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Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage
Category Quest
Type Scout Quest
Data ID 136708

Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage is considered a Misc undefined in Sunless Skies.

Quest description[]

"Mr Menagerie is wandering the High Wilderness, selling Scouts to passing captains."


Quality status[]

Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [1] Mr Menagerie has left New Winchester
  • [2] Mr Menagerie has left Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus
  • [3] Mr Menagerie has left Port Avon
  • [4] Mr Menagerie has left the Royal Society
  • [5] Mr Menagerie has left London
  • [6] Mr Menagerie has left the House of Rods and Chains
  • [7] Mr Menagerie has left Caduceus
  • [8] [COMPLETE]Mr Menagerie has settled at New Winchester

Interaction description[]

  • [1] Mr Menagerie is leaving.
  • [3] Mr Menagerie is leaving.
  • [4] Mr Menagerie is leaving.
  • [5] Mr Menagerie is leaving.
  • [8] Mr Menagerie's stall is permanently at New Winchester.

Variable description[]


  • [0] \"We await at Wolvesey Station.\"
  • [1] \"We go to the regent's obelisk, which you have made into a gaudy amusement.\"
  • [2] \"We journey to the place of apples, where an old regent's ruins lie.\"
  • [3] \"We journey to your house of invention, near the Ormswold.\"
  • [4] \"We go to the Throne of the Hour-King.\"
  • [5] \"We go to the messenger-corpse; that squirming ruin of tumbled spires.\"
  • [6] \"We go where roses bloom in the dark.\"
  • [7] \"We return to the smoggy, clanking, singing, stamping, thronging, frantic stew-pot of humanity; the blister of glass and steel in the heart of the Garden.\"


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Mr Menagerie is Passing Through New Winchester 'Visit Mr Menagerie' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
Mr Menagerie is Passing Through Polmear & Plenty's 'Visit Mr Menagerie' Default / Challenge Fail = 2
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Polmear & Plenty's 'Purchase a Star-Smitten Bat' Default / Challenge Fail = 3
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Polmear & Plenty's 'Purchase a Diffident Bat' Default / Challenge Fail = 3
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Polmear & Plenty's 'Purchase an Intrepid Cavy' Default / Challenge Fail = 3
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Polmear & Plenty's 'Purchase a Ratronaut' Default / Challenge Fail = 3
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Polmear & Plenty's 'Nothing at the moment' Default / Challenge Fail = 3
Mr Menagerie is Passing Through Port Avon 'Visit Mr Menagerie' Default / Challenge Fail = 3
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Port Avon 'Purchase a Star-Smitten Bat' Default / Challenge Fail = 5+[d:2]
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Port Avon 'Purchase a Diffident Bat' Default / Challenge Fail = 5+[d:2]
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Port Avon 'Purchase an Intrepid Cavy' Default / Challenge Fail = 5+[d:2]
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Port Avon 'Purchase a Ratronaut' Default / Challenge Fail = 5+[d:2]
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Port Avon 'Nothing at the moment' Default / Challenge Fail = 5+[d:2]
Mr Menagerie is Passing Through the Royal Society 'Visit Mr Menagerie' Default / Challenge Fail = 4
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at the Royal Society 'Purchase a Star-Smitten Bat' Default / Challenge Fail = 8
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at the Royal Society 'Purchase a Diffident Bat' Default / Challenge Fail = 8
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at the Royal Society 'Purchase an Intrepid Cavy' Default / Challenge Fail = 8
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at the Royal Society 'Purchase a Ratronaut' Default / Challenge Fail = 8
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at the Royal Society 'Nothing at the moment' Default / Challenge Fail = 8
Mr Menagerie is Passing through London 'Visit Mr Menagerie' Default / Challenge Fail = 5
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at London 'Purchase a Star-Smitten Bat' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at London 'Purchase a Diffident Bat' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at London 'Purchase an Intrepid Cavy' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at London 'Purchase a Ratronaut' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at London 'Nothing at the moment' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Mr Menagerie is Passing Through the House of Rods and Chains 'Visit Mr Menagerie' Default / Challenge Fail = 6
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at the House of Rods and Chains 'Purchase a Star-Smitten Bat' Default / Challenge Fail = 10+[d:2]
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at the House of Rods and Chains 'Purchase a Diffident Bat' Default / Challenge Fail = 10+[d:2]
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at the House of Rods and Chains 'Purchase an Intrepid Cavy' Default / Challenge Fail = 10+[d:2]
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at the House of Rods and Chains 'Purchase a Ratronaut' Default / Challenge Fail = 10+[d:2]
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at the House of Rods and Chains 'Nothing at the moment' Default / Challenge Fail = 10+[d:2]
Mr Menagerie is Passing Through Caduceus 'Visit Mr Menagerie' Default / Challenge Fail = 7
Mr Menagerie is Stopping at New Winchester 'Visit Mr Menagerie' Default / Challenge Fail = 8
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Caduceus 'Purchase a Star-Smitten Bat' Default / Challenge Fail = 13
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Caduceus 'Purchase a Diffident Bat' Default / Challenge Fail = 13
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Caduceus 'Purchase an Intrepid Cavy' Default / Challenge Fail = 13
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Caduceus 'Purchase a Ratronaut' Default / Challenge Fail = 13
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Caduceus 'Nothing at the moment' Default / Challenge Fail = 13
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Delicious Scouts 'Listen to a story of things past' Requirement ≥ 2 ≤ 2
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Delicious Scouts 'Listen to a story of things past' Requirement ≥ 3 ≤ 3
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Delicious Scouts 'Listen to a story of things past' Requirement ≥ 4 ≤ 4
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Delicious Scouts 'Listen to a story of things past' Requirement ≥ 5 ≤ 5
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Delicious Scouts 'Listen to a story of things past' Requirement ≥ 6 ≤ 6
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Delicious Scouts 'Listen to a story of things past' Requirement ≥ 7 ≤ 7
Mr Menagerie's Stall for Delicious Scouts 'Show Mr Menagerie the Seal of Mr Barleycorn' Requirement ≤ 7

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Mr Menagerie is Passing Through New Winchester Visit Mr Menagerie None Default:

Mr Menagerie is Passing Through Polmear & Plenty's Visit Mr Menagerie None Default:

Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Polmear & Plenty's Purchase a Star-Smitten Bat Default:
Purchase a Diffident Bat Default:
Purchase an Intrepid Cavy Default:
Purchase a Ratronaut Default:
Nothing at the moment None Default:
    • Cagedcatch icon Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 3

Mr Menagerie is Passing Through Port Avon Visit Mr Menagerie None Default:

Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Port Avon Purchase a Star-Smitten Bat Default:
Purchase a Diffident Bat Default:
Purchase an Intrepid Cavy Default:
Purchase a Ratronaut Default:
Nothing at the moment None Default:
    • Cagedcatch icon Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 5+[1-2]

Mr Menagerie is Passing Through the Royal Society Visit Mr Menagerie None Default:

Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at the Royal Society Purchase a Star-Smitten Bat Default:
Purchase a Diffident Bat Default:
Purchase an Intrepid Cavy Default:
Purchase a Ratronaut Default:
Nothing at the moment None Default:
    • Cagedcatch icon Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 8

Mr Menagerie is Passing through London Visit Mr Menagerie None Default:

Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at London Purchase a Star-Smitten Bat Default:
Purchase a Diffident Bat Default:
Purchase an Intrepid Cavy Default:
Purchase a Ratronaut Default:
Nothing at the moment None Default:

Mr Menagerie is Passing Through the House of Rods and Chains Visit Mr Menagerie None Default:

Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at the House of Rods and Chains Purchase a Star-Smitten Bat Default:
Purchase a Diffident Bat Default:
Purchase an Intrepid Cavy Default:
Purchase a Ratronaut Default:
Nothing at the moment None Default:
    • Cagedcatch icon Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 10+[1-2]

Mr Menagerie is Passing Through Caduceus Visit Mr Menagerie None Default:

Mr Menagerie is Stopping at New Winchester Visit Mr Menagerie None Default:

Mr Menagerie's Stall for Precious Scouts at Caduceus Purchase a Star-Smitten Bat Default:
Purchase a Diffident Bat Default:
Purchase an Intrepid Cavy Default:
Purchase a Ratronaut Default:
Nothing at the moment None Default:
    • Cagedcatch icon Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 13

Mr Menagerie's Stall for Delicious Scouts Listen to a story of things past Default:
Listen to a story of things past Default:
Listen to a story of things past Default:
Listen to a story of things past Default:
Listen to a story of things past Default:
Listen to a story of things past Default:
Show Mr Menagerie the Seal of Mr Barleycorn Default:

Triggered Events[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Requirements Type Location
Mr Menagerie is Passing Through New Winchester
    • Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage ≤ 0
Story Event (Always :100%) Wolvesey Station
A Note from Mr Menagerie
    • Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 1 [Mr Menagerie has left New Winchester]
Story Event (Always :100%) Wolvesey Station
Mr Menagerie is Passing Through Polmear & Plenty's
    • Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 1 [Mr Menagerie has left New Winchester]
Story Event (Always :100%) Jervaise's Rest
A Note from Mr Menagerie at Polmear & Plenty's
    • Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 2 [Mr Menagerie has left Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus]
Story Event (Always :100%) Jervaise's Rest
Mr Menagerie is Passing Through Port Avon
    • Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 2 [Mr Menagerie has left Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus]
Story Event (Always :100%) Port Avon Dock
A Note from Mr Menagerie at Port Avon
    • Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 3 [Mr Menagerie has left Port Avon]
Story Event (Always :100%) Port Avon Dock
Mr Menagerie is Passing Through the Royal Society
    • Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 3 [Mr Menagerie has left Port Avon]
Story Event (Always :100%) The Airy
A Note from Mr Menagerie at the Royal Society
    • Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 4 [Mr Menagerie has left the Royal Society]
Story Event (Always :100%) The Airy
Mr Menagerie is Passing through London
    • Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 4 [Mr Menagerie has left the Royal Society]
Story Event (Always :100%) St Dominic's Station
Mr Menagerie is Passing Through the House of Rods and Chains
    • Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 5 [Mr Menagerie has left London]
Story Event (Always :100%) The Carapace
A Note from Mr Menagerie at the House of Rods and Chains
    • Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 6 [Mr Menagerie has left the House of Rods and Chains]
Story Event (Always :100%) The Carapace
Mr Menagerie is Passing Through Caduceus
    • Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 6 [Mr Menagerie has left the House of Rods and Chains]
Story Event (Always :100%) The Dome of the Rose
A Note from Mr Menagerie at Caduceus
    • Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 7 [Mr Menagerie has left Caduceus]
Story Event (Always :100%) The Dome of the Rose
Mr Menagerie is Stopping at New Winchester
    • Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage ≥ 7
Story Event (Always :100%) Wolvesey Station
A Note from Mr Menagerie at London
    • Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage = 5 [Mr Menagerie has left London]
Story Event (Always :100%) St Dominic's Station

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