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Category Auxiliary Quality WHAT TYPE
Type Locomotive Equipment Qualities WHAT TYPE
Data ID 134832

Mining tier1 icon Mining is a skill in Sunless Skies.


Unlike your Captain's four main skills, Mining cannot be increased through Facets or Officers. Instead it is temporarily increased by having certain Modules applied to your Locomotive. Removing the Module will once again lower your Mining skill.

The following modules can be equipped to increase your Mining skill:

AuxiliaryUI icon Auxiliary[]

Image Module Effect Requires Cost Obtained
Mining tier1 square icon Crown & Misery Pneumatic Mining Array +1 Mining None Sovereigns icon 400 Sovereigns Abraham's Engineering
St Dominic's Augmentations
Mining tier2 square icon 'Proserpina' Superior Mining Array +1 Mining

+4 Hold

Veils at 25+ Hull icon 10 Experimental Modifications

Portsmouth House
Mining tier3 square icon Wit & Vinegar Sawing Device +1 Mining

+2 Hidden Compartments

Iron at 45+ Sovereigns icon 1100 Sovereigns Wit & Vinegar
Mining tier3 square icon 'Cantankerous' Boring-Rig +1 Mining

+4 Hold +5 Hull

Mirrors at 45+ Hull icon 18 Experimental Modifications

Portsmouth House


Interacting with certain Discoveries requires at least 1 point in Mining.

Having 1 point in Mining also add new interaction in some story event.

  • You can skip the skill challenges in A Race against Unravelling Time using the interaction Blow a hole in the Sun
  • You can repair your Hull using the interaction Strip it for parts or Demolish the Grave-Robber

There is currently no known benefit of having a skill level greater than 1.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
A Race against Unravelling Time 'Blow a hole in the Sun' Requirement ≥ 1
A Resurrectionist, Deceased 'Strip it for parts' Requirement ≥ 1
A Resurrectionist, Deceased 'Demolish the Grave-Robber' Requirement ≥ 1

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
A Race against Unravelling Time Blow a hole in the Sun Default:

A Resurrectionist, Deceased Strip it for parts Default:
Demolish the Grave-Robber Default: