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Roll of Thirsty Bombazine
Category Cargo
Type Goods
Price Sovereigns icon 150 Sovereigns
Data ID 131669

Bombazineroll square icon Roll of Thirsty Bombazine is a cargo item.


"This midnight-hued fabric grows heavy with devoured light. The perfect adornment for ostentatious grief and clandestine activity."


Roll of Thirsty Bombazine can be obtained in many ways.

The repeatable ways to obtain Roll of Thirsty Bombazine are:

See the tables below for more details.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Cache of Curiosities 'A Faceted Decanter' Default / Challenge Fail + [d:2]
The Jolly Anchorite 'Give an Offering' Requirement ≥ 1
The Jolly Anchorite 'Give an Offering' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Jolly Anchorite 'Give an Offering' Success + -1
The Jolly Anchorite 'Give an Offering' Rare Success -1
The Sun-Shattered Dome 'Attempt to navigate the bad patch' Success +1
Rubbery Trinkets and Curiosities 'Trade for a Curiosity' Default / Challenge Fail + [d:3]
The Office of Works '"Oh yes. Work order seven-seven-seven-seven-dash-jee."' Requirement ≥ 2
The Office of Works '"Oh yes. Work order seven-seven-seven-seven-dash-jee."' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Eleutherian Transit Relay to the Reach 'Acquire a travel permit' Requirement ≥ 1
The Eleutherian Transit Relay to the Reach 'Acquire a travel permit' Default / Challenge Fail -1
A New Patron 'Ask the Senatorial Professor Hill to be your Patron' Requirement ≥ 1
A New Patron 'Ask the Senatorial Professor Hill to be your Patron' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Nurseries 'Acquire a death' Requirement ≥ 2
The Nurseries 'Acquire a death' Default / Challenge Fail -2
A Resurrectionist, Deceased 'Search the locomotive for valuables' Success +1
Fire in the Hold 'Smother the fire with Thirsty Bombazine' Requirement ≥ 1
Fire in the Hold 'Smother the fire with Thirsty Bombazine' Default / Challenge Fail -1
His Lordship's Grand Clear-Out 'Acquire a Roll of Thirsty Bombazine' Default / Challenge Fail +1

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Cache of Curiosities A Faceted Decanter Default:

The Jolly Anchorite Give an Offering Default: Success:
    • Bombazineroll icon -1 x Roll of Thirsty Bombazine
Rare Success:

The Sun-Shattered Dome Attempt to navigate the bad patch Success:

Rubbery Trinkets and Curiosities Trade for a Curiosity Default:

The Office of Works "Oh yes. Work order seven-seven-seven-seven-dash-jee." Default:

The Eleutherian Transit Relay to the Reach Acquire a travel permit Default:

A New Patron Ask the Senatorial Professor Hill to be your Patron Default:

The Nurseries Acquire a death Default:

A Resurrectionist, Deceased Search the locomotive for valuables Success:
    • Bombazineroll icon +1 x Roll of Thirsty Bombazine

Fire in the Hold Smother the fire with Thirsty Bombazine
    • Bombazineroll icon Roll of Thirsty Bombazine ≥ 1
    • Bombazineroll icon -1 x Roll of Thirsty Bombazine

His Lordship's Grand Clear-Out Acquire a Roll of Thirsty Bombazine Default:

Shop availability[]

Shop Location Buy Price Sell Price
Shopgeneric icon Victoria Market Newwinchester icon New Winchester -
Shopgeneric icon Spitalfields Market London icon London -
Shopgeneric icon The Night Market Pan icon Pan -
Shopgeneric icon The Cloakroom Langleyhall icon Langley Hall -
Shopgeneric icon The Turret Tolltower icon Sky Barnet -


Bargain Name Item Sold Cost per Item Amount Location Unlocked with Profit
A Bombazinous bargain Bombazineroll square icon Roll of Thirsty Bombazine Sovereigns icon 115 Sovereigns 7 Langleyhall icon Langley Hall

Naturereserve icon Leadbeater & Stainrod's Nature Reserve
Piranesi icon Piranesi
Royalsociety icon The Royal Society
Traitorswood icon Traitor's Wood

Affiliationacadame icon Affiliation: Academe ≥ 4 Sovereigns icon 35 Sovereigns
A Tableaux Mort Bombazineroll square icon Roll of Thirsty Bombazine Sovereigns icon 115 Sovereigns 7 Serenemausoleum iconThe Most Serene Mausoleum Sovereigns icon 35 Sovereigns
Bales of cellar-woven Bombazine Bombazineroll square icon Roll of Thirsty Bombazine Sovereigns icon 115 Sovereigns 5

Hybras icon Hybras
Portavon icon Port Avon

Sovereigns icon 35 Sovereigns
Robes of Bombazine Bombazineroll square icon Roll of Thirsty Bombazine Sovereigns icon 115 Sovereigns 3 Whitewell icon The White Well Sovereigns icon 35 Sovereigns
The Weavers of Eleutheria Bombazineroll square icon Roll of Thirsty Bombazine Sovereigns icon 115 Sovereigns 3 Any bazaar on Eleutheria

Achlys icon Achlys
Caduceus icon Caduceus
Eaglesempyrean icon Eagle's Empyrean
Langleyhall icon Langley Hall
Piranesi icon Piranesi
Houseofrodsandchains icon The House of Rods and Chains

Sovereigns icon 35 Sovereigns


Prospect Name Item Required Amount Region Delivery Location Unlocked with Earned per item Total earned Bonus
A Surfeit of Sunlight: Bombazine for the Mausoleum Bombazineroll square icon Roll of Thirsty Bombazine 3 Albion Serenemausoleum icon The Most Serene Mausoleum Fuel icon The Strength of the Sun ≥ 67 Sovereigns icon 250 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 750 Sovereigns
The Master's New Cloak: Bombazine to the House of Rods and Chains Bombazineroll square icon Roll of Thirsty Bombazine 3 Eleutheria Houseofrodsandchains icon The House of Rods and Chains Sovereigns icon 250 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 750 Sovereigns
Under Cover of Darkness: Bombazine to the Eagle Bombazineroll square icon Roll of Thirsty Bombazine 3 Eleutheria Eaglesempyrean icon Eagle's Empyrean Sovereigns icon 250 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 750 Sovereigns
The Murgatroyd Files: Secrets within Bombazine Bombazineroll square icon Roll of Thirsty Bombazine 7 Eleutheria Lustrum icon Lustrum Completed the Murgatroyd Run ≥ 1 Sovereigns icon 209Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 1463 Sovereigns
The Art of Adventure: Bombazine for the Forge of Souls Bombazineroll square icon Roll of Thirsty Bombazine 7 The Blue Kingdom Forgeofsouls icon The Forge of Souls Affiliationbohemia icon Affiliation: Bohemia ≥ 2 Sovereigns icon 275 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 1925 Sovereigns
A Rose by Another Name: Red Honey for the Empyrean Redhoney square icon Firkin of Red Honey 7 The Reach - Eleutheria Eaglesempyrean icon Eagle's Empyrean Sovereigns icon 200 Sovereigns Sovereigns icon 1400 Sovereigns

Fuel & Supplies Fuel square icon Fuel Supplies square icon Supplies Petrichor square icon Petrichor
Cargo BarrelofUnseasonedHours square icon Barrel of Unseasoned Hours
Bronzewood square icon Bronzewood
Tea square icon Caddy of Dried Tea
Cagedcatch square icon Caged Catch
Munitions square icon Carefully-Packed Crate of Munitions
Navarantinegemstones square icon Cask of Navaratine Gemstones
CrateofNostalgicCrockery square icon Crate of Nostalgic Crockery
Choristernectar square icon Gourd of Chorister Nectar
Undistinguishedsouls square icon Jumble of Undistinguished Souls
Ministryliterature square icon Ministry-Approved Literature
Stainedglass square icon Pane of Stained Glass
Bombazineroll square icon Roll of Thirsty Bombazine
Verdantseeds square icon Sack of Verdant Seeds
Selectionofimmaculatesouls square icon Selection of Immaculate Souls
Contraband Redhoney square icon Firkin of Red Honey Starshine square icon Hogshead of Starshine Illicitliterature square icon Trunk of Illicit Literature
Other Curatorsegg square icon Curator's Egg Clock square icon Ravelling Jack Affiliationacadame square icon Unidentifiable Squirming