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Origin: Academic
Category Facet
Type Origin
Data ID 131143

Origin: Academic is considered a Origin Facet in Sunless Skies.

Accomplishment description[]

"You spent your youth among books, laboratories and scholars. "


Origin: Academic is one of the eight character origins you can select at the character creation.

You were an academic.
Perhaps you were educated at one of the esteemed colleges of Benthic or Somerset.

Perhaps you taught yourself, through trial and error and grit.

But what was your field of study?

Mirrors icon Mirrors = 25
Affiliationacadame icon +1 x Affiliation: Academe
Bloody icon Cold = 1

The practical sciences The language of the heavens Literature
Engineering. Chemistry. Anatomy. Everything you need to break something apart and put it back together again.
The Empire values ingenuity. "The sciences," her Majesty has claimed, "will bridge the heavens."
They call it the Correspondence, the oldest of alphabets. It is maddening, revelatory, and occasionally inflammatory.
Since London moved to the stars, understanding the celestial tongues has gone from a reckless indulgence to an urgent necessity. The risks, however – madness and combustion – are substantial.
Once the most indulgent of studies, now the most seditious. The Ministry of Public Decency has gutted the libraries.
Many classics have not made the Ministry's list of Improving Literature. Therefore, scholars of literature trade disguised copies back and forth. Perhaps January's edition of the Transactions of the South Wales Institute of Engineers is just that. Or perhaps within its sombre covers hides a Cervantes, a Wilde, or a Shelley.

Quality status[]

Origin: Academic has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [10] You studied the practical sciences
  • [20] You studied the Correspondence
  • [30] You studied Literature

Variable Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear when a specific group is called for text.


  • [0] "
  • [1] Your old rival is sat at your desk, in the study you rented together. His hands drip with ink and candlewax. \"I thought we might have a rematch. You don't look like you've been keeping up with your studies, I must say.\" He indicates two pieces of paper, pens and an hourglass. \"Remember, no textbooks.\" The hourglass turns.


  • [1] The names of your professors at the University."


  • [1] The voice of an old teacher, describing the consequences of impertinent questions.\n"


  • [0]
  • [1] You recognise the drooping moustache, the mournful eyes. They belong to your old tutor, who died of a fragile heart. He lifts his hands to his face, and his fingers are black with ink.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Who Were You? 'The practical sciences' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Who Were You? 'The language of the heavens' Default / Challenge Fail = 20
Who Were You? 'Literature' Default / Challenge Fail = 30
Pasts 'Your Masterpiece' Requirement ≥ 1
Approaching the Avid Horizon 'A memory of flight' Requirement ≥ 30 ≤ 30
Approaching the Avid Horizon 'A memory of light' Requirement ≥ 20 ≤ 20
Approaching the Avid Horizon 'A Memory of Service' Requirement ≥ 10 ≤ 10
A Campfire 'Yes. You are an academic.' Requirement ≥ 10
A Campfire 'No, you are not' Requirement ≤ 0
A Campfire 'No, but you have friends' Requirement ≤ 0
Ambition: an Old Friend '...a Staunch Practitioner' Requirement ≥ 10

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Who Were You? The practical sciences None Default:
    • Originacademic icon Origin: Academic = 10 [You studied the practical sciences]
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
    • Mirrors icon Lightless = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as distressingly bland, inoffensive and liable to dissatisfaction.]
The language of the heavens None Default:
    • Originacademic icon Origin: Academic = 20 [You studied the Correspondence]
    • Drink icon Stained = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as over-rich, cindered and irrevocably damaged.]
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
Literature None Default:
    • Originacademic icon Origin: Academic = 30 [You studied Literature]
    • Bloody icon Cold = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as still, pale and chilly to the palate..]
    • Pastscandal icon Flickering = 1 [The devils of Carillon claim to be experts in the assessment and improvement of the soul. They would describe yours as intermittently tantalising with an aftertaste of disappointment.]

Pasts Your Masterpiece Default:

Approaching the Avid Horizon A memory of flight
    • Originacademic icon Origin: Academic = 30 [You studied Literature]
A memory of light
    • Originacademic icon Origin: Academic = 20 [You studied the Correspondence]
A Memory of Service
    • Originacademic icon Origin: Academic = 10 [You studied the practical sciences]

A Campfire Yes. You are an academic.
    • Originacademic icon Origin: Academic ≥ 10
No, you are not Default:
No, but you have friends Default:

Ambition: an Old Friend ...a Staunch Practitioner
    • Originacademic icon Origin: Academic ≥ 10
    • Dyingstar icon Ambition: the Truth = 15 [Your old friend associates with a group of seasoned captains that meet at the Promise of Days in New Winchester. Seek her there]

Origins Originpoet icon Origin: Poet
Originpriest icon Origin: Priest
Originurchin icon Origin: Urchin
Flag icon Origin: Revolutionary
Originsoldier icon Origin: Soldier
Originzeecaptain icon Origin: Zailor
Originacademic icon Origin: Academic
Searingenigma icon Origin: Auditor
Past Book icon Past: Fifteen Minutes of Fame
Momentofinspiration icon Past: An Hour in Gethsemane
Pastunlikelyhaul icon Past: An Unlikely Haul
Genericcharacter icon Past: The Liberation of Night
Smokinggun icon Past: The Battlefield
Porthole icon Past: Worse Things Happen at Zee
Unlicensedchart icon Past: Your Masterpiece
Searingenigma icon Past: A Letter of Resignation
Pastscandal icon Past: Scandal
Stainedglass icon Past: Lost Love
Pastmentor icon Past: Mentor
Bronzewood icon Past: Family Footsteps
Amberblue icon Past: Pestilence
Youarenotalone icon Past: Haunted
Key icon Past: a Metamorphosis
Pastspellinprison icon Past: A Spell in Prison
CrateofNostalgicCrockery icon Past: Below Stairs
Pastsmoggystreets icon Past: The Smoggy Streets
Cobwebs icon Past: the Great Game
Terror icon Past: The Bell Tolls
Rubberyman icon Past: Rubbery Inclinations
Repentantdevil icon Past: the Devil you Know
Pastscarred icon Past: Scarred
Drink icon Past: Black Sheep
Fire icon Past: the Blockade of New Winchester
Locomotive icon Past: Steam & Soot
Hunger icon Past: Sunday Dinners
Undistinguishedsouls icon Past: Spirifered
Wind icon Past: An Exercise Regimen
Boot icon Past: the Long Arm of the Law
Ratronaut icon Past: an Honorary Rat
Pastinterlude icon Past: An Interlude in Red and Gold
Stovepipe icon Past: The August Avenues
BarrelofUnseasonedHours icon Past: A Promise of Days
Homestead icon Past: a Settler
Stormthatspeaks icon Past: the Seance
Envelope icon Past: Correspondent
Ringmaster icon Past: a House of Cards
Deeds Hull icon Deed: a Narrow Escape
Transitrelay icon Deed: Far-Travelled
Wreckgeneric icon Deed: an Esteemed Predecessor
Wreckgeneric icon Deed: a Disgraced Predecessor
Affiliationacadame icon Deed: a Secret Symposium
Affiliationbohemia icon Deed: a Coterie
Affiliationestablishment icon Deed: Your Club
Affiliationvillainy icon Deed: a Thief-Oath
Clock icon Deed: the Keeper of the Clocks
Smuggling icon Deed: Seasoned Smuggler
Originzeecaptain icon Deed: the Call of the Sea
Maskedshade icon Deed: A Jar with your Death in it
Devilshell icon Deed: A Knight of the Brazen Brigade
Mirrors icon Deed: the Witness
Bloody icon Deed: The Final Month
Ambition Heirloomwealth icon Past: Your Inheritance Heirloomsongofthesky icon Past: the Song of the Sky Unaccountablypeckish icon Past: a Terrible Secret Martyrkingscup icon Past: the Martyr-King's Cup