Magdalene's | |
Magdalene's (Sidebar) | |
Located in | The Reach |
Ports | The House of Small Comfort |
Shops | Beatrice's Exchange |
Magdalene's is a port in the outer circle of The Reach, located in the same segment as Port Prosper.
It is one of the few places that will allow you to improve your Condition, should it worsen.
Log Entries[]
A carmine glow burns in the dark: Magdalene's, where you can buy comforting lies.
Your bridge windows fog with recent steam-trails. This place is well-frequented.
"Can we stop at Magdalene's, Captain?" a stoker pleads. "We've been too long in the sky." The impertinence!
Even the Signalman's dour mood has lightened at the sight of Magdalene's spires.
Magdalene's - a place of peace, contemplation and rest. The Driver twitches miserably.
The Aunt pats your hand. "Madgalene's! We should stop here. Do something about your Nightmares."
The Eccentric snorts when she sees Magdalene's. "The truth isn't easy, but at least it's the truth."
The Forged Companion peers at Magdalene's with curiosity. "Is this your answer to the Forge of Souls?"
The Rat Brigade consider Magdalene's for a while. Finally: "It's very red."
"Ah, Magdalene's. Small comforts for simple minds." The Repentant Devil smiles blandly.
"Finally - Magdalene's. A hot bath and decent conversation." The Princess desires that you dock.
"Most sky-wanderers end up here sooner or later," says the Vagabond. "The lucky ones leave."
The House of Small Comfort[]
Magdalene's is the closest thing many skyfarers have to a home. It offers services to alleviate the strain of spending of a life spent too close to the stars.
The Keepsake Market[]
An illicit stall has been set up near the port, where the doctors and nurses of Magdalene's sell off the property of Captains in their care who require extensive stays. The practice is not encouraged, but the Amenable Host usually turns a blind eye.
Trigger conditions
Date ≥
An Opportunity in Magdalene's,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Purchase an Otherworldly Artefact
A fine price for a second-hand treasure.
The nurses hand over your new purchase, warning you not to tell anyone where you found it. They add that there will likely be more offers like this very soon.
Purchase an old Journal
The diary of another skyfarer, full of dark secrets of a sinful life.
The nurses hand over your new purchase, warning you not to tell anyone where you found it. They add that there will likely be more offers like this very soon.
Purchase an Unlicensed Chart
A fine price for a second-hand treasure.
The nurses hand over your new purchase, warning you not to talk too much about where you acquired it. They add that there will likely be more offers like this very soon.
Recruit crew from the Market
Their old Captain is being treated. They find themselves stuck here indefinitely.
Welcome aboard!
Your new crew shuffle aboard and pick their bunks, leaving their old Captain in the caring hands of Magdalene's finest. It is technically desertion, but a kind few will object to.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
While away the time with other Captains
Magdalene's is a popular respite with most skyfarers in the Reach. There's always someone interesting to share a drink with in this house of comfort.
An interlude
The 'Blythe Bar' in the reception is famously well stocked. Attendants are on hand to keep an eye on the clientele and ensure no one seeks treatment while too squiffy.
You while away a few hours in the company of several Windward defectors, a travelling magician, a pair of quarreling botanists and one almost definite Ministry spy, aided by the convivial delights of a bottle or three of starshine-tinted brandy.
Game note: This will reduce a significant amount of Terror.
Magdalene's House of Small Comfort | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 269642 |
Magdalene's House of Small Comfort[]
The glass spires of Magdalene's pierce the clouds like swords. Shadowed figures can be seen moving through the gleaming corridors, their identities obscured by the hued glass. Crowds of skyfarers, ministry officials and merchants mill about the forecourt, in varying degrees of distress. All watch the clock set in the great clocktower, waiting for their appointed hour.
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes | |||||
Look for Clay attendants for the Clay Conductor
Neither of you are seeking treatment, as such, but perhaps, something could be arranged.
This way
An attendant is on hand to hear your request. She frowns slightly, but the Clay Conductor sighs elaborately as she begins her explanation as to why this isn't impossible.
"Look," she says, "I can see your friend is looking to make a scene." The Clay Conductor looks deeply offended. "Follow me. You'll need to pay though, same as anybody else." She motions for you to follow her through a pair of doors of crimson glass and into the inner chambers of Magdalene's.
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Get Vianne's help for the Rat Brigade
Vianne is stationed in the scarlet Chambers of Solace. She sighs when she sees the Rat Brigade. "I know what you're here for."
Plans in the making
Vianne indicates that she wishes to speak with her old colleagues in private. They form a huddle – but their vigorous squeaking allows you to gather the gist. Vianne wants a promise that none of the proceeds would be used to finance the recruitment of more rats to the Brigade. Cinders agrees to the terms instantly.
Vianne pops her head up to address you. "I'll show you where to deliver the experiment and then we can get on."
Help the Felined Eccentric locate an attendant to quell Asmoday's anger
You require someone good with animals, with an ample lap and boundless patience. The most senior attendant at Magdalene's steps forward. "I could do with a challenge," she says.
A moment of weakness
The attendant is very good. She enters the engine room, ignores Asmoday completely, sits on a chair and begins to read her book. You close the door.
Half an hour later, you burst into the room to discover Asmoday stretched on the attendant's lap, his paws treadling the air, her fingers running through the thick fur of his tummy. A thick bass purr of utter contentment emanates from his throat. He springs to his feet, but it's too late. The Felined Eccentric fusses over him. What a good boy he is. How nice it is to see him happy. She knew he was a softy really. Asmoday hisses at her, then at you. He doesn't hiss at the attendant, though. Instead, he stalks from your locomotive, and is never seen again.
A meeting with the Amenable Host
The founder and master of ceremonies at Magdalene's. He has requested you by name.
An attendant escorts you through the dazzling violet corridors. The Host's red door is always open. The Attendant leaves you just as the clock begins to chime.
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Deal with the Lachrymose Guest
He stands on the threshold of the treatment chambers, his hands trembling. The attendants on duty have been informed about your involvement.
How do you plan to deal with him? A treatment chamber has been emptied for you, should you wish to adopt a guise from his past. Alternatively, he is standing right there. He does not seem to have noticed you, his eyes instead boring through the doors of the treatment rooms.
Approach this directly
Disguises have caused the poor sod enough trouble.
The Lachrymose Guest's eyes widen as you approach. "Has— Has there been a problem?"
You invite him to sit. Stiff brandies are ordered. You recount your own share of heartbreaks and tragedies, how you found yourself here, and you make clear that despite all that, you will be leaving. He nods slowly, and after a quick shake of your hand, walks away toward the station. He does not look back. |
Disguise yourself as his mother
She drove them apart once. An attendant will help you with the wig and makeup. Another with the voice.
You look just like the faded daguerreotype, down to the teeth. You gnash your jaws reflexively. The Lachrymose Guest's eyes widen as he enters your chamber. "This is a mistake! I didn't ask for this—"
"You never do, do you?" You get to work. When it's over, you doubt he will be returning ever again.
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Disguise yourself as his lover
The attendant normally on duty is more than happy to assist you. "Anything, as long as it gets rid of him."
The attendant daubs your lips the correct shade and finishes colouring your eyes. "He likes him to be jovial. He cannot bear him to be sad."
This proves correct when the Lachrymose Guest appears. You weep. You lie. You wheedle. You are unhappy here, doing this. By the end, you are both in tears. Neither of you will be returning again, here, as you are.
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Speak with a watcher by the station
He stares at your crew as they disembark your engine. He turns away when none emerge holding anything. He is clearly agitated.
Missing in delivery
"Sorry," the man apologises. "I didn't mean to stare. It's just, we've been waiting for a delivery from London. Really important supplies. I don't suppose you might be heading anywhere near the Relay to Albion, would you? If you could check if anything's happened to it, we'd really appreciate it."
[Directions are given here], near Port Prosper.
Deliver the Sky-Maddened Captain
You rescued him from a defeated Marauder. Here he can get help.
The nurses bring a stretcher to carry the Sky-Maddened Captain from your train. He'll receive the care of Magdalene's finest. At least, Magdalene's finest with a sense of charity, given that he has nothing on him to pay for their ministrations.
Go Backstage
You have earned the Amenable Host's favour. You are permitted to socialise with the attendants and observe behind the scenes life at Magdalene's.
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Speak with an attendant
The staff at Magdalene's promise treatments for the deleterious effects of the High Wilderness: loneliness, desperation, folly, regret, love.
An attendant in the foyer schedules appointments with the aid of a hefty daybook and a very accurate clock.
They are eager to explain the procedures and the rules that govern here. "This is a hospital for the spirit. Our staff will become the person you need. Here you may say farewell to a doomed comrade, resurrect an old love, spar with a defeated enemy – all for a fair price. But do not over-indulge. Our services are to heal, not to become an addiction."
Write a Port Report
Magdalene's is a popular destination. Someone will no doubt be interested to know how things are here, and who has been seen here.
Magdalene's is abuzz with activity. Barely has the clock chimed than a clamour goes up at the front desk, guests rushing to and from appointments. Lord _____ was seen in conversation with the Amenable Host. The east wing was closed for general access all day. A certain distinguished admiral was seen with his second in command entering one of the chambers of regret. Several guests succumbed to an excess of sentimentality and were forcibly removed.
Observe guests going in for treatment
Some smile, others weep. One lady has a terrible gleam in her eye, another a recording device.
Talk to patients being discharged
They exit the treatment chambers, fresh from their encounters with attendants in the guise of their most personal memories.
Seek a meeting with the Amenable Host
There may be business to discuss with them.
A waiting list
Unfortunately, the Host has many calls on their time, and you have yet to become a known face around these parts. Perhaps once you have availed yourself of the services, they will have time to speak.
Put up a flyer for the Strongwoman
They do not allow flyers to be posted on the premises. They do, however, keep them tidily stacked for interested parties to take.
The receptionist accepts them after thorough examination, and consulting her ordinances more than once. "We'll leave them out for guests."
Investigate the clocks |
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Sell the pro-Philosophy artwork for the highest possible price
Apparently they expect you not only to deliver the painting, but also to play the role of auctioneer.
Failed event | ||||||
An admirable attempt
The auction is taking place in a sumptuous hall in the east wing of Magdalene's, and the crowd are clearly composed of wealthy dignitaries and collectors. You can tell by the monocles, moustaches, and fascinators on display.
Unfortunately, the role of auctioneer doesn't come naturally to you. After a few false starts, you end up selling the picture for far less than it was worth. There's an upside, however: The painting was bought by a boardmember of a small New Winchester gallery. It will be on public display, rather than confined to some dusty collection. | ||||||||
Successful event | ||||||||
The auction is taking place in a sumptuous hall in the east wing of Magdalene's, and the crowd are clearly composed of wealthy dignitaries and collectors. You can tell by the monocles, moustaches, and fascinators on display.
You slip comfortably into the role of auctioneer, your voice spilling from you with machine-like rapidity, your gavel thrusting at the crowd like a rapier. "Sold!" you declare finally, and for a very respectable price too. This will be the main talking point of the auction, you are sure.
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Listen to the Will Of The People
A delegation has been sent to petition you in your role as Minister.
Endless problems, few solutions
You listen with appropriate amounts of care to each person who begs a moment of your time. The majority are local issues, not worth bringing up in Parliament. Occasionally, inspiration strikes for a new law. You promise with a practiced politician's sincerity that even if there is nothing you can do, you will do it to the best of your ability. They seem mollified by that.
Rare event (10%) | ||||||||
Endless problems, few solutions
You listen with appropriate amounts of care to each person who begs a moment of your time. Until the egg hits you in the face. The perpetrators run off giggling. You wipe away the dripping yolk. Someone should make a law against that sort of thing...
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Deliver the Previously Impounded Goods
There should be payment for delivering this.
Delivered with gratitude
A nurse from Magdalene's opens up the crate and breathes a sigh of relief. "Finally, our prisoner's honey. We were almost out. I can't thank you enough. But I can pay you for your troubles."
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Return to the Amenable Host
He is currently available.
An attendant escorts you through the dazzling violet corridors. The Host's red door is always open. The Attendant leaves you just as the clock begins to chime.
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Return to the Amenable Host
He is currently available.
An attendant escorts you through the dazzling violet corridors. The Host's red door is always open. The Attendant leaves you just as the clock begins to chime.
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The Amenable Host's Atrium | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 275492 |
The Amenable Host's Atrium[]
The Amenable Host reclines on a couch of crushed velvet, a goblet of sparkling wine in his long fingers. Somewhere in the tower above him, the great clock ticks away. As a policy, the Host's atrium is always open to guests. He is available to hear opinions, friendly criticism and suggestions. Today he has a headache.
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Listen to the Amenable Host's Request
He beckons you close.
A sickness
His voice is soft and sibilant, like butter melting in candlelight. A guest has become rather too attached to a particular attendant. "He always requests that the same attendant appear in the exact same guise."
The Amenable Host's lip curls in distaste. He reiterates the aim of Magdalene's: a place of healing and respite. "It was not meant to feed obsession or self-indulgent self-loathing. This guest brings sickness. I would have him purged. I have a dossier on our guest, if you're interested in helping."
Take the Lachrymose Guest's dossier
The Amenable Host has requested help in removing a customer who is blurring the boundaries of healer and patient.
An acting challenge
The Amenable Host's smiles indulgently. "I'm so glad you want to help." He produces a thin sliver of pages, and passes them to you.
"I'd recommend taking on the role of one of our attendants. That way, you'd be playing the role of someone significant to him." The Amenable Host sighs, reaching for his goblet. "He knows all of our attendants by voice now. Someone new is needed."
Let the Amenable Host know the Lachrymose Guest is gone
For better or worse, he will not be returning to Magdalene's.
The Amenable Host smiles beatifically. "Of course. My staff will be pleased. It is a risk of our trade, when our clients can no longer separate identity and illusion, but seldom pleasant."
He sighs deeply, echoing around the chamber like a newly freed dove. "It is a trap any of us could fall into." His face darkens, briefly. "Here, take this." He fishes around beneath his couch for one of his goblets. "It'll fetch a pretty price. Take it with my thanks. And do visit us again."
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Listen to the Amenable Host's request
He is melancholy today. Not to mention irritable. He has a job for you, he says, his voice rich with unhappiness.
Discretion, always
"I admired your discretion earlier." He sighs. "You have seen the dangers of our work upon those who abuse our service. Yet we are not immune to it ourselves."
He draws your attention to several paintings on the walls. "My regulars have, at various points, requested that I be a prospector on Lustrum, heir to a fine house in Port Prosper, and a titan of industry on New Winchester. Very specific requests, and more, I have vivid memories of being all three, yet all cannot be true, surely?" He presses a locket into your hand. "This bears my image. See if anyone remembers me. I can't remember who I was before this. If I could be other than I am, I'd like to know."
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Speak with the Amenable Host
How are things at Magdalene's?
"Have you explored my memories? Discovered who I am? No?" When the Host discovers that you have not visited even one of the ports he suggested, he shows you out. He is brutally polite.
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What will you tell the Amenable Host?
You have pursued his memories enough to have an answer for him.
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Ask the Amenable Host to come to Langley Hall
A beautiful amnesiac with the arrogance of a Greek god? He certainly fits the description.
The Amenable host curls a perfect lip. "You want me to go where, exactly?" He listens with a growing expression of amusement and then outrage on his face.
"This sounds like a sorry imitation of my institute. And you haven't finished my task yet. Maybe you'll uncover something convincing." He rings for an attendant, concluding your interview.
Ask the Amenable Host to come to Langley Hall
A beautiful amnesiac with the arrogance of a Greek god? He certainly fits the description.
The Amenable Host surveys you with frank amazement. "I'm the possible lost love of who? Some toff in a mouldering mansion in a backwater?" His contempt is palpable.
"Why bring me this? You've already confirmed who I am. I'll not entertain it being contradicted again. I am... sanguine in what you've told me. Do not dig up what I've already settled." He rings a bell. Your audience is at an end.
Ask the Amenable Host to come to Langley Hall
A beautiful amnesiac with the arrogance of a Greek god? He certainly fits the description.
The Amenable Host curls his lip. "I can't say I think much of the idea of this Langley Hall. A hodge-podge third rate version of my own house of healing. No wonder his lordship ran off."
He sighs, drumming his fingers on his thigh. "And yet. I did ask you to find out who I was. I hoped for answer then, and I do now. If you're right—" He stands, throwing his cloak back over his broad shoulder. "Have your staff prepare a suitable cabin. Let's see what this Lord Langley has to say for himself."
Talk to the Amenable Host
How are things at Magdalene's?
The Amenable Host has an attendant open a fresh bottle of sparkling wine for you both. He tells you of movements in the Winchester War, of old longings quelled, of old emnities reignited, of the arrest of the passage of time. "To the human heart, memory is stronger than all Her Majesty's hours."
A conversation
His schedule is busy but he's willing to clear a little time for you.
Whiling away the hours
He speaks of the politics of the Reach, the tedium of it and his affront that his position requires him to pay any attention at all to it. He speaks of the parties he has hosted, the lives he's healed and the people he's saved. You begin to suspect he might have an ego.
And then your time is up. "I hope I haven't bored you," he says with a rare smile. "One wishes to be many things in this life. But never dull."
Backstage at Magdalene's | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 275489 |
Backstage at Magdalene's[]
There are always jealous glares when someone parts the violet curtain that keeps the attendants' private space from their work. Backstage, relaxed chatter and the scratchy sounds of music over the gramophone fill the air. Clouds of powdered make-up and tobacco wash over you, mixed with lavender perfume.
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Help an attendant prepare for work
There are lines to rehearse, briefs to digest, accents to perfect.
Share a drink
Unwinding after a guest is a necessity of life at Magdalene's.
The Solace Chambers: Treat Your Terror[]
"The skies are full of terrible wonders. All skyfarers see more than they should when they sail the sunless sky. The sound of soft laughter and the occasion sob echo through the stained glass walls of the treatment chambers. An attendant sits guard before the door. "I'll just need to ask for the particulars. We will always alleviate your fears, but the method is at your discretion." "
Game note: All Treatments will lower your Terror equally.
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Request a Clay attendant for the Clay Conductor
The Clay Conductor wishes to know if they will perform the music of the Clay Choirs.
A falsehood?
The attendant cannot hide a small frown. "Ah. We've not been asked for that in a while. Let me just go and talk to the lads." You are invited to take a seat. The Clay Conductor is already expecting disappointment.
Some time later, the attendant returns with three weathered clay men. Their skin is cracked and craggy; their eyes are rheumy – clouded as pearl. They launch into song: eery and low, redolent of drudgery and despair. The Clay Conductor leaves before they finish. "They were clearly attendants in disguise," he tells you, scornfully. "Even the singing. A thin facsimile, like everything here."
Request a Clay attendant for the Clay Conductor
The Clay Conductor wishes to know if they will perform the music of the Clay Choirs.
A falsehood?
The attendant cannot hide a small frown. "Ah. We've not been asked for that in a while. Let me just go and talk to the lads." You are invited to take a seat. The Clay Conductor is already expecting disappointment.
Some time later, the attendant returns with three weathered clay men. Their skin is cracked and craggy; their eyes are rheumy – clouded as pearl. They launch into song: eery and low, redolent of drudgery and despair. The Clay Conductor leaves before they finish. "They were clearly attendants in disguise," he tells you, scornfully. "Even the singing. A thin facsimile, like everything here."
Request a treatment for loneliness
The High Wilderness is a savage lonely place.
He smiles the practiced smile of an old friend offering comfort for their comrade's predictable misdeeds. "That's my specialty, when I'm on duty in the chambers." He begins to hum the tune of a popular ballad, of a signaller falling from his locomotive unnoticed by his captain, and drifting cold in the dark. "This way, do keep up."
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Game note: This will provide a unique encounter and lower your Terror.
Request a treatment for guilt
You are not sinless.
The attendant nods solemnly. "Congratulations, you are the last entry in the journal." He makes a note in a large red leather-bound book. "Today's journal, at any rate."
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Game note: This will provide a unique encounter and lower your Terror.
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Request a treatment for a personal failing
Yours is a faceted soul, with several showy flaws coursing through it.
"Oh. what's yours? Mine is – oh, but I mustn't say. Sorry, I'm new. This way."
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Game note: This will provide a unique encounter and lower your Terror.
Request a treatment for ennui
The wonders of the heavens no longer still your heart from beating.
He takes your hand, very briefly, and holds it so very gently, as though it were a rare butterfly that had alighted there by chance. "This way, please."
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Game note: This will provide a unique encounter and lower your Terror.
The Immersive Quarters[]
The attendant holds up a candle before four doors of mirrored glass. "Four of our staff are available today. Each has their own speciality. Their names are not yours to know: only their craft." He smiles suddenly, his teeth gleaming like links on a chain. "You know yourself best. Who can tend your wounded heart? Whoever you need, you can find behind one of these doors."
Trigger conditions
Remedial Activity ≥ 1
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Someone from your past
Their face lingers in the fog of memory.
Terror fades
Origin: Priest(Magdalene)Origin: Urchin(Magdalene)Origin: Academic(Magdalene)Origin: Zailor(Magdalene)Origin: Poet(Magdalene)
Origin: Auditor(Magdalene)Origin: Revolutionary(Magdalene)Origin: Soldier(Magdalene)
A very boring individual indeed
Their tedium was sublimely crafted.
Terror fades
Someone who once meant a very great deal
They are not with you now.
Terror fades
A former crewman
They were lost in your service.
Terror fades
A famous dead Tackety general
See if the rumours are true. Is a deceased Tackety war hero really in attendance at Magdalene's?
The dead walk among us and smoke pipes
The attendant smiles and licks his pale lips. "You have morbid tastes. This way, if you please."
You're led to a slim chamber of polished scarlet glass. A burly figure is sitting in a comfortable armchair. They smile up at you.
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The Oneiric Chambers: Treat your Nightmares[]
"For some cases, of sleepless nights lost in formless terror, of persistent night terrors and illucid dreams, more severe treatments are required. In these sombre chambers of red and gold painted glass, the worst failings of the heart are treated. An attendant waits to take your details and your payment. He asks only that you request the name of the person you wish to treat you. "
Game note: Here you can reduce your Nightmares, before they get worse. The more you use these treatments, the more expensive they will become. The attendants can only do so much.
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Your new friend
He is pleased to be off the locomotive for a time.
Nightmares recede
Advanced query needs investigation Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Your mother
She is present, for a given value of the term.
Nightmares recede
Advanced query needs investigation Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Her Renewed Majesty
Yes, really.
Nightmares recede
Advanced query needs investigation Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Beatrice's Exchange
An elderly proprieter with a steely gleam in her eye runs this trading post. She deals in engine supplies from the jumbled shop floor, and in unwanted souls in a smoky back room.
Item | Buy | Sell |
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