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New Winchester | |
New Winchester (Sidebar) | |
Located in | The Reach |
Ports | Wolvesey Station |
Shops | Abraham's Engineering Victoria Market |
Shipyard | Wolvesey Engine Yard |
New Winchester is the major port of the Reach, occupying the central circle.
Log Entries[]
A distant clamour of engine-yards. An accretion of smog on the windows.
The taste of smog. The sound of iron on iron. We are home.
Wispy condensation trails cross the sky; the ghosts of passing trains.
The Pugilistic Forged Companion: "I understand they fight over ownership here. Perhaps I could be of assistance."
"My family doctor is here. She'll see us." The Incautious Driver's words are more certain than their tone.
"Oh good," says the Eccentric, flatly. "New Winchester. Full of men who think they're engineers, bless their hearts."
Wolvesey Station[]
The clamouring central station of New Winchester. A place of steam and smut and thundering iron. Here, you can find people willing to pay for a skilled captain's service.
Explore the City | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 269625 |
Explore the City[]
The smoggy, clanking, singing, stamping, thronging, frantic heart of the Reach. An ever-expanding port of soot-smudged glass and bright steel, spilling across a drifting, mist-wrapped archipelago.
Its factories thunder. Its engine-sheds ring with hammers and hiss with steam. Locomotives chug into sidings for repair, or flare across the sky and away into the High Wilderness.
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes | ||
An Opportunity: Learn about trading
Successful skyfarers fund their expeditions by dabbling in trade. Enquire whether there are any good trading opportunities available.
On the petal trail
A porter at the station advises you to visit the nearby pub, the Promise of Days, and talk to the seasoned captains there. "They keep their ears to the ground. They'll know about an opportunity or two."
Game note: Visiting the Promise of Days is one of the options when exploring the city.
An Opportunity: Respond to a Distress Call
A group of concerned Tacketies are looking for a skyfaring captain to assist them in retrieving a missing friend.
"Captain!" A broad-shouldered Tackety speaks for the group. "A friend of ours—" There are protests. "An acquaintance of ours has sent a message from Hybras. She needs transport back to New Winchester." He pauses for breath.
"Would you mind picking her up if you happen to go out that way?She's a filmmaker, goes by 'Mme. Lumière'. She said she'd never return, so I have to assume she's taken ill. It'd be good to make sure she gets back safely." [Directions are given here]
Ambition: Collect your inheritance
In their will your predecessor bequeathed you one final item, crucial to your search for the Martyr-King's Cup.
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Drop off Mme. Lumière
She's eager to get back to work.
She gives you a brisk handshake as she departs your locomotive. "Better accommodation than I'm used to. Now, I have a premiere to plan. You're invited of course. It'll be next week, assuming I haven't keeled over!" She bustles off into the smog of New Winchester. Your quartermaster complains that it's going to take weeks to get the spores out of her berth.
Attend the Grand Premiere
Mme. Lumière has wasted no time in organising her premiere. To express her gratitude, she has given you tickets.
The first showing
Mme. Lumière has reopened a theatre beneath the arches of the Bishopbridge. Prominent Tacketies sit with London sympathisers. They have formed a brief truce, united in their loathing of the cramped velvet seats. A light flares on the plaster wall. The film begins.
The film is titled the 'Concupiscence of the Verdance'. Flickering images on painted lenses jerk across the wall. The camera luxuriates in the collapsing brown flesh of a fruiting fungus, the flight of a sporing body, the sudden bursting of a violet fungal sac, the prolonged death spasms of a camera-man. There are gasps from the audience.
Take in the detail
Lumière has an exacting eye. Some of the shots are blemished, but what has been captured reveals much about the Reach's flora. This work is worth careful attention.
The final sequence of the rotting fungal husks collapsing onto the settlement is exquisite. And yet you are the only one who remains behind to congratulate Lumière. "I wish more were so discerning." She smiles. "Still, this was only a start. Please, meet me later."
Advanced query needs investigation |
Admire the wider picture
If you avoid looking at the foreground, there is much to appreciate. The film-strips have been painted to reveal the lush colours of the landscapes, the violent purple of the fungus. There is an awful beauty to the whole thing.
It is difficult to entirely ignore the energetic, and occasionally traumatic, activities occurring in the foreground of every shot, but you persevere. Lumière catches up with you as you are leaving. "I don't know why everyone hurried away. Anyway, I'm venturing into new territories. Meet me later if you like."
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Close your eyes
If you put your hands over your eyes you could almost consider this a relaxing interlude.
It is all over in the space of about twenty minutes. You are jostled by audience members rushing to leave. Lumière makes a point of arresting your departure. "I'm disappointed. People normally appreciate my work. Philistines." She smiles. "Still, this was only a start. Please, meet me later."
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Meet Mme. Lumière again
Mme. Lumière has promised a meeting. She's currently occupying one of New Winchester's cafes. She's provided the table number.
A life's work
She rings for two cups of nectar-infused tea. "I crave the stuff," she says, a smile creasing her face like a well-used cushion. "I'm too old to be lugging cameras about anymore, waiting for the perfect shot. My own fault: I could've stayed in London, but I wanted to see the stars. Thanks for helping me home. This is where I'll stay now, I think."
She coughs into a yellow-stained handkerchief. "Time to fund films rather than make them, I think." The coughing worsens. "Please excuse me." She leaves you with a hurried goodbye, and the bill.
An Opportunity: A Pernickety Factor requests a meeting
A neat calling card was waiting for you at the station. The paper was scented, the envelope ironed.
The meeting takes several days to arrange. She rejects the Round Table as a venue, and all of the cafes in the upper district, even that nice tea room under the bridges. Eventually, you agree upon the parlour at Company House, which is open to visitors on a Sunday.
The Pernickety Factor requests you change table three times before she is satisfied. "I'm looking for several disappeared colonists. I believe their destination was Hybras. I'd be much appreciative if you were to take me there."
Advanced query needs investigation
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Consult Mme. Lumière on the fungus you found at Hybras
She was filming the very same mushrooms you've since found all over the empty colony.
Mme. Lumière is delighted to see you. She presents you with a selection of slides from her company's latest films. "I'm even funding theatre now!" she says, showing a colour production of Hamlet staged on the ramparts of the Most Serene Mausoleum. "So many experiences to capture, so little time."
Eventually, you bring the conversation around to fungus. She studies your sample intently. "I think I can help you. But first, would you be a dear and check up on a production for me? It's out on Lustrum. There've been difficulties. I'd go, but I don't have an engine anymore."
Return to Mme. Lumière
You have saved her production. She should be willing to part with what she knows about the fungus now.
Lumière is very pleased with your efforts. "You know, I had no interest in history until very recently, but now I can't get enough of the stuff. Always more to learn! Speaking of –"
She disappears into the depths of her shop, and re-emerges carrying a covered bird cage. "It's time to show you my bird!"
Watch Mme. Lumière's unveiling
She wants to show you her bird. It has something to do with the fungus on Hybras, though how, you can't imagine.
The bird should be dead. It has been cooked. Yet, it moves about its perch quite merrily, podules of violet fungus where feathers ought to have been. Its flesh is bare but absent of burn scars.
"It was going to be supper, but I couldn't resist experimenting. He appears to have forgiven me for fricasseeing him." Mme. Lumière feeds the bird a few seeds from her hand. "Certainly not the mushrooms I intended to pair it with." The infected bird periodically sends spores flying about the room, alighting on this or that. "I found a huge tower of them outside of Hybras village. That'll be the source." She rummages in her bag for a handful of golden mushroom caps. "It reacted very poorly to this."
Search for the Amenable Host's identity
A titan of industry? Those are rare outside of Albion.
The initial search is fruitless; people giggle at the antiquated fashion on display in the daguerreotype, the tilt of the jaw, the unfortunate arrangement of hair. But the proprietor of the Round Table seems to recognise the face. "Oh, yes. Right sod he was."
She holds the locket up to catch the falling starlight through a window. "Wanted to open a factory here, a few years back. Something went wrong, and there was a workers' revolt. Not been seen since."
Escort the Incautious Driver to their family doctor
A silver plaque on the door bearing only a name indicates this as the address of New Winchester's most exclusive practice.
An immediate appointment
While the doctor conducts her examination, the Driver asks you to update their old records with their current employment. You take a moment's pleasure in the driver's ridiculous middle name, and pass over the field on gender (straightforwardly crossed out). Their address was last an eye-raisingly prestigious New Winchester townhouse. You amend it to the name of your locomotive.
"Ah," the doctor says, peering into the Driver's ear. "A case of Verdancy: a fungal colonisation of the brain, not uncommon in the Reach. You've noticed uncharacteristic impulses? Changes in behaviour?" She eyes the Driver's sky-suit and scars. The Driver nods. "Yes. The spores root deeply in the brain. Attempts to extract them have had less-than-satisfactory results. I'm afraid the best prescription is to entertain them. Take them where they want to go; see the things they want to see. Typically, a little travel does the job. They'll soon lose interest."
Escort the Incautious Driver home
The Stainrod Mansion is draped in mourning black. The lady of the house stiffly greets her guests, nodding at every whispered word of condolence.
A lady in mourning
The Incautious Driver's mother greets you both at the gate, her tone chillier than Lustrum frost. "The prodigal returns, then. Somewhat late, but I suppose better late than never. Your father would have been pleased to see the effort. Well. You had better come in."
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Drop off the Audacious Servitor
He stares from the window of his cabin, his porcelain face expressionless. His tapping foot betrays his anxiety.
The Servitor's Departure
"Thank you," he says (he has told you that he no longer thinks of himself as 'it'). He stares out over the milling crowds and roiling smog of New Winchester. You get the impression he is on the verge of diving back to the safety of his cabin.
He takes one step, then another. Then two. He stands on the platform in silence. "I think I shall try to fall in love," he says thoughtfully. After a last lingering look back, and a grateful nod, he strides with renewed confidence into the bustle of the city and is gone.
Deliver the honey to the Round Table.
The Parsimonious Chairman has told you there's to be a rally outside the Round Table. A crowd is gathering.
Failed event | |||
The proprietress shakes her head. "She's a paying customer. I think she spouts rot, but if His Nibs isn't coming in person, it can't be that serious. She's no threat." The proprietress ushers you out, just as the rally gets started. The Ironical Reformist is haranguing the crowd on their tacit collusion with the Windward Company. "Do they not represent London? What goes on at the factories begins in Lustrum!" There are cheers – and shouts. Glass is broken. Beards are pulled. It seems prudent to leave before things deteriorate further.
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Successful event | |||||
The proprietress sighs as you make the request. "All for peace again, I suppose?" She pockets the honey and ushers you out.
The Ironical Reformist emerges out of a backdoor in the Round Table to a chorus of cheers. She begins with a speech on the rights of man, the dignities of labour, the promises made at the Blockade. Amongst the firelight, there are nods and murmurs of approval. Then she makes a mistake. She begins to speak of hours lost in green gardens on the other side of the glass. "Honey-mazed!" the cry goes out. The crowd begins to disperse.
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Partial success event (5%) | |||||
The golden addiction
The proprietress raises the honey to the light. "She has a taste for it." She sighs. "I thought she'd have the good sense to steer clear of the Company. But them that play the fool must occasionally be treated as such." She shrugs once. "I'll do it. But I still have a crowd at my door. You get rid of them, I'll do the rest." She gestures out the window to the mob holding anti-stovepipe placards.
Divert the mob
All you need do is lead the crowd of disgruntled protesters away from the Round Table.
You mount the boxes. You draw a deep breath. You begin the first bars of 'God Save the Queen.'
Several hours later, you have lost the last of them, though not all of your crew made it, after a particularly fiendish turn-about in the labyrinthine slums under the Bishopbridge. Now to get back to your engine...
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Deliver a slightly less inflammatory speech
Moderation in all things. Including at a radical anti- mercantile rally outside a disreputable boozer.
Your speech is considered and nuanced, although perhaps overly sophisticated. You certainly draw more blank stares than applause. Calls for pragmatism in the cause of freedom fall largely on deaf ears. But your fervour in the cause against Albion is appreciated, and your audience leaves somewhat mollified. One of your crew does get mugged by a radical later, however.
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Deliver a placatory speech
You, after all, have been working for the Windward Company. You know their merits better than anyone.
You step out before the crowd and offer the best defence you can: yourself. Can the Windward Company truly be so against the freedoms of man when they're willing to support such a daring free spirit? The mob isn't entirely convinced, but they disperse soothed. Only one bomb is snuck onto your engine.
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Warn the Ironical Reformist
Whatever the Parsimonious Chairman has planned cannot be good for the Reformist's general well-being.
Failed event | |||
A chance, missed
The proprietress of the Round Table refuses to disclose her location. "She's safer not found." The crowd of protesters are at a loss. A tour of the upper districts yield few results, no one in any of the cafes has seen a woman in a stovepipe.
You've almost given the whole affair up for lost when you see a man in a smart jacket leaving the back door of the Round Table. After sneaking in up the stairs, you find an unlocked room on the upper floor. A woman in a suit and stovepipe is sprawled in a chair, a vial of honey half-spilt at her feet.
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Successful event | |||||
A warning
You sneak into the Round Table just before the Ironical Reformist is due to give her speech. She is standing in front of a dusty mirror, adjusting the tilt of her stovepipe. She sees your reflection and has her pistol out.
She growls when you've managed to convince her of your intentions. "They've learnt of my old habit? That's no surprise – I learned of theirs." She snatches up the honey. "What? I have a speech to give." She stops at the door and tips her hat. "Thanks, by the way."
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Partial success event (5%) | |||||
A warning
You sneak into the Round Table just before the Ironical Reformist is due to give her speech. She is standing in front of a dusty mirror, adjusting the tilt of her stovepipe. She sees your reflection and has her pistol out.
She growls when you've managed to convince her of your intentions. "They've learnt of my old habit? That's no surprise – I learned of theirs." She snatches up the honey. "What? I have a speech to give." She stops at the door and tips her hat. "Thanks, by the way."
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[[Far From Their Ruined Homes#dust_up2|Far From Their Ruined Homes(dust_up2)]}} |
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Return the broken Psalmists to their church
They trickle from your train, limping and bandaged and shell-shocked.
As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him
"I hope they'll give us a second chance," mutters the Twice-Scorned Priest, spitting the last two words like poison.
Without looking your way, he reaches down and prises the knife from his grey, withered fingers. He hands it to you. "My dreams at the White Well almost unravelled me. I woke with a skittering inside my skull. I became hungry for eyes. If you return there, be careful." He crosses the street to visit his old neighbours, the Sequencers. One of them tries to scrabble over a fence to escape, but the Priest pulls him down. Gruffly, he apologises, and proffers one withered hand.
Visit the Promise of Days
A club, where seasoned captains gather to trade stories and share advice with younger skyfarers.
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Enquire about the Winchester War
How goes the war?
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Drop off a passenger for the New Street Line
A contact will meet you in Kisigar gardens.
An assignation
The gardens are planted with sombre species imported from old Earth, and grown under the golden light of the Clockwork Sun. The veins of the leaves are delicate as cut glass.
The Philanthropist has alerted the local conductor to your arrival. He meets you beside a grey statue of a serene mermaid. His voice is plummy and moneyed. "My hansom will take us from here. Thank you, friend."
Listen to the Will Of The People
A delegation has been sent to petition you in your role as Minister.
Endless problems, few solutions
You listen with appropriate amounts of care to each person who begs a moment of your time. The majority are local issues, not worth bringing up in Parliament. Occasionally, inspiration strikes for a new law. You promise with a practiced politician's sincerity that even if there is nothing you can do, you will do it to the best of your ability. They seem mollified by that.
Rare event (10%) | |||||
Endless problems, few solutions
You listen with appropriate amounts of care to each person who begs a moment of your time. Until the egg hits you in the face. The perpetrators run off giggling. You wipe away the dripping yolk. Someone should make a law against that sort of thing...
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Investigate the clocks |
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Deliver Sapling Knots
Drop them off with the clerks at the loading bay; they'll see it gets to its destination.
"Splendid," the clerk with the horn-rimmed glasses says. "And here is your delivery fee. I'll see it makes it to the Lady's home."
Deliver Verdant Encouragement
Drop them off with the clerks at the loading bay; they'll see it gets to its destination.
The clerk with the horn-rimmed glasses smiles coolly as you sign. "Just so. Here is your delivery fee. I'll have one of our boys carry it from here."
Deliver Apollonian Cinders
Drop them off with the clerks at the loading bay; they'll see it gets to its destination.
The clerk with the horn-rimmed glasses continues to glance at the shipment as you sign for it. "And here's your reward," they say. "I'll personally see that this makes it to its destination."
Deliver Apollonian Cinders
Drop them off with the clerks at the loading bay; they'll see it gets to its destination.
The clerk with the horn-rimmed glasses continues to glance at the shipment as you sign for it. "And here's your reward," they say. "I'll personally see that this makes it to its destination."
Deliver pamphlets about the dangers of Apollonian Cinders
Drop them off in the square. Post them up in the boulevards! The people must know!
Your public campaign creates quite a stir. The temperance campaigners, who already worked in force, are very quick to adopt all your talking points: the Cinders transform all goodness into vice! They overheat the brain! They kill you with what you love!
One campaigner, anxious to support your good work, presses a small purse into your hand.
Deliver pamphlets about the dangers of Apollonian Cinders
Drop them off in the square. Post them up in the boulevards! The people must know!
Your public campaign creates quite a stir. The temperance campaigners, who already worked in force, are very quick to adopt all your talking points: the Cinders transform all goodness into vice! They overheat the brain! They kill you with what you love!
One campaigner, anxious to support your good work, presses a small purse into your hand.
Find the Runaway Acrobat
An old beggar, sporting Tackety boots and a black eye, has seen someone matching that description. They direct you to the top floor of a disreputable tenement.
The halls are filled with gambling thieves and the stench of foods being cooked that would ordinarily draw a contingent of health inspectors. The Runaway Acrobat is lodged here; you find them practising their die throws and calculating how to turn their pennies into Sovereigns. They frown at you. "It's time to go back to the Circus, is it? Fine. I can practise there as well as here. Let me grab my clothes."
Put up a flyer for the Strongwoman
The entertainment district is already covered in advertisements.
You post your flyers on top of posters for productions of Odin's Horse and the revival of The Painted Youths of Summerset: A Merry Farce. Whether the public will take notice is anybody's guess, but you've done your job.
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Submit a poem about Blue Kingdom philosophy for publication
Blue Kingdom philosophy is in vogue, but a publishing offer is never guaranteed. You'll have to argue your case before a panel of editors.
Failed event | |||
An unconvincing defence
The editors' questions are intense and relentless. They eviscerate the poem utterly, and expect you to put it back together again. Unfortunately, the pieces don't fit.
Your efforts are lacklustre. The poem will not be published by any of the more well-known magazines. Eventually, you manage to get the poem published in an obscure Morris dancing magazine. It's better than nothing, but you doubt it'll do much to advance the cause of the Philosophy. | |||||
Successful event | |||||
The editors' questions are intense and relentless, but you answer each one with consummate skill, drawing their attention to the poem's thematic complexity and double-meanings they'd missed.
Finally, grudgingly, one of New Winchester's largest literary magazines agrees to publish it. You even manage to negotiate a generous advance.
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Deliver your professor from the Blue Kingdom Embassy
It's his stop.
The professor disembarks
The grey-bearded professor steps from your locomotive, and is met by a smiling white-haired woman. They walk into the swelling crowd, hand in hand.
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Spread word about the Blue Kingdom embassy
It's surprisingly cheap to buy an advertisement in the newspaper.
An existential advertisement
You take out an advertisement for the Blue Kingdom embassy, focusing specifically on the fact that it can answer the reader's questions about death.
Why must we die? Where do we go? What happened to dear Aunt Mabel when she passed? Do animals go to the same place as humans? How should we prepare? All these questions answered* and more!
Write a poem about stars
Something that will set the city alight. Something that will emphasise the benevolence of the cosmos.
Failed event | |||
A ramshackle rhyme
Your efforts are lacklustre. The poem doesn't much make sense, in the end. It is difficult to talk about such vast, metaphysical concepts without collapsing under the weight of your own adjectives.
Instead of a poem, you write and publish an essay that argues the merits of stars. It is a perfectly fine essay. Perhaps it even convinces someone somewhere. But the next day, nobody is talking about it.
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Successful event | |||||
A poem that burns and writhes
You write a mad dash of a poem, something that barely rhymes and barely coheres and yet somehow carries the reader in a fevered momentum.
You write about an Eleutheria drowned in endless night. An Albion poisoned by glass. You write about the Reach, starless, adrift, a ship guided by a lighthouse it can barely see. Adrift, that is, until a blazing blue cuts through the dark. A thread that guides the ship home. You publish your poem anonymously. The next day, it is the talk of New Winchester. Speculations as to its meaning, and its author, reach fever pitch. |
Mr Menagerie is Passing Through New Winchester[]
A tattered poster by the station advertises the services of a 'Mr Menagerie: Purveyor of Fine Scouts'. An accompanying picture displays a tall cloaked figure, slightly stooped, clutching an array of adorable little beasts close to its long chest.
Trigger conditions
Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage ≤ 0,
Date ≥ 30
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Visit Mr Menagerie
A pile of cages looms out of the smog.
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Game note: You can buy scouts from Mr Menagerie, but he will move on after your visit.
A Note from Mr Menagerie[]
The poster at the station has been torn down, and there is no sign of Mr Menagerie itself. Cowled figures lurk in the fog, but none have a collection of adorable little beasts. The Stationmaster waves you over. Mr Menagerie has left a note for you.
Trigger conditions
Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage ≥ 1 ≤ 1,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Read the note
It should tell you where Mr Menagerie was headed.
Somewhere old, somewhere new
Mr Menagerie is Stopping at New Winchester | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 294935 |
Mr Menagerie is Stopping at New Winchester[]
A tattered poster by the station advertises the services of a 'Mr Menagerie: Purveyor of Fine Scouts'. An accompanying picture displays a tall cloaked figure, slightly stooped, clutching an array of adorable little beasts close to its long chest.
Trigger conditions
Mr Menagerie's Last Voyage ≥ 7
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Visit Mr Menagerie
A familiar pile of cages is visible in the smog.
Game note: You can buy scouts from Mr Menagerie. |
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An Opportunity: the Fastidious Inspector | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 280531 |
An Opportunity: the Fastidious Inspector[]
Story description[]
"Excuse me! Captain!" A woman pushes through the crowds toward you. She is short and square-shouldered, in a neat black suit and polished shoes.
She shows you the case of her pocket watch. It is embossed with the crown-and-hourglass of London's Horological Office, the body responsible for ensuring time is consistent across the empire.
"I'm hoping to book passage to Port Prosper," she says, slipping the watch away. "I can, of course, pay."
Trigger conditions
The Fastidious Inspector ≤ 0,
Locks Fastidious Inspector ≤ 0,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Offer her passage
'Pay' sounds promising.
A new passenger
"Thank you. The locomotive I was on broke down following a boiler-rupture. The chief engineer's fault, I suspect. A gentleman fonder of brandy than of diligence. Here: an initial sum to seal our bargain."
[Directions are given here]. Game note: (Not that there is such a thing as 'North', 'South', 'East', or indeed 'West' out here. Instead, London cartographers picked four of the brighter, more reliable stars visible from the Empress' new palace and named them 'North,' 'East,' 'South' and 'West'. Londoners value familiarity.)
You're unavailable at the moment.
Not at the moment
"I see. I'll try elsewhere. If your circumstances change, though, please let me know." She hurries away, clasping her black leather bag.
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Repair your Locomotive[]
The engineers at the Wolvesey yards claim they can repair anything. Whether the damage was caused by an unfortunate collision, a point-blank salvo, or the charge of a crotchety Cantankeri, they'll fix it.
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Fully repair your hull
Restore your locomotive to a pristine condition.
Good as new
The mechanics take pride in their work: your newly returned engine is not just fully repaired – it gleams.
Advanced query needs investigation Advanced query needs investigation Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
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Have your hull partially repaired
A patch-job will keep you flying. For now.
It'll have to do
You find a stool somewhere amidst the grease and the benches and the tools and the spare-parts and the cold mugs of tea. An engineer does what they can while you wait.
Advanced query needs investigation
Game note: Repair 10 Hull for 30 Sovereigns | |
Go elsewhere in New Winchester.
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An Eggmonger[]
The sign over the small stall at the far end of the platform is rife with mistakes. How is it possible to commit so many errors when writing the words 'I buy eggs'? The man behind the stall wears a crooked hat and a tattered coat. He is in possession of more twitches than teeth. "Care to sell some eggs, captain? I buy 'em." He points to that sign, proudly.
Trigger conditions
Curator's Egg ≥ 1
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Sell the egg
It's only taking up space in your hold.
A mercifully brief transaction
You pass the man the egg; he almost drops it. He then searches around under the stall for a while – with the egg tucked dangerously under his arm. Eventually, he gives up looking for a container to stow it in and clutches it between his legs while he roots through his pockets to pay you. Finally, with a nervous smile, he tips the right amount onto the counter in front of him.
Sell all of your eggs
A little extra coin is never a bad thing.
A mercifully brief transaction
You place your eggs on the counter – only for the man to knock one of them off with his elbow. He catches it as it falls, demonstrating luck, not coordination. He then searches around under the stall – with the egg tucked precariously under his arm. Eventually, he gives up looking for a container to stow it in and just places the eggs on the floor behind him. He will no doubt trip over one and shatter the lot.
He digs in his pockets, pulling out handfuls of coins and depositing them on the counter. When he has finished, he gives you a nervous smile. The transaction is, apparently, concluded.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Hire on Crew at Wolvesey Station[]
"Potential recruits crowd the station, looking for work with promising captains. "
Game note: You will only be able to do this once every 15 days.
Trigger conditions
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Hire a few crew
There are always workers eager to leave the filth and grime of the port. You can have your pick.
Relieved to be aboard
There is a buzz of chatter as your new crew board your engine. A brief scuffle over the berths is swiftly resolved.
Advanced query needs investigation
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Hire many crew
The station is clouded with smog. Faces loom out of the grey.
Relieved to be aboard
They stumble aboard, blinking away the fog. "Cor," they say. "Beds!"
Advanced query needs investigation
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Hire on Crew[]
Your voyages have grown perilous of late. Numbers – and morale – are lower than they were. Today, New Winchester is abuzz with rumour. A famous Tackety captain has turned tail and fled back to London, promised a generous pension and a full pardon in exchange for selling secrets. His crew are at a loose end – and under a cloud of suspicion. Will they ever find work again?
Trigger conditions
Crew ≤
A Carelessness with one's Crew ≤ 0,
New to New Winchester ≥ 1
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Hire some of the turncoat's crew as replacements
No one else will have them. For the cost of a round at the Promise of Days, they're yours.
A fresh start
Initially, the crewmembers are suspicious. They think you might be a journalist for the Gazette. Still, they're happy to drink on your coin, and as the night progresses, their reserve vanishes.
When they arrive at your engine the next day to sign their papers, they come with headaches and nausea and the last of their things. They go to their berths, ready to make for the stars again.
A Scrubbed Clerk Begs a Moment of your Time[]
""I represent Hallidges, the banking-house. I promise this will take only a moment of your unquestionably valuable time." He produces a folded contract with a flourish. "We hear promising things about you, Addressed As(SpeechFormal). Very promising indeed! "We would like to extend our services. We provide a secure solution for the storage of your assets, absolute discretion, and steadfastness unto death and beyond. We require only a signature.""
Trigger conditions
Level ≥ 2
BankStorage ≤ 0,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Sign your name
"The offer is entirely complimentary, I assure you. At Hallidges, we measure ourselves by the quality of our clientele."
"There. It is done."
"I am certain that this represents the beginning of a long and warm relationship between ourselves and your lineage (may it endure!). I bid you good day, Addressed As(SpeechFormal)."
[You may access your bank in the central port of any region; you will find it in the list of areas on the left-hand menu when docked. Click to transfer items between your hold and the bank.] [You will be able to access the contents of your bank from any hub port. If your captain dies, the contents of your bank will be inherited by your next captain.]
Game note: You may access your bank in the central port of any region; you will find it in the list of areas on the left-hand menu when docked. Click to transfer items between your hold and the bank. Game note: This will unlock a bank vault, allowing you to store and withdraw items at any hub port. Game note: You will be able to access the contents of your bank from any hub port. If your captain dies, the contents of your bank will be inherited by your next captain. |
Dominance change events[]
Events that happen when Dominance in the Reach changes.
Officer recruitment events in New Winchester[]
Events that happen when you can recruit a officer in New Winchester
Officer recruitment events in New Winchester
Ambition events in New Winchester[]
WARNING: These pages contains ambition events that can appear in New Winchester which contains heavy spoilers for your captain's ambitions.
Fame ambition[]
Follow your Ambition: the Song of the Sky
Wealth ambition[]
Truth ambition[]
Ambition: a Throne of your Own
First in Lineage Events[]
Arrival at New Winchester | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 305501 |
Arrival at New Winchester[]
You coast into the bustle, the din, the soot and the steam of Wolvesey Station. It is clogged with other engines: scrappy mining locomotives from Lustrum-way, weathered explorers gleaming with frost; sleek Company vessels with bright brass fittings.
No sooner have you pulled into the sidings than a Brusque Stationmaster bustles over. He requests to come aboard. "I must speak with your captain," he insists, brandishing a ledger. "The usual formalities."
Trigger conditions
In Tutorial ≥ 1
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Look to the Orphean's doctor
He has just appeared at your shoulder. His face is solemn; his hat is in his hands. He lowers his eyes.
The passing
The crew exchange bleak, wordless looks. The Orphean itself feels suddenly more empty. The Stationmaster looks confused. You inform him that unfortunately, Captain Whitlock has just passed.
"Ah," he says, neutrally. "Sorry to hear that. Very sad, very sad." He waits for what he considers an appropriate minute and a half before continuing. "Alas, even amidst tragedy the cogs of bureaucracy must turn. If Captain Whitlock is deceased, the Station Authority require their answers from the first officer." He dons a set of spectacles and locates his pen. "It will be relatively painless. Name, background, purpose of visit, et cetera. Shall we begin?"
The Reading of the Will | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 305506 |
New Winchester is a Sunless Skies Story Event.
The Reading of the Will[]
Three weeks have passed.
This morning, Captain Whitlock received a simple memorial service. Her body was consigned to a necropolis train bound for the Serene Mausoleum.
Now you sit, with a handful of her relatives, in the threadbare offices of her solicitors. A methodical notary is reading the will.
The Captain was wealthy, once, but squandered her capital on mysterious expenses before her expedition to the Blue Kingdom.
Trigger conditions
The Orphean ≥ 50 ≤ 50,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Listen to the end
The Captain's relatives, from whom she was mostly estranged, are clearly wondering why you are here.
True to her word
"In a final codicil," the notary announces, "Captain Whitlock confirmed that possession of the Orphean was to pass to its first officer." He peers at you with dry, grey eyes. "This includes a certain black box contained in the Orphean's hold.
"Captain Whitlock's final request was that – at a time of your choosing – you transport said box to an address in London," he hands you an address card, "and deposit it there. You are not to look inside. She gave no explanation." And that's it. You're captain, now. The Orphean is yours.
Investigate the Black Box | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 305508 |
Investigate the Black Box[]
"Knew Captain Whitlock(Box) It is a casket of black basalt, longer than you are tall, unadorned, with a single small recess that contains a keyhole. The thing must weigh most of a ton. It stands upright in a corner of the hold, where the crew have pushed it out of the way."
Trigger conditions
Black Box ≥ 1
Encroachment of Salt ≤ 3,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Open the box and speak to the shade
You have questions.
![]() |
Consider what to do with it
Captain Whitlock had a specific request. Whether you obey it is up to you.
Decisions, decisions
The last request of Captain Amelia Whitlock was for the box be transported to a specific address in London.
Alternatively, you could perhaps find someone willing to purchase it as a curiosity. And if you knew what was inside you might be able to command a higher price. Absconded(BK)
Try and remember when Captain Whitlock acquired the box
It was the subject of speculation among the crew.
Captain Whitlock had it brought on board just before your ill-fated expedition to the Blue Kingdom. It was empty then: you know because you saw the lid and the box carried on board separately, and assembled in the hold.
It's not empty now. It is sealed, and even heavier than before. But you left for the Blue Kingdom shortly after the box was delivered, and made no stops on the way. So whatever is inside the box now, Captain Whitlock found in the Blue Kingdom. |
Consult with an academic
He comes recommended by several acquaintances. He will give you his rarified opinion, if you have an unusual trophy from your journeys to share with him.
Expert advice
The academic is wild-haired and scatterbrained, but his expertise is undeniable.
He provides a wild hypothesis: "We know that Judgements – the suns – made the laws that govern all things. Those laws are enforced most vigorously wherever their light can reach. But a container like this might thwart their sight. If I wanted to exclude something from certain laws of the heavens, I would hide it in a box like this."
Find someone who could open it from among your villainous associates
You are aware of a Lisping Cracksman who commands an adequate reputation and an affordable fee.
Amelia's secret
The cracksman does his work and departs promptly, fingering his fee. Once he's gone, you drag the heavy lid open.
The box contains a figure clad in woven blue robes. Its face is hidden by a porcelain death-mask, but it isn't a corpse. In the eye sockets, brown eyes flick open, blink at you, and frown. Apparently, you are not what it expected to see. This is one of the shades of the dead which dwell in the Blue Kingdom, and are strictly prohibited from leaving it. They are also forbidden, under any circumstances, from speaking.
![]() |
Pick the lock yourself
It's a complex lock, but you've learned a useful secret or two in your time that might help you open it.
Failed event | |
You harass the lock with a selection of illicit tools, but it defies you. Its manufacture is unusual and ingenious. Eventually, you are out of both patience and ideas. Perhaps you could try again another time.
| |||
Successful event | |||
Amelia's secret
After an hour of delicate work, the lock yields.
Inside is a figure clad in woven blue robes. Its face is hidden by a porcelain death-mask, but it isn't a corpse. In the mask's eye sockets, brown eyes flick open, blink at you, and frown. Apparently, you are not what it expected to see. This is one of the shades of the dead which dwell in the Blue Kingdom, and are strictly prohibited from leaving it. They are also forbidden, under any circumstances, from speaking.
![]() | |||
Detonate the lock with a modest explosion
You'll need to assemble a precise compound of explosives if you are to avoid damaging the contents of the box.
Failed event | |
The first mixture produces nothing more than a damp 'pop.' The second only burns a fizzing black mark on your desk. The third is more promising but, it turns out, not strong enough to break the box's lock. You have exhausted your current batch of reagents. Perhaps you could try again another time.
| |||
Successful event | |||
Amelia's secret
After a day of careful, chemical work, you place the explosive gingerly inside the lock and detonate it. A sharp crack. A puff of acrid smoke. Success!
The box contains a figure clad in woven blue robes. Its face is hidden by a porcelain death-mask, but it isn't a corpse. In the eye sockets, its brown eyes are wide and startled. Smoke from the detonation coils about it. This is one of the shades of the dead which dwell in the Blue Kingdom, and are strictly prohibited from leaving it. They are also forbidden, under any circumstances, from speaking.
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Examine the box
It has the dimensions of a sarcophagus plundered from the tomb of some forgotten Prince of Egypt.
Closed fast
There are no carvings or inscriptions on it. The join where the lid meets the body is too thin to admit even a knife blade.
There are no holes by which light or air might find their way in. It is impossible to see inside without opening it; even the keyhole has been engineered in such a way as to prevent peeking. The recess with the key hole, though – as far as you can determine that is a more recent addition to the box. The stone has been drilled and chiselled away to create space for a modern metal lock. |
Sell the box as a curiosity
Without saying what's inside, you won't get much for the box. But at least you'll get it off your hands.
A fair exchange
Eventually, after putting the word out among your acquaintances, you manage to find someone willing to take the box off your hands. A conversation piece, perhaps. They pay you in bright sovereigns, and promise you a favour in future.
Captain Whitlock's box is someone else's problem, now.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Sell the box and the spirit it contains to an interested party
Certain parties would pay a great deal to get their hands on one of the shades of the dead. Such spirits never travel beyond the Blue Kingdom.
A good sale
You sell the boxed spirit to a Censured Academic, who meets you at your locomotive. She is sleepless with excitement.
"There is much we could learn from a thorough examination. Which aspects of us endure after death. The bonds that tie those elements together, and how they persist in the absence of flesh." While her porters wrestle the box onto a cart wagon, she discloses a number of experiments she intends to perform on the spirit. They sound very thorough. You count your payment as the cart trundles away. You never see Captain Whitlock's legacy again.
Winchester War[]
These triggered events can happen when you enter port at New Winchester, Victory Hall, Company House
Recent News[]
Recent News: A downed locomotive on Hybras
Recent News: Propaganda at Carillon
Recent News: Spies in Traitor's Wood
Recent News: A War Hero Returned
A change in dominance[]
These happen when the fortunes of a side have shifted up or down enough.
Triggered events[]
The Tacketies' Answer | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 316258 |
The Tacketies' Answer[]
London's invention of the Monitor-class locomotives has sparked alarm in the Reach. The Tacketies value their privacy, and don't want Her Majesty's watchdogs freely prowling their skies.
Word has it that the Indurate Veteran has convinced the Colonial Assembly to invest in a proportionate response.
Trigger conditions
The Tacketies' Answer ≥ 10 ≤ 10,
Location: New Winchester
Area: Wolvesey Station
Frequency: Always (100%)
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Learn more about this 'appropriate response'
Ask around in the more independent-minded pubs of New Winchester.
After four pubs and rather more than four drinks you manage to learn the following:
Firstly, the Tacketies have embarked on a project to develop new locomotives of their own. It is only a matter of time until the first ones are completed. Secondly, that the work is taking place at the O'Brien Factory at Lustrum. Thirdly, that the Tacketies are desperate for donations of expertise or bronzewood to expedite the construction. Game note: Bring Bronzewood or Crew to Lustrum if you want to assist the Tacketies. Bring Munitions if you want to sabotage them.
The Ride of the Liberties | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 316273 |
The Ride of the Liberties[]
The Tackety pubs buzz with excitement: the development of a new Liberator-class of locomotive is complete!
The new engines have already been sighted in the skies, often in the company of the smaller Tackety scouts which use them for refuel and resupply.
Trigger conditions
The Liberators ≥ 1 ≤ 1,
Location: New Winchester
Area: Wolvesey Station
Frequency: Always (100%)
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Listen to the conversation
Learn what you can about the Tacketies' new weapon in the Winchester War.
Rumours of fire
You gather they are sluggish and heavy, much more resilient than their smaller cousins, the Scouts. A Blistered Engineer claims to have seen one in action, engaging marauders in the paths of Traitor's Wood. "Don't get round the side of 'em," is all he will say. "Unless you like being boiled like a sardine in a can."
Locomotive captains gather at the bazaar to trade goods and information. Here, you can acquire 'prospects': opportunities to sell a good at a distant port for an excellent price. Accept a prospect to claim it, source the goods, and deliver them.
Victoria Market
Stalls and shops; hawkers and brokers. You can sell practically anything at the Victoria Market.
Abraham's Engineering
Locomotive plating, improvements and refurbishments. An estimable choice.
Wolvesey Engine Yard
A notorious graveyard for unwanted, unloved or blasted-out-of-the-sky engines. Occasionally there are gems among the scrap.
Item | Value |
'Spatchcock' Reclaimed Locomotive | ![]() |
Parsival-Class Courser | ![]() |
Pellinore-Class Trader | ![]() |
Bedivere-Class Escort | ![]() |
Moloch-Class Liner | ![]() |
Hallidges prides itself on constancy, discretion, and lavishly obsequious service. Items stored here can be withdrawn at any major port.
- Alexander Yang Claim
- Bancroft's Forum
- Cantor's Still
- Company House
- Gabriel's Archive
- Hodge's Crucible
- Kisigar Gardens
- Longknuckle Pass
- Riekstead
- Scamps Narrow
- Trappisto's Hurry
- Victory Hall
- Youngsfound