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Pugilistic Forged Companion
Pugilistic Forged Companion
Category Officers
Position Quartermaster

Iron icon +10 Iron

Data ID 138890
Interaction ID 306755

Pugilistic Forged Companion is considered a Officer Quartermaster in Sunless Skies.

Officers description[]

"A physically imposing officer who will deploy their brawn in both protective and offensive capacities."


The Pugilistic Forged Companion[]

The Pugilistic Forged Companion has hung a punching bag and a weapons rack in their cabin, and is vigorously attacking the former. Despite the speed and power with which their fists are slamming into the bag, the Companion's body shows no signs of strain.

Trigger conditions

Forgedcompanion icon Pugilistic Forged Companion ≥ 1


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Ask to spar with them
You need to release some tension.
Consider the Pugilistic Forged Companion
How does your creation look?
A vision indeed
Ask them if they are happy in their post
What is happiness, anyway?
"I am neither happy nor unhappy," says the Pugilistic Forged Companion, "but I was created to serve you in the way that you chose, and spend my every moment doing just that. I want for nothing." They continue to stare at you with their An Entrancing Companion(Happy)An Unnerving Companion(Happy) eyes until you turn away.
This state of affairs cannot continue
You have had enough.
That is all, for now
The Poetic Forged Companion will be here if you need them.

Quality status[]

Pugilistic Forged Companion has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear specifically when the value changes.

  • [1] You have forged the Vigorous Companion.

Decreased Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear specifically when the value decreases.

  • [0] The Studious Companion is no longer with you.

Variable Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear when a specific group is called for text.


  • [0]
  • [1] The Pugilistic Forged Companion was supposed to fight through obstacles, but it has created far more than it has overcome."


  • [0]
  • [1] The Pugilistic Forged Companion resumes their assault on the punching bag."


  • [0]
  • [1] The stoker makes a valiant attempt on the Pugilistic Forged Companion's life, but their blows land on unfeeling flesh. The moment they stop to catch their breath, the Companion strikes them in the chest, and they crumple to the floor, lifeless. \"I am more difficult to replace,\" the Companion says in response to your expression."


  • [0]
  • [1] Pugilistic"


  • [0]
  • [1] Do not fear that I will come to harm. I am well-equipped to defend myself\" – it fixes you with unblinking eyes – \"and you, should the need arise.\""


  • [0] "
  • [1] Pugilistic


  • [0]
  • [1] The Pugilistic Forged Companion, realising what you wish to do, impassively passes you a dagger from their weapon rack. It is silver, and still encrusted with blood."


  • [0]
  • [1] punch that bag"


  • [0]
  • [1] punching their bag


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
The Floating Market 'Leave the Pugilistic Forged Companion here' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
Forging a Companion 'Thank the spirit for their help' Default / Challenge Fail = [q:138951]
Forging a Companion 'Ignore the spirit' Default / Challenge Fail = [q:138951]
Ridding Yourself of your Companion 'Ask them to leave your vessel immediately' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
Ridding Yourself of your Companion 'Take your Companion apart, piece by piece' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
Ridding Yourself of your Companion 'Ask your Companion if there is somewhere they wish to go' Requirement ≥ 1

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
The Floating Market Leave the Pugilistic Forged Companion here Default:

Forging a Companion Thank the spirit for their help Default:
Ignore the spirit Default:

Ridding Yourself of your Companion Ask them to leave your vessel immediately None Default:
Take your Companion apart, piece by piece None Default:
Ask your Companion if there is somewhere they wish to go Default:

Triggered Events[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Requirements Type Location
The Pugilistic Forged Companion
    • Pugilistic Forged Companion ≥ 1
Story Event (Always :100%) Limbo
A Masterclass in Pugilism
    • Pugilistic Forged Companion ≥ 1
Story Event (undefined :100%) The Sky
A Stowaway
    • Pugilistic Forged Companion ≥ 1
Story Event (undefined :100%) The Sky
Low Rations, High Tempers
    • Pugilistic Forged Companion ≥ 1
Story Event (undefined :100%) The Sky
An Encounter in the Passageway
    • Pugilistic Forged Companion ≥ 1
Story Event (undefined :100%) The Sky
An Objection
    • Pugilistic Forged Companion ≥ 1
Story Event (undefined :100%) The Sky

First Officers Quartermasters Signallers Chief Engineers Mascots
Clayconductor icon Clay Conductor

Incognitoprincess icon Incognito Princess

Fortunatenavigator icon Fortunate Navigator

Locket icon Old Friend

Royaldispensation icon The Portrait of the Unseen Queen

Inconvenientaunt icon Inconvenient Aunt

Chiropteroushoarder icon Chiropterous Hoarder

Forgedcompanion icon Illusive Forged Companion

Forgedcompanion icon Poetic Forged Companion

Forgedcompanion icon Pugilistic Forged Companion

Forgedcompanion icon Studious Forged Companion

Fatalisticsignalman icon Fatalistic Signalman

Sigil4 icon 'Signs and Signals of the High Wilderness: an Omnibus'

Repentantdevil icon Repentant Devil

Amiablevagabond icon Amiable Vagabond

Incautiousdriver icon Incautious Driver

Ratbrigade icon The Rat Brigade

Felinedeccentric icon Felined Eccentric

Uselesscat icon Useless Cat

Inadvisablybigdog icon Inadvisably Big Dog

Blemmigan icon Blemmigan Voyager

Perfectpangolin icon Perfect Pangolin

Urchin icon Sky-Worn Urchin

Obviouslydeliciousrabbit icon Obviously Delicious Rabbit

Officer Name Skill Bonus Affiliation Bonus Recruited From
Inconvenientaunt icon Inconvenient Aunt
Inconvenientaunt icon Your Spymaster Aunt
Inconvenientaunt icon Your Revolutionary Aunt
Chiropteroushoarder icon Chiropterous Hoarder
Chiropteroushoarder icon Multiplicitous Hoarder
Chiropteroushoarder icon Immutable Hoarder
Forgedcompanion icon Illusive Forged Companion
Forgedcompanion icon Poetic Forged Companion
Forgedcompanion icon Pugilistic Forged Companion
Forgedcompanion icon Studious Forged Companion