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Repentant Devil | |
Position | Signaller |
Effects |
Promotions | ![]() |
Data ID | 132934 |
Interaction ID | 297621 |
The Repentant Devil is an officer who can be found at Port Avon.
He has been everywhere at least once, including several places that don't yet exist.
The Repentant Devil can be recruited at Port Avon so long as their story line has not already been completed in the current lineage. This costs 100 Sovereigns.
To promote the Repentant Devil to the Defiant Devel, you must make choices during his quest line to acquire the Devil's Rebellion quality. The two opportunities to do so are "Dwell on his revolutionary tendencies" at The Brass Embassy, and "Help him direct his rage" at the Well of the Wolf. If you do not chose at least one of these options, the Repentant Devil will leave your service at the end of the storyline.
The Repentant Devil[]
He looks younger than most Devils, but he is significantly older. His gaze is blank and yellow, a wall against speculation. He grooms his sideburns artfully, and knows how to be tactful with less seasoned members of the crew.
Actions | Requirements | Effects | Notes |
Converse with your Signaller
Where is he from? What are his tastes?
Failed event | |
Tact but no information
You ask about his past, and you find yourself telling him about your childhood. You ask about his travels, and a moment later you're divulging all of your own recent stops. He is not unpleasant, not in the least, but you can never keep to the track you want to be on.
| |||
Successful event | |||
Parrying, suspicion, and a few hints
He sits with his back to the door, and answers your questions with more questions. It's more than ordinary caginess. He does not trust you. Which is strange, considering how hard he wrangled to be aboard this engine in the first place.
Once he asks, rather abruptly, how long your crew have been with you, and whether you took on anyone new at the last port. You cannot tell whether he likes your answer. Game note: Perhaps, in time, he will come to trust you more. | |||
Ask him about the recently departed
Officers who generate corpses on your locomotive are a liability.
Under pursuit
"He was a stowaway," explains the Devil indifferently. "He's been stalking me for more than a month. I thought I'd lost him when I came aboard. Then he turned up in my quarters."
From the body, he has lifted a clinking bag of souls. "Perhaps he was sent to bribe me rather than to kill me." He tilts his head to consider the soul collection. "Apparently thinks I'm a cheap hire, if so." The Devil's gaze reverts to you. "I regret to say, this is probably not the last time this happens. I may be destined to attract negative attention."
Ask the Repentant Devil about his possible enemies
If he's attracting assassins onto your locomotive, you deserve to know everything. Though he'll see that point of view better if plied with tea.
A count of past acquaintances
"I have had three particular friends," he says. "Two of them I think are dead, and as for the third... it would not be her style to look for me. But if I were to trace this matter, it would take me to Carillon and to London. And to the Well of the Wolf."
He catches the corner of your glance. "You asked about my enemies, I know," he says. "But when you get to my age, it's the same thing."
Ask the Repentant Devil about his former friend at Carillon
Or at least, the friend he would expect to find there.
"I don't make a habit of visiting Carillon," the Devil says. "It would be better not to attempt soul purification at all, than do such a clumsy job of it. Besides, there is the risk that I would be recognised there, if I gave my name. I am the one who devised the original methods they're currently executing in parody. And... well."
He considers the top of the table. "Hero worship from the incompetent is always awkward."
Debrief him on Carillon
He is simmering with the desire to comment.
Past passions
"If I were younger," remarks the Repentant Devil, "I would take that place from its current ownership and turn it into a fitting demonstration of the refinements of the soul. You! I could even work with you, if I turned your ribs to glass..."
And he's lost in a reverie, like a tailor seized with the vision of the ideal trousers for a particularly difficult client. When he recollects that you're still present, he adds: "You may have noticed that they do not bother to prepare each soul to order. That's the real art, of course. Match the Soul to its Judgement." |
Ask him about the Well of the Wolf
He looks his most forbidding when you pry into this question.
Friends past
"There is a friend – a colleague – from the earliest part of my life. She died, as far as I know, in the fighting before the Devils went to Caduceus and escaped the Judgements. But that was then. If she is less dead now, I would expect to find her at the Well of the Wolf. She always did have a taste for dramatic protests."
He looks unapproachably morose for a few minutes, then adds: "I have no taste for places that celebrate defeat. But I will go where I must."
Agree to a private rendezvous
Allow him to distract you from the unhappy topic of the Well of the Wolf. He is in the mood for something more carnal than conversation; he says he is curious whether old skills hold.
Demonstration match
He whispers a command that makes you draw breath: in, in, in, more than your lungs should hold. Your rib cage vaults like a cathedral, your sight blackens, your mouth tastes like a phoenix on fire.
Then all that you were holding too tightly passes from you in a curl of incense-smoke. After this lustration, he too uncoils. Winged, burning, elliptical. This being could throttle a volcano, could summon back a comet from aphelion. The joke and the pleasure of it is that so much should be focused on you, and that you should be able to endure it. Which is his doing too.
Ask more about rebelling against the Judgements
Perhaps he will explain more now than he would before.
The wrong methods
"It was a waste," the Repentant Devil says. "The protests, the peaceful fights and the violent ones. We were never likely to win by those methods."
You wait. "Control what something consumes," he says, "and you control what it is. The feeding of stars is a delicate art. I had spent centuries in cultivating them, studying their palates, watching for evidence of their responsive growth. I had influence. Now, how much can any Devil say the same?" |
Ask him about the friend in London
The Baroness: he's told you that much.
A warning
"My contact in London belongs to the old aristocracy," he says. "We will find her, perhaps, in the ruins of the palace stables, chewing all the gilding off a state carriage ten years past its last parade. If not there, then some place similar.
"She does not much like humans, unless they happen to be the Crown Prince of a dissolved monarchy, or the general of an exiled army. The fact that you are with me will not pacify her. The last time we spoke, I took off one of her legs. "So bring a tribute. Immaculate souls." |
Talk about the Baroness
Surely he has more to say.
A former roommate
"I used to live with her," he says. "For centuries, before the republic. She gave me a safe haven. I gave her the wreck of power. I had been something, and now I was not. You've seen how she is. She'll sit in the ruins of the Brass Embassy for a century if nothing dislodges her, feeding her babies on the pulp of diplomatic dispatches."
On the topic of those babies, you rather thought you saw her eat one of her larvae, as you were leaving. "The uselessness and hiding wore on me. Overthrowing the aristocracy was something to do." |
Assemble the Devil's Evidence
Three documents lie on the table, ready to be deciphered and translated from the infernal tongues. Some words are visible only in the right light.
He looks as pleased as you have ever seen him
It takes some hours to sort the matter out, but it becomes clear in the end.
"I have the measure of my attacker now," he says. "If I were a younger Devil, I would even be flattered. My old abilities are in demand. The Sun of the Blue Kingdom has put out a reward for the first person to kidnap me and bring me under guard to Sky Barnet, there to assist in the service of its appetites."
Show him your Chorister Bee
It is the sort of thing that tends to interest Devils.
Raised brows
"That," says the Repentant Devil, "contains one of the King of Carols. It will go on singing in that gloomy way for as long as you permit."
He glances away and pretends to go back to his work, but you have seen it, just for a moment: appetite, curiosity. He is a scientist of sorts, after all.
Make his status here permanent
Who would he like to be, if he is free to travel with you?
Game note: This will transform the Repentant Devil into the Defiant Devil, a Signaller who increases your Veils by 10 and your Affiliation: Academe by 2. |
Subtlety, scholarship, room for his library
You offer him room to experiment. Freedom to travel. Protection, as much as you can offer, from the interference of any further agents of the Blue Kingdom. Either he is touched, or he has the tact to pretend that he is. At any rate, he accepts.
Game note: You can appoint the Defiant Devil to be your Signaller when you are docked in port.
Offer him safe haven aboard
Who cares if a Judgement is looking for him? He belongs here with you.
Game note: The Devil's travels with you have led to this decision. It will determine his future. |
He has tried everything but rebelling against the Judgements directly
And now, perhaps, it is time. Now, of all times, perhaps it is possible to take action, and have some hope of winning.
Offer him passage to his new home at Sky Barnet
He would be able to serve the Judgement there. It would not be so terrible to have a friend in the Blue Kingdom.
Game note: The Devil's travels with you have led to this decision. It will determine his future. |
He has missed his old occupation
"Some people would consider this submission," the Repentant Devil says, leaning back in his chair. "Obeying the command of a Judgement, after all that has happened, after all they have destroyed..."
But it is different for him. To the Repentant Devil, it is a return, a reinstatement. A glorious recovery from exile.
Offer to drop him off somewhere safe for retirement
If he wants to step aside, you can find him a place to retire.
Game note: The Devil's travels with you have led to this decision. It will determine his future. |
Will he be happy in such a circumstance?
Perhaps, if you find him somewhere the agents of the Blue Kingdom are not likely to look at him, he will at least be untroubled. Perhaps that would be enough. Caduceus, perhaps. Someplace where there are other devils to keep him company.
Ask him about his memories of Caduceus
He must have passed through there at one time.
He looks distant
"After the Well of the Wolf," he says, "the Devils could no longer remain in the sight of the Judgements: not if we intended to live. We escaped through Caduceus into Parabola, the place that is not; and from there onward. We were a people in exile. Not strong enough to take a place and hold it for our own. Not weak enough to be welcomed as refugees. It was an intolerable time and I take no pleasure in remembering it."
Ask him about the state of your soul
He surely has an opinion.
A sardonic smile
"Your soul," he lies, "is magnificent. I have studied the souls of men and of angels, I have extracted the penitence of Saints, I have removed the knowledge-lust from an Astronomer through a borehole in the back of his head. I have seethed a Crown Princess' sister in mares' milk until there was no more jealousy in her. But I have never, never known a soul to equal yours."
Ask him about the state of your soul
He must know how it appears.
He smiles blandly
"It is not worth much, in its present condition," he says plainly. "Too flawed. I could cure you of all that, if I had time, and if I cared, and if it were not just as easy to take any of a dozen other innocent souls in a better state of repair. If you want it improved, you might, I suppose, try your luck at Carillon."
Ask him about the state of your soul
Perhaps he has noticed that it is magnificently slimy.
Beyond useless
"I have rarely seen such a combination of stains, flaws, and disappointing features," he admits. "You are to be congratulated: I assume this was intentional. You could hardly have done it by accident."
A Secondment: Listen to the Devil's Suggestion
He has been giving you meaningful glances. He must want something.
A request for leave at the Avid Horizon
He laughs when approached. "Oh dear, a little obvious, perhaps." His gaze is amused and flickers with intensity.
"I have an idea that might be beneficial for us both. I'd like to improve the lives of the workers at the Home Office on the Avid Horizon, if you don't mind permitting me a little shore leave." Game note: The Devil will generate new Prospects at the Avid Horizon if placed on Secondment there. |
Quality status[]
Repentant Devil has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.
Interaction description[]
These desciptions appear specifically when the value changes.
- [0] The Repentent Devil has left your engine.
- [1] You have recruited the Repentant Devil.
Interactions in Brief[]
Click Expand on the right for more.
Interaction | Action | Result Type | Change |
Explore London | 'Look for the Baroness of Hell' | Requirement | ≥ 1 |
Discussion with the Presiding Deviless | 'Introduce the Repentant Devil to the Presiding Deviless' | Requirement | ≥ 1 |
The Place of the Rose | 'Drop the Repentant Devil here' | Requirement | ≥ 1 |
The Place of the Rose | 'Drop the Repentant Devil here' | Default / Challenge Fail | = 0 |
The Well of the Wolf | 'Help the Repentant Devil look for what he seeks' | Requirement | ≥ 1 |
The Well of the Wolf | 'Leave the Repentant Devil here' | Requirement | ≥ 1 |
The Well of the Wolf | 'Leave the Repentant Devil here' | Default / Challenge Fail | = 0 |
The Repentant Devil | 'Make his status here permanent' | Requirement | ≥ 1 |
The Repentant Devil | 'Make his status here permanent' | Default / Challenge Fail | = 0 |
Recruit a Repentant Devil | 'Offer him a berth' | Default / Challenge Fail | = 1 |
Recruit a Repentant Devil | 'Offer him a berth' | Default / Challenge Fail | = 1 |
Drop Off the Repentant Devil | 'Leave the Devil here' | Requirement | ≥ 1 |
Drop Off the Repentant Devil | 'Leave the Devil here' | Default / Challenge Fail | = 0 |
The Devil at the Avid Horizon | 'Drop off the Devil' | Default / Challenge Fail | = 0 |
The Devil at the Avid Horizon | 'Pick up the Devil' | Default / Challenge Fail | + [q:139825] |
Interactions in Detail[]
Click Expand on the right for more.
Story | Action | Required | Effect |
Explore London | Look for the Baroness of Hell | Default:
| |
Discussion with the Presiding Deviless | Introduce the Repentant Devil to the Presiding Deviless |
The Place of the Rose | Drop the Repentant Devil here |
The Well of the Wolf | Help the Repentant Devil look for what he seeks |
Leave the Repentant Devil here |
| |
The Repentant Devil | Make his status here permanent |
Recruit a Repentant Devil | Offer him a berth |
Offer him a berth |
| |
Drop Off the Repentant Devil | Leave the Devil here |
The Devil at the Avid Horizon | Drop off the Devil | Default:
| |
Pick up the Devil | Default:
Triggered Events[]
Click Expand on the right for more.
Story | Requirements | Type | Location |
The Repentant Devil |
Story Event (Always :100%) | Limbo |
An Incident with the Repentant Devil |
Story Event (Always :100%) | The Sky |
Recruit a Repentant Devil |
Story Event (Always :100%) | Port Avon Dock |
Drop Off the Repentant Devil |
Story Event (Always :100%) | The Toll-Tower |
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