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Spoken of Barleycorn
Category Hidden
Type Officer: Chiropterous Hoarder
Data ID 140263

Spoken of Barleycorn is considered a Hidden Quality Officer: Chiropterous Hoarder in Sunless Skies.




Hidden Qualities are used to track various things and are invisble to the player.


Interactions in Brief[]

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Interaction Action Result Type Change
Mr Barleycorn's Belfry 'Pass on the Hoarder's message' Requirement ≥ 1
Mr Barleycorn's Belfry 'Pass on the Hoarder's message' Default / Challenge Fail = 2
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Show it the seal of Mr Barleycorn' Requirement ≤ 1
The Chiropterous Hoarder 'Show it the seal of Mr Barleycorn' Default / Challenge Fail = 1

Interactions in Detail[]

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Story Action Required Effect
Mr Barleycorn's Belfry Pass on the Hoarder's message
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Spoken of Barleycorn ≥ 1
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Spoken of Barleycorn = 2

The Chiropterous Hoarder Show it the seal of Mr Barleycorn Default:
    • Chiropteroushoarder icon Spoken of Barleycorn = 1

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