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The Dismal Chamberlain
Category Story Quality WHAT TYPE
Type Ambition: The Martyr-King's Cup WHAT TYPE
Data ID 139335

The Dismal Chamberlain is considered a WARNINGWARNING in Sunless Skies.

Story description[]

"He spends most of his time hunched over his old Ichor-stained Journal, introducing additions, clarifications, appendices."


Quality status[]

The Dismal Chamberlain has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Interaction description[]

  • [1] The Dismal Chamberlain has boarded your engine.

Variable description[]


  • [0] name

Variable description[]


  • [0] The Dismal Chamberlain is dead."}


Interactions in Brief[]

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Interaction Action Result Type Change
Enter Carillon's Foyer 'Meet the Dismal Chamberlain' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
Explore London 'Track down Isery' Requirement ≤ 0
[[[qvd:139348(storm_name)]]] 'Ambition: Begin the Unseen Queen's ritual' Requirement ≥ 1
Ambition: the Portrait of the Unseen Queen 'Introduce the Unseen Queen to the Dismal Chamberlain' Requirement ≥ 1
The Martyr-King's Cup 'Watch the Dismal Chamberlain's sacrifice' Requirement ≥ 1
The Martyr-King's Cup 'Watch the Dismal Chamberlain's sacrifice' Default / Challenge Fail = 0

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Enter Carillon's Foyer Meet the Dismal Chamberlain Default:

Explore London Track down Isery
    • Genericcharacter icon The Dismal Chamberlain ≤ 0

[[[qvd:139348(storm_name)]]] Ambition: Begin the Unseen Queen's ritual
    • Genericcharacter icon The Dismal Chamberlain ≥ 1
    • Martyrkingscup icon Ambition: The Martyr-King's Cup = 22 [You must travel to the Storm That Speaks and have a dying quester speak the words that killed him. The Storm That Speaks is reliably found near the Mausoleum, by the corpse of Albion's Sun]

Ambition: the Portrait of the Unseen Queen Introduce the Unseen Queen to the Dismal Chamberlain Default:

The Martyr-King's Cup Watch the Dismal Chamberlain's sacrifice
    • Genericcharacter icon The Dismal Chamberlain ≥ 1
    • Martyrkingscup icon Ambition: The Martyr-King's Cup = 22 [You must travel to the Storm That Speaks and have a dying quester speak the words that killed him. The Storm That Speaks is reliably found near the Mausoleum, by the corpse of Albion's Sun]

Template:Navbox WARNING
