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Pan | |
Pan (Sidebar) | |
Located in | Eleutheria |
Ports | King's Idyll Station |
Shops | The Night Market Daedalian Engineering |
Shipyard | Nightingale Engine Yard |
Pan is the major port of Eleutheria. It occupies the very middle of the central circle, and is surrounded by several smaller platforms.
Log Entries[]
Sombre ruins. Groves that hiss with secrets. You near Pan, once a cathedral of the heavens.
The sound of far-off pipes. You near Pan, the unruly heart of Eleutheria.
You approach Pan. Pan of the crimson mysteries. Pan of the pipe-haunted groves. Pan: the dusky, delirious, divided heart of Eleutheria.
"Can you hear the pipes, captain?" a crewman asks, their eyes bright. "Pan's a-calling!"
King's Idyll Station[]
As exuberant as an old pirate-den of the Caribbean, Pan's station teems with thieves and merchants, smugglers and evangelicals of inventive new cults. In a grove nearby is the seat of the Cypress-King, who has little power.
Visit the Cypress King | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 298832 |
Visit the Cypress King[]
Pan has no ruler, but it does have a King. The position is not a powerful one, nor secure. Their only real authority is to rule on any disagreements that can't be settled at the Forum. During the Hour of Thorns anyone can challenge the King and, if successful, take the crown.
In a burgundy grove, shaggy with vines and moss, the current Cypress King resides: Airs of the King(Desc)
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes | ||
Ambition: Consult the King about the Courtesy
The Masked Citizen has accompanied you. You hope the King can tell you something about the phrase that recurred in your friend's singed notes.
A satisfactory payment
The King expects tribute first. "Something appropriate. Seven savage secrets. A crimson promise, steeped in old starlight. A moment of inspiration, pried from the skull of a—"
The Masked Citizen interrupts. "That sounds like a lot of work, and we're already here. Will one of these do, instead?" They draw a luminous bottle from their bag. Inside, a knotted soul stirs, the inconstant colour of a bluebottle's back. It opens seven slitted eyes, lazily. "Goodness," the King says. "Yes, please." The eery soul changes hands. The King will speak, but – in accordance with Pan's restrictions on storytelling – only to one of you.
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You will hear it
After all, she was your friend first. The Citizen, reluctantly, demurs.
"There is a Chain of Being," the King whispers. "At the top: the suns. At (or near) the bottom: humanity. Between those two links are countless others: Curators, devils, Heart-Catchers, flukes, Messengers.
"Some secrets – like the Courtesy – are dangerous for those of us lower on the chain even to speak of. You must learn them from something higher. Three such beings reside in Pan: the Second Storyteller, the Piper, and December. Put your question to one of them." When you pass the information to the Masked Citizen, they grimace. "Then I have a plan."
The Masked Citizen will hear it
It was they who paid the price, after all. The Citizen squeezes your shoulder, gratefully, and consults the King.
Afterwards, the Citizen relays what they learned.
"The King says there is an order to creation. Suns at the top, us near the bottom, and other beings – Flukes and Messengers and so forth – between. Some secrets, like the Courtesy, are dangerous even to speak of if you are in the lower echelons. "The King suggests we ask something higher up. Each of the three principal factions in Pan reveres such a being. I have a plan." They lead you away from the King's grove.
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Trade Port reports for Eleutherian Mysteries
Storytelling is forbidden in Pan, and one of the duties of the Cypress King is to trade mysteries for skyfarers' stories before they can be inflicted on the city at large.
Game note: Trade Port Reports for Eleutherian Mysteries, which can be traded to Pan's various factions for favours. |
A trade
In a private audience (the rules in Pan say that a story can only be told to one other person) you reveal your information to the King. In turn, they hint at Eleutheria's boundless secrets: to the reason the sun darkened, the nature of the war that was once fought here, to the ancient duties of the Grievers and Departed that now haunt the wilds.
Game note: Trade Eleutherian Mysteries to Pan's factions, at the other platforms in Pan, in return for various services.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
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Consider bringing Port Reports to the King
Storytelling is forbidden in Pan, and one of the duties of the Cypress King is to trade mysteries for skyfarers' stories of other places before they can be inflicted on the city at large.
Better than coin
Though the dockside businesses use Sovereigns for convenience, for most other purposes mysteries are a more valuable currency in Pan. It is a city of secrets and of initiations.
Game note: The Cypress King will trade Eleutherian Mysteries for your port reports. You can trade these for various functions in Pan. |
Exchange your Scraps of Ancient Knowledge for Eleutherian Mysteries
While exploring Eleutheria, you discovered some fragmentary texts. The King may be able to interpret them for you.
Game note: This will convert your Scraps of Ancient Knowledge to Eleutherian Mysteries. |
Pan's historian
The King leans close, in case of eavesdroppers among the trees. Once, it is said, there was a great library where the suns kept records of their laws. But disaster struck, and the library was destroyed and strewn across the sky. Now its librarians seek its ruins and texts. We call them Scrive-Spinsters.
The King reveals such information as they can translate from the fragments you have brought.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
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Ask the King how to leave Eleutheria
The relay station by which you entered the region was broken. How, then, might you leave?
The King knows
You are informed that the Eagle's Empyrean, London's nominal allies in opening the path to the sky, maintain a transit gate that leads back to the Reach. The Empyrean lies somewhere in Eleutheria, 'beyond the belt of midnight'.
Exchange knowledge for a Searing Enigma
The King is a keeper of enigmas. If you provide them with secrets, they will bestow an enigma upon you.
Game note: This will get you a Searing Enigma. |
Violent understanding
The King leads you and your crew through trees with low, snatching branches. Eventually, you reach a stone ruin. The King gestures to a trap door; it takes three of you to lever it open.
Below, stone steps lead into a cellar, carved from natural caves. The walls are engraved with Correspondence. The King abandons you here; they know better than to read things written in the language of stars. When you return above ground, you are fewer. Two of you looked too close, and read too much.
King's Idyll Station | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 276550 |
King's Idyll Station[]
Here is Pan, the dusky heart of Eleutheria. Built upon the sundered remains of a cathedral of the heavens, now overgrown with midnight groves, it is a refuge for rebels, outcasts, and pariahs; for the unloved, the unmourned, and the unbelievable.
Several factions have claimed fragments of the ruins, but the central dock is a neutral ground. It heaves with crowds, and the air is filled with cries and music and raving and laughter.
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Ambition: Collect your inheritance
In their will your predecessor bequeathed you one final item, crucial to your search for the Martyr-King's Cup.
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Look for the Inscribed Tinkerer's Sigil
The Inscribed Tinkerer at the Royal Society asked you to find a certain correspondence sigil. In the darkness, much is hidden.
And much may be brought to light. You follow the Tinkerer's instructions. The curious lantern made of reinforced dark glass. The bucket of water. The twisting path that winds its way up the moon-haunted hill. The grove of cypress beneath a sky black as pitch, and the lantern held up to it, flooding the night with brightness. The sigil, like a shadow, scorched in the absence between stars.
They get your head into the bucket just in time. You sketch out the sigil from memory, and only lose half your notebook to the flame.
Help your Aunt find February
Your Aunt's attempts to find out what happened at the St Dunstan's Rendezvous have led you to Winter's Reside and the Calendar Council.
Approaching Winter's Reside
"I've sent back the card. She's expecting us," your Aunt says, leading you through the tumbled ruin of Pan, limned by pale moonlight. "She's sending a coach. We're to wait here."
Your Aunt rummages in her handbag as you wait. "Boiled sweet?" she says hopefully. It looks as if it could crack your jaw. "Suit yourself." The only sound as you wait is the crunch of the sweet. And then, slowly and silently, a black carriage appears through the mist. The masked driver bids you enter the cabin. Your Aunt does not hesitate to get in. "Come along," she says impatiently, beckoning you inside.
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Ambition: Search for the Cloak of the Lion
The Queen described it as 'lost'. How does she expect you to find it in Pan's tangled vastness?
Tracking down the cloak
None of the denizens of Pan have heard of the Cloak of the Lion. Your questions elicit blank looks.
With little recourse, you sit upon a half-tumbled wall and ruminate on the Martyr-King's Cup. For a moment, you hold it in your mind so clearly you can almost see it hovering before you: a goblet of coal-black stone. Glancing up, you notice there are two moons in the sky. The Xanthous Moon, pallid and distant, constructed by the Eagle's Empyrean. And another, larger, unidentified. With sudden surety, you know where to go. You mount your warhorse and ride off under doubled moonlight.
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Ambition: Journey to the great antlers
A pair of antlers sprouting from the soil like majestic trees. The Cloak is tangled at their very tip.
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Ambition: Journey to the Falchion Bridge
The hermit is waiting beside the stream. He offers to guide you once again.
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Ambition: Head to the weather-vane
You will need to climb up the corroded, teetering edifice in order to retrieve the Cloak of the Lion.
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Ambition: Head to the crumbling towers
You will need to cross from one tower to the other in order to retrieve the Cloak of the Lion.
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Repair your locomotive
Engineers can be found among the dockside throngs. But be warned: they are few, of variable skill, and even more variable diligence. Critical Damage(Repair)
Game note: Spend an Eleutherian Mystery to repair half the damage to your hull. |
A reluctant workforce
Like everyone else here, the engineers want mysteries more than coins. You offer one that purchases several hours of perfunctory repairs, at the end of which the condition of your engine is at least somewhat improved.
Afterwards, you split the mystery into a dozen morsels, and dole them out amongst the avid engineers.
Advanced query needs investigation
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Repair the fault in your engine
The boiler is still making pained noises.
Game note: This will return your locomotive to its usual Fuel Efficiency. |
Spick and span
The engineers replace the damaged pressure lines and give your engine a thorough overhaul. Your weary stokers breathe a sigh of relief.
Have the unexploded shell removed from your locomotive
The engineers demand a hefty fee. "Danger money," they say.
Safe and sound
You retreat to a comfortable distance. After some time, the station's engineers extract the unexploded shell and remove it for detonation. Your crew exhale, as one.
Recruit new crew
You are in need of assistance.
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Visit a Rubbery Enclave
Sloppily painted signs point down a normally quiet back-street to where a party appears to be in full flow.
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Visit a theatre in a secluded grove
It looks newly constructed. They are rehearsing a play.
Familiar verse
An actor considers his script, coughs, and begins to recite. "Brothers and sisters, the Old Order faces its destruction. Let us cheer our revolution, this Solon— Solac— Solaca— Who wrote this, anyway?"
Recruit Help at Pan | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 298825 |
Recruit Help at Pan[]
The station is busy, but finding trained, obedient crew among the individualists of Pan is a challenge.
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Recruit Crew
Search for viable candidates.
New faces
You manage to identify a handful of crew you think won't disappoint, abandon or murder you.
Advanced query needs investigation
Advanced query needs investigation Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Recruit Crew
Search for viable candidates.
Failed event |
Advanced query needs investigation Advanced query needs investigation Advanced query needs investigation Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
A few new faces
Pickings are slim. You make do with the candidates you're most sure about.
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Successful event | |||
A full complement
You manage to identify a handful of crew you are almost certain won't disappoint, abandon or murder you.
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Recruit Crew during the Hour of Leaving
The idol's piping has awoken a wanderlust in many of Pan's citizens. It is a good time to find new crew.
Eager faces
You welcome them aboard: seekers, rovers, the lonely and the yearning. Your cabins fill. Soon, the Idol's music changes, but the wanderlust it roused will endure.
Advanced query needs investigation Advanced query needs investigation Advanced query needs investigation Game note: Hiring Crew at this time is cheaper and more effective than normal.
Return to King's Idyll Station
Attend to other matters.
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The Rubbery Enclave | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 286103 |
The Rubbery Enclave[]
A cedar grove off one of Pan's less travelled pathways is home to a small and enthusiastically political community. A crudely made poster by the entrance reads BOTH ALIKE IN DIGNITY, showing a human and a Rubbery holding a torch aloft.
Trigger conditions
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Speak with the Rubbery Suffragist
She is surrounded by Bohemians and Rubberies. The live octopus on her head draws all attention.
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Deliver a Rubbery Man to the Enclave
The Suffragette will offer them sanctuary here, as long as they need.
A new Liberation
The assorted members of the Enclave applaud over enthusiastically when they see your passenger. A Bohemian presses a glass of wine on your passenger and takes them off into a corner to discuss injustice against cephalopods. It glances over its shoulder at you, perhaps wondering whether coming here was a terrible mistake.
Return to the streets
The rest of Pan awaits.
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Mingle with the crowd
It is rare to see humans and Rubbery Men together like this.
A meeting of minds
The Rubbery Men look uncomfortable in their ill-fitting suits and clutching glasses of wine they never even try to sip, but the Bohemians are doing their best to make them feel at home. The Suffragist ensures none of them are left alone for too long, with the octopus on her head seemingly able to act as a basic translator. Of course, she might simply be trying to be friendly, but speaking to her does put the new arrivals at more ease.
The Cruellest Month | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 290683 |
The Cruellest Month[]
"Learning about an Inconvenient Aunt(February)"
Trigger conditions
Learning about an Inconvenient Aunt ≥ 45 ≤ 55,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes | |||||
Talk to February
She attended the St Dunstan's Rendezvous. She must be able to tell you what was discussed.
Gathering information
"Afraid I can't much help, old thing," February says as she ushers you into her parlour. White moonlight floods its great bay windows.
"Anything you can tell us," your Aunt says, before gasping: "Deary me! Almost forgot—" She fishes in her enormous handbag and produces the bottle of brandy. "For old times' sake." "How lovely," February murmurs. "I'll fetch some glasses." She leaves the two of you alone. Your Aunt immediately starts rummaging under the cushions. "She's hiding something!" "I was very junior at the time. Practically a secretary," February's voice floats through. Your Aunt stands up straight as February returns, carrying three glasses.
Raise your glass.
The brandy is amber as the death of a sun. Your Aunt's eyes are on February.
Thus always to tyrants
February raises her brandy glass, like a conductor preparing her orchestra. "To the end of all tyrannies. To alliances forged for the breaking of chains!"
Your Aunt nods and begins to sip her brandy. Her expression is worrying. Hazardous, almost. Seeing her drink, February follows suit.
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You're safe in your aunt's hands, surely? She is, after all, your aunt.
The brandy is sharp. It sits in your stomach, queasy and ebullient as the moment before a riot.
"Does this taste a little off to you?" February asks, and keels over. Your Aunt pours the remainder of her brandy onto the floor. "Deary me. She's even more susceptible than I remembered. You'll be fine. Mostly. I'll get you the antidote back on board. Help me have a rummage through her papers, will you?" You spend a frantic few minutes searching February, until you discover a folio concealed in her left boot. "This'll do," your Aunt says. "Now let's make sure we're not seen leaving." |
Feign drinking
Better safe than sorry.
You raise the glass to your lips and make as if to imbibe. Condensation from the glass drips onto your chin, and then you lower your brandy.
"Does this taste a little off to you?" February asks, and then keels over. Your Aunt pours the remainder of her brandy onto the floor. "Deary me. She's even more susceptible than I remembered. Very clever of you not to drink. Help me have a rummage through her papers, will you?" You spend a frantic few minutes searching February, until you discover a folio concealed in her left boot. "This'll do," your Aunt says. "Now let's make sure we're not seen leaving."
A Word-Eater Buying Eggs | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 287194 |
A Word-Eater Buying Eggs[]
The man watches you intently. His feet are bare, his face is still coated in ash. A Word-Eater, attired for the Hour of Veracity. He beckons you over. "I will take your egg." His voice is rough and soft, as if he is unaccustomed to speech.
Trigger conditions
Curator's Egg ≥ 1
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Sell the egg for sovereigns
It's only taking up space in your hold.
An egg claimed
The man takes the egg and holds it up to the light. He rotates it carefully – checking for cracks, perhaps? Finally, he grunts. He passes you a heavy purse and gently places the egg into a sturdy sack.
Sell all of your eggs for sovereigns
A little extra coin is never a bad thing.
Eggs, claimed
The man takes each egg and holds it up to the light. He rotates each carefully – checking for cracks, perhaps? When he is satisfied, he places the egg into a sturdy leather sack. Once all have been put away, he lets out a grunt.
The purse he hands you is heavy.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Sell an egg for Eleutherian Mysteries
You have more use for knowledge than an egg.
An egg claimed
The man takes the egg and holds it up to the light. He rotates it carefully – checking for cracks, perhaps? Finally, he grunts. As payment, he leans close and whispers half-truths of how the Word-Eaters got their name.
Sell all of your eggs for Eleutherian Mysteries
What are eggs in the face of knowledge?
Eggs, claimed
The man takes each egg and holds it up to the light. He rotates each carefully – checking for cracks, perhaps? When he is satisfied, he places the egg into a sturdy leather sack.
All done, he grunts – you shall be recompensed. He leans close and whispers: hints of Eleutherian secrets, clues as to Pan's nature, reasons why the Word-Eaters collect stories.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
An Admiring Engineer | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 319974 |
An Admiring Engineer[]
A slouching man with a wistful, watery smile is pacing around your locomotive. "Beautiful machine," he says. "Beautiful."
You ask if you can help him with something.
"Oh, no, no. Just an aficionado. Is that a Tisiphone you have in her? Marvellous engine. Got some kick to it, eh? I once worked on the next generation of it, you know. Until—" he holds up his hands. They are scarred and twiggy from old burns.
Trigger conditions
The Tisiphone ≥ 1
An Experimental Engine ≤ 0,
Unlocked: the Devourer ≤ 0,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Engage him in conversation
An improved version of the Tisiphone? Intriguing.
An experimental engine
"It was never finished, in the end. Too ambitious. Although," he leans close, "My old partner—" and he names a certain Diabolical Contriver, "—is still working on it. She moved to the wreck of the Berrenger. Less oversight, there. If you like your engines... spirited, you should seek her out.
"In fact," he says, as if the thought had only just occurred to him, "perhaps you could give her this." He hands you a crumpled letter. "Been a while since we spoke, you see." He shakes your hand (his is rough and inflexible) and drifts away into Pan's crowds. Game note: This will begin a quest for an exotic engine, suited only for skilled and reckless captains. The Wreck of the Berrenger can be found in the rough vicinity of Langley Hall, close to Wolf's Manse.
Pan Ambitions[]
Warning: these pages contain spoilers for you captains ambition
Wealth ambition[]
Truth ambition[]
Ambition: the Masked Citizen at Pan
Officer recruitment events[]
Officer recruitment events in Pan
The Hour in Pan[]
This event will sometimes trigger automatically when docking at Pan or any of the stations near Pan. Go to The Hour in Pan for details.
Locomotive captains gather at the bazaar to trade goods and information. Here, you can acquire 'prospects': opportunities to sell a good at a distant port for an excellent price. Accept a prospect to claim it, source the goods, and deliver them.
The Night Market
They'll take anything here; anything and everything.
Daedalian Engineering
Answerable to the Cypress King, these engineers work for all Pan's factions. They wear the emblem of the panpipes to proclaim their neutrality and in the hope that it might encourage the occasional free lunch.
Nightingale Engine Yard
The Nightingale Yard, the gleaming pride of Pan, endeavours to outdo all its rivals, whether mortal or stellar. Price should be the only barrier to quality craftsmanship.
Item | Value |
Bedivere-Class Escort | ![]() |
Pellinore-Class Trader | ![]() |
Agravain-Class Juggernaught | ![]() |
Medea-Class Destroyer | ![]() |
Moloch-Class Liner | ![]() |
Hallidges prides itself on constancy, discretion, and lavishly obsequious service. Items stored here can be withdrawn at any major port.
- Bargainer's Bridge
- Calumner's Channel
- Farynor Hill
- Heart-Catcher Gardens
- New Elpis
- Oathbreaker's Circle
- Phosphor's Mourn
- Stainer's Square
- The Binding Tables
- The Brazen Brigade
- The Cypress King's Grove
- The Forgone Arch
- The Knave
- The Selenium
- The Whistling Apse
- Winter's Reside