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Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder
Category Journal
Type Officer: Chiropterous Hoarder
Data ID 140213

Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder is considered a Journal Quality Officer: Chiropterous Hoarder in Sunless Skies.


"A massive, saw-toothed, persnickety bat in red."


Quality status[]

Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [10] The Auroral Sommelier spoke longingly of a particular cider sold in a shop in London
  • [20] The Chiropterous Hoarder has joined your crew. Speak to them aboard your engine
  • [25] Get to know your new officer. Your rations are now its demesne, after all
  • [30] Trust in your officers is contingent on your understanding of them. Probe the Chiropterous Hoarder's ambitions
  • [40] The Chiropterous Hoarder wishes to build... something at Faith's Fall, in the Reach. It needs bodies and bronzewood both
  • [50] The Hoarder has sent your crew in search of a gland, deep within the remains of the celestial behemoth
  • [60] The gland your crew found was dried up and almost worthless. But the Curator does not seem without hope. Speak to it aboard your engine
  • [70] The Chiropterous Hoarder wants to travel to the House of Rods and Chains, in Eleutheria. You will need an Unlicensed Chart or two Visions of the Heavens
  • [80] You have found a worthy gland for the Chiropterous Hoarder
  • [90] The Chiropterous Hoarder has hurried back to your engine with the gland it extracted
  • [105] You refused to be the Chiropterous Hoarder's test subject. Someone else will have to do in your stead
  • [110] You have agreed to be the Chiropterous Hoarder's test subject
  • [115] The Chiropterous Hoarder's preparations are complete. It is ready to begin its experiment
  • [125] The Chiropterous Hoarder's experiment is underway. The crew is distressed. You will need to appease them
  • [130] The Chiropterous Hoarder's experiment is complete. It was not an unmitigated success
  • [200] The Chiropterous Hoarder's experiment did not succeed, but it has made progress. Persuade it to share its next scheme
  • [220] The Chiropterous Hoarder is interested in love. It wishes to go to the Most Serene Mausoleum, to the tomb of Albert
  • [230] You and the Chiropterous Hoarder have gained private access to Albert's tomb
  • [240] You have attempted conversation with Prince Albert
  • [260] You have the flesh of one in eternal love. Leave the tomb, swiftly
  • [300] Speak to the Hoarder aboard your engine to discover what it desires to do next
  • [345] The Chiropterous Hoarder has been quiet of late. Speak to it aboard your engine to discover if all is well
  • [355] The Chiropterous Hoarder is ready to conclude its work. It wishes to return to Faith's Fall
  • [360] The Chiropterous Hoarder has been quiet of late. Speak to it aboard your engine to discover if all is well
  • [365] The Chiropterous Hoarder is ready to conclude its work. It wishes to return to Faith's Fall
  • [375] The Chiropterous Hoarder is ready to conclude its work. It wishes to return to Faith's Fall
  • [380] The Chiropterous Hoarder is ready to conclude its work. It wishes to return to Faith's Fall
  • [415] A price has been paid, but the Chiropterous Hoarder has finished its smokehouse at Faith's Fall. It is time
  • [465] The Chiropterous Hoarder has readied its mixture in the smokehouse at Faith's Fall. All that's left is the testing
  • [665] The Chiropterous Hoarder has begun its experiment
  • [775] [COMPLETE]The Chiropterous Hoarder has sated its need for immortality

Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear specifically when the value changes.

  • [10] The Auroral Sommelier waxed nostalgic about a sip of Hesperidean cider sold in an unusual shop in London.
  • [20] The Chiropterous Hoarder has clambered aboard your engine with a vast quantity of luggage
  • [25] The Chiropterous Hoarder has settled in.
  • [30] Trust in your officers is contingent on knowledge of them. Probe the Chiropterous Hoarder's ambitions.
  • [40] The Chiropterous Hoarder wishes to build... something, at Faith's Fall, in the Reach. It needs crew, and bronzewood.
  • [50] The Hoarder has sent your crew in search of a gland, deep within the remains of the celestial behemoth.
  • [60] The gland your crew found was dried up and almost worthless. But the Curator does not seem without hope. Speak to it aboard your engine.
  • [70] The Chiropterous Hoarder wants to travel to the House of Rods and Chains, in Eleutheria. You will need an Unlicensed Chart or two Visions of the Heavens.
  • [80] You have found a worthy gland for the Chiropterous Hoarder.
  • [90] The Chiropterous Hoarder has hurried back to your engine with the gland.
  • [105] You refused to be the Chiropterous Hoarder's test subject.
  • [110] You have agreed to be the Chiropterous Hoarder's test subject.
  • [115] The Chiropterous Hoarder's preparations are complete. It is ready to begin its experiment.
  • [120] The Chiropterous Hoarder's experiment is underway.
  • [125] The Chiropterous Hoarder's experiment is underway. The crew is distressed. You will need to appease them.
  • [130] The Chiropterous Hoarder's experiment is complete. It was not an unmitigated success.
  • [200] The Chiropterous Hoarder's experiment did not succeed, but it has made progress. What does it intend to do next?
  • [220] The Chiropterous Hoarder is interested in love. It wishes to go to the Most Serene Mausoleum, to the tomb of Albert.
  • [230] You and the Chiropterous Hoarder have gained private access to Albert's tomb.
  • [260] You have the flesh of one in eternal love. Best leave the tomb, swiftly.
  • [300] Return to your engine to discover what the Hoarder will do with the royal flesh you liberated.
  • [345] The Chiropterous Hoarder took great pains to cause immense pleasure.
  • [355] The Chiropterous Hoarder is ready to conclude its work. It wishes to return to Faith's Fall.
  • [360] The Chiropterous Hoarder has been quiet of late. Speak to it aboard your engine to discover if all is well.
  • [365] The Chiropterous Hoarder is ready to conclude its work. It wishes to return to Faith's Fall.
  • [375] The Chiropterous Hoarder is ready to conclude its work. It wishes to return to Faith's Fall.
  • [380] The Chiropterous Hoarder is ready to conclude its work. It wishes to return to Faith's Fall.
  • [415] A price has been paid, but the Chiropterous Hoarder has finished its smokehouse.
  • [465] The Chiropterous Hoarder has readied its mixture. All that's left is the testing.
  • [665] You have said all you can. It is time.
  • [775] The Chiropterous Hoarder has sated its need for eternity.

Variable Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear when a specific group is called for text.


  • [0]
  • [105] You and the crewman and the Chiropterous Hoarder stand alone, witness to an ambition that can scarcely be understood. What follows is consensual, at least.
  • [110] What comes after this? Hopefully, the Chiropterous Hoarder knows what it is doing.
  • [115] The crewman's absence is becoming conspicuous. Where has he gone?
  • [120] Endure. This cannot go on forever.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
The Throat of Lamentation 'Locate the gland desired by the Chiropterous Hoarder' Requirement ≥ 70 ≤ 70
The Prince Consort's Tomb 'Arrange something more than a private viewing' Requirement ≥ 220 ≤ 220
The Prince Consort's Tomb 'Arrange something more than a private viewing' Success = 230
The Prince Consort's Tomb 'Call upon assistance to arrange for more than a private viewing' Requirement ≥ 220 ≤ 220
The Prince Consort's Tomb 'Call upon assistance to arrange for more than a private viewing' Default / Challenge Fail = 230
Faith's Fall 'Assist the Chiropterous Hoarder with its collection' Requirement ≥ 40 ≤ 40
Faith's Fall 'Assist the Chiropterous Hoarder with its collection' Default / Challenge Fail = 60
Faith's Fall 'Watch as the Chiropterous Hoarder completes its task' Requirement ≥ 365 ≤ 380
Faith's Fall 'Watch as the Chiropterous Hoarder completes its task' Default / Challenge Fail +100
An Ill-Designed Shop 'Ask about the Hesperidean cider' Requirement ≤ 19
An Ill-Designed Shop 'Recruit the Chiropterous Hoarder' Requirement ≤ 19
An Ill-Designed Shop 'Recruit the Chiropterous Hoarder' Default / Challenge Fail = 20
An Ill-Designed Shop 'Call for service' Requirement ≤ 19
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Check on the Chiropterous Hoarder' Requirement ≥ 30
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Compliment the Chiropterous Hoarder on its collection' Requirement ≥ 25 ≤ 25
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Compliment the Chiropterous Hoarder on its collection' Success = 30
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Bring the Chiropterous Hoarder a gift' Requirement ≥ 25 ≤ 25
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Bring the Chiropterous Hoarder a gift' Default / Challenge Fail = 30
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Talk about its interests' Requirement ≥ 30 ≤ 30
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Talk about its interests' Default / Challenge Fail = 40
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Ask the Hoarder about other glands' Requirement ≥ 60 ≤ 60
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Ask the Hoarder about other glands' Default / Challenge Fail = 70
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Appease the crew' Requirement ≥ 125 ≤ 125
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Appease the crew' Default / Challenge Fail = 200
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Let the Hoarder make amends' Requirement ≥ 130 ≤ 130
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Let the Hoarder make amends' Default / Challenge Fail = 200
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Let the Chiropterous Hoarder test on a crewmember' Requirement ≥ 105 ≤ 105
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'You are ready to be experimented on' Requirement ≥ 110 ≤ 110
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Encourage the Chiropterous Hoarder into sharing the next steps' Requirement ≥ 200 ≤ 200
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Encourage the Chiropterous Hoarder into sharing the next steps' Default / Challenge Fail = 220
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Allow the Chiropterous Hoarder to express its gratitude' Requirement ≥ 300 ≤ 300
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Yes, indulge in an assignation with the Hoarder.' Default / Challenge Fail = 345
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Er, no...' Default / Challenge Fail = 360
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Does it need any more components for its quest?' Requirement ≥ 345 ≤ 360
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Does it need any more components for its quest?' Default / Challenge Fail +20
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Ask about the other Masters?' Requirement ≥ 40
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Show it the seal of Mr Barleycorn' Requirement ≥ 40
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Ask if it knows Mr Pennies' Requirement ≥ 40
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Ask if it knows Mr Menagerie' Requirement ≥ 40
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Ask about the Hoarder's luggage' Requirement ≥ 20 ≤ 20
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Ask about the Hoarder's luggage' Default / Challenge Fail = 25
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Investigate the Hoarder's work' Requirement ≥ 90 ≤ 90
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Agree to let it test on you' Default / Challenge Fail = 110
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Refuse to let it perform tests on you' Default / Challenge Fail = 105
A Sickly, Writhing Light 'Extract the gland' Default / Challenge Fail = 90
Tests Must Be Performed 'Remove your clothes' Requirement ≥ 110 ≤ 110
Tests Must Be Performed 'Remove your clothes' Default / Challenge Fail = 120
Tests Must Be Performed 'Hold your breath' Requirement ≥ 120 ≤ 120
Tests Must Be Performed 'Hold your breath' Default / Challenge Fail = 130
Tests Must Be Performed 'The crewman is ready' Requirement ≥ 105 ≤ 105
Tests Must Be Performed 'The crewman is ready' Default / Challenge Fail = 115
Tests Must Be Performed 'Discover what happened to your crewman' Requirement ≥ 115 ≤ 115
Tests Must Be Performed 'Discover what happened to your crewman' Default / Challenge Fail = 125
Inside the Tomb 'Speak with the False Victoria' Requirement ≥ 230 ≤ 259
Inside the Tomb 'Talk with the Prince Consort' Requirement ≥ 230 ≤ 230
Inside the Tomb 'Talk with the Prince Consort' Default / Challenge Fail = 240
Inside the Tomb 'Speak to the Prince Consort about the False Victoria' Requirement ≤ 259
Inside the Tomb 'Slice a fingertip from the Prince Consort' Requirement ≥ 240 ≤ 240
Inside the Tomb 'Slice a fingertip from the Prince Consort' Default / Challenge Fail = 260
Inside the Tomb 'Make a swift escape' Requirement ≥ 260 ≤ 260
Inside the Tomb 'Make a swift escape' Default / Challenge Fail = 300
An Audience with the False Victoria 'Take tea with Her Artificial Majesty' Requirement ≤ 259
An Audience with the False Victoria 'Satisfy mutual interests' Default / Challenge Fail = 260
An Audience with the False Victoria 'Speak of Albert with the False Victoria' Requirement ≥ 240 ≤ 240
Resolution 'The Chiropterous Hoarder seems uneasy' Requirement ≥ 665 ≤ 680
Resolution 'The Chiropterous Hoarder seems uneasy' Default / Challenge Fail +100
Resolution 'Bid your officer a temporary farewell' Requirement ≥ 765 ≤ 780
Resolution 'Bid your officer a temporary farewell' Default / Challenge Fail +10
Resolution 'Finally, it is time' Requirement ≥ 665 ≤ 680
Resolution 'Finally, it is time' Default / Challenge Fail +100
Resolution 'Bid your officer a temporary farewell' Requirement ≥ 765 ≤ 780
Resolution 'Bid your officer a temporary farewell' Default / Challenge Fail +10
In Search of the Gland 'Mount an expedition to find the gland' Requirement ≥ 70 ≤ 70
In Search of the Gland 'Mount an expedition to find the gland' Default / Challenge Fail = 80
In Search of the Gland 'Persuade a Rubbery Man to take you to the gland' Requirement ≥ 70 ≤ 70
In Search of the Gland 'Persuade a Rubbery Man to take you to the gland' Default / Challenge Fail = 80
Offer the Hoarder Some Final Advice 'Warn the Chiropterous Hoarder from its goal' Default / Challenge Fail +200
Offer the Hoarder Some Final Advice 'Wish the Chiropterous Hoarder good fortune' Default / Challenge Fail +200

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
The Throat of Lamentation Locate the gland desired by the Chiropterous Hoarder
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 70 [The Chiropterous Hoarder wants to travel to the House of Rods and Chains, in Eleutheria. You will need an Unlicensed Chart or two Visions of the Heavens]

The Prince Consort's Tomb Arrange something more than a private viewing
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 220 [The Chiropterous Hoarder is interested in love. It wishes to go to the Most Serene Mausoleum, to the tomb of Albert]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 230 [You and the Chiropterous Hoarder have gained private access to Albert's tomb]
    Triggers event: Royaldispensation Inside the Tomb
Call upon assistance to arrange for more than a private viewing
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 220 [The Chiropterous Hoarder is interested in love. It wishes to go to the Most Serene Mausoleum, to the tomb of Albert]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 230 [You and the Chiropterous Hoarder have gained private access to Albert's tomb]
    Triggers event: Royaldispensation Inside the Tomb

Faith's Fall Assist the Chiropterous Hoarder with its collection
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 40 [The Chiropterous Hoarder wishes to build... something at Faith's Fall, in the Reach. It needs bodies and bronzewood both]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 60 [The gland your crew found was dried up and almost worthless. But the Curator does not seem without hope. Speak to it aboard your engine]
Watch as the Chiropterous Hoarder completes its task
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder ≥ 365 ≤ 380

An Ill-Designed Shop Ask about the Hesperidean cider Default:
Recruit the Chiropterous Hoarder Default:
Call for service Default:

The Chiropterous Hoarder Check on the Chiropterous Hoarder
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder ≥ 30
Compliment the Chiropterous Hoarder on its collection
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 25 [Get to know your new officer. Your rations are now its demesne, after all]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 30 [Trust in your officers is contingent on your understanding of them. Probe the Chiropterous Hoarder's ambitions]
Bring the Chiropterous Hoarder a gift
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 25 [Get to know your new officer. Your rations are now its demesne, after all]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 30 [Trust in your officers is contingent on your understanding of them. Probe the Chiropterous Hoarder's ambitions]
Talk about its interests
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 30 [Trust in your officers is contingent on your understanding of them. Probe the Chiropterous Hoarder's ambitions]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 40 [The Chiropterous Hoarder wishes to build... something at Faith's Fall, in the Reach. It needs bodies and bronzewood both]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon The Hoarder's Needs = 1 [The Chiropterous Hoarder has requested that you bring six pieces of bronzewood and five spare crew to Faith's Fall, in the Reach]
Ask the Hoarder about other glands
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 60 [The gland your crew found was dried up and almost worthless. But the Curator does not seem without hope. Speak to it aboard your engine]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 70 [The Chiropterous Hoarder wants to travel to the House of Rods and Chains, in Eleutheria. You will need an Unlicensed Chart or two Visions of the Heavens]
Appease the crew
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 125 [The Chiropterous Hoarder's experiment is underway. The crew is distressed. You will need to appease them]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 200 [The Chiropterous Hoarder's experiment did not succeed, but it has made progress. Persuade it to share its next scheme]
Let the Hoarder make amends
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 130 [The Chiropterous Hoarder's experiment is complete. It was not an unmitigated success]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 200 [The Chiropterous Hoarder's experiment did not succeed, but it has made progress. Persuade it to share its next scheme]
Let the Chiropterous Hoarder test on a crewmember
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 105 [You refused to be the Chiropterous Hoarder's test subject. Someone else will have to do in your stead]
You are ready to be experimented on
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 110 [You have agreed to be the Chiropterous Hoarder's test subject]
Encourage the Chiropterous Hoarder into sharing the next steps
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 200 [The Chiropterous Hoarder's experiment did not succeed, but it has made progress. Persuade it to share its next scheme]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 220 [The Chiropterous Hoarder is interested in love. It wishes to go to the Most Serene Mausoleum, to the tomb of Albert]
Allow the Chiropterous Hoarder to express its gratitude
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 300 [Speak to the Hoarder aboard your engine to discover what it desires to do next]
Yes, indulge in an assignation with the Hoarder. None Default:
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 345 [The Chiropterous Hoarder has been quiet of late. Speak to it aboard your engine to discover if all is well]
Er, no... None Default:
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 360 [The Chiropterous Hoarder has been quiet of late. Speak to it aboard your engine to discover if all is well]
Does it need any more components for its quest?
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder ≥ 345 ≤ 360
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon +20 x Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder
Ask about the other Masters?
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder ≥ 40
Show it the seal of Mr Barleycorn Default:
Ask if it knows Mr Pennies
Ask if it knows Mr Menagerie
Ask about the Hoarder's luggage
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 20 [The Chiropterous Hoarder has joined your crew. Speak to them aboard your engine]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 25 [Get to know your new officer. Your rations are now its demesne, after all]
Investigate the Hoarder's work
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 90 [The Chiropterous Hoarder has hurried back to your engine with the gland it extracted]
Agree to let it test on you None Default:
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 110 [You have agreed to be the Chiropterous Hoarder's test subject]
Refuse to let it perform tests on you None Default:
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 105 [You refused to be the Chiropterous Hoarder's test subject. Someone else will have to do in your stead]

A Sickly, Writhing Light Extract the gland None Default:
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 90 [The Chiropterous Hoarder has hurried back to your engine with the gland it extracted]
    Triggers event: Rubberyman The Throat of Lamentation

Tests Must Be Performed Remove your clothes
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 110 [You have agreed to be the Chiropterous Hoarder's test subject]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 120 [The Chiropterous Hoarder's preparations are complete. It is ready to begin its experiment]
Hold your breath
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 120 [The Chiropterous Hoarder's preparations are complete. It is ready to begin its experiment]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 130 [The Chiropterous Hoarder's experiment is complete. It was not an unmitigated success]
    Triggers event: Chiropteroushoarder The Chiropterous Hoarder
The crewman is ready
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 105 [You refused to be the Chiropterous Hoarder's test subject. Someone else will have to do in your stead]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 115 [The Chiropterous Hoarder's preparations are complete. It is ready to begin its experiment]
Discover what happened to your crewman
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 115 [The Chiropterous Hoarder's preparations are complete. It is ready to begin its experiment]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 125 [The Chiropterous Hoarder's experiment is underway. The crew is distressed. You will need to appease them]
    Triggers event: Chiropteroushoarder The Chiropterous Hoarder

Inside the Tomb Speak with the False Victoria
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder ≥ 230 ≤ 259
Talk with the Prince Consort
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 230 [You and the Chiropterous Hoarder have gained private access to Albert's tomb]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 240 [You have attempted conversation with Prince Albert]
Speak to the Prince Consort about the False Victoria
Slice a fingertip from the Prince Consort Default:
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 260 [You have the flesh of one in eternal love. Leave the tomb, swiftly]
Make a swift escape
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 260 [You have the flesh of one in eternal love. Leave the tomb, swiftly]
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 300 [Speak to the Hoarder aboard your engine to discover what it desires to do next]
    Triggers event: Terror The Nave

An Audience with the False Victoria Take tea with Her Artificial Majesty Default:
Satisfy mutual interests Default:
Speak of Albert with the False Victoria
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 240 [You have attempted conversation with Prince Albert]

Resolution The Chiropterous Hoarder seems uneasy Default:
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon +100 x Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder
Bid your officer a temporary farewell Default:
Finally, it is time Default:
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon +100 x Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder
Bid your officer a temporary farewell Default:

In Search of the Gland Mount an expedition to find the gland
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 70 [The Chiropterous Hoarder wants to travel to the House of Rods and Chains, in Eleutheria. You will need an Unlicensed Chart or two Visions of the Heavens]
Persuade a Rubbery Man to take you to the gland
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 70 [The Chiropterous Hoarder wants to travel to the House of Rods and Chains, in Eleutheria. You will need an Unlicensed Chart or two Visions of the Heavens]

Offer the Hoarder Some Final Advice Warn the Chiropterous Hoarder from its goal None Default:
Wish the Chiropterous Hoarder good fortune None Default:
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon +200 x Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder
    Triggers event: Chiropteroushoarder Resolution

Triggered Events[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Requirements Type Location
The Auroral Sommelier
    • Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder ≤ 0
Story Event (Always :100%) The Village Green
A Sickly, Writhing Light
    • Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder = 80 [You have found a worthy gland for the Chiropterous Hoarder]
Story Event (Always :100%) Limbo
Inside the Tomb
    • Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder ≥ 230
Story Event (Always :100%) Limbo
Recruit the Multiplicitous Hoarder
    • Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder ≤ 0
Story Event (Always :100%) King's Idyll Station
Recruit the Immutable Hoarder
    • Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder ≤ 0
Story Event (Always :100%) King's Idyll Station
Offer the Hoarder Some Final Advice
    • Learning about the Chiropterous Hoarder ≥ 465 ≤ 480
Story Event (Always :100%) Limbo

Template:Navbox Journal
