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Senior Scrivener
Type Sky-Beast
Location Albion, Eleutheria, The Blue Kingdom

Senior Scriveners are elite Scrive-Spinsters found only in Albion, Eleutheria, and The Blue Kingdom.


A Senior Scriveners are aggressive and have two projectile attack; one where they fire four homing projectiles that deal 4 Hull damage, and another where they fire one long range projectile that deal 12 Hull damage. To avoid, it is recommended to use the side-thrusters. If you get too close, they will use an aura attack that deal 2 Hull damage along with increasing your terror by 10(?).

A Senior Scrivener, Slaughtered[]

A Senior Scrivener, Slaughtered
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 300337

Once, the Senior Scrivener was an ancient servitor of the stars, feared among even its own kind. Now, it is broken, and hangs haphazardly in the sky like a puppet whose strings have been cut.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Help the Navigator show his friend the defeated monster
The Navigator has put on a sky-suit and re-tied Altan's wrists and ankles. But he can't put on the corpse without assistance.
    • Fortunatenavigator icon The Navigator's Promise = 70 [The Fortunate Navigator wants to defeat a Scorn Fluke, Senior Spinster or Undeparted. He has suggested you search Eleutheria for the monsters]

Abrupt relief
The Navigator floats over to the defeated monster and does a triumphant jig on its remains, almost toppling over when he leans to give Altan a better view. For all its grotesqueness, such unbridled delight is contagious – the crew can't resist smiling. When the clambers back inside, he shrugs Altan's body to the floor, then props it against a wall. He unseals his helmet and turns to you: "We defeated that!" He holds up his hand. "Look – I'm shaking!" He sighs, suddenly exhausted.
Send out crewmen with axes
The Scrive-Spinsters were wrought from bronzewood, now popular with London train-wrights and cabinet-makers.

Game note: Try to gain Bronzewood.

    • Iron icon Iron challenge (42 for 100%)

Failed event Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Your guns did their work too well
The Scrivener has been reduced to smithereens. You scavenge a bundle of arm-length, razor-edged splinters. Not enough for the train yards, but perhaps enough for a new wardrobe or croquet set. Only the upper crust can afford goods made from the wood of a Senior Scrivener.
Successful event
The axes rise and the axes fall. A lambent mist complicates the endeavour, but eventually your expedition returns with a haul of logs. The wood of a Senior Scrivener is prized. It is said Her Renewed Majesty insists on writing with pens fashioned from it.
Recover sheaves of parchment
The Spinsters pin them into their coats and wigs. Yellowed with age, blotched with mildew, spidered with writing – what secrets do they hold?

Game note: Gain experience and a Moment of Inspiration or a Vision of the Heavens.

The by-laws of Heaven
Your crew lean from the outer hatches with boat hooks and nets, swiping at the fluttering pages like frenzied butterfly-catchers. Soon they have accumulated a small pile of parchment, dense with pictographic script. You carry it to your cabin.
Rare event (25%)
The pilgrim road
A brave crewman gathers a flapping clump of pages. The parchment is covered in intricacies of overlapping circles – the pilgrim-routes of celestial bodies, spinning around their suns.
Take the Scrivener's pen
The Phlegmatic Researcher in the Leadbeater & Stainrod Nature Reserve sees some scientific value in it.
The crew member sent out to retrieve the object is gone for some time. Evidently, the Spinster's grip, even in death, is tight. Her fingers must be hewn off to retrieve it.
Take the Scrivener's pen
The Phlegmatic Researcher in the Leadbeater & Stainrod Nature Reserve sees some scientific value in it.
The crew member sent out to retrieve the object is gone for some time. Evidently, the Spinster's grip, even in death, is tight. Her fingers must be hewn off to retrieve it.
Reclaim the corpse
Your crew isn't pleased by the prospect, but it's what the Carpenter needs to fix the Magician's equipment.
You haul the splintered corpse aboard. To put your crew at ease, you bind it with chains and bells. If it moves, you'll know, and it won't be able to get far. Deliver it to the Carpenter in Port Avon at your leisure.
Collect a Scrive-Spinster Trophy
The New Somerset Hunting Club will be pleased.
Mounted and ready
The crew set about the creature with hacksaws. No doubt when you return to the Club, the hunters will want the head varnished and mounted on mahogany, but this will do for the moment.
Share knowledge you've stolen from plundered libraries
Whisper something of what you've gleaned from these stolen texts to the dying scrivener. Perhaps it will respond.

Game note: Exchange Scraps of Ancient Knowledge for a Searing Enigma

A wooden claw hangs before you, waiting. The Scrivener tolerates you climbing up its arm to perch by its hood. Its hooded head swivels frantically, as though it can sense the texts you hold.

You must remove your helmet to talk to it. Your breath is frost-white; you cannot remain here long. You tell it all you can understand of your stolen scraps. The Scrivener does not respond.

As you are about to make your way back – it begins to whisper. It tells you the names of other servants born at the Forge of Souls. The Scrivener's life ends before it can finish.
Recover sheaves of parchment
The Spinsters sew them into their coats and wigs. Yellowed with age, blotched with mildew, spidered with writing – who knows what secrets they may hold.

Game note: Gain Experience and Scraps of Ancient Knowledge.

The libraries of Heaven
Quick work with the hacksaw detaches the cloak, exposing the spine, which bristles with parchment. You gather what you can: litanies of dead conjunctions; locations of destroyed libraries; compendiums of the myths of the stars.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.
The Reach Bull CantankeriCantankeriChorister BeesColonised CantankeriCuratorEnduring DreadnoughtMinistry MonitorReach MarauderScrive-SpinsterStar-Maddened ExplorerTackety LiberatorTackety ScoutThe Guests
Albion Albion MarauderBull CantankeriCantankeriColonised CantankeriCuratorDeranged DreadnoughtEnduring DreadnoughtGlorious DreadnoughtGrave RobberMinistry MonitorScrive-SpinsterSenior ScrivenerStar-Maddened ExplorerStar-Seared ExplorerThe Guests
Eleutheria Bull CantankeriCantankeriCuratorDouserEmpyrean OutriderMinistry MonitorScorn FlukeScrive-SpinsterSenior ScrivenerSleeping GrieverStar-Seared ExplorerUndeparted
The Blue Kingdom Aureate LogosBlue LogosCantankeriCuratorEater of the DeadRed LogosScorn FlukeScrive-SpinsterSenior ScrivenerSpirifer Engine