Sunless Skies Wiki

Officers are companions who board your ship and increase skills and affiliations. You can access and interact with officers by opening the Officers interface and clicking on them.

Each Officer (except Mascots) has a detailed questline which can result in changes to the Officer's abilities. These questlines are some of the most demanding in the game, apart from the Ambitions quests themselves - each quest involves visiting many ports and spending many resources. Some of them also demand a permanent sacrifice of stat points. Once completed, the Officer typically gets promoted, and becomes a modified version of themselves with a larger bonus to one stat and a two-point bonus to Affiliations. However, other options are also possible, including the permanent disappearance of the Officer or the permanent death of the Captain.

Officers do not count as crew - they do not consume supplies and cannot be affected by events that reduce your Crew.

Officer Starting Locations[]

Clay Conductor London or The Brabazon Workworld
Incognito Princess New Winchester or Port Prosper
Fortunate Navigator Lustrum
Inconvenient Aunt London or Perdurance
Chiropterous Hoarder London
Fatalistic Signalman An Abandoned Signal Box
Repentant Devil Port Avon
Amiable Vagabond Polmear & Plenty's Inconceivable Circus
Incautious Driver New Winchester or Traitor's Wood
The Rat Brigade Port Avon, Lustrum or Titania
Felined Eccentric Pan or Eagle's Empyrean
Useless Cat Well of the Wolf
Inadvisably Big Dog Port Prosper
Blemmigan Voyager Port Avon
Perfect Pangolin Langley Hall
Sky-Worn Urchin Lustrum
Dilly Curator’s Egg

First Officers[]

Image Name Skills bonus Recruited Notes
Clayconductor Clay Conductor
Clayconductor Caring Conductor
Clayconductor Clay Conductor and Copper Companion
Incognitoprincess Incognito Princess
Bloody The Shed Skin of the Incognito Princess
Incognitoprincess Analytical Princess
Incognitoprincess Poetical Princess
Fortunatenavigator Fortunate Navigator
Fortunatenavigator Stalwart Navigator
Locket Old Friend
Royaldispensation The Portrait of the Unseen Queen
Royaldispensation The Unseen Queen, depicted with the Martyr-King's Cup


Image Name Skills bonus Recruited Notes
Inconvenientaunt Inconvenient Aunt
Inconvenientaunt Your Spymaster Aunt
Inconvenientaunt Your Revolutionary Aunt
Chiropteroushoarder Chiropterous Hoarder
    Will not appeared in London until finishing a certain storylet in Port Avon
Chiropteroushoarder Multiplicitous Hoarder
Chiropteroushoarder Immutable Hoarder
Forgedcompanion Illusive Forged Companion
Forgedcompanion Poetic Forged Companion
Forgedcompanion Pugilistic Forged Companion
Forgedcompanion Studious Forged Companion


Image Name Skills bonus Recruited Notes
Fatalisticsignalman Fatalistic Signalman
Sigil4 'Signs and Signals of the High Wilderness: an Omnibus'
    'Promoted' from the Fatalistic Signalman.

    You cannot interact with this 'officer'.

    Once acquired, future lineage will always start with this 'officer'.
Repentantdevil Repentant Devil
Repentantdevil Defiant Devil
Amiablevagabond Amiable Vagabond
Amiablevagabond Dendrified Vagabond
Amiablevagabond Incorrigible Vagabond

Chief Engineers[]

Image Name Skills bonus Recruited Notes
Incautiousdriver Incautious Driver
Incautiousdriver Judicious Driver
Incautiousdriver Reckless Driver
Ratbrigade The Rat Brigade
Ratbrigade The Ratty Revengers
Ratbrigade The Ratty Reunion
Felinedeccentric Felined Eccentric
Felinedeccentric Brilliant Eccentric
Felinedeccentric Gentle Eccentric


Image Name Skills bonus Recruited Notes
Uselesscat Useless Cat
InadvisablyBigDog Inadvisably Big Dog
Blemmigan Blemmigan Voyager
PerfectPangolin Perfect Pangolin
Urchin Sky-Worn Urchin
    From the event that appears after docking in Lustrum icon Lustrum once.
Dilly Dilly
Obviouslydeliciousrabbit Obviously Delicious Rabbit
    Backers only mascot