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Obviously Delicious Rabbit
Obviously Delicious Rabbit
Category Officers
Position Mascot
Data ID 298099
Interaction ID 298099

Obviously Delicious Rabbit is considered a Officer Mascot in Sunless Skies.


"What round cheeks! What tender ears! And that rump! The Obviously Delicious Rabbit looks like the sinful dreams of foxes."


Your Obviously Delicious Rabbit[]

The Obviously Delicious Rabbit lives in a large hutch at the foot of your bunk. The Rabbit is quiet, smells better than most of your crew and never complains about what it's given to eat. Occasionally, it gnaws a hole and escapes – but without any real enthusiasm, for it rarely travels far.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Consider the rabbit
Its fur is soft and sleek. Its eyes are gently mournful. It is fat and round and succulent.
A delicately twitching nose
Rabbit is such a versatile animal. Good in pies and stews. Perfect for casserole. How long has it even been since you've had decent pâté? Then there's ragu. Or even curry. And fried rabbit's— Bless you! The rabbit sneezed sharply, disturbing your reverie.

Quality status[]

Obviously Delicious Rabbit has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear specifically when the value changes.

  • [0] The Obviously Delicious Rabbit was delicious.
  • [1] You have the Obviously Delicious Rabbit on board.


Interactions in Brief[]

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Interaction Action Result Type Change
The Admiral Nelson 'Rescue your rabbit' Requirement ≥ 1
Worlebury-juxta-Mare 'Save your rabbit from the pavlova vendor' Requirement ≥ 1
The Warmest Kitchen 'Rescue the rabbit' Requirement ≥ 1
The Second Course Arrives 'Recover the Obviously Delicious Rabbit' Requirement ≥ 1
Raid the Stores 'Eat your rabbit' Requirement ≥ 1
Raid the Stores 'Eat your rabbit' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
Wasting Away 'Eat your rabbit' Requirement ≥ 1
Wasting Away 'Eat your rabbit' Default / Challenge Fail = 0

Interactions in Detail[]

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Story Action Required Effect
The Admiral Nelson Rescue your rabbit
    • Obviouslydeliciousrabbit icon Obviously Delicious Rabbit ≥ 1

Worlebury-juxta-Mare Save your rabbit from the pavlova vendor Default:

The Warmest Kitchen Rescue the rabbit
    • Obviouslydeliciousrabbit icon Obviously Delicious Rabbit ≥ 1

The Second Course Arrives Recover the Obviously Delicious Rabbit
    • Obviouslydeliciousrabbit icon Obviously Delicious Rabbit ≥ 1

Raid the Stores Eat your rabbit
    • Obviouslydeliciousrabbit icon Obviously Delicious Rabbit ≥ 1
    • Obviouslydeliciousrabbit icon Obviously Delicious Rabbit = 0 [The Obviously Delicious Rabbit was delicious.]

Wasting Away Eat your rabbit
    • Obviouslydeliciousrabbit icon Obviously Delicious Rabbit ≥ 1

Triggered Events[]

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Story Requirements Type Location
Your Obviously Delicious Rabbit
    • Obviously Delicious Rabbit ≥ 1
Story Event (Always :100%) Limbo

First Officers Quartermasters Signallers Chief Engineers Mascots
Clayconductor icon Clay Conductor

Incognitoprincess icon Incognito Princess

Fortunatenavigator icon Fortunate Navigator

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Royaldispensation icon The Portrait of the Unseen Queen

Inconvenientaunt icon Inconvenient Aunt

Chiropteroushoarder icon Chiropterous Hoarder

Forgedcompanion icon Illusive Forged Companion

Forgedcompanion icon Poetic Forged Companion

Forgedcompanion icon Pugilistic Forged Companion

Forgedcompanion icon Studious Forged Companion

Fatalisticsignalman icon Fatalistic Signalman

Sigil4 icon 'Signs and Signals of the High Wilderness: an Omnibus'

Repentantdevil icon Repentant Devil

Amiablevagabond icon Amiable Vagabond

Incautiousdriver icon Incautious Driver

Ratbrigade icon The Rat Brigade

Felinedeccentric icon Felined Eccentric

Uselesscat icon Useless Cat

Inadvisablybigdog icon Inadvisably Big Dog

Blemmigan icon Blemmigan Voyager

Perfectpangolin icon Perfect Pangolin

Urchin icon Sky-Worn Urchin

Obviouslydeliciousrabbit icon Obviously Delicious Rabbit

Template:Navbox Mascots
