choking, but more breathable than the sticking mushroom spores. You rush through to the other side of the field. According to your map, you should soon be at a cliffside, which towers above you.
Pass through the cave
The cliffs are coloured like a mixing palette. There is a small cave opening; the map indicates you should travel through. Also on the map, circled and in red, is: 'NO LIGHT'.
Failed event

Special is calculated as follows: 100 / (1+ Tours through the Reserve) * 1.67

The dark weighs on you like the death of a beloved. It obsesses your thoughts and eats the marrow out of your bones. No, you cannot be here. You turn and run. When you're back outside, you find you've lost weapons in there. They're lost to the Reserve now. You'll never find them in the dark.
Successful event
It's as dark as unconsciousness. Progress requires focus: hand on the wall, one step at a time. The walk takes some hours to complete, but you make it to the tunnel's end, and light. Before you lies a valley.
Partial success event (5%)
A hole!
You feel your way along the wall, placing one foot carefully in front of the other as you go. It's impossible not to stumble. Your foot is caught and you fall; the sound echoes through the cave. From above comes the roaring of ten thousand tiny voices, and twenty thousand wings.
Set a crate of munitions ablaze and run
The swarm draws near. Hurry!
You set fire to a crate of munitions and rush headlong through the tunnel. The force of the explosion sends you tumbling forward but does you no harm beyond bruising. Thankfully, the creatures from the ceiling suffer worse. Those that survive do not chase you. At last you emerge on the other side. A great valley lies before you.
Enter the valley
Your trail ends in the heart of the valley. The Phlegmatic Researcher traced the source of his colleagues' illness to here. It's a steep climb down to it.
Failed event

Special is calculated as follows: 100 / (1+ Tours through the Reserve) * 1.67

The route down is bedevilled with briars and slippery holds. Your progress is painfully slow. When a wicked bird with iridescent wings and the cry like an ox attacks you, you're obliged to climb back up. And by the time you arrive, you've lost supplies and the bird is far out of range.
Successful event
The climb is unpleasant, but it is at least invigorating. The wind whips by as you find crevices and holes on the verdant rock; the sun beams warmly as you negotiate between barbed roots and slippery lichens. Eventually you make it down. You travel inward until you come to an area cordoned off with thick rope and small cloth flags. You conceal yourself in the underbrush, and observe the masked industrial workers of Leadbeater & Stainrod harvesting distinctive-looking flowers. You take one for yourself, and fight your way back through the Reserve with significantly less difficulty than it took to get here.
Partial success event (5%)
It is an awkward climb down in to the valley. Your footholds are overgrown with moss, and the roots you grab oftentimes give way. Nevertheless, you make progress. Eventually you come to a small ledge, which affords you the opportunity for a rest. It's at this moment that a monstrous bird with iridescent wings and the cry of an ox descends upon you with its talons.
Take aim and fire
It's you or the bird.
The shot strikes it in the throat. The bird smacks into the cliff side, and tumbles into the underbrush below. You travel inward until you come to an area cordoned off with thick rope and small cloth flags. You conceal yourself in the underbrush, and observe the masked industrial workers of Leadbeater and Stainrod harvesting flowers with a spiky bloom. You take one for yourself, and fight your way back through the Reserve with significantly less difficulty than it took to get here.
Return to the cabins
You are not prepared for this. Not yet.

Triggered events[]

Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 297463


You are called to the crew quarters. The Reckless Driver is being forcibly restrained by the others, biting and screaming in protest. "Captain! I have to go to it! It's calling me! Let me go!"

Trigger conditions

Incautiousdriver icon Reckless Driver ≥ 1
Calendar icon DateCalendar icon Reckless Driver: Time To New Attack,


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Try to stop the Driver
Persuade them to stay on board.

Game note: Failure will result in the Driver leaving your locomotive.

    • Hearts icon Hearts challenge (Special for 100%)

Failed event

Special is calculated as follows: 50+(Reckless Driver: Times To Reserve*10) * 1.67

Into the Reserve
The Driver slips from the crew's grip, ducking under arms, and forcing their way outside into the Reserve. The odds of finding them is minimal. They have joined the Verdant now, and soon nothing else will remain.
Successful event
Stopped them
The Driver's frenzy abates. "I'm sorry, Captain. I'm... I need to lie down." Several burly crew members escort them back to their bunk.
Let them go
They need to do this.
Returning home
The Driver slips from the crew's grip, ducking under arms, and forcing their way outside into the Reserve. The odds of finding them is minimal. They have joined the Verdant now, and soon nothing else will remain.

Prepare for the Vagabond's Rite
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 314670

Prepare for the Vagabond's Rite[]

The Vagabond has acquired an enormous knapsack, and has packed an equally enormous amount of glassware into it. He clinks when he walks.

"The ritual will not be easy," he warns you. "It will hurt us. It will change us. The two who leave this forest will not be the two who entered."

Trigger conditions

Amiablevagabond icon The Vagabond's Obligation ≥ 90 ≤ 90,
Location: Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve
Frequency: Always (100%)


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Strike out into the wilderness
"Do you have what we need?" The Vagabond stares at you, then nods. "Yes. You're ready."
The Vagabond's ritual begins
You hike until you reach a ring of sharp stones.

The Vagabond builds a fire and spreads leaves over the flames. Its smoke is intoxicating. He presses a thimble of something oozing and red into your palm; it tastes sweetly foul. Squatted over a cauldron, he begins simmering a stew of chopped toadstools and slimy carcasses.

When you next look down, your arms are gnarled tree-branches. They sprout glistening fruit. The Vagabond plucks one and adds it to his mixture.

You blink; the sky changes colour. It smoulders red. The Vagabond has drawn symbols in the soil. How much time has passed?
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.


Skyfarer's Supplies

A brisk, efficient shop at the station. So brisk, in fact, and so efficient, that it's almost as if they want to get rid of visitors as quickly as possible.

Item Buy Sell
Fuel square icon Fuel Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 10 Sovereigns
Supplies square icon Supplies Sovereigns icon 40 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 20 Sovereigns
Verdantseeds square icon Sack of Verdant Seeds Sovereigns icon 40 Sovereigns
Region Hub Ports Discoveries / Spectacles
The Reach Newwinchester icon New Winchester Carillon icon Carillon

Hybras icon Hybras
Naturereserve icon Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve
Lustrum icon Lustrum
Magdalenes icon Magdalene's
Circus icon Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus
Portavon icon Port Avon
Portprosper icon Port Prosper
Titania icon Titania
Traitorswood icon Traitor's Wood
Transitrelay icon Transit Relays

Signalbox icon An Abandoned Signal Box

Default icon Faith's Fall
Well green icon Old Tom's Well
Regentsgrave icon Regent's Grave
Rose icon The Flowerfields
Default icon The Regent's Tears
Wreckgeneric icon The Silent Saint
Reach icon The War of Fossils
Wreckgeneric icon Wreck of the Parzifal

Albion London icon London Avidhorizon icon Avid Horizon (The Stair to the Sea)

Perdurance icon Perdurance
Brabazon icon The Brabazon Workworld
Clockworksun icon The Clockwork Sun
Floatingparliament icon The Floating Parliament
Serenemausoleum icon The Most Serene Mausoleum
Royalsociety icon The Royal Society
Transitrelay icon Transit Relays
Worlebury icon Worlebury-juxta-Mare

Default icon Skyhenge

Lantern icon St Anthony's Lighthouse
Avidhorizon icon The Avid Horizon
Well purple icon Well of the Wolf
Wreckgeneric icon Wreck of the Boatman

Eleutheria Pan icon Pan Achlys icon Achlys

Caduceus icon Caduceus
Eaglesempyrean icon Eagle's Empyrean
Langleyhall icon Langley Hall
Piranesi icon Piranesi
Houseofrodsandchains icon The House of Rods and Chains
Transitrelay icon Transit Relays

Default icon The Xanthous Moon

Well yellow icon The Well of Wonders
Wreckgeneric icon Wreck of the Berrenger

The Blue Kingdom Tolltower icon Sky Barnet Deathsdoorstep icon Death's Door (The Shadow of the Sun)

Forgeofsouls icon The Forge of Souls
Whitewell icon The White Well (Wellmouth)
Transitrelay icon Transit Relay

Deathsdoorstep icon Horologion