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Reach Marauder
Type Outlaw
Location The Reach

[P]irates, outlaws and murderers, who adorn their scrappy locomotives with fearsome heraldry. Some are lone thieves; others are part of extensive criminal clans.[1]


Reach Marauders are aggressive enemy ships found in The Reach. Their gun deal 4 damage per hit. Destroying the Marauder gives you 114 Experience.

The Reach Marauder is Defeated[]

The Reach Marauder is Defeated
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 277242

You approach the buckled wreckage, poised to plunder the plunderers. Behind you, someone is humming a song of victory.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Demand their stolen souls
You had heard rumours of a Reach marauder that had turned to spirifage – the unlicensed trade in souls.
Recover its weaponry
The bridge is in ruins. The hold is crumpled. But its main gun has survived. An engineering crew could remove it intact.

Game note: This will give you a small weapon that you can equip while in dock, or sell to an equipment shop.

A rare find!
Your crew return in one piece and bearing the spoils of your victory. "It was a right devil to remove, Captain!" says the lead engineer. "Hope you'll make good use of it." The Marauder cannon launches chunks of jagged, superheated rock via a brutally basic mechanism. Simple. Ruthless. Effective.
Raid the safe
Your guns have reduced the door to a smouldering heap, but sovereigns are surprisingly durable.

Game note: Gain Sovereigns.

The marauders haunt the Reach like bats in an attic. They spend their ill gotten gains in the more licentious ports – acquiring sins in the riot of Lustrum, before weeping their confessionals at Magdalene's – but a few meagre funds remain.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Loot the hold
Some of it is even intact.

Game note: You may gain unusual cargo.

Strip the engine for materials
Let the marauder find a better use in death than it had in life.

Game note: Gain Hull. Your Mirrors skill will slightly affect how much you repair.

Your crew go to work eagerly, vaulting out into the bright, tools at the ready. The stripping of the Marauder is slow and painful work – they are cobbled together of stolen parts – finding suitable fits for your own engine is a process of trial and error. Many of your crew will have lost friends, family, lovers to the marauders. It speeds the work.
Advanced query needs investigation

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Explore the captain's cabin
The marauders are rarely democratic. The captain rules by strength and claims the best for their own keep.

Game note: Seek unusual items.

Failed event
The door eventually yields after sufficient bashing with a large hammer. Inside, the room is a wreck. The damage is greater (and more specific) than could have been achieved by your guns. The carpets are mauled. The desk oozes. Precious charts have been regurgitated. It seems the captain had a pet. It's in the corner, there, with the very long shadow indeed. It is decidedly unhappy. A change of scene may do it good.
Successful event
The cabin door did not survive the onset of your guns. Nor did the captain. You have to tread carefully. The carpet will not be saved. A few scorched documents sit on the bronzewood desk. They make for interesting reading. Apparently London had need of a few brave captains willing to bring fire to the Tacketies. You would not have expected the signatories of the orders.
Board the defeated Marauder
To the victor, the spoils.
All that remains
The crew of the Marauder lie dead in the corridor, killed not by your guns, but knives and small arms fire. The only survivor is the captain, locked in the brig with a bottle of brandy. Chalk eyes stare back from every wall. When he ran out of chalk, he began scraping them in with his fingernails. Little remains of them but bloodied stumps. "Seen this before, Cap'n," says a crew-member, grasping your arm. "Sky-madness. Magdalene's can treat it, if you can be bothered to take the poor sod."
Bring the poor fellow on board
The High Wilderness is cruel. This could easily be you, one day.

Game note: This will begin a short quest.

The crew wrap the Sky-Maddened Captain in blankets then secure them tightly with belts. It takes four to transport him safely to your locomotive. He might not be happy restrained, but it should keep him from harm until you get him to Magdalene's.

[Directions are given here].

The captain secured, you have a moment to see whether there's anything of worth on his locomotive before abandoning it to the Wilderness.
Put him out of his misery
A single bullet will do it.
The Sky-Maddened Captain writhes once, then is silenced, still. Your crew move swiftly – anxious to loot the train or, perhaps, to evade your glance.
Raid the remains
Marauders pillage homesteads and hunt travellers all across the Reach. They often carry stolen valuables.
Ill-got gains
Your boarding party returns with wallets and watches, cuff-links, lockets and keepsakes. You store them in the safe, to be pawned when – if – you make it back to port.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Strip it for repairs
Scavenge the Marauder's plating and components to repair the damaged Orphean.
Putting it to use
Your engineers scour the remains of the Marauder for intact parts. Even before its defeat, it was rusting and rickety, its plating a patchwork of reclaimed steel and re-purposed bronzewood. But enough can be salvaged to repair some of the damage to your own locomotive.
Advanced query needs investigation


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Albion Albion MarauderBull CantankeriCantankeriColonised CantankeriCuratorDeranged DreadnoughtEnduring DreadnoughtGlorious DreadnoughtGrave RobberMinistry MonitorScrive-SpinsterSenior ScrivenerStar-Maddened ExplorerStar-Seared ExplorerThe Guests
Eleutheria Bull CantankeriCantankeriCuratorDouserEmpyrean OutriderMinistry MonitorScorn FlukeScrive-SpinsterSenior ScrivenerSleeping GrieverStar-Seared ExplorerUndeparted
The Blue Kingdom Aureate LogosBlue LogosCantankeriCuratorEater of the DeadRed LogosScorn FlukeScrive-SpinsterSenior ScrivenerSpirifer Engine