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Sigils Found
Category Journal
Type Correspondence Sigils – Once Lost, Now Found
Data ID 138930

Sigils Found is considered a Journal Quality Correspondence Sigils – Once Lost, Now Found in Sunless Skies.

Objective description[]

"One of the lost Correspondence Sigils, found."


Quality status[]

Sigils Found has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [1] Look for lost sigils. You need 6
  • [2] You have found a lost sigil. You need 5 more
  • [3] You have found a lost sigil. You need 4 more
  • [4] You have found a lost sigil. You need 3 more
  • [5] You have found a lost sigil. You need 2 more
  • [6] You have found a lost sigil. You need 1 more
  • [7] [COMPLETE]You have found enough lost sigils

Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear specifically when the value changes.

  • [1] Look for lost sigils. You need 6.
  • [2] You need 5 more.
  • [3] You need 4 more.
  • [4] You need 3 more.
  • [5] You need 2 more.
  • [6] You need 1 more.
  • [7] You have found enough.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
A Chorister-Corpse 'Copy part of a lost sigil from the bee's back' Requirement ≤ 6
A Chorister-Corpse 'Combine your sigil-pieces and reassemble the lost sigil' Requirement ≤ 6
Explore Lustrum 'Climb the Mother of Mountains in search of a lost sigil' Requirement ≤ 6
The Clockwork Sun 'Enquire after the lost sigils' Requirement ≤ 6
Azimuth 'Enquire after the lost sigils' Requirement ≤ 6
The Sun-Shattered Dome 'Search for a lost sigil' Requirement ≤ 6
The Clockwork Sun 'Enquire after the lost sigils' Requirement ≤ 6
The Pebble Beach 'Search for a lost sigil deep in the mists' Requirement ≤ 6
The Graveyard of Stars 'Search the frosted ruins for one of the lost sigils' Requirement ≤ 6
The Bandstand 'Scrutinise the devils' dance for a lost sigil' Requirement ≤ 6
The Hallowed Hallway 'Ask whether the post officer has seen any sigils' Requirement ≤ 6
The Warmest Kitchen 'Investigate the stove for a lost sigil' Requirement ≤ 6
Within a Weft of Unravelling Time 'Search the past for a lost Correspondence sigil' Requirement ≤ 6
The Inconceivable Circus! 'Climb the obelisk in search of a lost sigil' Requirement ≤ 6
[[[qvd:139348(storm_name)]]] 'Record the word the lightning wrote' Requirement ≤ 6
A Blind Hermitage 'Gather a fragment of a lost sigil' Requirement ≤ 6
A Blind Hermitage 'Assemble the fragments of the lost sigil' Requirement ≤ 6
A Meeting at the Crossroads 'Bribe them to let you copy the lost sigil' Requirement ≤ 6
An Undeparted, Defeated 'Find the Correspondence Sigil' Requirement ≤ 6
A Broken Transit Relay 'Examine the relay's Correspondence for one of the lost sigils' Requirement ≤ 6
Wellmouth 'Seek the lost Correspondence sigil' Requirement ≤ 6
An Enclave of the Dead 'Put together the lost sigil' Requirement ≤ 6
An Enclave of the Dead 'Persuade the dead to show you a piece of lost sigil' Requirement ≤ 6
The Final Moment of Acceleration 'Record the sigil more permanently' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Two Futures, Endlessly Circling 'Carve out the sigil' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Improbable Collusion of Two Unrelated Perils 'Make a quick but cautious rubbing' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Clerk of Sevens 'How can you help her?' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
The Clerk of Sevens 'Deliver the Correspondence that the Clerk requested' Requirement ≥ 7
The Clerk of Sevens 'Deliver the Correspondence that the Clerk requested' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
The Pain Experienced at Apogee 'Make a copy of the sigil' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Wound that Saves Your Life 'Store the sigil safely' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Commingling of Radiances 'A rubbing, identified' Default / Challenge Fail +1
An Elaborate But Fragile Artifice 'Duplicate the sigil' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Imagined Contents of a Span of Time Between When an Event was Supposed to Occur, and When it Finally Did 'Consider the meaning of the sigil' Default / Challenge Fail +1
UNUSED A Logoi, Bested 'Claim a fragment of a sigil' Requirement ≤ 5
UNUSED A Logoi, Bested 'Put together the sigil fragments' Requirement ≤ 5
To Become Fire Rather Than Be Burned 'Store the sigil safely' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Revelation that Uncertainty is Itself an Answer 'Record the sigil' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Mistake, Forged into a Triumph 'Store the sigil safely' Default / Challenge Fail +1
An Exchange of Burdens 'Rescue the sigil from its stand in the exhibition hall' Default / Challenge Fail +1
To Assemble a Name from Scars 'Render the sigil more permanent' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Erroneous Assumption That There Will be a Tomorrow 'Record it for others' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Conquest of an All-Too-Familiar Rival 'Make a permanent sketch of the sigil' Default / Challenge Fail +1
An Old Orbit, Fondly Remembered 'Copy it to your own journal' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Writ Upon the Heavens 'Record it, quickly' Default / Challenge Fail +1
One Fateful Event that Depends on Countless Others 'Record the sigil' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Blue Logos, Diminished 'Claim a fragment of a lost sigil' Requirement ≤ 6
A Blue Logos, Diminished 'Assemble the fragments of the lost sigil' Requirement ≤ 6
A Red Logos, Diminished 'Claim a fragment of a lost sigil' Requirement ≤ 5
A Red Logos, Diminished 'Assemble the fragments of the lost sigil' Requirement ≤ 5
An Aureate Logos, Diminished 'Claim a fragment of a sigil' Requirement ≤ 5
An Aureate Logos, Diminished 'Assemble the fragments of the lost sigil' Requirement ≤ 5

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
A Chorister-Corpse Copy part of a lost sigil from the bee's back Default:
Combine your sigil-pieces and reassemble the lost sigil Default:

Explore Lustrum Climb the Mother of Mountains in search of a lost sigil Default:

The Clockwork Sun Enquire after the lost sigils
Enquire after the lost sigils

Azimuth Enquire after the lost sigils

The Sun-Shattered Dome Search for a lost sigil Default:

The Pebble Beach Search for a lost sigil deep in the mists Default:

The Graveyard of Stars Search the frosted ruins for one of the lost sigils Default:

The Bandstand Scrutinise the devils' dance for a lost sigil Default:

The Hallowed Hallway Ask whether the post officer has seen any sigils

The Warmest Kitchen Investigate the stove for a lost sigil Default:

Within a Weft of Unravelling Time Search the past for a lost Correspondence sigil Default:

The Inconceivable Circus! Climb the obelisk in search of a lost sigil Default:

[[[qvd:139348(storm_name)]]] Record the word the lightning wrote Default:

A Blind Hermitage Gather a fragment of a lost sigil Default:
    • Sigil17 icon Sigil Fragment = 1 [You found a piece of a sigil at a Blind Hermitage. You need two more]
Assemble the fragments of the lost sigil Default:

A Meeting at the Crossroads Bribe them to let you copy the lost sigil Default:

An Undeparted, Defeated Find the Correspondence Sigil Default:

A Broken Transit Relay Examine the relay's Correspondence for one of the lost sigils Default:

Wellmouth Seek the lost Correspondence sigil Default:

An Enclave of the Dead Put together the lost sigil Default:
Persuade the dead to show you a piece of lost sigil Default:

The Final Moment of Acceleration Record the sigil more permanently None Default:

Two Futures, Endlessly Circling Carve out the sigil None Default:

The Improbable Collusion of Two Unrelated Perils Make a quick but cautious rubbing None Default:

The Clerk of Sevens Deliver the Correspondence that the Clerk requested Default:
How can you help her? None Default:
    • Sigil20 icon Searching for Sigils = 1 [The Clerk of Sevens gave you a note with three clues: 'Lustrum? And what about the Logoi? Or – \"Swallowed by the past in a place where the weft of time had frayed\" – What does this mean?']
    • Sigil20 icon Sigils Found = 1 [Look for lost sigils. You need 6]

The Pain Experienced at Apogee Make a copy of the sigil None Default:

The Wound that Saves Your Life Store the sigil safely None Default:

A Commingling of Radiances A rubbing, identified None Default:

An Elaborate But Fragile Artifice Duplicate the sigil None Default:

The Imagined Contents of a Span of Time Between When an Event was Supposed to Occur, and When it Finally Did Consider the meaning of the sigil None Default:

UNUSED A Logoi, Bested Claim a fragment of a sigil Default:
Put together the sigil fragments Default:

To Become Fire Rather Than Be Burned Store the sigil safely None Default:

The Revelation that Uncertainty is Itself an Answer Record the sigil None Default:

A Mistake, Forged into a Triumph Store the sigil safely None Default:

An Exchange of Burdens Rescue the sigil from its stand in the exhibition hall None Default:

To Assemble a Name from Scars Render the sigil more permanent None Default:

The Erroneous Assumption That There Will be a Tomorrow Record it for others None Default:

The Conquest of an All-Too-Familiar Rival Make a permanent sketch of the sigil None Default:

An Old Orbit, Fondly Remembered Copy it to your own journal None Default:

Writ Upon the Heavens Record it, quickly None Default:

One Fateful Event that Depends on Countless Others Record the sigil None Default:

A Blue Logos, Diminished Claim a fragment of a lost sigil Default:
    • Sigil1 icon Sigil Ember = 1 [You took a piece of a sigil from the body of a Logoi. You need two more]
Assemble the fragments of the lost sigil Default:

A Red Logos, Diminished Claim a fragment of a lost sigil Default:
    • Sigil1 icon Sigil Ember = 1 [You took a piece of a sigil from the body of a Logoi. You need two more]
Assemble the fragments of the lost sigil Default:

An Aureate Logos, Diminished Claim a fragment of a sigil Default:
    • Sigil1 icon Sigil Ember = 1 [You took a piece of a sigil from the body of a Logoi. You need two more]
Assemble the fragments of the lost sigil Default:

Triggered Events[]

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Story Requirements Type Location
Writ Upon the Heavens
    • Sigils Found ≤ 6
Story Event (Always :100%) Anywhere

Template:Navbox Journal
