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The Citizen's Investigation
Category Journal
Type Ambition: the Truth
Data ID 139311

The Citizen's Investigation is considered a Journal Quality Ambition: the Truth in Sunless Skies.

Objective description[]

"The Masked Citizen is investigating 'the Courtesy', and the role of the Liberation of Night."


Quality status[]

The Citizen's Investigation has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [10] Help the Masked Citizen investigate 'the Courtesy'
  • [15] The Masked Citizen wants you to take them to Pan, when you're ready
  • [20] Travel to Pan and consult the Cyprus King about 'the Courtesy'
  • [30] Speak to the Masked Citizen at King's Idyll Station
  • [40] Join one of Pan's factions, advance within them to access to their inner mysteries, and ask about the Courtesy
  • [50] Return to the Masked Citizen at King's Idyll Station
  • [60] Consult the Halved about the Courtesty, at the Spire of Inches. The Spire can be found at the House of Rods and Chains
  • [70] You have learned the truth of the Courtesy. Return the Citizen to New Winchester
  • [100] [COMPLETE]You have completed the Masked Citizen's investigation into the Courtesy

Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear specifically when the value changes.

  • [10] The Masked Citizen is investigating 'the Courtesy'.
  • [15] The Masked Citizen wants you to take them to Pan, when you're ready.
  • [20] Travel to Pan and consult the Cyprus King about 'the Courtesy'.
  • [30] Speak to the Masked Citizen at King's Idyll Station.
  • [40] Join one of Pan's factions, advance to access to their innermost mysteries, and ask about the Courtesy.
  • [50] Return to the Masked Citizen at King's Idyll Station.
  • [60] Consult the Halved about the Courtesty, at the Spire of Inches. The Spire can be found at the House of Rods and Chains.
  • [70] You have learned the truth of the Courtesy. Return the Citizen to New Winchester.
  • [100] You have completed the Masked Citizen's investigation into the Courtesy.

Variable Interaction description[]

These desciptions appear when a specific group is called for text.


  • [30] The Masked Citizen leads you away from the populated parts of Pan's ruins and into a statued grove. \"We can speak here,\" they say.
  • [40] You arrange to meet the Citizen in the statued grove. Somewhere nearby a revel of Pan's citizens processes through the trees. You see bobbing amber lamps and hear voices raised in laughter and anguish.


Interactions in Brief[]

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Interaction Action Result Type Change
Mr Barleycorn's Belfry 'Ambition: Consult the midnight sun about the Courtesy' Requirement ≥ 60 ≤ 60
The Adamant Idol 'Ambition: Ask "What is the Courtesy?"' Requirement ≥ 40 ≤ 40
The Adamant Idol 'Ambition: Ask "What is the Courtesy?"' Default / Challenge Fail = 50
A Dining Table in the Conservatory 'Ambition: Ask "What is the Courtesy?"' Requirement ≥ 40 ≤ 40
A Dining Table in the Conservatory 'Ambition: Ask "What is the Courtesy?"' Default / Challenge Fail = 50
Visit the Cypress King 'Ambition: Consult the King about the Courtesy' Requirement ≥ 20 ≤ 20
Visit the Cypress King 'Ambition: Consult the King about the Courtesy' Default / Challenge Fail = 30
The Second Storyteller 'Ambition: Ask "What is the Courtesy?"' Requirement ≥ 40 ≤ 40
The Second Storyteller 'Ambition: Ask "What is the Courtesy?"' Default / Challenge Fail = 50
Ambition: the Stars are Dying 'Inform the captains that you will be taking your friend's place' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Ambition: the Stars are Dying 'Aid the Citizen's investigation into 'the Courtesy Requirement ≥ 10 ≤ 10
Ambition: the Stars are Dying 'Aid the Citizen's investigation into 'the Courtesy Default / Challenge Fail = 15
Ambition: the Stars are Dying 'Convey the Masked Citizen to Pan' Requirement ≥ 15 ≤ 15
Ambition: the Stars are Dying 'Convey the Masked Citizen to Pan' Default / Challenge Fail = 20
Ambition: the Stars are Dying 'Part ways with the Masked Citizen' Requirement ≥ 70 ≤ 70
Ambition: the Stars are Dying 'Part ways with the Masked Citizen' Default / Challenge Fail = 100
Ambition: the Stars are Dying 'Put the pieces together' Requirement ≥ 100
Ambition: the Stars are Dying 'Put the pieces together' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
Ambition: the Masked Citizen at Pan 'Ask why they can't join one of the factions' Requirement ≥ 40 ≤ 40
Ambition: the Masked Citizen at Pan 'Discuss your next steps' Requirement ≥ 30 ≤ 30
Ambition: the Masked Citizen at Pan 'Discuss your next steps' Default / Challenge Fail = 40
Ambition: the Masked Citizen at Pan 'Inform the Citizen about what you have learned' Requirement ≥ 50 ≤ 50
Ambition: the Masked Citizen at Pan 'Inform the Citizen about what you have learned' Default / Challenge Fail = 60
Speaking to your Second Mouth 'Ask it what the Courtesy is' Default / Challenge Fail = 61
Speaking to your Second Mouth 'Ask how the Courtesy keeps its existence a secret' Requirement ≥ 61
Speaking to your Second Mouth 'Ask what the Logoi are' Requirement ≥ 61
Speaking to your Second Mouth 'Ask why the suns are determined to keep the Courtesy a secret' Requirement ≥ 61
Speaking to your Second Mouth 'Ask why the suns are determined to keep the Courtesy a secret' Default / Challenge Fail = 65
Speaking to your Second Mouth 'Withdraw' Requirement ≥ 65 ≤ 65
Speaking to your Second Mouth 'Withdraw' Default / Challenge Fail = 70

Interactions in Detail[]

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Story Action Required Effect
Mr Barleycorn's Belfry Ambition: Consult the midnight sun about the Courtesy
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 60 [Consult the Halved about the Courtesty, at the Spire of Inches. The Spire can be found at the House of Rods and Chains]

The Adamant Idol Ambition: Ask "What is the Courtesy?"
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 40 [Join one of Pan's factions, advance within them to access to their inner mysteries, and ask about the Courtesy]
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 50 [Return to the Masked Citizen at King's Idyll Station]

A Dining Table in the Conservatory Ambition: Ask "What is the Courtesy?"
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 40 [Join one of Pan's factions, advance within them to access to their inner mysteries, and ask about the Courtesy]
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 50 [Return to the Masked Citizen at King's Idyll Station]

Visit the Cypress King Ambition: Consult the King about the Courtesy
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 20 [Travel to Pan and consult the Cyprus King about 'the Courtesy']

The Second Storyteller Ambition: Ask "What is the Courtesy?"
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 40 [Join one of Pan's factions, advance within them to access to their inner mysteries, and ask about the Courtesy]
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 50 [Return to the Masked Citizen at King's Idyll Station]

Ambition: the Stars are Dying Inform the captains that you will be taking your friend's place Default:
Aid the Citizen's investigation into 'the Courtesy'
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 10 [Help the Masked Citizen investigate 'the Courtesy']
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 15 [The Masked Citizen wants you to take them to Pan, when you're ready]
Convey the Masked Citizen to Pan Default:
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 20 [Travel to Pan and consult the Cyprus King about 'the Courtesy']
Part ways with the Masked Citizen
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 70 [You have learned the truth of the Courtesy. Return the Citizen to New Winchester]
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 100 [[COMPLETE]You have completed the Masked Citizen's investigation into the Courtesy]
Put the pieces together Default:

Ambition: the Masked Citizen at Pan Ask why they can't join one of the factions
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 40 [Join one of Pan's factions, advance within them to access to their inner mysteries, and ask about the Courtesy]
Discuss your next steps
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 30 [Speak to the Masked Citizen at King's Idyll Station]
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 40 [Join one of Pan's factions, advance within them to access to their inner mysteries, and ask about the Courtesy]
Inform the Citizen about what you have learned Default:
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 60 [Consult the Halved about the Courtesty, at the Spire of Inches. The Spire can be found at the House of Rods and Chains]

Speaking to your Second Mouth Ask it what the Courtesy is None Default:
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 61 [Consult the Halved about the Courtesty, at the Spire of Inches. The Spire can be found at the House of Rods and Chains]
Ask how the Courtesy keeps its existence a secret
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation ≥ 61
Ask what the Logoi are
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation ≥ 61
Ask why the suns are determined to keep the Courtesy a secret
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation ≥ 61
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 65 [Consult the Halved about the Courtesty, at the Spire of Inches. The Spire can be found at the House of Rods and Chains]
    • Maskedcitizen icon The Citizen's Investigation = 65 [Consult the Halved about the Courtesty, at the Spire of Inches. The Spire can be found at the House of Rods and Chains]

Triggered Events[]

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Story Requirements Type Location
Ambition: the Masked Citizen at Pan
    • The Citizen's Investigation ≥ 30 ≤ 50
Story Event (Always :100%) King's Idyll Station

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