Port Prosper | |
Port Prosper (Sidebar) | |
Located in | The Reach |
Ports | Queen's Cross Station |
Shops | Nelson's Emporium |
Port Prosper is a port in the outer circle of The Reach, located in the same segment as Magdalene's. The Albion Transit Relay is located very near to this port.
Log Entries[]
A rumble of far-off refineries. Distant searchlights rake the sky.
The bridge's clock chimes twice, quickly. This close to the Isambard Line, time is devious.
The Fatalistic Signalman grunts. "Last time I saw Port Prosper it was a dock, three sheds and a goose."
The Inconvenient Aunt pokes your ribs. "At last, a proper meal. You're wasting away out here, dear."
The Poetic Forged Companion considers the music halls of Prosper. "My work should be performed here."
The Rat Brigade gathers in the galley. There's an incessant chittering as they whisper plots and plans.
"The music halls here are poor quality," the Conductor says. "They performed my early works."
Queen's Cross Station[]
Crammed at the feet of a hulking crag, Port Prosper is a little London - divided into an affluent West End and an impecunious East. Queen's Cross is a busy station, crowded with engines that have arrived through the nearby transit relay from Albion.
Explore Port Prosper | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 269640 |
Explore Port Prosper[]
Its narrow streets huddle in the shadow of a great crag. Banners display the stony features of Her Renewed Majesty. Wealthy West-Enders strut by, exchanging polite greetings and veiled gossip, while sooty East End workers file to the hour-refining factories. Peeling posters promise fresh, wholesome lives in the Reach to new arrivals. But most of the posters are years old. More newcomers arrive at Port Prosper than ever leave it.
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes | |||||
Write a Port Report
Very little happens on Port Prosper, but someone might take an interest.
The factories continue to belch out smoke, while over the bridge, hopeful crowds gather outside the Admiral Nelson. Lovers can be seen strolling arm in arm along the promenade (at a respectable distance from their chaperones). There was a brief protest outside the Windward Company Factory, swiftly quelled. The scones at the Nelson were as good as ever, though the piquancy of the jam was less than might be desired.
Ambition: Establish a spider-council
Your sorrow-spider has outgrown your eyeball now, of course, which is only a useless husk.
A strand of the web
You watch your spider scuttle across the shingles, looking for chimneys, or drainpipes near open windows.
You spend a week in Port Prosper. You are surprised by the lack of headlines reading 'MYSTERIOUS PLAGUE OF STOLEN EYES' and the like. Apparently, the Windward Company keeps a close rein on the local newspaper, and does not like panic. Before you leave, you visit an attic draped with veils of cobwebs, and spend a night knitting the legs of infant sorrow-spiders together to form a spider-council.
A messenger greets you at the station
He has the scrubbed-pink face and immaculate hair of a natural-born butler. He holds a placard with your name.
An intriguing message
The messenger explains that he is, as you already guessed, a butler. His master has heard much about your exploits, and is quite desperate to meet you.
He hands you a card with an address. You recognise it as a neighbourhood of particular wealth and prominence.
Game note: You can now visit the Bleak Industrialist's Estate.
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Deliver your essayist from the Blue Kingdom Embassy
It's her stop.
The essayist disembarks
A contingent from the newspaper are already here to meet her.
"Beware," she declares, casting her flinty eyes over them. "I am known as the scourge of editors. My words are the heads of the Hydra; once pruned, they only multiply. I am here to teach your town about the Blue Kingdom Philosophy."
Ask after the magician
The Fortunate Navigator wants to see a tiger, and needs a magician to do so. If the travelling magician, Miss Peppercorn, can't draw a crowd in this bustling port, she had better retire.
A scullery maid pauses to flirt with the Fortunate Navigator. She isn't remotely distressed by the corpse he carries. "Seen worse in the kitchen. Anyway – the magician left a couple of hours ago. Just missed her. Sorry."
Still, you've narrowed down the list.
Game note: Each time you fail to find the magician, you increase your chance of finding them at the next location.
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Attend a Parade
It is, apparently, the Feast of the Red Saint.
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Take a Factory Tour
Today, the factories of Port Prosper are open to the public.
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Advanced query needs investigation
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Take tea at the Admiral Nelson
The most famous cafe in all Port Prosper is open today.
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Attend a performance at the Gaudy Widow
The vaudeville theatre tends towards either quaint or vulgar, or on good days, both.
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Join the Lammas Fair
A celebration of the bounty and fortune of Port Prosper. There is, an elderly lady whispers surreptitiously, likely to be a tombola.
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Attend the Grand Ball
The glory of the Port Prosper Season.
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Advanced query needs investigation
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Search for the Amenable Host's identity
The house might still be here. It had purple walls, which would surely stand out. If not, you have the locket.
Not a soul in Port Prosper recognises the locket. "Who's that then?" "Does he still wear his hair like that? Fancy!" become familiar refrains.
More promising is the house you saw painted in the Amenable Host's chamber. You locate several candidates, all apparently repainted over the last couple of years, but one is in the exact location as in the Host's painting. Nobody seems to remember who owned it or why, but apparently it had once been associated with the Parlour of Virtue, established not long after Port Prosper's foundation.
Deliver Sapling Knots
Drop them off with the clerks at the loading bay; they'll see it gets to its destination.
The clerk with the polished buttons passes you your fee, after all the requisite papers are signed. "I've already dispatched a runner to see it delivered. Thank you."
Deliver Verdant Encouragement
Drop them off with the clerks at the loading bay; they'll see it gets to its destination.
"Yes. Yes, quite good," the clerk with the polished button says, as you finish signing. "Now let's see that dreadful stuff out of our bay, yes?"
Deliver Apollonian Cinders
Drop them off with the clerks at the loading bay; they'll see it gets to its destination.
As you finish signing the papers, the clerk with the polished buttons tugs at their shirt collar. "Ah, yes. Now that's settled, we'll have it delivered."
Deliver pamphlets about the dangers of Apollonian Cinders
The people deserve to know the truth!
Your presence on the street corner, handing out pamphlets and haranguing the passers-by, is ignored; until, that is, an old man in a tailored waistcoat totters to your side. "They speak the truth!" he cries. "My daughter was a scout in the Reserve. She cannot stop singing; they've had her locked up! They refuse to research the cure, or help in any way!"
By the end of the hour, you've distributed all of your pamphlets to the curious public. The old man presses a purse into your hand by way of thanks.
Purchase a costume for geese
There is a tailor in the West-End who, they say, once made emergency repairs to the Captivating Princess' dresses. She accepted the work as a favour.
The tailor, needle in his mouth like a cigarette, holds up a hand while he searches for the garment under his desk. He piles up a few shoe boxes and grins. "I think I really captured the spirit of the Reach with this one. I'm sure the geese will love them. Especially the boots."
Put up a flyer for the Strongwoman
The West-Enders need some way to burn their money; the East-Enders need a distraction. Posting flyers in both districts should serve you well.
By the time you've papered the city, everyone is abuzz. Factory workers wonder if she could perform the labour of a Clay Man. The well-to-do wonder if she might be able to carry them around in sedans by herself. Rude drunkards wonder if she could lift the rock that overlooks them all.
Drop off a passenger for the New Street Line
They've arrived at their destination.
A refuge
Nestled in the heart of the East-End is an unremarkable boarding house with a selection of stuffed pets in the windows. Its taxes are paid, discreetly, by the Philanthropist. You show your workworld escapee through the door, and ring the bell on the hallway table. The other boarders emerge from the rooms: silver-haired, with wizened hands and welcoming smiles.
Find the Humiliated Magician's house
It has a red door and is near the station. Happily, he's given you the key.
A monument to a long-gone career
Props and spirit cabinets line the musty hallways. Faded posters depict the Magician's noble countenance as he prepares to embark on another daring adventure into the occult. Not for the faint of heart. The Pernickety Factor finds much to roll her eyes at.
You find the battered suitcase underneath a large tabby cat. It yowls sleepily. The cat could belong to the Magician, or could have just crept in here for a nap. A garnet-studded collar reads 'Monsieur Francois'. It looks up at you expectantly.
Bring the cat with you along with the suitcase
The Humiliated Magician might wish to see it again. Monsieur Francois might like an adventure.
The Pernickety Factor gives you a look of abject disbelief when you ask her to find a suitable box to carry the cat in.
Monsieur Francois proves a very amenable traveller, however, and purrs all the way back to your locomotive. Your cook is less than thrilled at having another mouth to feed.
Just bring the suitcase back
The Humiliated Magician said nothing about a cat. The cat may not be pleased to be put into a confined metal box shooting across the stars.
Monsieur Francois stalks away in a huff after you remove him from the suitcase. It rattles as you lift it, but it's light enough to carry back to your engine.
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Investigate the rogue hours trade
Someone has established an unlicensed hour-loom.
Sentences cut down to mere clauses
You find the unlicensed loom easily enough. A local criminal has tired of bribing the local magistrates to get his thugs' sentences reduced. Instead, he spins pockets of hours and smuggles them into the prison, so their incarceration speeds by.
Sabotage the loom
When they're not looking, you strike!
The guards by the loom are no match for your soft tread and abrupt violence. A bottle of whiskey, your least-good handkerchief, and the application of a flame sends the whole thing somewhere past perdition. The constables soon arrive to mop up the remaining hoods.
Cut a deal with the criminal
It's all good business. Or so they should think.
The meeting is polite. He serves brandy and cigars, while admiring your pocket watch. He is a great admirer of the Horologists, he lies. A very great admirer of your hard work. Such a shame they pay so poorly, is it not? Perhaps a donation would be in order.
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Stay out of it
They're rough sorts. Leave them to their illicit time.
You steer well clear and write a report that claims there is nothing untoward going on. The Royal Horologist will not be pleased. He will certainly withhold payment. But he will accept your word.
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Investigate the clocks |
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Listen to the Will Of The People
A delegation has been sent to petition you in your role as Minister.
Endless problems, few solutions
You listen with appropriate amounts of care to each person who begs a moment of your time. The majority are local issues, not worth bringing up in Parliament. Occasionally, inspiration strikes for a new law. You promise with a practiced politician's sincerity that even if there is nothing you can do, you will do it to the best of your ability. They seem mollified by that.
Rare event (10%) | ||||||||
Endless problems, few solutions
You listen with appropriate amounts of care to each person who begs a moment of your time. Until the egg hits you in the face. The perpetrators run off giggling. You wipe away the dripping yolk. Someone should make a law against that sort of thing...
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Find the Race Marshal
Lord Rochester is staying at the Admiral Nelson. He needs to confirm you've reached Port Prosper.
"Good lord. You're early!" Lord Rochester looks up from his kippers with amazement. "Well? Don't just stand around. Bally well get a shake on!" He waves you out of the Nelson, though not before ensuring your engine is stocked up for the journey back.
Rely on your local credentials to meet your Inconvenient Aunt's friend
"They've requested we meet at the Admiral Nelson," your Aunt says. "You'll need to keep the right company to get in. They won't admit just anyone," she says proudly.
A link in the chain
You are ushered to a table with an enviable view. Your Aunt examines the menu with a critical eye. "Ginger snaps," she exclaims. "Goodness me." You cannot tell if this is a good thing or not.
At last, an older lady joins you. She introduces herself as a Countess. "This is the last time," she says to your Aunt. "You're not to contact me again." "That's a shame, deary. But you have done so well for yourself since Newgate," your Aunt replies, mildly. "The St Dunstan's Rendezvous concerned the murder of a sun," the Countess says, frowning. "There were four attendants. The Chaplain of the New Sequence; February, Her Majesty's Privy Counsellor. And— Her Majesty, the Queen." She rises, and thrusts what looks like a Christmas card into your Aunt's hand, before walking away swiftly.
Rely on your Establishment credentials to meet your Inconvenient Aunt's friend
"They've requested we meet at the Admiral Nelson," your Aunt says. "You'll need to keep the right company to get in. They won't admit just anyone," she says proudly.
A link in the chain
You are led to your table. Your Aunt examines the menu with a critical eye. "Ginger snaps," she exclaims. "Goodness me." You cannot tell if this is a good thing or not.
At last, an older lady joins you. She introduces herself as a Countess. "This is the last time," she says to your Aunt. "You're not to contact me again." "The St Dunstan's Rendezvous concerned the murder of a sun," the Countess says, frowning. "There were four attendants. The Chaplain of the New Sequence; February, Her Majesty's Privy Counsellor. And— Her Majesty, the Queen." She rises, and thrusts what looks like a Christmas card into your Aunt's hand, before walking away swiftly.
Sneak into the Windward Company with the Rat Brigade
It's occasionally open for the edification of the paying public. Slipping away from a tour of the factory will be easier than breaking in.
On tour
The hour of the factory visit arrives. Your sleeves quiver with excited rats; but in the jostle of gawpers, busy-bodies, stakeholders and hangers-on, no one notices.
The wrought iron gates with their cheery motif of butterflies swing open. A sharp-smiled Company forewoman is on hand to lead the tour. Inside is an orderly purgatory of wheels, spindles and great creaking looms. Steam, smoke, and the crystalline gleam of cracked hours makes visibility poor. Your sleeves squeak impatiently.
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Use your Windward connections to get into the Company with the Rat Brigade
You have friends in high places. No one will question you entering the Factory. For now.
The privilege of station
The guard cheerfully unlocks the wrought iron gates. The decorative butterflies gleam as the gates swing open. Your sleeves are frantic with excited rats, forcing you to clamp your arms to your sides as you walk in.
Inside, foremen doff their caps. A junior partner offers you tea and some of those nice little biscuits. Workers look away. Everyone believes you are exactly where you should be.
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Deliver the Fastidious Inspector | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 280551 |
Deliver the Fastidious Inspector[]
She disembarks with her bag in hand, and peers up at a clock tower that is being raised above the station. It is tangled with scaffolding, and rings with the sound of hammers and the cries of workmen.
Trigger conditions
The Fastidious Inspector ≥ 10 ≤ 15,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Have a parting conversation with the inspector
Now you are not focused on traversing the Wilderness, you have a moment to talk.
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Accept your payment
A satisfied customer
"Thank you, captain. Here is the balance of our agreement, and – as promised – a requisition order for fuel and supplies." She casts another glance at the incomplete clock tower. "Given the apparent state of construction, I'd recommend you visit the work site. There may be an opportunity, there.
An Inspector Thaws(Departure)
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Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Game note: You will receive Fuel and Supplies in addition to a sum of money. Ensure you have six spaces in your hold before accepting.
A New Clock Tower | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 280559 |
A New Clock Tower[]
They plan to call it the Albert Clock, in memory of the departed Prince Consort. But there's a way to go, yet. The roof isn't finished, and the clock neither ticks nor bongs. You can see the Fastidious Inspector up among the workings with a spanner and a can of oil, showing the workmen how it's done.
Trigger conditions
The Albert Clock ≥ 10 ≤ 10,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Deliver the materials
A cheer from the scaffolding. The foreman beams. "An angel! Bringing gifts!" Actually, you point out, you'll be needing payment.
Progress in Port Prosper
You are paid extremely well for the delivery, and the foreman shakes you warmly by the hand. "Won't take us no time, now," he says, with a grin. "Maybe we should name the d_mn clock after you, eh?"
Ask the Hoarse Foreman what they need
Perhaps you can secure it?
"Bronzewood," the foreman wheezes, bluntly. "One consignment. They sell it at Traitor's Wood and Polmear & Plenty's, I hear. And a gourd of chorister-nectar, too. This bunch of workshy ingrates need constant shoutin'-at, and my voice has given up the ghost. Some nectar should have me bellowin' again like a champion. Carillon's your best bet, there. Or Titania, the flower-town. We'll pay, like."
Game note: If you can purchase the necessary goods and return them to Port Prosper, you'll make a tidy profit. Be warned, the materials aren't cheap, and they'll occupy space in your hold.
Take your leave
You've other business.
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Visit the Windward Company | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 303710 |
Visit the Windward Company[]
The Windward Company has thrown open its doors for a celebration of itself. Maps of a tamed, industrialised Reach line the walls. A model of an upcoming dreadnought sparkles in a glass case. Outside, children are encouraged to throw rotten fruit at a cardboard effigy of Tackety Jack, with Windward-stamped prizes for the best aim.
Trigger conditions
Date ≥
An Opportunity at Port Prosper,
An Opportunity at Port Prosper ≥ 1
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Join the celebrations
Entrance is free. The souvenirs on sale are expensive.
An afternoon of innovation
You are encouraged to watch a kinetoscope about its planned expansion in the Reach now that Lustrum has been civilised, to throw balls at coconuts bearing caricatures of assorted Tackety leaders, and to eat sumptuous biscuits with the Company's sigil baked into them. Your presence is noted by stern men with very neatly written forms.
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Publicly hand over Tackety nameplates
The Company loves any chance to show up their enemies.
Striking a blow
You are invited onto stage to hand over the nameplates, and for a high-ranking member of the Company to give you a bone-crushing handshake. "Good show," they whisper over the applause of the crowds.
Game note: This will earn you additional Gratitude and Reputation with the Windward Company, and influence the fortunes of war in their favour.
The Bleak Industrialist's Estate | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 306491 |
The Bleak Industrialist's Estate[]
The estate takes up half a street. The mansion itself is a grandiose structure with Venetian windows, a cupola, columns in the Palladian style. But the garden is tangled with weeds. Muddy water pools glumly at the bottom of disused fountains. The Industrialist receives you in one of his drawing rooms, sitting with a rum-glass beside a fire. He has a sour cast to his mouth and eyes that blaze with indiscriminate loathing.
Trigger conditions
The Long Passage ≥ 1 ≤ 26,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Ask why he sent for you
Before he answers, he knocks back the rum in a single gulp and calls for his butler to fetch another.
A proposal
"There is a distant kingdom where the dead can be found." The Industrialist's voice is hoarse with disuse. "I need an enterprising sort, such as yourself, to visit it for me and retrieve someone. It should be a simple enough affair. In return I will pay you a small fortune."
Who does he want brought back from the dead? "Some years ago I lost someone dear to me," he says. "A world without her in it is worthless, miserable. I need her back."
Agree to help the Industrialist
You can at least try to retrieve his Lost Love from the kingdom of the dead.
So it begins
"Thank you." The Industrialist contemplates his glass for a while. "London has an embassy there, a place called Sky Barnet. I cultivated a contact among the diplomats who I hoped would help me, but he's proved useless. Maybe you'll get more value from him than I could."
There is no further conversation. The Industrialist sits back in his high-backed chair and stares at the fire with empty hatred.
Try to extract a higher reward
Why only a small fortune?
Failed event | |
A bridge too far
"We can negotiate terms once my wife is returned to my side," says the Industrialist.
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Successful event | |||
A simple matter
The Industrialist doesn't blink. "You will have whatever I can give you, but only if you succeed."
He contemplates his glass for a while. "London has an embassy there, a place called Sky Barnet. I cultivated a contact among the diplomats who I hoped would help me, but he's proved useless. Maybe you'll get more value from him than I could." There is no further conversation. The Industrialist sits back in his high-backed chair and stares at the fire with empty hatred.
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Try to persuade the Industrialist to let go
Nothing good will come of trying to rescue the dead. Of this, you are certain.
A wall of grief
The Industrialist glares. For a moment, his hatred is focused solely on you.
"I assume this means you can't help me," he says. "In which case we have nothing else to discuss."
Give him the jar containing the Lost Love's voice
He takes it with trembling hands.
Only a voice
"Is it her? Is she in there?"
No, you are forced to admit. Not her, only her voice. She can speak only the words she is given. "So that is all you could do." His voice is husky, in that it is a husk. He clasps the jar to his chest, tears running down his cheeks. "I love you," says the jar tonelessly. "I love you." The Industrialist retreats to his quarters, locking the door. As you exit the mansion, you can still hear the hollow "I love you" echoing through its halls, underscored by cacophonous sobbing.
Share the story of your own loss
You, too, have a Lost Love.
A pain shared
As you tell your story, the Industrialist's hateful glare melts. He weeps silently at first, but by the end he is wracked by convulsive sobbing.
"Finally, someone who understands," mutters the Industrialist when he is recovered, dabbing his eyes. "Thank you." "London has an embassy in the Blue Kingdom, a place called Sky Barnet. I cultivated a contact among the diplomats who I hoped would help me, but he's proved useless. Maybe you'll get more value from him than I could." There is no further conversation. The Industrialist retreats to his quarters, sniffing.
Return the remnants of the Lost Love
All that remains is a handful of salt.
Over the edge
The Industrialist lets the salt run through his hands. "I tried to save her, and instead I destroyed her. She is gone. She is worse than dead."
He looks up at you, his eyes bulging with frank madness. "Take your money," he says, his mouth twisting into a rictus grin. "You deserve every penny." The Industrialist retreats to his quarters, locking the door. As you exit the mansion, you hear his broken laughter echoing across the grounds.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Return the Lost Love
She has been sealed in a casket to keep her safe from starlight.
A year and a day
You transfer her to the Industrialist's cellar. You impress upon him the importance of never laying eyes on her, or even hearing her voice.
"Then what is the point?" he snarls. "How can I—?" He stops, a wild light in his eyes. He rushes to fetch a pen and paper; moments later, he shoves a scribbled love-letter under the cellar door. It is returned with new writing on the back. As he reads the reply, the Industrialist's heavily-lined face smooths out. His smile is like sunrise after six months of winter. He's so ecstatic that he barely listens while you explain the year-and-a-day time limit.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Collect the Lost Love
At long last, it is time.
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You are too late to collect the Lost Love
You've missed the Arbiter's deadline.
A dereliction of duty
There's no point in collecting the Lost Love now. You've already exceeded the Arbiter's deadline, and her wrath will no doubt be terrible.
You leave the Lost Love and the Industrialist to their segregated happiness. Next time you return to the Blue Kingdom, you should be careful.
Advanced query needs investigation
Meet with the Bleak Industrialist
You have not yet recovered his Lost Love. You are the last hope he has.
The Bleak Industrialist
He shares his finest liquor. He makes infinitesimally small talk. He asks, with unwavering intensity, about your progress finding the Lost Love.
An Empty Estate | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 306680 |
An Empty Estate[]
The Bleak Industrialist's estate is empty.
Trigger conditions
The Long Passage = 80,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Ask what happened |
A troubled conclusion
"The old master killed himself," mutters the gardener. "They say he was obsessed with a room in the house where he said his lost love was kept, but when they opened the door, all they found was a heap of salt."
The Company's Arrival[]
The port is in a state of commotion. The Tacketies have driven the Windward Company from their holdings in New Winchester, and forced them to retreat to their smaller offices at Port Prosper.
Trigger conditions
Recent Dominance ≥ 2
Dominant in the Reach ≤ 1,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Learn more
The streets now bristle with stovepipe hats.
The Company is still moving staff and dependants into the Prosper offices, which were not exactly spacious even before the relocation. The Tacketies have the upper hand in the Reach, now, and the Company has withdrawn much of its strength to fortify Port Prosper. If you have dealings with the Stovepipes, you'll need to conduct them here.
Game note: This change in the balance of power will affect encounters, discoveries, bargains and prospects in the Reach. For example, the Tacketies' redoubled spirit means you will encounter more homesteads while exploring.
The Company's Restoration | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 295310 |
The Company's Restoration[]
A shift in fortunes! The Windward Company have scored several recent victories against the Tacketies, and regained their foothold in New Winchester. Much to the Parsimonious Chairman's relief, they have quit the local offices in Port Prosper and departed for their old home, where they mean to reoccupy Company House.
Trigger conditions
Recent Dominance ≤ 1,
Dominant in the Reach ≥ 2
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Learn more
You hear a dozen versions of events before the day is out.
A number of gleaming new dreadnoughts arrived through the transit relay from London to reinforce the Company's fleet before they advanced on New Winchester. Now, Stovepipes and Tacketies must once more share the town (much to the Colonial Assembly's perturbation). The balance of power in the Reach has returned to its traditional state of simmering stalemate.
Game note: This change in the balance of power will affect encounters, discoveries, bargains and prospects in the Reach. For example, the renewed conflict means wrecks are more common, and new homesteads fewer.
The Other Company House | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 278046 |
The Other Company House[]
After the Company's fortunes declined in New Winchester they withdrew to Port Prosper, where the Parsimonious Chairman received them with barely-concealed distaste. The mahogany-walled offices are crammed, and the atmosphere is close.
Trigger conditions
Dominant in the Reach ≥ 1 ≤ 1,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Chat with the Prudent Secretary
The foyer bristles with dented stovepipe hats. The Prudent Secretary pushes between them: narrow and unsmiling, with a blousey (but spoilt) shirt and black trousers.
The Secretary has not received the change of circumstances well. "I have to share an office," they say, in tones like thumbscrews.
"Anyway. I would be interested to receive reports on events in other ports. However small. The Company has expansive interests; one never knows what might be important." |
Game note: As you visit ports, you may obtain Port Reports. Turn them in here to receive rewards. Game note: Learn how you can be of use to the Company.
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Deliver your port reports to the Prudent Secretary
The office's General Manager has been forced to share his office with his secretary. It has done nothing for either of their dispositions.
"I'll, ah, leave you to it." The Fraught General Manager ducks through the narrow doorframe, vacating the 'office', which is about the size of a generous broom cupboard.
The Prudent Secretary is hunched over a pile of papers. "I am examining my old references that got me this position. I am wondering if i did something to upset any of them." They sigh and take your reports, reading them one by one. They have a number of questions, to which they expect cogent, succinct answers. "Her Majesty is grateful," they say, as you leave.
Advanced query needs investigation Advanced alteration value probably needs examination. Advanced alteration value probably needs examination. Advanced alteration value probably needs examination. Advanced alteration value probably needs examination. Advanced alteration value probably needs examination. Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
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Trade Favour for Salon-Stewed Gossip
Your dealings with the Company entitle you to the occasional afternoon tea with the Fraught General Manager, who is appreciative of the break. He has six sisters in London, and can be relied on for scandalous gossip.
The tea is over-stewed, for which the Manager apologises. "Not got the hang of this new-fangled kettle." The tea is bitter, but the news is fresh. Fresh and disgraceful.
Trade Favour for Ministry-Stamped Permits
The Company keeps entire cabinets of them, to smooth a variety of dealings with Albion.
"For you? Of course!" The Fraught General Manager doesn't even bother to ask you any questions. "Just the one, is it?" He goes away for some time in search of where they keep the cabinets here. He returns red-faced, but triumphant.
Trade Favour to affect the balance of power in the Reach
You have provided the Company with a great deal of information. You would rather they used it to strengthen the Empire's hold on the Reach. They are much diminished these days.
You are ushered into the Parsimonious Chairman's warm and high-ceilinged office. "Ah, good. I have hopes you'll be of more use to me than those amateurs. They never quite had the grasp of the proper exploitation of a resource." He pours you a brandy, carefully measured. "That was a compliment."
He relaxes into a scarlet-leather armchair and bids you go on. You offer several pieces of strategic advice that would increase Her Majesty's prospects in the region. He nods when you finish. "As I gathered. Don't worry – I shall take it all in hand."
The Parsimonious Chairman's Offices | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 275994 |
The Parsimonious Chairman's Offices[]
The offices of the Windward Company on Port Prosper are elegantly appointed, if antiquated. Paintings of old London adorn the walls. The Parsimonious Chairman has work for ruthless captains. He sits behind his imported mahogany desk, a decanter of brandy at his left hand and a series of neatly stacked reports at his right. A fire has been lit in the cavernous hearth. It is too warm.
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes | |||||
Listen to the Parsimonious Chairman's offer
He promises an opportunity for profit.
An invitation
He pours the brandy into two glasses, then produces a ruler to measure the amounts.. "To business." He smiles, revealing the extensive damage to his teeth. "I was a pugilist, back in London. A young man's game."
He stands at the window, watching the starlight bathe the sloping streets of Prosper. "This place exists because of constant work. From the politicians who planned it, to the pioneers who built it, to the soldiers who even today defend it from the Tacketies. "We have need of more such work. Bring me nameplates from Tackety engines. We keep lists. You will be rewarded."
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Accept his offer
You will hunt Tackety locomotives and provide their nameplates for the Parsimonious Chairman.
He refills your glasses. "Cheers." Your glasses clink as another wash of heat comes from the hearth. "I'm glad that there are those in the Reach dedicated to our vision."
You will do no such thing.
The Parsimonious Chairman sighs, as though used to disappointment. He allows you to finish your brandy before ringing a little bell. His secretary escorts you out. "My door," the Chairman says, as you leave, "is always open."
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Reconsider the Chairman's offer
He stirs his tea eagerly. His eyes are alight. He nods fervently, encouragingly.
He fetches glasses and measures each of you a precise inch of brandy. "Cheers." Your glasses clink. "I hoped you would reconsider. After all, it is impossible to spend time in the Reach without seeing its desperate need for order."
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Game note: Deliver Tackety nameplates to the Chairman to earn rewards.
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A further task for the Parsimonious Chairman
"I've been impressed with your labours thus far..."
A request
"A lady on New Winchester has been an opponent of our work for some time. She complains that our factories rely on the labour of the unwilling. Obviously, nonsense. Our workers are reimbursed for their services, and celebrated for their toil.
"Now she lobbies the Assembly for aid. This will not do." He licks his lips. "I have a delivery to the Round Table on New Winchester." He produces a slim vial of honey. "Would you be willing?"
You have your reasons. You need not necessarily carry it out to the letter.
He smiles. It is like watching butter spread on a piece of toast. "I am told there is to be a rally near the Round Table. She has a penchant for stovepipes, ironically worn of course, and wears a suit."
This is as far as you'll go.
He sighs and rings for his secretary, before sitting back behind his desk. "A pity. Should you change your mind, let me know."
| |||||||
Report your success
The Ironical Reformist has been disgraced.
"A dreadful tragedy, but the good people of New Winchester deserve to know the moral character of their champions. Best learn it now, before she's in a position of leadership."
He opens a large red book, indicating you may leave. As you do, he frowns over his glasses. "I'm going to have keep a close eye on your career, captain."
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Game note: Make sure you have 3 spaces in your hold.
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Turn in all your Tackety Nameplates for Sovereigns
The Parsimonious Chairman has promised coinage for individual nameplates.
He handles each plate with care, running his fingers over the brass. "I've signed your account. Your reward is waiting with my secretary."
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination. Advanced alteration value probably needs examination. Advanced alteration value probably needs examination. Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
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Turn in three Tackety Nameplates for a Savage Secret
The Parsimonious Chairman is in a mischievous mood. Look at that gleam in his round eyes.
He leans in, his breath minty and sterile, and whispers a few choice facts about his old comrades in the ring. He wasn't the only one of them to rise to unexpected heights.
Game note: You will also gain 1 Windward Company's Gratutude.
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Turn in three Tackety Nameplates for a Ministry-Stamped Permit
The Parsimonious Chairman has the authority to issue them.
He signs your account with a distant smile, like an elderly aunt introduced to her newest relative. Produces a heavy stamp and a sheaf documents, he angles the stamp just so, so that on every crisp page is an identical mark.
Game note: You will also gain 1 Windward Company's Gratitude.
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Turn in ten Tackety Nameplates for an Unlicensed Chart
It is said he keeps a close record of smuggling routes, and the paths Tacketies use to slip secretly about the Reach
He ushers you into a private study. Behind a hatch concealed behind an oil portrait of Lord Nelson, rows of carefully-rolled charts are stored. The Chairman removes one. "There. Now, go. Do London proud."
Game note: You will also gain 5 Windward Company's Gratutude.
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Report your failure to stop the Ironical Reformist
You needn't report what you actually did.
The Parsimonious Chairman is not present. His door is closed. His secretary is waiting with the account book and a few stamped documents. "The chairman sends his regards," he says, snapping the book shut.
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Report your faliure
You tried.
The Parsimonious Chairman is not present. His door is closed. His secretary is waiting with the account book and a few stamped documents. "The chairman sends his regards," he says, snapping the book shut.
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Ask about the Albion Transit Relay | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 295352 |
Ask about the Albion Transit Relay[]
The Albion Transit Relay lies in a cul-de-sac close to the Port Prosper dock. There, locomotives can secure passage to the far-off territories of Albion, where London lies.
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Enquire about passage to Albion
Another captain may have useful information about the relay.
Enthusiastic advice
A Garrulous Captain is delighted to have an excuse to talk. "I'm 'appy to 'elp, Addressed As(SpeechInformal), 'appy to 'elp."
They point down the docks. "There you are! Keep going past the port – you can't miss it. If you've good eyes, you might even be able to see it from here. Passage ain't free, mind. You can travel first class if you 'ave a Ministry-stamped permit, or you can bring a couple of barrels of hours to travel second class."
Offer Transport to Settlers | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 293669 |
Offer Transport to Settlers[]
Explorers, adventurers and pioneers gather here freshly arrived from Albion, all awaiting transport further into the Reach.
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
No opportunities available
You already have a Settler aboard; you'll need to drop them off before you can pick up another pioneer.
An Opportunity: Transport a settler
Would-be pioneers clamour at the station, eager to make their fortunes amongst the stars.
Return a settler
This is not what was requested, but it's where you think they ought to be.
Advanced query needs investigation
Encourage others to seek adventure
A returning skyfarer is always the centre of attention in the East End's pubs. Your tales could inspire listeners to settle at other ports.
A crowd gathers to listen to your tales. Your stories of daring escapes and fingernail victories go down almost as well as the whisky. Ambition dawns in several bloodshot eyes. Some might even follow through on it when sober.
Game note: You will now be able to offer another settler transport.
Recruitment in Port Prosper[]
Recruit the Incognito Princess | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 302962 |
Recruit the Incognito Princess[]
"Perched atop a mountain of luggage is a radiant young woman. She's an officer dressed in what an actor would wear in a fantastical romance. A tiara rests on her brow. A steady stream of commoners comes to pay homage, bowing and curtsying enthusiastically. Starlings circle in dense swarms above her – refugees from Old London and a common sight, although not in such numbers. She ignores everything, and hands you papers so pristine that they can only be forged. "
Game note: Officers require a sign-on fee.
Trigger conditions
Skinsuitor ≤ 0,
In Possession of a Princess ≤ 0,
The Princess' End ≤ 0,
Learning about the Incognito Princess ≤ 0,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Offer her a berth on your locomotive
She would certainly make an interesting addition to your crew.
Welcome aboard, your majesty!
"I am a humble First Officer, looking for... what's the word? When commoners do things for coins?" she asks. "Work. That's it." She beams at you, delighted, as innocent as a Gatling gun.
As she steps aboard, a commoner calmly takes a spoon from his pocket and scoops out his eyes. "After such radiance, all else is tawdry!" he says, between screams. It seems she has already forgotten about her signing-on money.
Game note: This will get you a First Officer, who will increase your Mirrors by 6, your Hearts by 2 and your Affiliation: Boheme by 1.
Recruit the Incautious Driver | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 302966 |
Recruit the Incautious Driver[]
""I specialise in test-driving, but I'm looking for something quieter." The Driver indicates a crashed engine, still smoking. "Like that. Without the screaming." "
Game note: Officers require a sign-on fee.
Trigger conditions
Incautious Driver ≤ 0,
Reckless Driver ≤ 0,
Judicious Driver ≤ 0,
The Driver Recruited ≤ 0,
The Driver's Mental State ≤ 0,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Allow the Driver to join your crew
What harm can it do?
Brave, or fearless?
The Driver boards, eager to get started. "I recently parted ways with the Windward Company," they explain. "Personally, I think a crash a week isn't so bad. They disagreed. Oh well. Live and learn!"
Game note: This will get you a Chief Engineer who will increase your Iron by 6, your Hearts by 2 and your Affiliation: Establishment by 1.
Recruit the Judicious Driver | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 302968 |
Recruit the Judicious Driver[]
""I believe you'll find me a very safe pair of hands. Absolutely no excitement." The Driver smiles. "Maybe a little excitement." "
Game note: Officers require a sign-on fee.
Trigger conditions
Incautious Driver ≤ 0,
Reckless Driver ≤ 0,
Judicious Driver ≤ 0,
The Driver Recruited ≤ 0,
The Driver's Mental State ≥ 2 ≤ 2,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Allow the Driver to join your crew
They are skilled and experienced.
The Driver boards, eager to get started. "Don't worry about any stories you might have heard about train crashes. That was the old me."
Game note: This will get you a Chief Engineer who will increase your Iron by 10 and your Affiliation: Establishment by 2.
Recruit the Reckless Driver | |
Category | Story Event |
Type | Story |
Data ID | 302970 |
Recruit the Reckless Driver[]
"Nothing bad can possibly come from this. "
Game note: Officers require a sign-on fee.
Trigger conditions
Incautious Driver ≤ 0,
Reckless Driver ≤ 0,
Judicious Driver ≤ 0,
The Driver Recruited ≤ 0,
The Driver's Mental State ≥ 1 ≤ 1,
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Allow the Driver to join your crew
They've survived this long. They must be highly skilled.
Brave, or fearless?
The Driver strides into the ship, impatient to be off. As they pass, the light glints on something in their ear; a little green lace, slowly growing from deep inside.
Game note: This will get you a Chief Engineer who will increase your Iron by 10 and your Affiliation: Establishment by 2.
Nelson's Emporium
The adjoining shop to the famous cafe. The staff are renowned for their discretion, taste, and confidence in their complete superiority.
Item | Buy | Sell |
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