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Resupply the Cache
Signalbox ambience
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 296548

Resupply the Cache is a Sunless Skies Story Event.

Story description[]

A skyfarer's debt risks drawing the Burrower's attention – or so the more superstitious of your crew say. Still, there are pragmatic reasons to refill the signal box caches while you can. Lives depend on them being well stocked. Perhaps your own, one day.

Trigger conditions[]

Area: Limbo
Frequency: Always (100%)


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Perhaps not
You can't – or won't – afford the sacrifice.
Restock the cache with fuel
Between you and a couple of stokers, it shouldn't take too long to fill the trunk.
    • Fuel square icon 1 x Fuel

    • Sovereigns icon Debt ≥ 1 [You have accrued debt. Your crew may become anxious while it hangs over you]

Your crew's relief at lowering the debt is palpable. Their assistance is willing and eager, making transferring the fuel light work.
Restock the cache with supplies
Salted meat and hard tack could make the difference between a crew returning to their loved ones in port, and a locomotive drifting unmanned in the cold.
    • Supplies square icon 1 x Supplies

    • Sovereigns icon Debt ≥ 1 [You have accrued debt. Your crew may become anxious while it hangs over you]

Your cook pouts when you requisition the food. But he doesn't argue – he understands the necessity of the act.


Links In[]

Signalbox ambience An Abandoned Signal Box

Links Out[]

Signalbox ambience An Abandoned Signal Box

Template:Navbox story events
