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The Empty House
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 313859

The Empty House is a Sunless Skies Story Event.

Story description[]

A lonely house emerges from the mists. Networks of dead ivy still cleave to the walls. The windows and doors are open and dark. No smoke rises from the chimney.


Trigger conditions[]

Area: Limbo
Frequency: Always (100%)


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Use force to keep them from leaving
You stand in the exterior hatch and raise your fists. None will pass you.
    • Iron icon Iron challenge (Special for 100%)

    • Crew icon Crew ≥ 1

Failed event

Special is calculated as follows: 30+(Crew*4) * 1.67

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Unstoppable force
You bar their way. At first you shove them back, but when they persist, you resort to your fists. It is hopeless. The weight of them, and their resolve, is too great. You fall, and they trample you as they crowd through the hatch, across the gravel drive, and into the house. The doors close. The mists fold in. Your engine lurches, suddenly adrift in the sky. The house is gone.
    • Crew icon -(3+(1 to 5) ) x Crew

Successful event
Immovable object
You stand firm, knocking each of them back as they step forward. They are determined. They respond with force, and soon you are covered in bruises. Your lip is split, and your eye is swollen. Still you stand. Your endurance outlasts theirs, and the crew fall back with fear in their eyes. You bellow at them to untether your vessel and make full steam away. They obey.
Let them go
If that is what they choose, so be it.
The departure
Silently, the affected crew file off your engine with their possessions slung over their shoulders. Their feet crunch along the gravel drive, and one by one they enter the lonely house. When the last one passes inside, the door swings shut, blown by a sudden wind. The mists fold in. Your engine lurches, suddenly adrift in the sky. The house is gone.
Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Enter the house
There is no one to stop you. You tether your engine, gather your belongings, and climb down to the grounds of the house.
The wind bites. The gravel crunches underfoot as you approach the house. You are at the doorstep, now. Within is a vacant, desolate hallway, scattered with skeletal leaves.

Suddenly, the wind picks up, slamming the door in your face. It grows in strength, howling at you, forcing you back to your engine. The gale tears away some of your belongings, dragging them into the sky. As soon as your boot is on the footplate, the mists fold in. Your engine jolts, suddenly adrift. The house is gone.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.

Advanced alteration value probably needs examination.


Links In[]

Unlicensedchart You Are Not Where You Thought You Were

Links Out[]

Template:Navbox story events
