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Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 312390

Skyhenge is a Sunless Skies Story Event.

Story description[]

You tether your engine to a circle of menhirs standing on a wide, stone ledge. The tallest towers over you, the height of three men. You can brush the top of the smallest with your fingers. The rocks are rough, weathered.

Far beneath the plain, other vast stone plates turn remorselessly. Here, the megalithic monument is still, but the place feels akilter. You stumble, as if dizzy.

Trigger conditions[]

Area: Limbo
Frequency: Always (100%)


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Whisper a Sky-Story to the tallest stone
It is said the stones are lonely.
Failed event

Advanced query needs investigation

Just a story for the stones
You lean close to the cold rock, and tell a story to a hollow in the stone. Nearby, your crew watch, clearly unsettled by the superstition. Your tale is finished. You pull yourself from the mehnir. The air hangs still. Nothing. Perhaps the stones have heard that story before.
Successful event
Bewildered; grateful
You lean your head against the cold rock, and murmur a tale of adventure to a hollow in the stone. It doesn't take long. You pull back from the mehnir. The air hangs still. Noth—

Someone swears. A stranger staggers towards you from between two stones. Their clothes are outdated, the fashion several years old. They head towards you – but you are not the captain they expected.

The new arrival is eager to board your locomotive. They'll take any role, just to get away.
Step inside the ring of stones
Stokers' tales say that if you bring an offering of hours to the circle, you will receive gifts in return.

Advanced query needs investigation

Step inside the ring of stones
Stokers' tales say that if you bring an offering of hours to the circle, you will receive gifts in return. Those stories proved true.
Inside as it is out
Your crew do not follow you in, but this time their fear is misplaced. You step between two stones, but there is no change. There is no altar. The lichen-mottled ground is clear of snow. When you turn, your crew are still visible, huddled together, past the stones. You merely stand in the centre of a ring of stones.
Leave the ring of stones
There is nothing for you here.


Links In[]

Between Seconds

Links Out[]

Between Seconds

Template:Navbox story events
